In an instant, Ye Xinghe and Qi Yu were far away from Qin Shu!

For fear of being the next victim of the baton!

And Wei Teng was stabbed in the face, his face turned green, is he still in the mood to take care of the overall situation at this moment?

It rushed out like a monkey in the sky!

As soon as he grabbed the baton, he pulled it out with a "boo" sound, and ran wild!

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the ground full of big men!

His hands and feet were still scratching and pulling, with a look of relief!

Laozimei is embarrassing for the academy!

However, when he heard the deafening air explosion in the distance, Qin Shu's expression froze!


bad... bad! First URL http://

How did you forget this stubble? And there are spirit bullets chasing him!

Jiangnan hurriedly teleported into the arena, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, a black hole burst out, and the spiritual bullet that was chasing Qin Shuque's life was wiped out!

You've worked so hard, and you're going to lose your life?

That would be so miserable!

Looking at Wei Teng Yiqi Juechen's back, everyone in the Pioneer Academy looked relieved!

Qin Shu opened such a big gap, Wei Teng is also a strong group, and Nanshen's mobility in the finale is invincible!

Isn't this a good job?

And whether it was Tom or Martin, they were all insane!

Could it be that this first game is going to be lost?

It's a shame to lose a lot of money, and they are madly urging their own students!

The muscular man, the lightning man, took medicine and vomited blood, and he came back in a daze!

Change hair again!

Grabbing the baton Shirley also poked it into her chest and clamped it!

Immediately, the whole body is metalized, pulling himself with the gold force field!

With two hands, one fireball, and one water ball, she was stunned by pressing them together, and the water was being evaporated all the time, forming high-pressure steam!

Jet out in one fell swoop and accelerate!

At this moment, Shirley's speed is directly three times the speed of sound, chasing Wei Teng frantically!

The people watching smack their mouths!

As expected of the Almighty God of the Five Elements, it takes too much work!

And not long after, Martin also changed his hair!

A thin young man of the air system kept creating a vacuum field, and the atmospheric pressure pushed himself violently!

The speed is equally terrifying!

At this moment, Hu Shuo on the helicopter was hoarse!

(mouth): "As you can see, although Wei Teng has obvious advantages! But the speed of Mi Ying is faster!"

"But don't be afraid at all. As long as Wei Teng maintains the advantage and Nanshen steps up, the overall situation is set!"

"There is no spiritual martial artist in this world that can compare the mobility with the space system! No one!"

However, before Hu Shuo finished explaining, she went straight to stupid!

"Ah? Wei... Wei Teng ran out of the track! What is he doing?"

"God! He's still accelerating, why doesn't he turn around? If he stays like this, he'll run to Cangcheng beside him!"

At this moment, all members of the Pioneer Academy are black-faced!

What are you doing here?

What about the game, why did you go to Cancang City?

Are you thirsty and want to buy water, or do you want to go directly to your hometown?

However, at the moment Wei Teng is still desperately mad!

─═≡( Benefit )

"Don't let the master down! Men should keep moving forward! Run!"

Looking back, no one was chasing after him at all!

Wei Teng is overjoyed, it seems that he is not very slow!

So rush faster!

What the fuck? Why are there so many cars on this track?

Didn't you say the road was closed?

Oh ~ I see, it must be the event team to increase the visibility of the game!

Did you do it on purpose? Obstacle avoidance?

Wei Teng smiled confidently, and his body rushed left and right in the traffic!

Ouch! Overtaking!

The speeding staff looked at 2448 kilometers per hour on the speedometer with a confused face!

( )

"A new instrument? Why is it broken?"

At this moment, Jiangnan and the others are even more confused than Cha Speeding!

Run a marathon in Rongcheng!

As a result, you ran up the Cangcheng Expressway, but didn't you realize that something was wrong?

Guan Hu just remembered, Wei Teng doesn't know the way, the class can go wrong in the academy!

Isn't this bad food?

Quickly took out the satellite watch and called!

"Little brat! Show me the map, you ran off the track! Hurry up and come back to me!"

Wei Teng shivered, and quickly took out his watch to take a look. Didn't he run out of the map?

I said how come there are cars on the track?

The impatient Wei Teng quickly went back!

Zhao Dezhu stared: "Left! Left!"

Wei Teng: ( )?

"To the right? Fit the body into a rhythm?"

Did Grandpa Zhu cheer for his dance?

no! You have to hold on tight!

Zhao Dezhu: (beneficial)! ! !

"Can you stop talking about this? You even sang it to Lao Tzu? Let you run to the left!"

"You are running backwards! That's Tangcheng!"

Wei Teng: (ω) Huh? Is it the other way around? I... I'll go back right now!

Saying a turn, run desperately!

Zhao Dezhu: Poof (ε --)

That's the direction of Kyoto, why are you running farther and farther?

This is simply a wild horse off the reins, okay?

Guan Hu covered his face: "It's useless, that kid doesn't distinguish between left and right, he has no sense of direction at all!"

In such a short time, Xue Li and Brother Air have already equalized the gap!

Wei Teng is still overtaking in Cangcheng...

Martin covered his stomach and laughed loudly: "Cow! You can lose yourself in the relay! You students are so good!"

Tom was full of pride: "Next time, remember to hang a compass around his neck! Hahaha!"

Jiangnan has a dark face. This is the legend that I do things. Do you rest assured?

"Small dimples!"

(): "Okay, the main silver~"

When he spoke, his body directly turned into a giant of more than 30 meters. With the blessing of Tianxing, he rushed straight to Wei Teng at high speed!

Martin sneered, do you want to use spiritual pets to guide the players?

It's useless, the gap opened during this time is enough to win the game!

Zhong Yingxue and the others couldn't help but worry, could they still win like this?

Qin Shu sat on the ground and cried, the gap that I opened by not being a human being all let this kid lose. You are too stomach-ache, right?

At this moment, Shirley and the two have returned for the second lap!

Jiangnan's little hand looks at the distant scenery!

Just hear the "Boom"!

Shirley's body slammed into something and was forced to stop!

His nose was bleeding from the blow, and he fell to the ground, his pretty face full of horror!

What the hell?

I can't help but touch it, but there is nothing!

( )

What did you just bump into?

And the air brother on the side also banged, and his face slammed into a big cake!

There seems to be an invisible transparent glass in front of me!

But when I touched it, there was nothing!

Is this... a ghost hitting the wall?

Shirley Charles and the others all looked at Jiangnan!

"Damn it! Did you do it? You ran so well, why did you hit the wall?"

Gangnam: ╮ (ε) ╭

"Don't put everything on me, okay?"

"The tracks on this map are all newly opened, and it's normal to occasionally have an invisible air wall or two!"

"It may be a server bug, or the script code is disordered, what does it have to do with me Jiang innocent!"

Martin: (beneficial)

"You fart! Ghostly air wall? Are you opening a new map for the game?"

"Why didn't your people hit the wall? It's clearly your magic skill!"

[The grievance value from Martin +1000! 】

【From Shirley…】

Jiangnan: (°д°)

"Let me tell you, shit can be eaten, but words can't be spoken!"

"Who can prove that it was me who made the bad? You show the evidence?"

Martin's teeth are grinding to the ground!

You are the only space system in the audience, who else can feel space fluctuations besides you?

Not how you say it?

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao couldn't hold back the joy, it was clearly a space barrier that Xiao Nan secretly put up!

Take bamboo shoots?

You have taken the whole mountain of bamboo shoots!

Xue Li wiped her nosebleed and glared at Jiang Nan angrily, a quickening rush!


Another sound!

Shirley, who was knocked by the invisible air wall, squatted on the ground and covered her head, scolding people!

[The resentment value from Shirley +1000! 】

The air-brother's eyes were red, and he rushed three times, but as soon as he started it, he was hit by the space barrier!

The front teeth are knocked out!

At this moment, I can't help but look ferocious!

─═≡(#) Convex(#)

"I will fight for you!"

I ran all the way, bumped all the way, and knocked out of Jiangnan's skill range!

Step away!

Everyone looked at this scene and covered their faces for a while!

Really. If you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back!

And Shirley didn't run away at all. The ghost knows if she will be knocked off by the front teeth from the south wall?

I walked all the way, and it looked like I got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, and I couldn't touch the light switch in the room!

Until I was about to leave the range of Jiangnan's skills, I just breathed a sigh of relief!

However, Jiangnan quietly threw out a pair of space wormholes!

Shirley, who stepped out in a trance, stepped back a thousand meters in a trance!

stunned back to the starting position...

Shirley: (dish) 3

"Jiang! South!"

Jiangnan: (' `) Huh?

"Is this map card frame so serious? You thought you left? Actually you didn't?"

"The network delay is as high as 100 million points!"

[The resentment value from Shirley +1000! 】

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