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Chapter 237: white spider mother

The sticky cobwebs seemed to be quite flammable, and there was a constant 'pop' sound behind the white chrysalis' hanging silk being burnt and falling, and the air began to smell of barbecued meat. It's just that the taste of this barbecue is not good, and it also carries a strong sour odor. Because those meats are already stale and not seasoned enough.

When Barrett was desperately running towards the top of the spider's nest, several heavy-armored spiders passed him, but these spiders ignored him as a daring intruder, apparently they considered the threat of flames more than that of a bug like him. Countless times higher.

But these spiders may not know that his little bug can ignite.

The fog in the foggy forest has a strong suppressing effect on the flames, but this is obviously not the case in the Underdark. After setting fires several times, Barrett was a little bit in love with the feeling of setting fire to monsters.

It's a pity that killing monsters doesn't have long experience, no, it's soul energy. Otherwise, hum...

The heavy armored spiders charged at the same time, knocking over their irrational flame counterpart, and then began to crush the flames with their huge bodies. Their thick, diamond-shaped carapace is less flammable without the aid of kerosene.

With the brilliance of the flames, Barrett found that in front of him, a large number of mossy rock spiders were constantly biting at the cobwebs that were connected together, as if they wanted to bite out a flame isolation zone. It seems that these spiders are still Pretty smart.

But even so, the roaring flames still cause great damage and confusion to this eerie spider's lair. When Barrett ran out of this passage and came to a vast dark cave, with a little light from the luminous stone in his hand, he found that countless spiders were crawling around in the cave.

They are either carrying rocks and sand, and they seem to want to build another flame defense line, or they are moving some white spider pupae further away. There were even two small moss-rock spiders not far in front of Barritt, colliding with each other, and their sixteen thin legs were struggling helplessly in the air, the degree of confusion was evident.

Most creatures in the Underdark hate fire and are deeply afraid of this energy. Therefore, they never used this method in their previous battles with each other, but they did not evolve effective means of protection.

But even so, the raging fire was eventually extinguished by the spiders. Before that, when the spiders had no time for him, Barret quietly hid in a crevice on the back of a rock, put away the luminous stone, and took a short rest.


After an unknown amount of time, the chaotic spiders gradually subsided.

Most of the heavy armored spiders shrank their limbs and fell silent, only a few were still moving slowly on the web; and the mossy rock spiders also began to carry the charred remains, spinning silk and weaving webs, and carried out on the ash seed Reconstruction work; as for those red-striped sword spiders, they control the mummy to walk aimlessly on the spider web, and they don't know what they are doing.

Barrett was hiding behind the rock at the moment, silently calculating his way out in the dark.

He didn't know how the young people in the 'Good Helper' adventure team were doing now, and whether they would survive the collapse of the tunnel entrance, but it should be no problem. The collapse was slowly formed by the constant impact of the flame-armored spiders, and they should have avoided it in time.

So, will these young people go to find Taka, the patriarch of the cavemen, and open the tunnel again to save themselves? Barrett didn't know either. But if the Taka patriarch knew about the situation they encountered, he probably wouldn't have dared to do so.

No wonder the patriarch blocked the passage for such a long time, and Barrett has some understanding now. If the patriarch of the cave people did not do this, their tribe would have been wiped out by these spiders with a large number and amazing fighting power.

At this moment, a moss rock spider suddenly stopped not far from where he was. Barrett heard the spider tap the web with its forelegs, but the crevice in the rock he had chosen had no web, so it was unlikely to be found.

The moss rock spider made a circle in place and crawls into the distance. Barrett let go of the left hand he held on the 'Touch of Tyranny'.

It's not safe to rely on others. Instead of waiting for the rescue team from the 'good helper' adventure team that doesn't know if it exists, he might as well just kill himself from this weird spider's lair.

Barrett was not flustered. He has faced crises countless times, and the current situation is not the worst, not even in the top three.

It's a big deal, just set the fire on...

However, the escape route needs to be confirmed in advance. But it was pitch black all around, even if he had already held the map in his hand and held it in front of him, there was still no way to check it.

Barbarian's 'low-light vision' talent only needs a little bit of light to see the map clearly, but doing so in pure darkness right now requires taking great risks.

Instead of leaking a glimmer of light between your fingers to check the map, making all the spiders in this lightless darkness notice you, and then getting into a melee again, it's better to do it generously.

After enough rest, Barrett made up his mind and took out the torch and flint from the space ring. He put the torch soaked in butter on the ground, held a flint in each hand, took a deep breath, and rubbed it violently.

The scattered Mars made the cave that had just been silent boil again. Barrett heard the angry neighs of countless spiders, and the rustling screeching sound of them rushing down their webs towards him. Heavy-armoured spiders, red-striped spiders, and the most numerous moss-rock spiders crowded, rammed, and rushed towards him frantically.

But none of this distracted Barrett, his hands rubbed the flint firmly and The fourth spark of sparks ignited the torches on the ground smoothly. Barrett held a torch in one hand, and with the other he took out the kerosene pot and threw it not far in front of him.

"Hey, if you eight-legged monsters are smart enough, you better not move!" he snapped, his voice echoing through the spider-strewn cave.

If these guys can't correctly judge the situation, then our barbarian adventurers can only start a vigorous and vigorous cause of spreading fire in this dark and dark area.

Fortunately, although these spiders are not humanoid intelligent creatures, they are intelligent enough to understand the form in front of them. They densely surrounded Barritt in the center, but they did not attack rashly, and at the same time they were far away from the pool of oil on the ground.

Barrett took the opportunity to take out the map, used the firelight to distinguish it carefully, and quickly planned several feasible escape routes in his mind. Although he is not known for his memory, he has a good sense of direction.

At this time, the scene changed again, and all kinds of spiders began to slowly retreat for unknown reasons. Barrett noticed this situation for the first time, he put away the map, pulled out the "tyrannical touch" from his waist, and was on guard.

"Why do you do this? Human, why do you hurt my children and burn my home." A voice sounded from the darkness in the distance, then slowly approached, and finally, stopped at the edge of the fire.

Barrett looked in the direction of the voice and saw that it was a huge white spider.


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