Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 877 Kang is busy! Beibei! come?

I saw Grandma Liu glowing with green light, and tough willow branches burst out of the ground!

In an instant, the headless ghost under the locust tree was wrapped into a big dumpling!

Lovely! No brains!

Li Kai patted the wheelchair excitedly: "Ha! I caught it? They all say that ghosts have no substance!"

"Liu Xiaomei's willow branches are used correctly. In the cartoon, it is said that willow trees have the effect of calming evil, but I didn't expect it to be true?"

"Brother Wang, come on!"

I saw Uncle Wang grinning, revealing six shining white teeth!

Lean forward and prepare to rush!

At this moment, Jiang Nan, whose head was still in the conference room, couldn't help being surprised, and felt his whole body tighten!

What the fuck? Who tied my body!

You are too much, even kidnapping my head!

And sent someone secretly to kidnap my body?

The one who answered the wrong question was Jiang Congming, what about Jiang Wutou?

However, Jiang Nan, who had a carrot in his mouth, was speechless at all!

Indistinctly said: "Wuhu ~ Guguguuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Seeing where Jiang Nan is and doesn't know what Ulaa is, Xia Yao patted Jiang Nan's head and comforted him repeatedly!


"Good boy, don't make trouble, we'll get back to you right away, just bear with it and go home and make you a milkshake!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

I was about to retract my head to see what was going on!

Just then, Uncle Wang in the grove made his move!


With an explosion, Uncle Wang's body instantly disappeared in place!

Because of the high speed, the body produced afterimages, and the branches in the hand actually pulled out the cold glow in the air!

"Shocked. Infinite beheading!"

The branch collapsed straight and slashed into the waist of the headless ghost!

With a "clang" sound, the clothes were chopped off, revealing the little white vest inside!

However, the terrifying power wrapped in the branches rushed into the body!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out!

Σ(||꒪ͦཀ꒪ͦ) pow wow~

At this moment, needles could be heard in the conference room, and everyone looked at Jiangnan in horror!

Wasn't it just fine? Why are you still vomiting blood?

Xia Yao's face turned pale with fright!

"Xuexue, why don't we let Xiaonan answer a question!"

"Look at the suffocation for him, and he vomited blood?"

Everyone is stunned!

How persistent is this? Answering the question differently, did you vomit blood by yourself?

Before the shackles were released, Jiang Nan's head disappeared into the conference room!

Was penetrated by a huge force!

And Uncle Wang's moves were not finished at all, and his body shuttled back and forth in the woods!

The whole forest was cut into pieces, as easy as cutting fruit!

The branches in his hand were cut one after another, and almost every cut hit the key point!

As soon as Jiang Nan's head returned to the grove, more than 30 branches were chopped off, and his body was bleeding!

Rip off the tape and bite off the carrots!

(٥·̀yi·́) "Who! Who cut me?"

Uncle Wang has to chop again. After all, his infinite continuous chop will never stop unless he chops the target into slag!

However, just as he was about to move, he heard a "click", and Uncle Wang knelt directly on the ground!

_(꒪Д ꒪”∠)

Covering my waist and face hurts!

"Hey what a crap~ Laozi's waist wow!"

When Li Kai saw this scene, why would he hesitate?

Putting his hands together, he shouted, "Rock Burial!"

In the next moment, the earth shakes!

The entire woodland plate, the bedrock with a radius of nearly one thousand meters, was lifted by a powerful force!

It was like two giant bowls were pressed together to form an oversized rock ball!


Trapped the "headless ghost" in it!

Grandma Liu looked confused: "Kaizi, I just seem to have seen a headless ghost grow a head!"

Li Kai rolled his eyes: "Nonsense, how old are you? You must be dizzy!"

When he spoke, he held a big hand, and the rock ball was violently compressed, and the violent squeezing force reduced the huge rock ball to a third of its size!

Grandma Liu said anxiously: "Really, it doesn't seem to be a ghost. Did you talk just now?"

Li Kai pouted: "Why didn't I hear it? Earth God thorn!"

There are hundreds of rock spears derived from the earth!

Pierce the rock ball and instantly tie it into a hedgehog!

Grandma Liu went up and gave Li Kai a shudder: "Nonsense! You are behind your ears, you can hear a fart!"

At this moment, I saw the stone ball that was tied into a hedgehog explode!

I saw Jiangnan covered in blood, holding a blood-drinking halberd, burning blood and opening the seven doors!

He roared and jumped out, his eyes full of indignation!


"Come on! Come on! Kang busy Beibei~ If you have any more work to do, just let it go!" "I just won two rock cloths for haircuts!"

"What is going on with me? It's too much!"

Looking at Jiangnan jumping out of the stone...

Aunt Liu: (・́﹏・̀◟ ٥)

Uncle Li: =͟͟͞͞(꒪口꒪◟ ‧̣̥̇)

Uncle Wang: Σ(◞°Д °;)

The headless ghost just now came from Jiangnan cubs?

Ah this...

At this moment, Jiangnan is full of fighting spirit, and he is anxious!

If it weren't for the fact that I still have some skills, the wave just now would have been cold!

I still haven't figured out why I was beaten for no reason at all!

Jiang Nan, who took a breath of relief, was startled when he saw the three of Uncle Wang in front of the small garden!

"Grandpa and Aunt? Why are you here?"

Uncle Wang sweated profusely on his forehead: "Nan Zaizai? is this done! What's up with the blood?"

"I ran over just when I heard the movement. I didn't run too fast, did I get stuck~"

Li Kai looked guilty: "But...isn't it? Why is there such a big commotion?"

"This grove is gone? What's the situation!"

Gangnam: ୧(#・᷄ࡇ・᷅)?

"I don't know. I just pulled my head back when I wasn't on this side, and I was crushed in the stone..."

The three of them looked at each other with a guilty conscience. They mustn't let Nanzaizai know that we beat him!

Otherwise, I am afraid that the later life in the future will not be able to stop at all!

I saw Grandma Liu showing a kind smile and beckoning: "Don't worry about this for now, come here quickly, Grandma will heal you!"

"Look at what you did? There is blood all over your body, does it hurt?"

Said that a green light appeared on his hands, and Jiang Nan's wounds healed quickly!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Hey, it doesn't hurt, Crab Crab Niu Lailai!"

Grandma Liu: "You don't hurt, but grandma feels distressed, eh~ I don't know which bastard beat you, it's really ruthless!"

Uncle Wang and Uncle Li turned their eyes away one after another!


You tied him, and we fought, okay?

But looking at Jiang Nan who was inexplicably beaten up, I still feel quite guilty!

"Nan Zai Zai, learn a unique skill from the uncle, you uncle, I was called the executioner back then, and I will teach you my beheading skills!"

"Yes, yes, I have also developed a new unique skill. You try to practice, maybe you will become it?"

Jiang Nan gave a savage shock, and with his unfortunate posture, he even choked his teeth when he drank cold water!

Even learning the unique skills of wool, staying for one more second is dangerous!

"Let's learn another day, goodbye grandpa and grandma, I'll see you later!"

Speaking of a teleport disappearing...

The three looked at the disappearing Jiangnan and kept smacking their tongues!

"How strong is this kid now? The siege just now is not something that platinum can resist at will!"

"'s great~ If only I could be younger! Tsk tsk tsk~"


Jiangnan rushed back to the villa and locked himself in the bathroom!

You can't be beaten for no reason at all, can you?

Only dare to put your head back into the conference room with confidence!

Just as he was about to speak, the atmosphere in the field was tense!

Now we have come to the last question!

Paladin Academy 11 points! Pioneer Academy 10 points!

And Guanghui Academy has only 6 points, and has lost the qualification to win!

The last question, as long as Jiangnan answers correctly, it is not a loss, and it is also the last chance!


In the end, Zhong Yingxue pressed the button!


Zhao Dezhu smiled: "The answer is correct!"

Immediately, there were enthusiastic cheers in the field, and the "Zhong Xue Dominant Bull Criticism" on the barrage had completely dominated the screen!

Sean looked pity, almost won the game!

Zhong Yingxue and the others just pulled the score back!

Tom looked unhappy: "Now the two sides are tied, what's the calculation?"

Zhao Dezhu looked thoughtful: "It's better to add a question!"

"The Guanghui Academy will issue the questions, and the other two parties will answer, and the winner will be determined!"

"If both sides fail to answer, Guanghui Academy will get two points!"

Martin's eyes brightened: "This can be done!"

I really lost on my side, but if I can't answer the question on both sides!

The score will not drop too much, and the face is also decent!

And the title can also show the comprehensive strength of the United States Lingwu!

After some negotiation, it was so determined, Martin asked the question, and the atmosphere in the field became tense again!

Zhao Dezhu's eyes fell on Jiang Nan, and his brows were slightly wrinkled!

"What's the matter with you vomiting blood just now? I just heard that there was a lot of movement in the woods to the north, it's..."

Gangnam: ╮( ·́w·̀ )╭

"What grove? There are no more groves, just..."

Zhao Dezhu: (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄…

"Come on, you don't need to explain, I already know!"

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