Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 566 Jiangnan's position is my position! (add more)

The car drove all the way to Longyuan headquarters, the command room, Yang Jian and everyone were waiting here, looking forward to it!

The door is open!

I saw Jiang Nan with a bright smile on his face, put his left hand in his pocket, and walked into the command room in a strange posture!

Bobcat's eyes brightened when he saw Jiangnan, but then he seemed to remember something.

He quickly turned his face to the side, put on a cold expression, pouted his mouth, and tried his best to look angry!

Jiang Nan's eyes also fell on Lynx, his eyes blinked twice, and his eyes instantly turned red!

(๐ŏ ﹏ ŏ๐)

"Umm~ woo woo~ Sister Shan Miao!"

After a shout full of longing, the tears in Jiang Nan's eyes fell!

Teleporting was useless, so he trotted all the way into Bobcat's arms, tears spilled in the air!

The lynx was startled, but still stuck in place like a telephone pole, not going to see Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan kept rubbing his head and cried, "I'm so scared, they all bully me!"

"I was surrounded and beaten by a group of people in Area 53, saying they were going to kill me. It hurts!"

Everyone was speechless!

I bother!

In the satellite image, who was the one who was standing on the wing of the plane laughing arrogantly, yelling at me that Jiang Da Cannon refused to accept it, and bombarding people with a howitzer?

You are clearly bullying others!

The lynx bit his lower lip, feeling a little distressed, but he still couldn't bear to see Jiangnan!

Jiangnan: ( '-﹏ก̀ ) Woohoo~

"I was also driven out half the Pacific Ocean by Pierce and the others, and they scolded me while chasing them back. They made me cry!"

"I'm almost never coming back!"

Ye Zhenguo and several people: (乛~乛◦)

You boy can pull it!

Blow up people's 53rd district and let them quit you?

It's clear that Pierce has been scolded by you all the way, and you can't say anything angry, okay?

Jiangnan: ˚‧o·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄﹏˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧o·˚Sister Mountain Meow, I miss you so much!

The lynx who bit his lower lip couldn't bear his face any longer, and hugged Jiang Nan into his arms, stroking his head gently!

"Don't cry~ It's safe to come back, they won't bully you again!"

Jiangnan: ( ❛ ⌂ ก̀ ) Mmmmm~

The skinny monkeys also nodded their heads!

Uh-huh! Nanshen will be safe when he comes back to the United States, and he will not bully them again!

Lynx: "Then don't lie to me again, you know? You have to remember to tell me something, do you know how worried I am about you?"

"If you die outside, I...I..."

As he spoke, the eye sockets of Lynx also turned red, and Jiangnan's heart melted!

Gently patted the lynx on the back, and whispered, "I... come back!"

Said to gently wipe the tears for the lynx!

Yang Jian: (¬ก¬) Cough cough~

The lynx stiffened violently, pushed Jiangnan aside, and stood at attention!

Jiangnan:  …

So love disappears, right?

Yang Jian smiled and said, "If you have a kid, be bold and careful, not bad, very good!"

Apparently he has learned what happened!

However, he wiped his nose shyly: "Without Brother Ye and the others, I wouldn't be able to come back. Speaking of District 53, have I gone too far?"

Ye Zhenguo was speechless, you only remembered this after blowing up Area 53?

What were you thinking about before?

Yang Jian laughed loudly: "It's not too hot, not too hot at all! In fact, all countries have long been interested in attacking Area 53, and they have even made plans!"

"It's just that Area 53 is inland, the garrison is perfect, and the plan has been put on hold. I didn't expect you to make it happen!"

"Tell me! What reward do you want? Just the fact that you brought back the research materials is a great achievement!"

"The space system spirit beads are already looking for you, but... it's best not to have too much hope!"

Speaking of this incident, Yang Jian frowned slightly, remembering the previous unpleasantness!

In order to prepare a reward for Jiangnan, Yang Jian called Li Mingshan and wanted to get a space spirit bead from him!

Then compensate him from somewhere else!

As Huaxia's space system Daotian, Li Mingshan remembers that there are two space system spirit beads left in his hand!

However, Li Mingshan refused the request, and Yang Jian didn't say much...

Jiang Nan smiled and said, "I'll find the space spirit beads myself, I haven't been to the Void Sea yet!"

"It doesn't matter what the reward is, I didn't spend a lot of money in this wave in the metropolis!"

"It's just that I have a request, I don't know Brother Jian..."

Yang Jian waved his hand: "Just say it! If I can meet your requirements, I will satisfy you!"

Jiang Nan's expression became positive: "I want to give Boson a home in a dollhouse! Let her have a place in this world!"

"The boson is not a tool. I don't want to force her to do anything by any means. It's all up to her own will. I don't know if it's okay?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jiangnan blankly, and Yang Jian was also startled!

Jiangnan has his own considerations. If the family is like the United States, it restricts the freedom of the boson and uses her as a tool for translating mantras!

In that case, what's the use of saving her from Area 53?

Just jumping from one fire pit to another!

If this is the case, Jiangnan will let the boson go, and go now, at least she can still have freedom!

Yang Jian touched his chin: "The fact that you can bring back the boson is a surprise! I can agree to your request!"

Jiangnan looked overjoyed!

Yang Jian: "But can you guarantee that the boson will not harm other people? If you can, it's okay to promise you!"

"But as far as I know, this boson hurts a lot in the United States! You don't know about some things about boson, after all, it's an uncontrollable factor! Even..."

At this moment, the entire command room lit up with a brilliant white light!

I saw a white dress, a boson with a single horn on the forehead, and a long ice silk hair fluttering in the wind!

nice! The beauty is breathtaking!

Everyone present stared blankly at the sudden appearance of the boson!

They never thought that the legendary boson really appeared in front of them, like in a dream!

Wang Zhengyang took a deep breath: "It's perfect, I finally know why Nanshen went to Area 53 to rob people! Leave me alone and I'll go too!"

Tang Shi curled his lips: "Che~ If someone can rob them back, you're going to deliver the vegetables?"

I saw Boson said softly: "I can help you translate the incantation!"

"But the incantation is our language, and it will take a while to translate it to a level that you can understand!"

"The United States has locked me up for 10 years, and the total amount of translated spells is only about 20% of the total. Some of them are still wrong. I did it on purpose, because I was not willing to cooperate with them!"

At this moment, everyone looked at the boson in horror, and even spoke!

And it's in Chinese!

ah this...

Yang Jian was stunned: "Are you really willing?"

Boson shrugged, stood behind Jiang Nan, put his hands on Jiang Nan's shoulders, and put his chin on it!

"I naturally have to reflect my value, mainly because I don't want to make it difficult for Jiangnan!"

"If I cooperate, the translation progress will be greatly increased!"

"In addition, my strength is not bad. If I am allowed to accumulate enough Bose particles, my strength should be equivalent to the Daotian level you said?"

"As far as I can, I can help you deal with some troubles!"

Yang Jian was stunned, did they cooperate so well?

Isn't this equivalent to being a Daotian-level powerhouse for nothing? And it can still help translate spells!

In other countries, isn't that Daotian-level powerhouse offering it?

In comparison, the conditions in Jiangnan are not conditions at all!

At this moment, Jiangnan's heart is also warm, how can he not know that this is Boson's concession, reflect his own value, and strive for conditions!

Yang Jian took a deep breath and frowned deeply!

"Why help humans? Where's the stand? As far as I know bosons..."

Boson said: "I know what you are worried about, there are some things I can't say more!"

"But what I can tell you is that I am a wanderer, an exiled being!"

"I don't have a position, Jiangnan's position is my position!"

"I'm not helping humans, I'm helping Jiangnan!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Jian was stunned, Ye Zhenguo and Zhao Dezhu looked at each other with a solemn expression!

And the others are completely dumbfounded!

Boson: "Once upon a time, I was full of disappointment in your world, and all my eyes were malicious!"

"I don't belong here, I don't belong in my hometown, and I even wanted to end my life at one point!"

While speaking, he gently rubbed Jiang Nan's cheek: "Until I met Jiang Nan, he was my light!"

"I gradually changed my opinion and wanted to change a new way of living to accept the world!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "So... Brother Zhong Jian?"

Yang Jian also smiled: "In!"

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