At this moment, Lanbo Fanbo couldn't help but recall the fear of being dominated by Jiang Devil!


Even the owner of the car can't be trusted now?

How can this be done!

Jiangnan: (。・᷄ก・᷅) Keke~

Lanbo Fanbo was shocked, and quickly ran behind Jiangnan.

Fanbo's little hands exuded bursts of warmth, pinching Jiangnan's shoulders!

"Boss Devil, how is the strength? Fanbo's craftsmanship is not unfamiliar, right?"

Lan Bo took out a bottle of "The pulse is not moving" from his backpack, and the air-conditioning burst out: "Hey, boss, drink the water, the ice is ready! I'll unscrew it for you!"

As he spoke, he unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Jiangnan's mouth!

Seeing Lingfeng Gonglin and the others, their eyes were full of confusion. First URL htt

We remember that these two should be the subordinates brought by Odin?

Why are you so skilled in serving Jiangnan?

Odin is also stunned, I am their boss, can't I enjoy this treatment?

Jiangnan: (。˘ٹ˘。)

"Well, it's great!"


All the way to the lighthouse, park 30,000 Tianniu armored vehicles!

Jiangnan and his party entered the lighthouse conference hall, while Mi Ye went to take a bath!

Lanbo hurriedly stepped forward to help pull the stool away!

Odin on the side looked a little lonely, you two robbed me of my work!

Doesn't it seem like my little brother is worthless?

Jiangnan: (๑·̀ٹ·́)☛

"Have eyesight!"

Said and sat down happily, but when he sat down, Jiang Nan's expression froze suddenly, and his body jumped up more than three meters high!

Σ(||˃᷄口˂᷅) "Yeah!"

A scream made everyone shiver, do you have a nail on your butt?

I saw Jiang Nan biting his lower lip tightly, sweating coldly!


It hurts daddy! The place where he resisted the three blows of Daotian is still swollen!


Fan Bo said weakly, "Aren't you sitting?"

Jiang Nan coughed twice, before he could speak!

Xia Yao: (≖ᴗ≖๑)

"Xiao Nan doesn't sit, he has a disease that will kill him as soon as he sits down!"

While speaking, he secretly stretched out his small hand and gently rubbed it on the back hill of Jiangnan to relieve the pain.

Quietly touched: (˵ಡ ̫ಡ) "You're afraid it's not a trick to pick up your butt?"

Gangnam: (・́w・̀ ٥)…

"It's not... you don't, don't talk nonsense!"

At this moment, Mi Ye came out after taking a shower and changing clothes, her hair still wet!

He sat directly across from the conference table, with two long legs casually placed on the table, while holding Mei's shoulders!

Pretty face with cream: "Why does it still stink after taking a shower? You pay!"

Jiangnan quickly took out a can of durian pulp and threw it to Mi Ye!

"Eat it and it won't stink!"

Mi Ye looked suspicious, did not eat immediately, but raised his brows!

"Tell me, what happened to the abyss mutation?"

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "Have you heard of the Creation Beast?"

Mi Ye frowned: "Come and listen!"

So Jiangnan talked about the tenth floor, and of course he only said what he could say!

At this moment, whether it was Mi Ye or Ling Feng, everyone was shocked!

Did Lingxu come this way? There are really creatures in this world that are powerful enough to create a spirit market!

And just relying on mental fluctuations, it caused the entire abyss to change?

Is this the hidden mission that Nanshen said?

I lost it!

Then you've done a bit too much on this hidden mission, right?

Mi Ye's face became extremely ugly, obviously he knew something!

"Why should I believe what you said? Even if you are a space department, how can you still come out alive after falling into the dimensional gap?"

And this experience is too fantastic, isn't it?

No animation can do this!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and threw it to Mi Ye: "Why did I lie to you?"

Take a closer look at Mi Ye!

In the photo, Jiang Nan was riding a baby motorcycle and carrying Xia Yao, and took a selfie with the Creation Beast as the background. The smile was brilliant!

٩(๐˃̶ ڡ ˂̶(❛ัꇴ ❛ั∗)۶ (٥乛囗乛)

The huge size of the Creation Beast deeply shocked Mi Ye!

Can't calm down for a long time!

Speaking of which, you have fallen into the dimensional gap, and you still have the heart to take selfies?

Still smiling so happily?

Mi Ye took a deep breath and said lightly: "The picture may also be from P, I don't believe you!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "If you don't believe me, ask my brother!"

As soon as Odin was about to speak, Mi Ye said, "He's all stupid, so what do you say?"

"I need you to prove it to me!"

Odin glared: "I'm not stupid, I'm witty most of the time! Do you look down on my Audi?"

☚(๐・᷄口・᷅) "Big brother! She called me stupid!"

Mi Ye stroked his forehead with his hand, Odin was helpless!

Jiang Nan was about to speak, but at this moment the void fluctuated violently!

In a white dress, Jiang Ning, who was completely translucent, suddenly appeared behind Jiang Nan, his pretty face was cold!

"Brother Jiangnan doesn't need to prove anything to you! It's up to you to believe it or not!"

"If younger brother Jiangnan doesn't pull the nails, how long do you think you can be a queen?"

Mi Ye spanked Jiang Nan's ass, Jiang Ning was distressed to death, and naturally had no good face towards her!

I saw Mi Ye's pupils shrunk, and a scarlet light bloomed in his eyes.

"Bose! I knew it!"

This should be the one Jiangnan returned from the robbery in Area 53!

Without the help of bosons, Jiangnan would never be able to get out of the dimensional gap alive!

Huaxia did not imprison bosons? Even the means of control are useless, just let her out?

Aren't you afraid to run?

And so protect Jiangnan in words? close relationship?

What's the situation? Even Mi Ye couldn't understand it!

Jiang Nan smiled bitterly: "Sister Ningning? She's just provoking you!"

Jiang Ning: (。・̀~・́) “Don’t be afraid, she can’t catch me!”

Mi Ye leaned on the table with both hands: "Which side are you from?"

Jiang Ning put his arms around Jiang Nan's shoulders and pulled him into his arms: "From Jiang Nan's side!"

Mi Ye froze for a moment, then smiled, and slowly sat on the stool: "Interesting!"

"Thank you for the abyss mutation. In addition, do you want to cooperate again?"

Jiangnan frowned: "Cooperation? What do you mean?"

Mi Ye shrugged: "The two resource layer cores, you brought back with your ability, I don't care!"

"But you can keep it or not. I can guarantee your safety in the city that never sleeps!"

"Until someone from Huaxia comes to pick you up!"

"But out of the abyss, whether I can successfully bring the core back to China, I can't control it! What do you think?"

Jiangnan: ╮( ·́w·̀ )╭"Isn't it necessary? I feel like I'm about the same!"

Two Daotians, a bunch of brothers! 30,000 Tianniu, I still can't hold two cores?

What's the big scene?

Mi Ye clasped his fingers and said lightly, "The Eagle Country's 20,000 Golden Lion Spirit Martial Troops, plus those who read the language, two hurricanes, are now guarding the sea beyond the abyss!"

"The United States' 30,000 Black Panther Lingwu Troop, Star Catcher, Sea King, Pierce, are on their way!"

"The Hachiki of the Rainbow Country has also moved, do you want me to continue talking?"

Jiangnan: (·́w·̀ ٥) Huh?

How many days is this horse riding?

Did you guys make an appointment to play mahjong here?

Jiangnan, who was not panicking at first, suddenly panicked a little!

Mi Ye: "What do you think the core of the resource layer is? It is the foundation of a powerful country! It will be robbed if you break your head!"

"That's it, you are holding two pieces in your hand now!"

"The news of your return to Never Sleeping City has already spread. Maybe as soon as you leave the lighthouse, you will rush down to seven or eight Taoist Heavens and catch you!"

"It's hard to keep you with just a big fool and a boson!"

Jiang Nan sweated profusely on his forehead: "I tell you, don't scare me!"

Odin: ☚(。˘·口·˘) "Big brother! She scolded me again!"

Mi Ye: (๐°᷄◡°᷅) "I'm just stating the facts, so do you want to cooperate?"

"What I want is very simple, just the interpretation of 3548 incantations. It's very simple for Bosons, right?"

Jiang Nan was startled, but he didn't expect that what Mi Ye was looking for was Jiang Ning's translation ability?

Before Jiang Nan could speak, Jiang Ning nodded: "Yes, but you have to do what you say!"

Mi Ye was overjoyed!

The core of the first floor of the abyss has been in my hands for many years, and the incantations on it have been almost understood through various means!

The rest are all that I don't know. Even if Odin helped once, there are still many translations that cannot be translated!

After all, only bosons can understand this thing!

But now that I meet Jiang Ning, the opportunity is rare, how can I miss it?

He couldn't help but stretch out his hand towards Jiangnan and said, "Then it's a pleasure to cooperate? I wish you return to China alive!"

Gangnam: (■Ĺ̯■٥)…

Two hands together! Agreement reached!

With this handshake, Mi Yedai frowned slightly, and her hands began to rub and knead on Jiangnan's small hands restlessly...

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

"Tell me the truth! Did you fall in love with me?"

Mi Yeqiao blushed, threw off Jiangnan's hand, and said angrily, "Bah! Who likes Nanren? A joke!"

"It's just... it's just the touch that reminds me of a person!"

Jiangnan trembled, what the fuck?

No wonder Mi Ye is always weird, this can be felt just by touch?

How much do you like Lan Lan acridine?

You have to be careful, once you show your feet, I'm afraid that you won't have to come over, and Mi Ye will have to tear me apart!

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