Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 549 I am doom! natural disaster

The warmth in this winter is the shame of my whole life, Senbon Sakura!

As time passed by, Jiang Nan squatted behind the stone with excitement and waited!

Only Qianben Sakura can't figure it out, Jiang Nan won't really be tough without any preparation, right?

He's pretty smart when he's in the metropolis, isn't he? Why are you so stupid now?

at the same time!

Ye Zhenguo, Master Zhu and the others galloped all the way, across the entire Pacific Ocean, and landed on the west coast!

On the highway, Li Bing was driving a big off-road, and the accelerator slammed to the end!

Ye Zhenguo and Zhao Dezhu are sitting in the back row!

And Han Monroe opened the skylight, stuck her head out, and wore goggles, but her long hair was still flying!

"Girl Monroe, have you found it?"

"No, let's go to Colorado, the bad brother is going to attack Area 53, and people must be there!" Remember the website m.luoqiuzw.\\ncom

Li Bing went straight to Colorado!

"Any news from home? Is there any movement in Area 53?"

Ye Zhenguo shook his head: "Everything is normal, let's hurry up!"

Although the four of them rushed to the United States, they couldn't fly around on other people's territory at will!

I'm afraid that if you don't find Jiangnan, you will have to fight, you can only find Jiangnan first!

Longyuan headquarters command room!

Red Dragon and the others stood straight, Yang Jian has taken over the command here!

On the holographic screen, the satellite images belonging to Area 53 are clearly projected on it!

The scene is peaceful!

Yang Jian looked at the screen suspiciously: "Why does it stop like this? The situation in the United States has not changed at all. This kid in Jiangnan seems to have evaporated from the world!"

"Lynx! Are you sure Jiangnan went to Area 53 to rob people?"

Lynx nodded heavily and said, "Sure! Xiao Nan is very familiar with that unicorn boso, and according to Xiao Nan's temperament, she will definitely not watch her be taken back!"

Yang Jian touched his chin: "That's weird, but Jiang Nan alone, I'm afraid he won't be able to make a big splash!"

"I hope Uncle Ye and the others discover Jiangnan as soon as possible!"

All the Long Yuan in the command room stared at the screen, working in Area 53?

Thinking about it makes one's blood boil, Nanshen is really surging outside, and he wants to do anything at once!

But this time, I'm afraid it's really out of play!


Another hour and a half passed in a flash, Jiang Nan and Qianben Sakura squatted their legs behind the stone!

Jiangnan panicked!

Logically speaking, the lucky time has passed for the last batch of people who drank Cherry Happy Water!

Bad luck should have happened, why is there no movement at all? everything is normal?

That is the unfortunate force field formed by 30,000 people, this is not right!

Qianben Ying said: "Why don't you do it? The front is just right?"

"It's not cowardly, right? It must be scared, right? It's alright, I won't laugh at you, or let's break up, you deodorize me..."

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Afraid? It's a joke! I, Jiang Daan, have never been counseled, okay?"

"It's you! Why do you always think about breaking up? Is the second senior brother possessed? I..."

Before Jiangnan finished speaking, Qianbenying rubbed her eyes: "Am I dazzled? Why do I feel that the sky above Area 53 seems to be covered with a layer of gray fog?"

Jiang Nan stared at it for a while, and saw that the sky above Area 53 indeed seemed to have a layer of gray fog!

illusory, seemingly non-existent...

hiss this the unfortunate force field?

Lose it! The unfortunate force field formed by 30,000 people is so strong? Are they all materialized?

So it's true that Yintang is black?

Jiangnan is stretching his neck and staring.


There was a loud noise from the depths of the earth, like a deep roar from hell.

The violent shaking began, and the earth began to shake wildly!

A strong earthquake came, and the earthquake level definitely exceeded 10!

And the 53 area is the epicenter, and the seismic waves spread out at a very high speed!

The entire 800-kilometer uninhabited area of ​​the Gobi Gobi in Corolla began to tremble!

The alarm sounded directly in Area 53, and there was a panic inside. Even if the buildings inside had been specially strengthened, they would not be able to withstand such a calamity as a magnitude 10 earthquake!

I don't know how many people rushed out like headless flies, their faces dazed!

earthquake? what the hell!

At this moment, Jiangnan's mouth is almost grinning to the bottom of his ears!

isn't it? A magnitude 10 earthquake?

Ninety thousand lucky little cherries are too powerful!

I said why there has been no movement, feelings are a big move!

Disasters have come out? Fierce, okay?

What I want is this chaotic scene!

Qianben Sakura, who was squatting behind Jiangnan, looked stupid!

Did something go wrong? Super earthquake?

The reason why Jiangnan didn't do anything was just waiting for an earthquake?

no! How did Jiangnan predict that an earthquake would happen in advance?

The most advanced technology can only predict an earthquake three minutes in advance. Jiangnan is a whole day ahead?

Are you a fairy? Fortune teller?

However, Qianben Sakura didn't know at all. It wasn't that Jiangnan could predict the earthquake, but that the earthquake was originally summoned by Jiangnan!

I saw Jiang Nan rubbed his hands together, took out a bottle of life-threatening big green sticks and ten small ginseng, and stuffed them into Qianben Sakura!

"Ginseng heals wounds. Drinking beer will make you stronger!"

Qianben Sakura looked suspiciously at the deadly green stick: "This can't be something strange, can it?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "You're trying to help me block Pierce, and you're just cheating me! Am I stupid? Hurry up and drink it!"

Qianben Yingbei clenched her teeth: "Then believe you again!"

Say it and do it!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "What color panties are you wearing today?"

Qianben Sakura crossed her waist: "Nonsense! I'm a girl! Of course it's pink with a bow! Even the vest... uh!!!"

Halfway through speaking, Qianben Sakura covered her mouth in horror!

What the hell, how could I answer such a shameful question from Jiangnan?

This green stick is really not right!

Jiang Nan touched his chin with a stunned expression: "Oh~ I understand! It seems that the big green stick has worked, hurry up! I'm going to do it!"

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1000! ]

[From Qianben Sakura...]

The shit worked!

I see you're just wondering what color I'm wearing today!

But he still said, "Be careful, don't be arrogant! I'm still waiting for you to deodorize me!"

Jiangnan laughed, raised his hand and dried a big green stick, and then ate the durian pulp again. The total amount of spiritual power in his body was almost reached its golden peak!

Immediately got up and said: "I said that I want to face the 53 area! Just watch my show and it's over!"

Qianben Sakura smiled wickedly: "Then what kind of panties are you wearing today?"

Jiang Nan smiled confidently: "Red fire-breathing dragon! Red is my lucky color!"

After speaking, Jiang Nan's smile froze!

Nana's legs! Hunting wild geese all day long, today the wild goose pecks blind!

Thousand Sakura: ꉂꉂ◟(˃᷄ꇴ˂᷅ ૂ๑)༡

"Pfft hahahaha! Fire-breathing dragons are amazing!"

Jiang Nan's face turned black: "20 minutes as promised! Don't trick me!"

Speaking of which, he teleported to the open space of the airport in Area 53, with a very arrogant smile on his face!

The three-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd was carried by Jiangnan on his shoulders!

Just about to speak!


There was a loud noise like the opening of the world, and even the ears of the shocked people were buzzing!

I saw at the entrance of the canyon, the Pinggu extinct volcano that was as high as 3,000 meters...

burst! send! !

The 10,000-ton boulder on the top of the mountain exploded and was thrown into the sky!

The crimson magma with a diameter of several thousand meters was sprayed straight into the sky above ten thousand meters like a fire-breathing dragon!

It turned into a lava rain and fell madly towards Area 53!

The volcanic ash formed by the billowing black smoke drifted out, obscuring the sky! Like a beacon fire and wolf smoke!

Jiangnan looked back blankly at the erupting Pinggu Volcano!

Lose it!

An extinct volcano that has been silent for thousands of years has erupted?

After three or four thousand years of co-authoring, all of them came out today?

Okay! Great job!

This is not an ordinary scene, this is a super big scene!

The lucky little cherry is too slippery, Jiang Nan's excited little face flushed!

But he still took out a lucky little cherry and ate it in his mouth!

Under such a natural disaster, maybe the unlucky one was killed by a lump of falling lava!

Or eat a small cherry to be safe!

As for the unfortunate 3 hours after the event, let's talk about it later!

I'm going to give it up!

At least this 30 minutes!

I, Jiangnan, are the chosen son, the invincible lucky star!

Jiangnan, who was carrying the blood-drinking halberd, looked at the chaotic Area 53, with a sharp edge in his eyes, with a touch of unparalleled madness!

"Today I am Jiangnan is your doom! Your natural disaster!"

"Area 53! I'm done today!"

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