Forgive the wearing of the peaked cap, Jiangnan suddenly stiffened up!

(๐・᷅口・᷄): "You hit! Hit hard! I have acted brightly and proudly in Jiangnan all my life, and I have never bowed my head to others!"

"Even if you are the queen of the city that never sleeps, a Daotian-level powerhouse, an all-powerful country, and a peerless elegance!"

"Don't make me bow my head!"

After saying a word, Yao Hong sprayed directly, squatting on the ground with her stomach covered, her shoulders shaking non-stop!


Is that you? Jiang Tianzui?

This may be the toughest compliment I've ever heard!

Is it you who are talking to each other in business?

Mi Ye forgive the perspective!

✿(๐・᷄~・᷅)❀: "Your Majesty, you are so pretty, you won't hit me, right?" Remember the URL m.42zw.\\ncom

Mi Ye's pretty face blushed, and she actually praised me for being beautiful in front of so many people? Not ashamed!

You are shameless!

Southerners are not a good thing!

But...but what he said was quite right~

Help me solve the abyss mutation crisis, even if the fart thing, in essence, is to help the city that never sleeps longer!

Besides, I lit the fire that blew up the city that never sleeps...


At this moment, Mi Ye's hand hangs in the air, hesitating for a moment!

Jiangnan: (๑ˉิٹ ˉิ) Humph!

Hit me?

Even if I blow up the city that never sleeps again, don't you still have to forgive me?

However, at this moment, a green front blew past!

The taste of durian pulp is refreshing!

Mi Ye: (๐❛ัཀ❛ั) Vomit~

With another retching, Mi Ye looked at her dress and became angry!

Eyes closed, Su hand fell without hesitation!

(๐˃᷄ ‸ ˂᷅)ノΣ(.(.‎‎|


A crisp sound echoed!

Gangnam: (*꒦ິ口꒦ີ) Ah! ! !

The body froze suddenly, and a scream echoed in the square!

This time, even harder than the last time.

Jiang Nan was stunned, what the hell!

Why is it useless for Lao Tzu to wear a forgiveness cap?

How angry is Mi Ye?

Looking up, Mi Ye was hitting with his eyes closed?

Now Jiangnan feels like he has been beaten, and it will definitely bloom again!

So he began to struggle frantically: "Stop! Don't, stop!"

At this moment, the lynx bit her lower lip tightly, her pretty face turning red!

Xiaonan also has times when he suffers?

In the end is to let people stop, or not to stop?

Are you addicted?

For some reason, Bobcat suddenly remembered that Jiang Nan had spanked his ass before!

Seeing this scene, although I don't want to admit it, I am quite relieved!

Mi Ye, who hit again, was stunned, that's the feeling!

Xiao Lanlan feels the same way, she likes her so much, she will never forget it!

Look at Jiangnan again, forgive the filter activation!

✧゚*(°ˉ᷄﹏ˉ᷅): "Bad sister? How can you bear to beat Lan Lan~ Don't you like me anymore?"

Mi Ye's eyes were full of distress: "How can it be? How can I bear it? It hurts in you, and it hurts in my sister's heart~"

While talking, he gave Jiang Nan a rub!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

Mi... Mi Ye is wrong!

She definitely wouldn't have this attitude towards me, would she?

Difficult... Did she find out that Jiang Lan was me?

Charm: ∑(°mouth°๑)?

Madam Queen, are you crazy?

Jiangnan is a man, don't you like men?

In public, we can't do this!

At this moment, everyone watching the fun was dumbfounded!

He was yelling and killing at the last moment, why is it distressing again?

Could it be that the charm of Jiangnan is even straightened by Her Lady Queen?

Mei hurriedly said: "Queen! Wake up, pay attention to your image!"

Mi Ye woke up suddenly, and then realized where was his little Lanlan in his arms?

It's clearly a villain Jiang!

Have you hallucinated everything you thought about Lanlan?

Jiang Nan hurriedly struggled and said, "Three hits! You've finished your fights, you'll be in a hurry if you hit me again!"

Mi Ye's pretty face was blushing, and her little hand was withdrawn from Jiangnan's butt like lightning, but she was a little reluctant to part!

I shook my head vigorously!

Are you suffering from lovesickness?

But when he remembered that Jiangnan was a stinky southerner, he threw it aside in disgust and untied the shackles of spider silk!

"Tell me! What happened to the abyss mutation?"

Jiang Nan let out a long sigh of relief, and finally managed to get through, and couldn't help grinning!

"Are you sure you want to speak here?"

Mi Ye frowned: "Then go to the lighthouse!"

Jiangnan: (๐・᷅ٹ・᷄ ) "Yes! But I have to bring my people over with me!"

"I can't let go of this situation!"

Mi Ye waved his hand: (幛~幛‶) "As you please! Vomit~"

I saw Jiangnan running back to the space door, and probed: "It's alright, come here!"

Only then did Ling Feng and the others heave a sigh of relief, and hurriedly greeted the large team to pass through the space gate!

The next moment, everyone in the square almost blew their eyes out!

I saw a head of gigantic maddened beetles coming out of the space door.

There are also people from the Huaxia Exploration Brigade on his back.

The originally wide square suddenly became crowded, and it was still pouring out!

The crowd exclaimed!

"Fuck! It's the spirit-binding beast, I sensed the spirit-binding force field, retreat!"

"My God! So many spirit-bound beasts? This... what's the situation?"

"I only saw two at the peak of diamonds, it's too dangerous!"

With panic in their eyes, people retreated one after another!

Seeing 30,000 maddened bulls parked in the square like giant armored vehicles, my calves were trembling with fear!

Mi Ye's face was dark: "Are you going to tear down my never-night city again?"

He even brought back a group of spirit-bound beasts?

Jiang Nan patted Xiao Niubi's head: "You're obedient, but you're good, I'm going to bring these cows home to raise!"

Mavericks also rubbed Jiangnan affectionately!

Mi Ye was amazed, could the spirit beasts be domesticated?

I have never heard of it myself!

And Jiangnan not only raised them, but also pulled a herd of cattle from the abyss?

Is this about to herd cattle in my city that never sleeps?

[The resentment value from Mi Ye +666! ]

Mi Ye: (。˘~˘)

"As long as you don't destroy my city that never sleeps, it's up to you!"

Said and went straight to the lighthouse!

Jiang Nan jumped on top of Xiao Niubi's head and clapped his hands!

"Red Bulls lining up, be careful not to destroy buildings or anything!"

"Without my order, you are not allowed to eat people, and you are not allowed to burst pipes, you know?"

As soon as the order came out, I saw the herd of beetles, like a neatly arranged armored convoy, lined up on the street and went straight to the lighthouse!

Fortunately, the streets of Never Sleeping City are wide enough to barely accommodate the beetles passing through!

I don't know how many people's attention has been attracted along the way, and bursts of exclamations are made, just like the knights who have returned in triumph!

The lynx looked at Jiangnan sitting on the head of the beetle from a distance, majestic and majestic, and the corner of his mouth evoked a radian!

The eyes are full of joy!


"Let's go, go back to the camp and wait for Xiao Nan, we are sensitive, and the Queen should not show up in the presence of the Queen!"

He disappeared in the crowd while speaking...

And on the Tianniu, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao came over curiously!

"Xiao Nan? Queen Crimson didn't treat you well just now?"

"Did you blow her up just now? I see her body is full of pulp..."

Ling Feng and others were also curious, if I were the queen, I would definitely kill the Southern God!

How did he get away with it?

Jiangnan: ( ′◔ٹ◔`) Humph!

"You didn't see it just now, the Queen was really angry just now!"

"But I forced her to attack three times and escaped unscathed!"

"She probably thinks I'm too good, and cherish each other, that's all!"

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao stared blankly at Jiangnan, right?

Hard-wired Mi Ye to attack three times? She is a Daotian level powerhouse!

Didn't I let you go because you were wearing a hat?

Ling Feng: (*゚ロ゚)!!

Wangba: Σ(°Д°;)

"This may be the hardest bullshit I've ever heard!"

Jiang Nan stared: "You don't believe it? Ask my brother if you don't believe me, like I lied to you!"

Odin: ୧(。˘・~・˘) "Really! What Big Brother said is the truth, I didn't make a fool of myself!"

This time everyone was dumbfounded, so fierce?

Nanshen, is this going to heaven?

Can Daotian-level attacks also be caught?

At this moment, the charm walking in front can't listen anymore!

God special meow hard to attack the heaven-level powerhouse three times!

Does spanking count?

Your excellence is only for show, okay?

Mi Ye's face turned even darker, and his little hands creaked!

I suddenly regretted why I stopped hitting hard just now!

[The resentment value from Mi Ye +777! ]

Gangnam: (๑◔‸◔ิ๑)

I wear a Forgiveness Hat and still give me grievance points?

Mi Ye is the real murderer!

At this moment, I saw Lanbo Fanbo chasing the beetle in the back!

"Master car owner! Don't you want us both?"

"That's right, you've left us here for almost a month!"

Odin: ୧( ・᷄ࡇ・᷅)

"Who are you two?"

Blue Wave Powder Wave: (*゚д゚)゚д゚)?

"We are your subordinates!"

Odin looked at Jiang Nan with a bewildered face: "Brother, do I still have any subordinates?"

Jiang Nan looked at the two little ones, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian: "It was from you, you just forgot?"

Odin's eyes lit up: "Come up quickly, I have seen Big Brother!"

Lanbo Fanbo climbed the beetle and looked at Jiangnan with fear in his big eyes!

Jiangnan: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧

(*ớ﹏ờ)·̥́﹏·̀): "Hello, Boss Devil!"

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