All the way back to Will Fortress, Jiangnan quickly closed Fen Xue, and looked at Feito with a cold expression!

In fact, the left arm is still numb now, and the arm bone was probably cracked when he faced Feito just now!

It hurts baby!

Fito, you have a leg!

But he still looked like he was dragging, he took out a small ginseng and ate it indifferently.

(乛^乛‶): "Humph! You're not too good, a batch of brittle bones, drink more milk to supplement calcium on weekdays! Little trash!"

After returning to the fortress, Feito was not shrouded in the wraith field and could use the supernatural power.

The bone armor slowly retracted into the body, and immediately a recovery system was attached to restore Feito's wound!

Feito looked cold and handsome!

(¬‸¬‶): "Hehe~ You are even more vain, I didn't dare to exert myself just now, for fear of nailing you to the ground!"

The actual heart... httpsom to force novel literature network

Ahhh~ Can Jiangnan's energy be any bigger?

Lao Tzu's bone density is amazing, even harder than ordinary spiritual materials, and it was chopped down by me?

Platinum level only, where did such a terrifying physical fitness come from?

No, I can't let this kid see that I'm surprised!

Be calm!

The two look at each other!


Everyone looked at the cold war and both swallowed and spit. I was afraid that they didn't get it after just a little bit of hard work, okay?

Jiang Nan's eyes turned to Danny: "The agreement still counts, right? You swore to the Paladins!"

"I gave you face to take the ticket, otherwise you will be more than just a mosquito coil pattern in Will Fortress!"

Danny was stunned, looking at the mosquito coil pattern in the fortress with a stunned face!

What's going on here?

I have a good fortress...

Feito said coldly: "It was agreed on the third floor, I will give you face in the United States, and I didn't cheat you. When you reach the fifth floor, don't make trouble for me!"

Jiangnan pouted: ( ・᷄ὢ・᷅) Nonsense, you might as well cheat Danny and them! "

"Fuck with you? Slowly, like Wangba, if you fall into the pit with Lao Tzu, you'll be on the fifth floor long ago!"

Feito: (ꐦಠyiಠ) What did you say?

[The resentment value from Feito +1000! ]

Wangba: (٥・᷄口・᷅)ᕤ?

[The resentment value from Wangba +745! ]

Jiang Nan shrugged: "Not only is there calcium deficiency, bone hyperplasia, and deafness, even if you're like this, you're still in the abyss, and the nursing home needs you!"

Feito: (ꐦʘ̆yiʘ̆ꐦ)

"Are you trying to scold me again?"

Jiangnan: (๐ ̄́ٹ ̄́) "Fa Keyou! Basehead Bichi! I, Jiangnan, always respond to requests! I've only heard such unreasonable requests seven or eight times in my life!"

Millet pulls: (⑉˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅) "Grandmother! Chuck chuckle~"

At this moment, everyone on the wall stared blankly at Jiangnan!

Ling Feng Wangba is dumbfounded, Nanshen is invincible, and if I say a few more words, I'm afraid that I will directly piss off Feito?

By the way, why did Mila call Grandma Fito?

just fascinated...

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao covered their faces one after another, Xiao Nan's taunting attributes have always been full, isn't it looking for abuse with Xiao Nan?

[The resentment value from Feito +1000! ]

At this moment, Feito was shivering with anger, and he spewed two white breaths from under his nose, and he rushed to Jiangnan with his arms and sleeves rolled up!

"Axi~ I have to beat this kid to death today, but I'm holding back!"

However, after taking two steps, his body froze, and he looked back at Walker and Ivy!

I saw the two of them looking at Feito expectantly, nodding incessantly!

"Go fuck him! We support you and don't stop!"

"Yes! He is too arrogant. Boss Fei will teach him a lesson. We will add 95 gasoline to you!"

Fitto: ? ? ?

Are you stupid? Do you have a big picture?

At this time, you can't tear your face with Jiangnan and the others!

When I just said that you were holding me back, you should come up and stop me!

Can you guys follow the script?

I am very embarrassed, how do I get down this step?

...(٥ embarrassed) ง

Danny hurried forward with a smile on his face: "This is on the territory of our Eagle Country, give me some face!"

"I told you to let everyone go, but I didn't say no! It's just that I can't let it go yet!"

Feito's eyes brightened, and there were steps down!

He hurriedly cursed: "You didn't say that on the third floor before! Are you playing me like a monkey?"

"Don't let it go, right? I'll ask you, can you resist beating!"

Jiang Nan stared: "Danny, are you floating? You don't want to give you face?"

"I swear by the paladins, don't paladins even fart in your eyes?"

"Believe it or not, I'll take down Will Fortress in 30 minutes?"

Speaking of which, he will take out the intercontinental missile from the alien space!

Ling Feng and the others were speechless, Nanshen was going to scare people with missiles again!

Only Arthur has a dark face, and I am from the Paladin...

Danny: (٥≖_≖)…

The fifth floor is from our Eagle Kingdom's territory!

Are you really good at hanging like this?

If you disagree, the fortress will be leveled. How can you be the big brother?

However, as far as Jiangnan and Feito are these two monsters, there is really no way to take them!

"No! I didn't say anything, but now my Will Fortress is facing the attack of the spirit-binding beast tide!"

"I mean, help us get rid of this beast tide, and then let everyone go!"

It is rare that all parties are present, and they are all stuck on the fifth floor, free manpower, no need for nothing!

Jiang Nan pouted: "Your little abacus is making a bang, let us get rid of the beast tide for you? Why did you lick your face?"

Fito narrowed his eyes: "Why? My country is not afraid of your threat, you can't stop us!"

Danny's expression remained unchanged: "This is my condition! Promise everyone to be happy!"

"If you don't agree, then you will die to the end. If you are willing to cut yourself, you can also fight to death for many of you!"

"Otherwise, with our strength alone, the fortress will be overrun by the beast tide sooner or later!"

"It's not difficult for you to get rid of the beast tide!"

Jiang Nan frowned slightly, Danny obviously did not intend to make concessions, because he saw that he did not want to lose people on the road, and tried to avoid conflicts, so he put forward the conditions!

And Jiangnan didn't think Danny really had the guts to fight with him!

But as Danny said, it doesn't take a lot of effort to get rid of the beast swarm, and it is better to do less than one thing, after all, I still have a team...

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Then I will sell you a face, and then change my mind! There is no need for the Will Fortress to exist!"

Danny grinned and that's it!

The free thugs are in place, no matter how strong you are, don't you want to work for me?

I saw Feito grow bones all over his body, and once again pierced the flesh and wrapped his body!

"Melee with meat tank, go down with Lao Tzu for a wave, and take it away in three or five waves!"

Saying that, he rushed down with a big jump, and at the same time, both Yingmi and Yingmi with similar physical fitness rushed into the battlefield!

The explorers of Will Fortress suddenly pulled back the disadvantage because of the joining of the living force!

There were endless shouts in front of the fortress, and the battle was suddenly extremely fierce!

Ling Feng twisted his neck: "What should we do? Go down and help them fight?"

Jiang Nan raised his hand to open the Alien Space, took out two large iron boxes from inside, and grinned!

"Isn't it just a beast swarm? Where is it so troublesome to use? Put on this biochemical radiation protection suit!"

"Count me? Jie Jie Jie ~ Jiangnan helped him retreat from this beast tide!"

Looking at the radiation protection suit, everyone swallowed and spit, and had a bad premonition in their hearts, and quickly put them on!

"Little dimples, bomber mode!"

ଘ(◍˃᷄⌔˂᷅◍): "Good Lord Silver~"

During the surge of spiritual energy, the small dimple has turned into a size of 30 meters, carrying Jiangnan soaring into the sky!

Go straight to an altitude of 3,000 meters and hover over the battlefield!

Wang Ba scratched his head: "What is the Nanshen doing?"

Qin Shu shivered: "Have you seen the diamond durian rain falling from the sky?"

I saw Jiang Nan standing on the back of the small dimple with a devilish smile on his face, a big diamond durian in one hand!

It's like a demon who came out of hell! -


"Secret Skill: One Stinking Ten Thousand Years Technique!"

"Ola Ora Ora~"

In an instant, Jiangnan's hands turned into a hot wheel, and the large diamond durians that pressed the stems poured down like rain!

Everyone on the battlefield naturally heard Jiangnan's roar, and their faces were full of doubts!

What is it that stinks forever?

As soon as I looked up, I was stunned by diamonds!

Drill... diamond rain?

Is the world so crazy?

However, Feito looked at the diamond durian that fell at his feet, and his face turned white with fright!

"Go! Let's go! This thing is the bomb that dominates the metropolis and stinks through many underground forces! It is called the tears of the devil!"

From the United States, how could I have not heard the name of diamond durian?

But when they noticed it was too late!

The diamond durian is an upgraded product, and one thousand resentment points are exchanged for one!

Jiangnan spent 1,000,000 grievance points for 1,000, and threw them all out!

What are you afraid of?

Lost diamond durian Jiangnan has never lost money!

Want to run? late!

In an instant, diamond durians bloomed everywhere on the battlefield. Countless diamond spikes were mixed with golden flesh, and they were madly splashed regardless of the enemy or the enemy!

Even sizing...

Even though Feito dashed left and right, he did not escape the attack of the pulp!

The white bone armor is covered with golden flesh!

As soon as he gasped, Feito rolled his eyes and vomited wildly on his knees!

(||ఠཀఠ) Wow~

"Jiangnan! I, Feito, swear to the Bone King, I will kill you!"

[The resentment value from Feito +1000! ]

On this day, Feito has completely become a man who stinks to the core!

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