Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 567 You are the Dragon's Back

What is there to disagree with?

The boson is obviously dependent on Jiangnan. That paragraph just now is equivalent to a confession, right?

tsk tsk~

Yang Jian couldn't help smacking his lips. He really didn't know what was so rare about this kid in Jiangnan!

Even bosons can be abducted.

In this world, Jiangnan is the only one who can achieve this level of contact with bosons!

Huaxia is also the only one!

Yang Jian doesn't expect Boson to have any loyalty, she only needs to care about Jiangnan!

And after so many things, Yang Jian has absolute trust in Jiangnan!

On weekdays, Jiangnan may not be in tune, but when it comes to major events, no one is more reliable than Jiangnan!

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Then it's settled, I'll tell Uncle Xiao later!"

"But the reward is still to be given! The medal has been applied for, and you guys will go to the school to receive the medal!"

Jiangnan's eyes are bright, is he going to rise again?

Also give out small medals or something?

Copy the clams!

The atmosphere in the command room was full of joy, and Han Monroe rushed to Boson's side excitedly!

He put his arms around Boson's arm: "I am a brick home in the field of spells, and I will count on you to give me more advice in the future!"

"Goose Box ~ Goose Box Box ~"

Han Monroe: ੧(⌒﹃⌒٩)

Boson looks to Jiangnan as if asking for help!

This brick home doesn't seem to be normal, can you change it?

The group was walking to the school grounds, but Jiang Nan approached Yang Jian!

"Hey! Brother Jian, I went to the United States to see a lot of novel things, such as spirit-bound bullets, spirit-bound howitzers and the like!"

"Can't we do something here?"

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You mean spirit-suppressing weapons, right? We have them too, and there are quite a few types!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Then why didn't I see the brothers bring it with me before? This kind of thing should be very useful for suppressing spiritual warriors, right?"

Yang Jian sighed: "The development of spirit-suppressing weapons requires a large amount of original iron ore, and it is a consumable. The development of weapons and equipment is not a small number!"

"It's a pity that the raw iron ore resources in our country are scarce, and most of the collected ones are used for scientific research!"

"The saved money is used in the manufacture of spirit-suppressing weapons. There are few things, and many places are used. There is no way to assemble all the Lingwu troops!"

"In the international market, the price of the original iron ore of the binding spirit is even more expensive than some low-level spirit materials!"

Jiang Nan was stunned. Originally, the spirit-binding howitzer was very easy to use, and he was thinking about getting some spirit-suppressing weapons in his hands!

I never thought this would be the case in the country!

If you think about it, the original iron ore of binding spirit is only found in Lingxu, and although the number of spirit market in China is large, it does not mean that there are many spirit market with bound spirit iron ore!

no! Wait a minute!

Listening to Ye Xinghe and Qin Shuo, they said that there is a valley on Yali Island in the Lingxu of Qiandao Lake, which is full of bound spirit iron ore!

I'm a motherfucker!

How much money is that?

Jiang Nan's excited eyes were bright, and his face was flushed!

Posted! Posted!

When I go to Qiandao Lake Lingxu again, I must remove those two mountains!

And I don't know if the mosasaur beast ate blood and drink Nanhong!

Then let's take a look at them one by one!

Qianhu Island Lingxu is really a good place!

However, Yang Jian, who was beside him, kept ranting!

"Alas! Five years ago, the United States obtained the core of the third layer of the abyss and mined a large amount of bound iron!"

"The mineral resources of the fourth floor are a little less, and the fifth floor has finally been acquired, and the Eagle Country has taken it!"

"A few days ago, Xiao Zhen and the others brought back the core of the seventh floor. Unfortunately, the seventh floor has few mineral resources, and they don't know how many floors below..."

Jiang Nan was speechless when he saw it. At this moment, Yang Jian looked like a rambling little daughter-in-law!

It's all so lacking, and Jiangnan doesn't have the embarrassment to ask for a spirit weapon again!

Instead, he was thinking about the small valley of Qiandao Lake Lingxu!

Hey? The floor of the training room is also made of bound iron, right?

Do you want to sneak back two bucks?

After thinking about it, the group walked to the school grounds, because the mission this time was not very public, so there was no fanfare to hold the award ceremony!

But all the brothers who stayed on duty at the Longyuan headquarters came over and lined up to watch the ceremony!

The seven people from Jiangnan went to the dressing room to change into formal clothes and stood on the honor platform, and even Katerina changed into the dark night military uniform!

Looking at Jiangnan Hehe Zhile, blond hair and blue eyes and military uniforms in the dark night, it has a unique flavor!

Yang Jian took the small medals and put them on to several people one by one.

As far as the result of this mission is concerned, it is enough to be worthy of the reward of the Order of the Heart!

The skinny monkey iron cow wearing the medal is proud of their faces. For soldiers, it is the greatest honor to have a medal of bare heart!

I couldn't help but look at Jiangnan with excitement!

Going out with Nanshen to perform a mission is a lot of work, not only can you get a small medal, but you can also level up!

Thin Monkey, Tie Niu and the others have all been promoted by one level, but the Bobcats have not been promoted. The credit to Yang Jian has been saved. She is already a colonel. What is needed to go up is more experience and qualifications!

On the other hand, Jiangnan was promoted to Colonel logically!

Jiangnan, hey hey, straight up, bumped into the shoulder of the lynx!

"Hey~ as big as you?"

However, Lynx didn't want to talk, and rolled her eyes with Jiang Nan!

(ˉ~ ̄๐) Humph~~

I saw Yang Jian walked to Jiangnan and opened a small delicate box, and the medals inside were glowing like blood!

Yin red dazzling!

The medal is engraved with a red dragon, the dragon's body is nine songs, and the dragon's head is pointing to the sky!

Jiang Nan was stunned, what is this? Didn't you give yourself the Medal of Heartlessness?

Yang Jian looked solemn, took out the medal and put it on Jiangnan's chest!

At this moment, countless Long Yuan below took a breath of cold air and looked horrified, making a contribution to global warming!

"Hey~ this the Red Dragon Medal?"

"Mom! I've never seen it before, so it's an eye opener today!"

"What is the Red Dragon Medal? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It's no wonder you've heard it. It hasn't been posted since the calamity! The highest glory, look at the two in front!"

I saw Ye Zhenguo and Zhao Dezhu looking at Jiangnan wearing the medal with relief!

Ye Zhenguo: "Red Dragon Medal! I miss it so much, I still have two in my drawer!"

Zhao Dezhu pouted: "You're a fart, I have four!"

After listening to this, the faces of Long Yuanjun all turned pale, these two are the real gods!

That was the glory of turning back the tide during the chaotic turmoil and taking life in exchange for it!

After the chaos of the calamity, it was never posted, but it was given to Jiangnan?

At this moment, even the Lynx Thin Monkey was frightened!

This is the Red Dragon Medal, the highest honor!

But think about the fact that Jiangnan brought back the incantation materials, and even brought back the Bose body. Things couldn't be more beautiful, and they definitely deserved the Red Dragon Medal!

On the other hand, Jiang Nan is still in a dazed state, this time the small medal seems to be a little different!

Yang Jian looked solemn: "This is the Red Dragon Medal! The color is the color of the flag! The country is like a giant dragon! And you are the Dragon's Back! This is the meaning of the Red Dragon Medal!"

"You Jiangnan is worthy of this medal! This is the honor you deserve! Only if you have a country can you have a home! May you soar like a dragon in the future!"

"Country! Always be your strongest backing!"

Jiang Nan stretched his body straight and looked solemn. He took out his right hand and gave a military salute!

Just as he was about to take out his left hand and clasp his heart, his face turned pale, and he quickly suppressed this urge!

It's a shame that I didn't take out his golden middle finger and buckle it to the heart!

Otherwise, you will definitely be killed!

Yang Jian was startled, then smiled and patted Jiang Nan on the shoulder!

The lynx poked Jiang Nan and said anxiously, "Xiao Nan! Don't kick your trousers with your left hand! If you are so impolite, take it out and buckle it to your heart!"

Jiangnan is about to cry, I will only become more impolite when I take it out!

Can't pay! Can't be beaten to death!

Yang Jian smiled and said, "Come on, it's a rare opportunity, Red Dragon will arrange for someone to take a photo with us!"

Bai Qianxun immediately trotted over with the camera on her back, and the camera was aimed at everyone!

"Everyone stand up and shout~ Show your energy! Remember to salute!"

Everyone nodded, straightened their chests, saluted with their right hands, and buckled their left hands to their hearts!

Jiangnan has been bombed, why salute again!

You can only raise your right hand to salute and put your left hand in your trousers pocket!

I saw everyone on stage!

Iron Bull: ∠(`ㅂ′*)

Lynx: ∠(๐ớ ᴗ ờ๐)

Platelets: ∠(❀╹◡╹)

Jiangnan: ∠(˵ˉ͒﹏ˉ͒˵)

Bai Qianxun was stunned: "Nan Shen? The left side! The left side!"

In the crowd, only Jiang Nan's left hand was in his trouser pocket, not his heart!

Cold sweat broke out on Jiang Nan's forehead: "Aha~ahaha~ Do you want to respect the one on the left?"

After speaking, the palm of his right hand that was on the right temple circled in front of him, and then touched the left temple...

Yang Jian was stupid, and the Bobcats were all dumbfounded!

What the hell kind of salute you are!

You are clearly the cos golden monkey looking into the distance!

Saluting with the right hand on the left is a foolish way to salute...

[The resentment value from Bai Qianxun +666! ]

[From Luo Tianhong...]

[From Yang Jian...]

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