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Chapter 236: tough fight

Barrett hid behind a rock, gasping very slightly.

It was pitch black all around, and there were subtle sounds from many creatures moving on the spider web. There are eight-legged and two-legged ones. The movements of the eight legs are mostly light, even when stepping on the spider web in mid-air, he has to listen carefully to distinguish them; the steps of the two legs are heavy, like slowly hobbling on a sticky spider web Drag it, it's impossible for him to leave these guys out.

But Barrett knows that although these two-legged guys usually move very slowly, as long as they find their target, they will use their weird and twisted way of moving to rush up very fast...

At present, Barrett has been separated from several members of the 'Good Helper' adventure team in the battle. However, the situation of those young people should be much safer than him, of course, provided that the interior of the narrow corridor has not completely collapsed under the impact of the huge heavy-armored spider.

What happened before was a rather fierce battle, and the spiders they faced were not only extremely numerous, but also very diverse.

In addition to the most common gray-skinned, green-furred moss-rock spiders, among the enemies was a huge, heavily armored spider covered with a thick diamond-shaped carapace.

Despite their huge size, the armored spiders are not bulky when crawling on their webs, not much slower than ordinary mossy rock spiders that are only one-third their size, and faster when charging.

First, two heavy-armoured spiders relied on the black carapace on their bodies, and slammed fiercely from the depths of the darkness. With only one charge, the formation of Barrett and others was washed away. Only Black's arrow did some damage to one of them - hitting one of its eyes.

But this guy has seven other eyes, and obviously doesn't care about such minor injuries.

One of the heavy-armoured spiders pushed Weimar against the earth wall through the shield and kept hitting like a bull. Another heavy-armored spider that was shot in the eye chased Blake into the narrow corridor and blocked the entrance of the corridor with his own body.

The other common moss-rock spiders came flooding in from all directions. The top of the head, the ground, the rock wall, and even the hanging white spider chrysalis were covered with this big green guy.

If each upside-down spider chrysalis can successfully hatch hundreds of small spiders like the previous corpse, then the current number of these spider armies may only be regarded as appetizers.

The number of enemies is too large, and they keep coming in from all angles, and the role of the shield becomes very small. Everyone huddled in the corner of Weimar where they couldn't get out. Barrett was at the forefront of the crowd, and the two weapons were wielding airtight.

The dual-wielding barbarian hacked to death one mossy rock spider after another with the 'Resonating Battle Axe' and 'Touch of Tyranny'. Whether it jumped from the front or the rock wall, or jumped straight down from the top of the head or the spider chrysalis, they were all split in half by his axe and a sword.

His killing efficiency is extremely high. From time to time, 'Touch of Tyranny' will pop up a lightning bolt, blasting into the spider swarm, and the lethality is quite good; Returning, will bring a large green blood.

Our barbarian adventurer stood in the middle of the spider tide like a reef, attracting most of the attacks, so that other people hiding behind the 'reef' were not instantly submerged.

The heavy-armored spider chasing Black kept scratching the dirt walls on both sides of the narrow corridor with its forelegs, trying to dig out the people hiding inside. The bow-bearer was trapped in the corridor, and shot two more eyes of the heavy-armored spider with the bow and arrow, but the big guy retracted the rest of the eyes into the spiky visor.

Helpless, Blake could only shoot the moss rock spider that occasionally crawled in ahead with his bow and arrow. Although he could no longer support the crowd outside, he at least helped them to contain a big guy who was difficult to solve.

William kept slashing at the joints of another heavy-armoured spider with his sword, trying to help Weimar escape, but the effect was not obvious. This strange spider, like a knight in heavy armor, has a layer of curved carapace on its joints.

Goblin Gary used two long daggers to attack someone who slipped through the net. He jumped agilely on the heavy armored spider and attacked the opponent's eyes with two long daggers. A mossy rock spider fell to the ground.

The little green-skinned guy pierced the attacker's head with a long dagger, but was bitten into the shoulder by the opponent's fangs, and fell into a state of poisoning. The injured goblin gritted his teeth and jumped onto the heavy-armored spider that attacked Black. Relying on his small size, he jumped into the narrow corridor.

After that, some new enemies appeared in the darkness in the distance - the mummified corpses of humanoids. Among the mummified corpses were humans, drows, gray dwarves, and also the stony blinds and tauren. Their arms stretched out, their dead claws forward, and they swooped like zombies who saw a living person, but they moved faster than the undead like zombies. More importantly, behind each mummy was a new type of spider with red stripes.

The red-striped spider clasped the mummy's back tightly, as if it had grown on the other's body. These spiders extended two sharp forelimbs like long swords from the shoulders of the mummy, and launched a fierce attack on Barrett and others.

The double attack of the mummy and the red-striped spider is quite difficult to deal with, and it is even more so when several such monsters attack at the same time. Barrett's face was scratched several times by the spider's forelimbs, and the petrified cowhide leather armor, which had been corroded by the blood of the black dragon, was also damaged more seriously during the attack.

Moreover, after the mummified corpse was chopped down, those red-striped spiders would actually break away from the corpse and continue to attack with their sharp forelimbs, which was very difficult to deal with.

According to their previous understanding and the introduction of the dragon blood kobold, the number of enemies should not be so many, and even the most common moss rock spider is two circles larger than what they know. And their types are also unbelievable. The heavy armored spider and the red-striped spider that seems to be able to control the mummy are obviously not the same species as the ordinary moss rock spider. God knows how their spider mother gave birth to it.

The battle situation was sliding to the brink of collapse, and Barry had no choice but to use fire attack again. Fortunately, there is still a lot of kerosene in the space ring, and Barrett, who has no shortage of gold coins for the time being, has plenty of materials that can be used for many adventures.

He informed everyone of the tactics, and told the partners in the corridor to prepare torches. After that, he threw a can of kerosene forward, and another can of kerosene on the heavy-armored spider blocking the entrance of the tunnel.

After several heartbeats, the goblin and Black in the narrow corridor finally lit the torch with flint and threw it on the heavy armored spider at the entrance.

In an instant, a huge flame chariot The ignited heavy armored spider screamed terribly. The huge body carried a flaming flame and kept scurrying around the entrance of the tunnel. , which ignited a small number of mossy rock spiders and cobwebs around. Even the other heavily armored spider took a few steps back in fright and released Weimar.

In a moment when the flame-armored spider briefly left the corridor, Barrett loudly told Weimar and William to hurry in. William escaped dangerously into the corridor, and Weimar, who was in line behind him, was directly hit by the flame-armored spider.

The heavy-armored spider, which had lost its mind under the baking of the flame, slammed into the entrance of the corridor frantically, and after several times, it completely collapsed the entrance.

At that time, Barrett was still being attacked by mummies and red-striped spiders, and he could not escape for the time being. At that time, he especially wanted to yell, "What the **** is going on, you dead people and spiders are still fighting, one of them will be counted as one, and they will all be burned to ashes!"

The surrounding flames have become more and more vigorous, and it is about to burn the kerosene ahead. The flame-heavy armored spider, which had a very tenacious vitality, collapsed and lost its target at the entrance of the tunnel, and rushed towards Barrett.

Barritt had no choice but to kick down a mummified corpse and run away desperately. The charging flame heavy armored spider ignited another can of kerosene, and the flames began to rage in this passage, igniting large cobwebs and many upside-down white web pupae, as well as some other moss rock spiders that did not have time to escape.

Behind our barbarian adventurer, the flame chariot is chasing, and the flame is constantly spreading.


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