Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 811 Take off! (add more)

Seeing Jiangnan so arrogant, the magician couldn't help but want to go up and clean him up!

It can be recalled that Miyazaki was beaten to death by the gods.

And the experience of being beaten on the ground before, the magician shuddered!

Still... still.

Feel free to be your own social animal, what bike do you want?

"Space is annihilated!"

The battle between Martin and the magician is fierce!

Although the magician only has Xingyao, it can be difficult to deal with the space system, and it is not a problem to hold a Daotian!

Daotian who is still chasing Jiangnan now has only one Sea King!

Jiangnan swerved sharply, heading straight for the Black Dragon giant ship!

Where would Neptune let go of Jiangnan?

The trident in his hand poked towards the sea: "Small batch of brats! Stop for me! Give me the core!"

Jiang Nan didn't turn his head, just raised a middle finger to express his friendliness!

(๐・᷄ὢ・᷅) Convex: "Old boss! If you want me to stand, I will stand? Wouldn't I be very shameless then?"

[The resentment value from Bruce Fisch +1000! ]

Sea King was furious: "Kraite! I see how you can run!"

"Thousands of waves!"


In an instant, there was no wind and waves on the sea, and the waves were hundreds of meters high!

Layer by layer, looking straight at it is like a wall of water!

This huge wave is enough to tear the giant oil tanker in half!

The oncoming sea breeze blew the Jiangnan noodles out of shape!

Jiang Nan pouted: "You know that Lao Tzu's nickname is Jiang Kuanglang, and the mouth of the wind can only make me waver!"

٩(๐・᷅ ꇴ・᷄)۶yaho~

When talking, the teleport distance was stretched to the limit, and he passed through the waves of 100 meters without seeing it!

It's like being a multiple choice question and missing all the correct answers perfectly!

Jiangnan also successfully avoided all the waves, and a teleport rushed onto the deck of the black dragon ship!

Aquaman: (٥ರ口ರ)

Does this work?

The teleportation of the space system is simply annoying!

On the deck, Jiangnan opened his arms and rushed straight to the Bobcats!

٩(๐⁼̴ ꇴ ⁼̴)۶ (˘·◡·˘。)

How could the lynx not know the meaning of Jiangnan? Just stand still!

Jiang Nan slammed into Bobcat's arms, with her shoulders against her belly, and burned the tires in madness!

The high-speed little slippers under my feet were so smoky that they even dried out flames, and they just leaked the soles of the shoes!

Lynx's pretty face blushed: "Go back... just come back!"

Everyone was relieved to see that Jiangnan was successfully airborne and the parts were complete!

Heart is very shocking!

To be able to successfully escape from the Daotian battlefield with a platinum level is a miracle in itself!

The showy operation along the way is simply blinding people's eyes!

Nanshen is really alive!

I saw Jiangnan smiling brightly: "Brother Jian! I'm back!"

Yang Jian's face was full of relief: "It's time to go home!"

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Ling Feng Ye Zi or Xiao Zhen Ye Xinghe, their noses were slightly sour!

Wind and rain all the way, finally have support!

However, Neptune will naturally not let Jiangnan get away easily!

"Want to go? I'll see where you're going, don't forget it's at sea!"

"This will be your burial place, go to the sea to feed the fish to Lao Tzu!"

As he spoke, a dazzling blue light appeared from the trident in his hand, facing the sea!

"Blue of the sea. Deep sea whirlpool!"

At this moment, the originally calm sea water suddenly flowed!

Hundreds of millions of cubic meters of seawater surged, forming a super vortex with a diameter of 10,000 meters!

The rumbling sound of water sounded!

The sea giant with a hull length of more than 400 meters, the black dragon giant ship also looks extremely small under this whirlpool!

At this moment, the hull is swaying and rolling, and is pulled by the whirlpool. Once it falls into the center of the whirlpool, it will inevitably be torn apart!

Yang Jian's face sinks like water: "The whole ship! The horsepower is full! The power of the nuclear reactor is full!"

However, even so, there is still no way to get rid of the vortex pulling!

At this moment, the red dragon is also full of anxiety!

In this case, the battleship must not be lost, once it loses its foothold at sea!

The Lingwu troops fell into the sea, and the sea king came over with a wave, and I don't know how many people will be killed!

Li Mingshan and Wang Dalei were both held back by other Daotians and could not get out!

There is no one on my side who can compete with Sea King, and the situation is difficult for a while!

Neptune laughed: "As long as you are still at sea, you can't run away!"

"Just waiting to be torn apart by the whirlpool!"

"Jiangnan! If you don't want to see your own people die, just hand over the core to Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Nan pouted: "Bring an old broken harpoon to your bull!"

"Can't run away at sea? Wouldn't it end if it's not at sea?"

When these words came out, everyone was stunned!

Not at sea? Ship not at sea? Where else can it open?

The three giant ships were getting closer and closer to the center of the whirlpool, and the hulls of the ships were torn by the current and let out an overwhelmed scream!

Everyone's hearts were raised!

Jiang Nan didn't panic at all, and said softly, "Sister Ning Ning, you go and hold this fork fish, pay attention to if there is a space system, you go directly into the void!"

At this moment, Jiang Ning has endured all the way, and he can't hold back for a long time!

For Mi Guodaotian, she hated her to the bottom of her heart!

"pass it to me!"

While speaking, he suddenly appeared behind Sea King, and his pretty face was as cold as frost!

The long crystal horn on the top of the head ripples with rich Bose particles!

"Absolute zero. Extremely cold!"

(˶ ̄᷄ ~ ̄᷅)๛ ❅❅❅(? dish?||)

The outstanding cold froze half of Aquaman's body, and the sea surface froze in pieces!

His frozen complexion was blue and purple, and he was shivering, his eyes full of horror!

"Bose? How could it be!"

Does Huaxia even have a hidden Daotian?

Are bosons coming too?

Isn't this the one from Area 53?

Neptune's steel teeth clenched: "Very good! Bring it to the door yourself? Don't even think about leaving today!"

"Sea Eyes!"

With a loud shout, hundreds of high-pressure water columns rushed out of the sea, strangling towards Jiang Ning frantically!

Jiang Ning took advantage of his own advantages and avoided attacks at will. Bose particles blasted out one after another, condensing the water column into ice, and crashed into the sea!

Sea King was successfully dragged, but the deep-sea vortex did not stop spinning!

I saw Jiangnan shouting: "Cowboys! Tell the brothers to grab the hull!"

"Come and shoot him!"

With an order, 30,000 maddened beasts flew up, and six worm legs slammed into the explosion-proof armor outside the hull!

Especially at the stern, a large number of beetles gathered!

Yang Jian was stunned: "Jiangnan? What are you doing? Just shoot it for anything?"

At this moment, the faces of Lingfeng Wangba and the others turned pale, and they instantly knew what Jiangnan was going to do!

Will this work?

Don't play it off!

I saw Jiangnan grinning!

(๐・᷅ٹ・᷄): "The boat is too slow at sea, let's fly back!"

"Everyone! Hold on to the handle, fasten your seat belt, the Black Dragon battleship is about to take off, don't be thrown off!"

Yang Jian: ? ? ?

take off?

This horse is a boat!

Not a plane, let alone a flying aircraft carrier! how to fly?

and many more!

Shouldn't he be thinking...

(˵ˉ͒﹏ˉ͒): "Hey, hey! Don't..."

Jiangnan: (๑・᷅口・᷄) ヽ Release!

One order! Thirty thousand beetles collectively burst!

From the tail of the worm, blue flame pillars that are kilometers long and thirty or forty meters thick!

The surging flame column evaporates the sea water and emits a lot of white gas!

Transformed into a terrifying thrust, all acting on the three giant ships!


With a loud bang, I saw three giant ships crashing into the sky and suddenly rising from the sea!

The black dragon ship with a length of more than 400 meters and a weight of more than 100,000 tons directly escaped from the deep sea vortex and jumped into the air!

The terrifying acceleration threw everyone on the boat backwards!

Shooting out a long tail flame, under the thrust of the 30,000 Tianniu vector engine, the three giant ships flew wildly in the sky at an astonishing speed!

Aquaman: Σ(||*mouth*) Ah!

I'm so blind!

Does this work?

Those are three giant ships at sea, why did they fly up into the sky?

Do you think it's the cannon of Wanli Sunshine?

I won't take you to play like this!

Are you not at sea?

Yang Jian: Σ(ŎДŎ|||)ノノ

Flying giant ship!

Do you really mean to fly?

Can the beetles still be used like this?

What kind of wild ideas are these? This group of spirit-bound beasts has been developed to the extreme by you!

At this moment, Lingfeng Wangba and the others all blushed with excitement!

It's absolutely amazing!

The ass of the wind to the cannon, this is the Tianniu cannon, on the various ways of using the tool beast?

Those Long Yuanjun who followed were also full of confusion, and the world view was restarted for a time!

Is there anything Nanshen can't do?

Can it fly the 100,000-ton giant black dragon ship into the sky?

Black Dragon: (๐꒦ິ ꇴ꒦ີ)

This baby never dreamed that I could still fly!

With the help of 30,000 Tianniu, the three giant ships escaped from the abyss and flew straight to the east!

At this moment, Mi Ye on the dock couldn't sit still, and looked at the flying black dragon ship with big eyes!

(๐·̀ ᗜ·́): "Let's go! Charm, follow along and have a look!"

Watching the fun, I'm serious, okay?

How did you never expect Jiangnan to escape in this way?

Mei covered her mouth and snickered, and followed her with her core in her arms. The Queen finally got out of the Never Sleeping City to get some air, so she naturally followed her wishes!

The eyes of the sea king who was dragged by Jiangning at sea were all red!

Looking back, a Daotian didn't follow him. Did they just let Jiangnan and the others run away?

He couldn't help but raised his head and roared at the flying aircraft carrier!

"Go after them! Hold them down! Buy time!"

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