Open Your Quest Log

Chapter 254: suspicious neighbor (middle)

As the night fell, the dark clouds covered the waning moon, and the lively town was completely silent at this time, becoming quiet and peaceful, which reminded our barbarian adventurers subconsciously of the death knell town full of dead people.

However, even in the quietest of nights, the town of the living is very different from the dead, and the night here is also full of life. Occasionally a baby cry or two would sound in the unknown distance, followed by a few barks and loud scolding of dogs. The barking spread more and more widely, like drops of water dripping into the ripples on the level lake, spreading to the distance, and then slowly subsided.

"Well, yes, today is a good day for cats to hunt." The old man Phil Pike, who did not sleep, was quite energetic at night, and his eyes were better than the black cat squatting at his feet. The old man led Barrett to the watchtower at the top of the attic at this time, and arranged the investigation task for the barbarian tonight. And the black cat with green eyes was still quietly looking up at the barbarian at the old man's feet.

"Tonight, um, let me think about it. You go to the house on the right first, where the Scotts used to live. But that couple moved out at the beginning of this year, and I don't like the new family of three that moved in. I know them too well." Old Phil instructed the barbarian, "Go and see what their house is doing at night. If you investigate well, I will reward you with fried squid tentacles!"

Yes, that's how old Phil investigates. Instead of asking the door during the day, or looking for clues from other residents around (he doesn't believe these methods), but jumping on the roof of someone's house like a cat, then sneaking in through the window like a thief, and entering like an assassin. Go to the owner's bedroom and see for yourself what they're up to like a pervert.

In the middle of the night, of course, people are sleeping, "What if I am caught in the process of entering that house?" Barrit asked blankly. There are still patrols in the town of the dead, let alone the living.

From the observation hole of the watchtower, he had seen watchmen and night watchmen passing by occasionally on the street. Although the patrols of the night watch teams are very loose, the barbarians are not thieves or assassins, and they are not good at stealth. And here it can't be like in Deathstroke Town, when the situation is not good, it can't be unparalleled.

"If you are caught, say I let you go." Old Phil said confidently, "You can tell them, 'The cat is there to catch mice at night, or to fish, or to dance ballroom dancing. Nothing could be more normal'."

"...I told them this, does it work?"

"If those who caught you are not polluted by the devil's blasphemous breath, it must be useful!" The old man patted Barrett on the shoulder, "Don't worry, you are a strong cat, and even terrible butterflies are afraid of you. strength."

"What if those people have been polluted?" This is the key. After all, there must be few people who are not "polluted" like the old man in front of him. Most people have normal brains.

"Oh, that's a little tricky, because I'm Phil Parker, hated by the guys who contaminate the bees, so they might lock you in a hive and stab you with poisonous needles. ."

"And then?" Barrett asked suspiciously. "They stabbed me with poison needles. What should I do after that?"

"Then I'll let my nephew Steven..."

help me?

"Find some new cats over here."

Barrett looked blankly at the old man who had no shame in front of him, thinking in his heart whether he should give up this absurd task. He had done many more dreadful tasks before, but in a grotesque and absurd degree, they were all inferior.

Forget it, be patient, after all, 100 soul energy points, and only 120 points for the desperate task of going to Deathstroke Town. I can sneak past and come back with a story. Barrett made up his mind.

"By the way, when you are investigating, the 'hourglass' will follow you." Old Phil picked up the black cat on the ground and handed it to Barrett, "He can help you do a lot of things."

Barrit lowered his head and stared at the blue-eyed black cat for a few seconds before slowly reaching out and taking it from the old man's hand. The black cat's fur is well maintained and feels exceptionally soft to the touch. The black cat made him feel soft, slippery, warm, and smelled of the cactus water he had drunk...

"If you encounter an accident and you are about to be discovered by some guys, 'Hourglass' will help you stop time so you can escape calmly." Old Phil said.

Time stands still? Barrett heard that it was a powerful spell that only legendary mages could master. Can this black cat also use it? Of course, he didn't really take it seriously.

However, he still asked, "This black cat, I mean 'hourglass', how does he stop time? Can it cast spells like a mage?"

"No, it's more high-end than that." Old Phil shook his head and said, "He does it through his calls. When you're about to be discovered, the 'Hourglass' will attract the attention of those guys with a magical sound."

"But, aren't they still able to move?"

"So what, you can take the opportunity to escape."


In the dark night, the crescent moon struggled out a corner in the shadow of the dark clouds, casting a trace of light on the dark earth. In this town called 'Antoine's Wine Cellar', a strange rope suddenly flew from the top of a building and fell precisely onto another building.

The rope wrapped itself around the decorative cornice at the top of the building, and tugged at it tentatively to make sure it was fully tangled.

After that, the end of the rope was raised high and swayed a few times to the left and right of the original building. The next moment, a tall black figure jumped down from the top of the original building. He grabbed the rope with both hands, swayed in the air, and moved forward little by little along the rope.

And behind the shadow, followed by a cat with blue eyes. The black cat stood gracefully on the rope and moved forward lightly with standard cat walks. Even if the rope kept jumping up and down as the shadow climbed, it would not affect the black cat in the slightest...

After half a cup of tea, Barret successfully reached the top of the target building through the magic rope, and the black cat 'Hourglass' followed him all the time, acting very well-behaved. However, the pair of blue eyes staring at the barbarian for a moment, made him feel a little nervous, even a lover who was in deep love could not do this.

"Why do you always look at me?" Manzi asked the black cat in a very soft voice, "You know, it makes me feel very uncomfortable!"

The black cat also meowed softly in response, but unfortunately, the barbarian didn't understand what it meant.

Forget it, now is not the time to be entangled in these things, and there are still "important things" waiting to be done by myself. Barrett crouched on the roof of someone else's house, thinking about how to get inside the house.

Did you pry in from a window, break in from the balcony on the second floor, or get in through the chimney that leads to the fireplace? None of this is easy.

Wait, maybe I don't need to jump right in to get that old guy's quest done, and suddenly Barrett has a new idea. Anyway, it's just to take a look in the bedroom, I should be able to do it outside the window.

Do what you want. Barrett first stood up slightly and glanced into the distance. Fortunately, there was no sign of the Night Watch. Immediately afterwards, relying on the very useful magic rope, he hung himself on the side of the and began to look inward from window to window.

The curtains in the master bedroom were not drawn, and there lived a young couple. The husband slept on the other side of the bed, snoring softly with his back to Barrett, while the wife, with dark brown curly hair, faced the window.

Our barbarian adventurer had his limbs against the edge of the window, his face pressed against the glass of the window, slightly deformed. Through the dim moonlight, his shadow covered the couple's bodies. As long as the wife opened her eyes a little, she could see this strange and terrifying scene outside the window.

"Seriously, I'm doing it for your own good, don't wake up." Manzi said silently in his heart. if not……

He had even heard a woman's shrill screams pierce the peaceful night sky.

The furniture and objects in the bedroom are very ordinary. There is nothing unusual about the wardrobe, dresser, and photo frames. The only thing that makes Barrett care about is a silver pendant on the head of the couple's bed. The main body of the pendant is a wooden stick with a snake and a bandage wrapped around it.

That is the holy symbol of the 'God of Medicine', and Barrett recognizes this. There is a church of this new **** in the slums of Galano, and, as far as he knows, there seem to be a lot of people who believe in this new god, and it seems that this couple should be one of them.

He checked the room as a whole, then swung from the roof into another, smaller bedroom. There was a little boy living in this bedroom, and Barrett saw the same silver pendant by the little boy's bed.


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