Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 548 This world is really beautiful! (add more)

Jiang Nan slept until noon the next day, then woke up rubbing his eyes!

The warm sunlight came in through the window and shone on the three Juicy Jis! -


They all look like they are about to ascend to the sky, and the squeezed cherry juice is filled with a row of powerful buckets!

Jiang Nan got up and took advantage of his lazy waist: "Go! In order to reward your work, I invite you to eat barbecue!"

As soon as the words fell, the three juicers immediately regained their spirits!

"Eat grilled meat! Eat big pieces!"

"Small cakes, big sundaes, mango chunks! Yay~"

"Have you finally eaten? I'm so good!"

Several people were ready to set off, but they saw Qianben Sakura still sitting on the stool yesterday, with her legs tightly tucked, her hands resting on her knees, motionless!

Jiang Nan stepped forward with a suspicious look on his face: "What's wrong? Why don't you go? It's a rare opportunity! You may never encounter such a thing as I'm bleeding to invite you to dinner in your next life!"

Qianben Yingbei clenched her teeth: " go, I can't move now!"

My state of movement is gone, maybe... just...

7 hours left! Hold on!

Chibon Sakura, you can do it!

come on! fight!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "You won't sit here for the night, will you? You can't move? You're a bastard if you don't move!"

Chiben Sakura: ! ! !

"You are the king! I want you to take care of it! I won't eat it! Go go go!"

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +666! ]

[From Qianben Sakura...]

God special meow motionless is a bastard!

Who do you think it's because of?

Jiangnan: (๐≖ᴗ≖) Oh huo~

The smile on his face became more and more devilish. Could it be that Qianben Sakura was only able to hold back to the limit...

Just tease her, let you say that I am the god of war in the bathroom!

Jiang Nan stretched out his hand and grabbed Qianben Sakura's antenna!


With a rapid scream, Qianben Sakura immediately went to cover the antenna!

But his hands froze in the air, and then he slammed his belly!

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1000! ]

[From Qianben Sakura...]

The list of grievance points has been maxed out. At this moment, Qianbenying's gaze at Jiangnan can kill people!

Jiangnan swallowed and spit!

She... is this breaking the limit?

Shouldn't it really be...

Hiss~ It seems like a disaster!

"Aha~ahaha~ Let's go, let's go eat quickly?"

Jiang Nan turned around and walked out the door, Liu Hua looked puzzled!

"What's the matter? Isn't Sakura sauce going? Inconvenient?"

Jiangnan: "No! Your Sakura sauce is just in time!"

Six Flowers: ? ? ?

Qianben Sakura: (⑉ᵒ̌ dishᵒ̌) Jiang! South!

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1000! ]

Jiang Nan had a guilty conscience on his face, and he teleported and disappeared with the three juicers!

Qianben Sakura's whole body is about to explode!

The most unforgettable winter I've had this winter... It's extraordinarily warm!

After eating the barbecue, it was already evening when I returned to the hotel. The Teletubbies clothes were already taken off, and Qianben Sakura locked herself in the bathroom and couldn't come out!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, this is the real god of war in the bathroom, right?

Jiangnan had no choice but to pack the cherry juice and go to Area 53 by himself!

Because the terrain was investigated in advance, this time Jiangnan did not wear an invisibility cloak, but slipped directly into the canteen in District 53!

Found a drink can that holds the drink!

The cafeteria feeds food from the outside every day, and the fat house happy water in this beverage can is for tomorrow's lunch!

The space wormhole was opened to the size of a coin, and the spatial fluctuation caused by such a space wormhole is extremely small, and it will not attract Pierce's attention at all!


All the cherry juice squeezed by 90,000 lucky little cherries was added!



There seems to be a soft sound in the body, Jiangnan's level has risen from gold three to gold four!

It's really a good thing in pairs, Jiangnan is even happier!


All the way back to the hotel, Qianben Sakura finally came out of the bathroom!

Staring at Jiang Nan angrily: "Speaking of which, have you thought about how to do it? Is the plan ready?"

"How long do you want to make me stinky?"

Jiangnan's face was full of confidence: "Everything is ok! Start tomorrow at noon!"

Qianben Sakura's eyes were bright: "What's the plan? Tell me about it!"

Gangnam: ╮( ·́ ᴗ ·̀ )╭

"I'm planning to head over there just now!"

Qianben Sakura: (⌒_⌒;) What? what do you say?

"The front just passed? My God! This plan is so rigorous, so comprehensive, so seamless, so foolproof!"

Jiang Nan said proudly: "Then you take a look?"

[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +1000! ]

[From Qianben Sakura...]

You are proud of a woolen yarn!

Do you think you are a god? Just right? You are a golden three... uh, you want to be in area 53?

Are you out of your head?

"Hurry up and deodorize me! You will die tomorrow, don't I want to stink for the rest of my life?"

Jiangnan pouted: "Bah, bah, bah! What to die for? Wait for me to turn over Area 53, you!"

Qianben Sakura covered her face, where did you get your honey juice confidence?

You shouldn't be on this broken thief ship in Jiangnan!

Sleepless all night, at noon the next day, three of Liuhua were left in the hotel!

Jiangnan and Qianbenying were lying behind the same boulder again, revealing half of their heads for a peek!


|·' ‸ '·)

When it was time to eat, the staff and Lingwu troops went to the cafeteria to eat in batches!

Make sure you have the perfect defense force at all times!

In the cafeteria, the bearded man and the glasses man sat down to eat together, and their mental state was a little bad!

Glasses man: "What's the matter, brother? Why do you look sluggish?"

The bearded man sighed: "I don't know what's going on. After waking up the day before yesterday, my face hurts, it hurts so much, and it still hurts a little bit now!"

"Huh? Are you too? My face hurts when I wake up, not only my face but also my stomach!"

"Hey~ you too? And I don't know what's going on. I feel panic when I go to the toilet these two days, especially when I see the seventh compartment, my legs are shaking!"

"Isn't it? Me too! I don't even dare to go to the bathroom!"

The two chatted, ate, and drank the happy water of the fat house!

Take a sip, and your eyes will brighten!

"How do I get a cherry flavor? It's sweet and sour, and it's delicious!"

"Really! I heard that Happy Water has a cherry flavor a while ago, and the cafeteria is awesome! It's arranged!"

Everyone who ate in the cafeteria drank the cherry flavor in Happy Water, and thought it was a new flavor and didn't care, but they liked it!

However, in the process of eating, I found that some people laughed, and some people even danced on the spot excitedly!

"Hahaha! My salary has increased! It has tripled! Damn it!"

"My God! I've been promoted! I've been promoted to project manager!"

"Wang Defa? I made a breakthrough? One star? One star after eating and drinking!"

"Notice from the above! All wages and benefits have been improved! Equip a house and a car! Don't worry about anything, let's work hard!"

"My three girlfriends agreed to live with four of them! Am I dreaming? Goose haha!"

"I'm very curious about how you have three girlfriends!"

At this moment, the laughter in the cafeteria spread far and wide, and everyone was so excited that their faces were red and their necks were thick!

It seems that all the good things are coming together!

Buffett finished his drink and answered the phone: "Really... really want me to run for election? Basically it's me? Hahahaha! Wait! I'll laugh for a while!"

Buffett hung up the phone and did a backflip on the spot, so excited!

I thought that there would be a heavy penalty for the information, but I didn't expect to be promoted?

Buffett! You are indeed the son of heaven!

Sitting in the office, Xingyao boss Quinn drank the happy water leisurely and pulled his mobile phone!

"Cough cough cough! All in? All 14 numbers? Three hundred and fifty-seven million?"

"Ahhh! I'll say it! I'll say that I have such a day!"

Excited Quinn hugged the phone and kissed!

mua! mua! Goose hahaha!

One and a half hours after the lunch time passed, everyone who came out of the cafeteria was filled with happy smiles!

OMG! The world is too beautiful, isn't it?

The entire 53 District was immersed in laughter, the laughter echoed far away, and even Jiangnan and Qianbenying who were hiding behind the stone could hear it clearly!

Jiangnan, hey hey, happy! Aunty smile!

The fat house happy water that has been added can really make people happy!

Have fun! You are happy baby and rest assured!

All the efforts are not in vain!

Lao Tzu's ultimate goal is to create happiness for this world!

Qianben Sakura on the side looked at Area 53 in a happy atmosphere in amazement!

what's the situation? Just eat lunch and be happy like this?

And the backflip is too much!

"Look! They know you're going to face the 53 area, where are they laughing at you!"

Jiang Nan pouted, looking back and giving Qianben Ying a brain break: "Fart! They know you still peeing your pants at the age of 26, where are they laughing at you!"

Chiben Sakura: ! ! !

"Ahhh! Jiangnan! How dare you say it!"

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