Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 743 You hold back, I don't believe it

And this bone growth is Feito's reliance, no matter whether he is in the spirit-binding force field or not, his combat power is as terrifying as ever!

Not even a spirit-bound beast could pose a threat to it!

Just two words!

(。From ˇ~ˇrong.)

But all the way down, it's almost exhausting for Feito!

The bone armor of this body is all stabbed out of the flesh!

If you don't take it back, the wound will not heal, and the pain is secondary!

The key is to keep bleeding, which is uncomfortable!

On the fourth floor, it can be said that the two men of Fitotdani detoxified all the way, otherwise the cliff would be paralyzed on the fourth floor, and it would take a lot of time!

After going down to the fifth floor, it didn't stop either, and I didn't know how many times I was attacked by the spirit-binding beasts along the way!

They rushed all the way, and didn't dare to delay even a little bit of time! Remember the URL of the novel in a second m.\\ngeilwx.\\ncom

Seeing Will Fortress, Feito let out a long sigh of relief and smiled proudly!

Who can be faster than us?

First I got Feito in the bag.

I'm afraid that little garbage in Jiangnan is still dying in the Kola mine, right?

Humph, fight with me?

Fito's eyes were fixed on the city wall.

I saw Jiangnan sitting leisurely on the wall, holding a bucket of Kangshihu instant noodles in his hand, bald and fragrant!

Jiangnan: (๐・᷄ཀ・᷅๐) Bald~

"Can you guys slow down any longer? I'm all thankful for the flowers I waited for!"

Danny: ∑(°mouth°๑)Fuck!

Fitto: Σ(⊚Д⊚||) Huh?

I almost didn't get my eyeballs out!

Jiang! South!

How could he eat instant noodles on the fortress wall on the fifth floor?

It's not that you can't eat instant noodles!

How did you get down?

Shouldn't you be struggling in the mines on the third floor?

Why is this...

What about the mine? What about Nova Fortress? And the fourth floor...

We fell so far behind you, but you went ahead of us instead?

Is this not right? Are you opening the teleportation array?

In an instant, all of Fitodani and the others were buzzing!

Walker covered his head: ୧(ŎдŎ|||)୨

"What about the big gift? Didn't Cage and the others stop him? How could it be faster than us?"

"We haven't slept yet!"

Ivy: (๐ˉ᷄ ꇴ ˉ᷅๐) A la la ~ a goodbye in destiny? I can't help but want to hurt him."

At this moment, Feito's face was extremely gloomy!

Absolutely impossible!

I'm afraid this is not fake.

Even if Jiangnan and the others escaped from the mine, the fortress could stop them!

Did Cage and the others give it for nothing?

Things were so fantastic that Feito couldn't believe what he saw!

Shirley's eyes widened, her scalp tingling: "Be careful! What the hell hit me!"

The giant centipede that had eaten the snacks looked very lively here, and bumped into it!

The terrifying speed of four times the speed of sound makes it ignore all obstacles and go straight to Feito!

Feito's eyes were scarlet, and he said fiercely: "You are courting death!"

He didn't dodge at all, he stepped forward and smashed the big centipede's head with a punch!


The huge impact caused a hurricane on the spot, and the person who blew could not open his eyes!

I saw that Feito was pushed back 100 meters, but he was able to resist the impact of the big centipede four times the speed of sound!

The wild power even made the whole body of the big centipede fold forward!

It is comparable to the blow that Hulk punches the alien zerg with one punch.

At this moment, even everyone in Ling Feng was stunned. The big centipede cruise cannonball was stopped by a punch?

How fierce is Feito?

The big centipede was directly stunned by this punch, and Feito didn't mean to let it go!

The bone knife in the other hand slashed towards the head of the big centipede!

Jiang Nan squinted, raised his hand and threw the instant noodles aside, took out the blood-drinking halberd and held it in his hand!

Burning blood. Imperial engine, 100%! open!

The heart is beating wildly like a 10,000-turn engine, the whole body is red as blood, the muscles are pulled up, and the high-temperature water vapor is steaming out!

I saw Jiang Nan stepped on the city wall, and his body rushed out like a cannonball!

The huge force even knocked down half of the city wall directly under the feet, and the sound of the sonic boom was deafening!

"You dare to move my tool beast? Who gave you the courage to ride a horse?"

With a roar of piercing clouds, Jiang Nan's body fell in front of the big centipede like an arrow from the string!

Holding the halberd in both hands, he slanted upwards with all his strength!

The bone blade collided with the halberd blade!


A sound of gold and iron clashing came out, and the eardrums of the shocked person hurt!

Sparks splattered, and even blasted the air, and the ground was lifted into pieces!

The strong wind even blew the rushing spirit-bound beast away!

The huge impact force shook Jiangnan half of his body numb, the tiger's mouth collapsed, and his entire calf was inserted into the rock!

And Feito also blushed, and leaned back three steps, only to hear a "click", the bone blade actually broke!

At this moment, the audience was shocked!

Danny and Walker both have bigger eyes and their faces are shocked!

There is white smoke in front of me, and the domineering Nanren is really Jiangnan?

Is it so fierce?

Fighting with Feito all the way, they naturally know how fierce Feito is!

But Jiangnan is so hard on Feito at the level of platinum?

Are you an animal?

On the city wall, Ling Feng and the others looked solemn!

This time, neither of the two of them got a good deal, so Nanshen, who used his full strength, suffered a loss?

Feito is not an ordinary tricky ah!

Only Arthur had two blue veins on his forehead, and his eyes were full of anger!

I saw the instant noodle bucket buckled on top of his head, soup sprinkled all over his body, and a few instant noodle threads hanging on his face...

The men next to him were laughing like crazy!

[The resentment value from Arthur +1000! ]

If you fight, fight, what instant noodles are you throwing around!

Or the old altar sauerkraut flavor?

I just stared at the battle with all my attention, and didn't pay attention to the flying instant noodle bucket...

You look like this, I have no face as a Paladin!


In the field, Jiang Nan and Feito looked at each other, their eyes collided, but no one continued to do anything!

Feito squinted: "How did you get down on the third floor?"

Jiang Nan shook his hand and sneered: "Your people begged me to come down!"

Feito stared: "You fart! Did Nova Fortress give it for free? Did you take a shortcut?"

Gangnam: ╮( ·́ٹ·̀ )╭

"Of course it's for nothing! Since I can appear here, you should know it!"

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you that there is no Nova Fortress in this world! Cage is dead, you picked an idol!"

Feito's eyes were red, his steel teeth grinding straight to the sparks, and he roared up to the sky!

He raised his fist and smashed the head of a platinum-level spirit-bound beast that rushed over!

"Stop talking! I don't believe it! This is impossible!"

Jiang Nan's eyes narrowed slightly, and the halberd in his hand slashed horizontally, opening the Tianling cover of the rushing spirit-bound beast!

"The core father is going to be decided! It's no use when Daotian comes, I said!"

While talking, the two walked towards the fortress, and there were spirit-bound beasts rushing in from all directions!

Kefeituo fist is like a heavy artillery, Jiangnan halberd is like a blood dragon, killing the spirit-bound beasts close to the two!

It seems that the other party's anger is vented on the herd!

Feito sneered: "You don't have that ability, don't talk too much!"

"With me, the core can only be mine, and this abyss will be your grave!"

Jiang Nan was expressionless: "Be more self-aware, and be less selfish!"

"Don't take yourself too much as a character! In my eyes, you are a waste!"

While they were talking, the two looked at each other, and didn't even look at the beast tide that was rushing over!

Leng is to kill a bloody way!

Use strength to interpret what it means to stroll on the battlefield!

Let you be a million beasts, not as good as me alone!

Danny Walker and the others watched the two of them tremble with fear!

Do you have such strength in the spirit binding field?

Both of them are from monsters, how dare you delay, hurry up and keep up!

And the people on the city wall are surging!

"He's so handsome that my heart almost jumps out of my throat, what a man!"

"Don't these two give any face to the spirit-binding beast tide? How about a little nervous?"

Xiao Zhen wondered: "It's already like this, I thought it would start a fight, why haven't I torn my face?"

Ling Feng said solemnly, "Neither Nanshen nor Feito can win the other party's confidence in one breath!"

"And once the fight is on the fifth floor, no matter who wins on both sides, it will be a tragic victory, and it will be exploited by other forces, and the gains will outweigh the losses!"

"And don't forget that our ultimate goal is to find the core. Before we go down, we will put most of our people on the road. No one wants to see such a result!"

Wang Ba grinned: "As the captain, you don't think about a momentary pleasure! You have to look at the big picture!"

"So even if Nanshen or Feito wanted to rip each other's muscles and skins, they didn't completely tear their faces away!"

At this moment, Qin Shu, Ye Xinghe, and the others all had a sudden realization!

That's why the bizarre scene of two people spraying each other, but not doing it, but madly killing the spirit-binding beast?

Boundary Beasts: (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ`) Woah~ I'm riding a horse...

At this moment, Arthur pulled off the instant noodle bucket above his head with excitement on his face!

Both of them are gods!

Do you leave the battlefield chatting for half an hour? In that case, this beast tide might be repelled by the two of you!

However, it turns out that Arthur thinks too much!

In just one minute of effort, Feito was unable to utter a half-sentence from Jiang Nan, and his face was blue with anger!

Furious, Feito led the crowd out of the herd and entered the fortress directly!

Jiangnan carried the halberd and pouted!

As a strong mouth king, the only one who can compete with Lao Tzu is my nephew Wang Dalei!

Fito? Even if you count a hundred people with horns, you can't spray me!

(๐・᷅ ꇴ ・᷄ )✧Goose hahaha!

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