So what the hell is network latency?

Can you find a slightly more credible reason?

Xue Li stomped her feet angrily, but she could only cross the river by feeling the stones again, all the time wasted!

This time, Xue Li, who has learned a lot, has spawned countless tree vines to explore the way, and finally explored the range of Jiangnan's skills!

Storm out!

However, even if there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, there is Jiangnan on the ground!

It will only take a little while!

And the small dimple also flew all the way to Cangcheng, in order to prevent Wei Teng from getting lost again!

Guide him all the way in the sky, then return to the track and continue the game!

However, the gap has been completely widened!

When Shirley and Brother Air finished the third lap, Wei Teng still had one lap to run! Remember the URL m.42zw. com

Data Emperor Sean grabbed the baton handed by Shirley, and the corner of his mouth twitched!

"You can taste the taste of failure now!"

As he spoke, the power of thought surged out, and the nine Mithril Cross Swords floated in the air!

The whole person stepped on the sword, and the small hand turned back!

The other eight handles broke through the wind in front of them, soared out at a very fast speed, and disappeared in an instant!

Even the southern wall that Jiangnan secretly made was chopped up, and the speed was not slow!

And Charles took the baton, full of aura!

"These two points will belong to my Free Glory Academy!"

"Gravity Slingshot!"

The sonic boom that set off made the eardrums of the onlookers hurt!

The whole person shot out like an electromagnetic cannon.

People's hearts are in their throats, can this still be pushed?

Sean Charles is the finale, and the speed is not slow at all, even if Jiangnan is a space department!

Under such a gap, it is difficult to catch up!

However, Jiangnan entered the arena with a teleport, and changed into slippers without any hassle!

With a leisurely look on his face, he waited for Wei Teng to come over!

But it didn't take long for Sean and Charles to come back in a circle!


The sonic boom passed through the crowd, causing bursts of exclamations!

Wei Teng finally rushed over and put the baton into Jiangnan's hands!

He asked expectantly: "How is it? It's not too slow, right? I think Sean and Charles just passed by..."

Jiangnan: (⌒⌒) Hmm~

"It didn't slow down much, it just overwhelmed us for a while!"

Wei Teng: (ω)…

Qin Shu shouted: (benefit)

"You conscienceless idiot, are you worthy of my four-wheel drive? Come on, brothers! Hit him up for me!"

As he spoke, he rushed up to a group of minions and beat Wei Teng to the ground!

(benefit) (#) Д (#) (benefit)

Sean and Charles looked back at Jiangnan and sneered!

Even if Jiangnan is an immortal, the distance of nearly a circle and a half cannot be driven back at will!

I saw Jiang Nan took a deep breath and stuffed a mouthful of durian pulp into his mouth!

( ): "It's been a long time since I've been racing with all my strength, so today I'll try how fast I can get better!"

"The seventh shock door! Open!"

"Blood-burning. Emperor's engine! Open!"

Under the superposition of the double hanging, Jiangnan's body functions have been raised to the limit, the skin is blood red, and the white air is transpiring!

The deafening heartbeat even caused everyone's heart to feel uncomfortable!

The little slippers started suddenly, and the asphalt road was trampled to pieces!

Jiang Nan's body suddenly disappeared, and in the next instant, people appeared three kilometers away!

However, before everyone could see clearly, Jiang Nan's body disappeared again!

Extremely fast small slippers cooperate with teleportation at an extreme distance of 3000 meters! Plus the space wormholes that appear from time to time!

This is a terrifying speed that cannot be described in words!

More than 300 kilometers in a circle, for Jiangnan, it can only be done by teleporting more than 100 times!

What's more, Jiangnan's means are not only teleportation!

There is no sonic boom, some just keep flickering, appearing farther away!

Charles and Sean felt their eyes dizzy!

Turning around again, even the shadow of Jiangnan can't be seen!

Sean: Σ ( ° △ °---)

Charles: Σ ( д )!!!

This... what is this!

How can it be so fast?

Although I know that the space system has mobility that all spirit warriors can't match!

But when you use teleport at such a high frequency, can the spiritual power in your body really hold up?

By the way, what was that white smoke just now?

How can it be more terrifying than our technological advancement?

Hu Shuo on the helicopter is crazy!

Because ordinary cameras can't keep up with the speed of Jiangnan at all!

"Quick! Hurry up and put the high-speed camera on the old lady!"

However, under the 8k-level ultra-high-speed camera, only a few frames can be captured!

Because I don't know where Jiangnan will appear next time!

However, putting these few frames on it caused an uproar in the live broadcast room!

I saw Jiang Nan in the picture taking big steps and bowing his head, not looking at the road at all!

Holding the baton in one hand and the phone in the other!


The live broadcast room is completely boiling!

"I'm giao! Nanshen is actually playing with his cell phone? Can you respect the game a little bit?"

"Still watching? We've already passed level 1082! Ampoli is so violent!"

"It's over, there are only 7 steps left, Nanshen can't pass this test..."

"Huh? Is that the point? I'm shocked!"

Everyone's heart is undoubtedly excited, this is not a problem of gap at all!

This is the gulf!

The mobility of the space system is vividly displayed in Jiangnan!

When the second lap was about to end, Jiangnan had already tied the gap!

In the eyes of Charles and Sean's resentment, they are the best!

Charles: (Dan) "Did he just give us the middle finger?"

Sean has a dark face: ()

"No... I didn't see it clearly!"

[The resentment value from Sean +1000! 】

[The resentment value from Charles +1000! 】

In the end, he still underestimated the mobility of Jiangnan terror!

Is the spiritual power in his body exhausted?

This is about to catch up with shrinking into an inch!

Although the two of them are not bad, even if they are technologically advanced, they will definitely not be able to match the speed of Jiangnan!

This is not one dimensional at all!

But even so, you still have to do your best, otherwise you will lose too much, not only the face of the academy, but also the face of the country!

The two are chasing after each other!

Soon Jiangnan finished three laps, but did not cross the finish line!

Instead, a south wall was erected in front of the finish line, and the tires were burned with both hands until the soles were worn out!

Only then did he stop, and then he slowly changed his shoes and looked towards the track with a smile on his back!

At this moment, Qin Shu and they are all happy!

Immortals are really different from mortals. After falling in a circle for more than a few seconds, they can even close the gap so easily!

On the contrary, it was half a circle ahead of Charles and the others?

Compared with the speed of the space system? Isn't this looking for abuse?

Even if Jiangnan didn't use those methods, he could only rely on his teleportation to increase his physical fitness!

Can still pull the two of them up!

Guan Hu and Zhao Dezhu's mouths are grinning to the bottom of their ears!

"What are you thinking about? Brat! Hurry up and cross the terminal!"

"That's right, so the game is over!"

Jiangnan shook his head like a rattle!

"That's not possible! Since it is an academic exchange, as a big country, it is natural to be courteous and humble!"

"I've fallen so far from them, if this crosses the finish line, wouldn't Mi Ying be very embarrassed?"

"This is not conducive to the development of the relationship between the three parties, so I have to wait for them to come over before I cross the terminal!"

"We have won both of them by a very small gap, so everyone will have a face if they don't save? This is a win-win situation!"

As soon as these words came out, both Martin and Tom's faces turned green!

God special meow win-win!

You are a logic genius!

This will only make us even more embarrassed!

Isn't a slap in the face enough? Your backhand has another mouth?

[The grievance value from Martin +1000! 】

【From Tom Hanks…】


Sean and Charles finally caught up and saw Jiang Nan standing in front of the finish line waiting for him!

It's a fire in my heart, and my resentment value has been maxed out!

Can you be any more cheap?

When the two of them approached the finish line, Jiang Nan teleported across the finish line ahead of time and won the first place!

Charles was furious: "Jiangnan, you are going too far! If you win, you will win. Sister, you insult people like you!"

Jiangnan sneered!

"Make it clear, you came here to slap us in the face! Then be prepared to be slapped in the face!"

"This is just the first mouth, and then there is the second, the third!"

"Until I call you back home! Want face? Yes!"

"Earn for yourself!"

As soon as these words came out, the audience cheered, and the onlookers flushed with excitement!

Crazy 857 grabbing the railing!

Jiangnan is as happy as they win!

At this moment, neither Martin nor Tom could hang on to his face!

Can't help but gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Very good! It's tough enough, but it's too early to be proud!"

"Speed ​​just happens to be your forte, and it turns out that our students are no worse than yours!"

"Next, fight for strength! How did you hit us with this face! How can we hit back!"

Jiangnan: ()

"I'm strong and I'm afraid of you?"

"Accompany you to the end!"

"Tell me how to compare?"

At this moment, Xia Yao and Zhong Yingxue covered their faces, and Xiao Nan's third passive skill was activated again!

Why do you say everything like an advertisement!

Rhyme made you crushed to death, okay?

Martin sneered: "How to compare! Arm wrestling!"

Jiangnan: ('mouth)?

Is this... so random?

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