Even the big black and the black are proud!

I never thought that our names could contribute to the academy in this way!

Xiao Zhen and the others also became excited, and now they can finally regain a city!

Charles and the others chatted for a long time, but they finally hammered the table angrily!

"We abstain!"

Although this does not score points, but also do not deduct points, you can still maintain the lead!

However, at this moment, Sean pressed the quick answer button and stood up, standing up indifferently!

"I know!"

Jiangnan: (°ロ°٥) Oh?

Can you read the name of the system to cry, can you remember?

Are you kidding me?

Tom hurriedly grabbed Sean: "Be brave, even if you can remember it, it's still a problem whether you can read it out smoothly!"

"Maybe it will be deducted points!"

Sean sneered: "Don't underestimate my wisdom, Soul Dan~"

"The big black is called Ouwe...! The little black is called Guasa...Drink~ Bah..."

I won't go into too much detail here, anyway, Sean said it clearly!

At this moment, everyone in the classroom was shocked when they looked at Sean!

Even the tone of the phlegm that was spit out was not bad at all!

Gangnam: Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ

How the hell did you remember it?

Want to be so godlike?

At this moment, Da Hei and Xiao Hei were moved, looking at Sean with excitement and tears in his eyes!

You are the first person besides us to call out our names in full!

My dad can't even remember, you're a lot worse than my dad!

At this moment, Jiangnan Zhong Yingxue and the others really felt the pressure!

Sean's title of data emperor is not for nothing!

I'm afraid this wave is a little dangling?

Zhao Dezhu: "One more point for Paladin Academy, the fifth question!"

"The question of Guanghui Academy, the spiritual energy has recovered for more than 20 years, there are countless spiritual ruins, and there are countless types of spiritual beasts!"

"What are the four most powerful spirit beasts currently recognized internationally?"

Martin's mouth twitched into a smile!

This was only revised and assessed by the International Lingwu Alliance half a month ago, and it has not been long since the official document was released!

Points will be deducted if you answer incorrectly!

Just as Sean was about to answer, he seemed to recall that he had revised it again, so he started the human body search again!

On the other hand, Jiangnan was excited!


"So I answer, I know!"

Everyone: (≖_≖ )…

If you believe in you again, we will explode on the spot. Do you believe it?

Seeing everyone looking at him suspiciously, Jiang Nan looked anxious!

"My answer is definitely correct. His topic actually has a deeper meaning. I have figured out his routine!"

Seeing Jiang Nanji recommending her strongly, Xia Yao asked tentatively!

"What are the Four Great Spirit Beasts?"

Jiangnan's eyes are bright!

(๑ᵒ̌ ꇴᵒ̌) "Of course it's Pikachu, Jingle Cat, Garlic King Ba and Dingchun!"

Xia Yao: (乛◠乛‶) Look...

Xiao Zhen's face turned black, the ghost Pikachu and Jingle Cat!

Why didn't you count the calf in it?

"Brothers, tie Nanshen's head, and if he answers again, we will lose!"

As soon as he said that, he rushed to a group of people, and the bunny took out a carrot and was about to stuff it into Jiangnan's mouth!

"Hold on! Believe me! Believe me, I'm definitely right, don't let them give you a trick!"

"Like I say! I can't help wow! I want to say it!"

However, Jiangnan was stuffed with carrots, and Hualing, Yu Qingqing, and others even wrapped Jiangnan's head with tape!

Xia Yao was shocked, did Xiao Nan drink the big green stick?

Can you tell the truth uncontrollably?

He couldn't help rushing up, covering Jiang Nan's ears and holding his head in his arms to prevent Jiang Nan from retracting his head and taking off the tape!

"Don't move, just be a spectator here!"

Jiangnan: (◦`ж′◦) woohoo~


Zhong Yingxue pressed the quick answer button first!

"Drawing Void Dragon Loach, Day Cloud Tiger, Mist Marsh Blood Vine and Sun Sparrow!"

"Among them, Yang Que was recently discovered in the newly-appeared Lingxu, which has taken the place of the original war giant rhino!"

Sean was startled, good guy! Exactly?

Do you even remember what was before the change?

The smiles on the faces of Charles froze, just happened to see this knowledge, right?

It's really bad luck!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help looking at Jiangnan. Fortunately, my sister just listened to you!

Otherwise, points will be deducted again. Fortunately, one point is recovered now, and there are still more hits!

Jiangnan: ( '゚w゚)?

Actually... it's not Pikachu?

how can that be!

The fierce knowledge quiz started, even if Jiang Nan's face was flushed, he wanted to answer madly!

But Xia Yao hugged too tightly, Jiangnan didn't have the slightest chance!

Just watch the battle from the sidelines!


At the same time, Uncle Li Kai Li, who was in a wheelchair, pushed the wheelchair all the way, and phantoms appeared on the gravel road!

He came to the grove with ease and grinned!

(◞·̀ㅂ·́◟) "Hey! Still want to watch me? Cubs are still too young~"

As he spoke, he opened the hidden compartment at the armrest of the wheelchair, took out a packet of betel nut and tore it open, and put it in your mouth to chew it!

(◞ᵔ~ᵔ): "Tsk~ comfortable!"

As he said that, he flipped through the dark grid for a while, and then took out Bao Huazi and lit it on his mouth!

(◞⁼̴ 3 ⁼̴)⋋︴ "It's hard work, betel nut and smoke, the magic power is boundless!"

Uncle Li was at ease when Xiao Qu'er hummed, pushing her wheelchair and strolling into the woods!

Just after turning a corner, Yu Guang glanced casually, and the whole person shuddered!

I saw a figure standing under the shadow of an old locust tree!

Just standing quietly under the tree, the most terrifying thing is that the man has no head at all!

Above the neck, it's empty!

Uncle Li's face turned pale with fright, his forehead was sweating profusely, and a mouthful of cigarette choked his throat and eyes!

[The resentment value from Li Kai +1000! ]

Subconsciously, it is necessary to control the wheelchair to run, but the force of pushing the wheel is too great, and the wheelchair is directly pushed back!

The whole person was lying on the ground, and the betel nut in his mouth was thrown and stuck in his throat!

Li Kai's eyes widened, he lay on the ground and kicked his legs, his face flushed!

[The resentment value from Li Kai +1000! ]


A punch was slammed into his throat, and it could be regarded as hammering out the betel nut!

Immediately, he slapped his palm on the ground, caught the recoil and straightened the wheelchair, and pushed out the phantom with both hands, causing a gust of wind in the grove!

In the blink of an eye, it was gone!

Jiang Nan, who was watching the game in the conference room, was stunned. Why did Mr. Li give me a grudge?

Do you blame me for not seeing him for so long? Then go check it out tonight!


At Sunset Red Park in the Nursing Home, Li Kai rushed over with a wheelchair!


"Brother Wang! I'm riding a horse and hitting a ghost today!"

Said a sudden brake, slipped more than 100 meters, leaving two black brake marks on the ground!

The nurse girl rolled her eyes: "Grandpa Li, you are driving your wheelchair again! Our academy is full of dangerous buildings. What if the building collapses?"

"It seems necessary to put up a warning sign with a speed limit of 120 in the academy!"

"Huh? It smells like cigarettes. Are you secretly smoking again? Why are you so disobedient?"

Where does she keep beeping, but Uncle Wang is interested!

"Killing ghosts in the daytime? How about bragging? Is it because the mana is too ferocious and gave you a head?"

Li Kai's eyes were full of horror: "Why are you lying to me? It's on the side of the grove, that person has no head, so he's standing under the locust tree!"

"It's not unreasonable for the older generation to say that the locust tree is a ghost tree!"

Uncle Wang listened to what Li Kai said that he has nose and eyes, and his eyes are full of curiosity!

"Go! Take a look!"

Li Kai swallowed: "Can we do it? We are both half-crippled. If we can't do the headless ghost, wouldn't it be reported in advance? I haven't lived enough yet!"

Uncle Wang pouted: "Is the name of my executioner called for nothing? He has killed people and beasts, but he has never killed ghosts!"

"It doesn't matter whether you are a headless ghost or a long tongue ghost, watch your brother Wang put it down!"

"If you don't worry, find someone else!"

So the two found a wonderful doctor, Grandma Liu!

Anyway, the time spent in the nursing home is rusty, so there is such a strange thing to hear?

Let's go to the woods together!

☚(٥◞・᷅口・᷄) "You see? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Uncle Wang and Grandma Liu looked intently, and it was also a shock!

Isn't there a headless man standing under the shade of a tree?

Half of the body is hidden in the shadows, which looks particularly eerie!

Uncle Wang: (||・᷄mouth・᷅) This...this is a bit mysterious!

Grandma Liu folded her arms and sneered: "Is this academy really recruiting all kinds of monsters?"

"The white-toothed ghost peeped at some time ago, and there is no result so far. This is another headless ghost?"

Uncle Wang sweated profusely on his forehead and tightly closed his lips!

( ‧̣̥̇ŎжŎ ‧̣̥̇)

That...that has nothing to do with me, Wang, seven teeth from the White-Toothed Ghost, and six from Lao Tzu!

Li Kai agreed with a face: "Isn't it? During that time, people were panicking, and this happened again?"

Grandma Liu twisted her neck with a stern look on her face: "Headless ghost, right? Get it! Never let these evil things threaten the safety of the cubs!"

The three looked at each other and nodded their heads!

"The old way?"

"Hey, Zhong! But brother Wang, can you still play with your bones?"

I saw that Uncle Wang casually broke a soft branch off the tree!

With a flick of his hand, he let out a harsh scream, and a poplar tree with a thick bowl was cut off!

"Enough! Get it!"

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