Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 812 New prizes! Slingshot to hit aircraft carrier

On the deck of the aircraft carrier!

Standing with a dark complexion and a leopard head tattoo on his neck, the strong man looks like an iron tower!

It is the commander-in-chief of the Black Panther Lingwu Force, Victor!

At the moment, it is also full of confusion!

The co-authored Black Dragon is a sea and air amphibious ship?

Nuclear power to bioenergy?

I have been fighting for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I have seen this thing!

How dare Victor, who received the order of Sea King, dare to delay?

As long as you hold Jiangnan and the others, and when You Daotian comes out, everything will be settled!

"Full power output, chase after Laozi!"

In an instant, countless incantations lit up on the body of the flying aircraft carrier! Remember the URL m.42zw.\\ncom

Chasing towards the black dragon ship, the speed is not slow at all, and soon the black dragon ship will keep pace!

(ꐦ・᷅口・᷄): "Black Panther troops, put the output troops in place, aim at the beetles and cut off their momentum!"

"All the turrets! Aim at the hull and blast me!"

I saw a huge turret on the aircraft carrier locked the black dragon ship and opened fire!

On the deck, the Black Panther troops output aura surging all over their body, and one after another spiritual skills are madly thrown here!

It turned into a torrent of spiritual skills, and it was overwhelming!


The red dragon stared: (⌯・᷅yi・᷄) "Afraid of you?"

"The three-ship wraith guns are ready, the electromagnetic guns are charged! The steel barrage anti-aircraft guns are activated!"

"The missile silo is opened for Lao Tzu!"

"Longyuan Army! The Tanfa battle formation is unfolding, and I will be beaten to death!"

The military order was issued, and in an instant, all the forts on the three Lingwu giant ships fired at the same time, but all the weapons that could be fired were fired at the same time!

In an instant, the sky was covered with countless artillery fire and a hail of bullets!

The 425mm caliber Wraith cannon fired a salvo, and the turbulence on the deck could even blow people away!

The shells were thrown like rain, and I couldn't hear anything except the roar of artillery fire!

I saw behind the deck, 128 missile silos opened their lids at the same time!

The missiles inside shot out "咻咻咻", pulling out white smoke in the air!

Equipped with high-explosive wraith warheads!

I don't know how many high-end thermal weapons are integrated on the Black Dragon Lingwu giant ship!

The firepower is not ordinary ferocious at all!

Jiang Nan was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him. Compared with this, he was simply making a fuss!

This is called firepower output!

Steel behemoths, is the Rush between Lingwu troops?

Ye Xinghe and Qin Shu they felt their scalps numb!

Is this the battle of the era of Reiki recovery?

They who have always been students have seen this? This is simply a double shock of the mind and body!

The Long Yuan Army cooperated extremely well, and it has already begun to output in an orderly manner!

Even Ling Feng, Ye Zi and the others joined the battle, defending against the artillery shells and missiles coming from the opposite side, keeping the hull intact as much as possible!

And Zhong Yingxue has already opened the nine-headed phoenix, and the sky-filled fireballs are thrown towards the flying aircraft carrier like they don't want money!

Jiangnan took out the blood-drinking halberd and used teleportation to flash wildly on the black dragon ship!

The halberd blade pulled out a cold glow in the air, splitting all the bullets that came!

The artillery shells that passed through the air defense net were kicked away, and the missiles were broken with a halberd!

The red dragon's scalp is numb!

Jiangnan himself, almost defended the entire left rear wing of the Black Dragon ship, and incidentally used a wormhole to counterattack!

The metamorphosis of the space system is vividly displayed!

Still a person?

As soon as the battle started, it was already in a state of intense heat!

It is clear that both sides are ships, but now the naval battle has been turned into an air battle?

Mi Ye, who is dressed in crimson light, hangs far behind, looking at it with a lot of energy!

The ships of the two sides are marching side by side in the sky, and they are fighting against each other?

I'm afraid I'll never see this scene a few times in my lifetime!

(∗❛ั ꇴ❛ั): "Hey, hey! Mei, with such a bang, which side do you think will win?"

Mei: (๐꒪ͦก꒪ͦ) "Well~ it seems that the aircraft carrier is more durable, so many anti-gravity spells on the ship are not in vain! The armor is also thicker!"

Crimson shook her head: "I think Jiangnan and the others have more firepower? But if you want to shoot down the flying aircraft carrier, I'm afraid it will take a while!"


In the blink of an eye, 15 minutes passed, and the ammunition depots on both sides of the ship were emptied!

More than a dozen holes were blown out on the hull of the Feitian aircraft carrier, the deck was in a mess, the hull was tilted to one side, and the speed was much slower!

And the black dragon ship is not much better here, it is also devastated, full of holes and black smoke!

Even the beetles lost hundreds!

The Lingwu troops on both sides were still fighting, and the Red Dragon had even started asking people to take out the torpedoes and throw them at the opposite!

Seeing that the firepower was exhausted, Jiangnan couldn't help but panic!

"Get on the slingshot!"

With a roar, Ling Feng Wangba and the others took out small slingshots and held them in their hands!

The Victor and the others on the opposite side opened their mouths when they saw this scene, and they burst into tears!

(°˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅): "Goose haha, I am filial! Are you guys from Huaxia?"

(⑉ԾжԾ): "Pfft~ Can you guys be more primitive? Hit the aircraft carrier with a broken slingshot?"

"I can laugh for a year! Haha, old poor critic, Lingwu troops can't afford spirit-bound weapons, can they use slingshots?"

"Go home and ask your dad to make another one for you. Where did the broken branches come from? I laughed and pissed!"

Yang Jian was also stunned!

This...isn't it? Slingshot seriously?

Ling Feng and the others were having fun, but they didn't speak!

Jiang Nan pouted: "Let? There are times when you cry!"

"Call me!"

Take out the black beads while speaking, use the wild output mode, and the power will be increased!

The slingshot is full, and the black beads bloom with dazzling red light!

They shot out violently, and at the same time Ling Feng and the others also shot out spirit bullets!

More than 40 small slingshots fired a salvo in one round, Ling Feng's direct power was superimposed, and his power increased again!

Hearing bursts of sonic booms, Victor's eyes widened!

"Not good! Defend quickly!"

However, Jiangnan's armor-piercing projectile was so powerful that it smashed the Feitian aircraft carrier through a hole!

A violent explosion occurred!

And the more than 40 rounds of spirit bullets were also shot at the ship at high speed, bursting with a bang!

Once again, a lot of holes were blown out of the hull, and the special steel was blown up!

The Feitian aircraft carrier tilted 30°∠, and a raging fire ignited at the stern!

Victor: Σ(|||ʘ̆口ʘ̆) What the hell!

The Black Panthers also looked like they had seen a ghost!

When did the slingshot have this power?

Did something go wrong?

Is this a magic weapon? Worse than a rocket launcher!

Yang Jian: Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ

Slingshot... Can a slingshot really hit an aircraft carrier?

No dramas dare to shoot like this!

If there are a few more waves, the flying aircraft carrier will definitely be sunk!

Jiangnan: (๐・᷄ٹ・᷅) "Yo~ your aircraft carrier is probably not made of paper, right?"

"Can it be any more brittle? The slingshot can't hold it? Still driving it out for a walk? Don't you want to lose it~"

[The resentment value from Victor +1000! ]

(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄

"Protect Lao Tzu, even if you fill it with your life, you mustn't let them sink our flying aircraft carrier!"

If this is spread out!

They sank their own aircraft carrier with slingshots!

The shame must be thrown to Aunt Maria's house!

However, Jiangnan was not used to their temper and shot frantically!

While Ling Feng and the others turned on the vomit reloading mode, one mouthful of flesh and one slingshot!

It's a blast to play!

Victor was red-eyed and desperately went to pick up Jiangnan's armor-piercing bullets!

The rest of the Panther troops not only have to resist the torrent of spiritual skills of the Long Yuan Army, but also block the bombardment of spiritual bombs!

That's a misery!

Even so, there are still fish that slip through the net and hit the boat!

But Feitian aircraft carriers just don't sink!

Looking at Jiangnan, this is a worry, the number of slingshots is not enough!

Then smoke it yourself!

As soon as he checked the system, Jiang Nan himself was stunned for a while!

More than 11 million resentment points?

When did you get so old?

Haven't you been lucky enough to draw a lottery for so long?

When is there no need to wait now?

Jiangnan directly smashed into 8.8 million! Here comes 88 ten consecutive draws!

hair hair hair! smoke it!

[Thank you for your patronage! Consolation Prize: A Forgiveness Hat! ]

[Congratulations on winning! Prizes: a hundred rounds of small and medium-sized slingshots! ]


Just for the 73rd time, the list suddenly changed!

[Thank you for your patronage! Consolation Prize: Six nukes in a bottle of milk! ]

[Thank you for your patronage! […]

Gangnam: Σ(;゚д゚) prizes?

Did happiness come so suddenly?

Gone are the days of the forgiveness cap, replaced by the milk of six nukes?

By the way, why does the name of this prize sound strange?

However, there is no time to check the function of the new prizes, and now there is an urgent need for a batch of small slingshots!

88 ten consecutive draws and 49 small slingshots!

This explosion rate Jiangnan is already thankful!

Just take it out and pile it on the deck with jars of durian pulp to go with it!

Can't help shouting!

"Who else wants a small slingshot?"

"It's easy to fight an aircraft carrier thief!"

"One shot of spiritual power is completely empty!"

"Durian pulp to complement!"

Zhong Yingxue covers her face (ノ)﹏(ヾ) Xiao Nan's occupational disease needs to be corrected!

Why is it that good words will become advertising words in Xiaonan's mouth?

Is this a passive skill?

At this moment, the eyes of Long Yuanjun's army were all red, and Harazi could throw them everywhere!

Who doesn't want this?

Hit an aircraft carrier with a slingshot? Going out to drink and brag about it in the future!

At this moment, Mi Ye's pretty face, who was following in the distance, was extremely dark!

Only now did she know that the original sin and punishment for the original sin that made a fuss in Never Night City some time ago might not be Jiangnan!

It's hammered!

No wonder he chased after Hans and co-authored all the ghosts from Jiangnan?

How many bad things has this little villain done behind this king's back?

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