Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 434 I feel that this robbery... is here! (add more)

Thanks for not giving the Teletubbies Invisibility Cloak to Uncle Wang!

Otherwise, the Seven Incredible Events will be three!

Exiting this post, Jiang Nan went into "The Curse of the Night Demon!"

I saw the comments below have been updated again!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu again last night and disappeared when I went to the toilet at night!"

"Missing again? How many disappeared this time?"

"Eight! I hid in the bed and cried all night, I'm so scared~"

"The girls' dormitory can't live! There are 14 big holes in the wall, and the wind is blowing in! It's too cold!"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva!

What? Lost eight more? Night Demon is too lawless!

Then scroll down!

"I heard that the senior sisters and mentors who were lost the day before yesterday have all been found!"

"What? Really? Are you all right?"

"People are fine! But it's weird!"

"I found it, but the closest one was found in Yangcheng, 800 kilometers away!"

"When I found out, I was wearing pajamas, with black feet, and the slippers on my feet had worn off the bottom! It's miserable!"

"My God! 800 kilometers? Did you make a mistake!"

"No? I'm taking the train back now..."

"Night Demon is so scary!"

Jiangnan: (′⊙ж⊙`)

My back was soaked in cold sweat in an instant!

This... this special meow is not wearing my ultra-fast slippers...

It's over! It's over!

Will the senior sister who was captured by the "night demon" come back and make me cry!

I said why several people have been continuously refreshing their grievances for the past few days!

Do you want to go out and hide for two days?

Go on! Aren't those senior sisters who went up to the sky all taken away by the "Night Demon"?

It's really... that's not possible, just put on the Teletubbies invisibility cloak and steal back all the little slippers!

Ning Youyou's eyes were red, "Nan Shen, why are you sweating so much?"

"Ah? Ah~ no... it's okay! The cotton pants are too thick!

I saw Ning Youyou rubbing her eyes: "Nan Shen, I... can I stay in your big villa for two days? I don't dare to live in a dormitory!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: "Yes, yes, there are many rooms, that is..."

Leng Yan: "Then...then can I go?"

Yu Qingqing: "Sister Yaoyao! I'm going to live with you!"

Hua Ling: "Can you bring me one?"

Bunny: "Me, me, and me!"

"Nan Shen please! I sleep on the sofa! I can sleep on the floor!"

At one time, more than 20 girls in the class sent applications together!

Zhong Yingxue said with a smile: "Then everyone is here, there should be enough space!"

Xia Yao: "Hee hee! With Xiao Nan at home, Ye Mo dare not come!"

Jiangnan: ! ! !

That Night Demon is me!

But seeing that so many girls are coming to live in my big villa!

Jiangnan felt that the plan of stealing slippers could also be postponed appropriately!

Um! Don't rush, don't rush!


At this moment, all the male classmates were red-eyed!

Teeth grinding! Buckle the table! Hit the radiator with your head!

[The resentment value from Zhang Huaiyu +666! ]


Why is it not us who have the big villa!

Can it be repaired~

Tao Xinyi entered the classroom with the folder in her arms, her eyes darkened even more, she covered her mouth and yawned!

"Ha woo~ Okay, classmates, let's go to class!"


director's office!

Sitting in a wheelchair, Xiao Chuihuo looked at the panoramic view of the academy through the window, his face full of sadness!


The office door was pushed open!

With a bandage on his body and a bruised face, Zhao Dezhu pushed his wheelchair to the window! Let's look into the distance together!


Two sighs! It is endless sorrow!

"Why hasn't this year been uneventful?"

"It's not peaceful... woohoo~"

Xiao Chuihuo: "Fortune tellers say I'm 91 years old! There is a big catastrophe! I feel that this catastrophe... is coming!"

Zhao Dezhu rubbed his eyes: "Why do you still believe in your life? The matter of the white-toothed ghost..."

"Send someone to check, wait for the results!"


Nursing Homes!

I saw Guan Hu knocking on the door one by one with a photo of seven teeth!

"Hey~ Uncle Zhou! I am four fat tigers! Come on, have a laugh!"

Guan Hu looked at the photo, and then looked at Uncle Zhou!

"Well~ 11 teeth, not bad! Remember to brush your teeth frequently!"

After that, I went to knock on the door of the next uncle!

At this moment, Uncle Wang, whose complexion has changed back, is pacing back and forth in the room!

They're going crazy!

"Ah sneeze~ squeak~"

Rubbing his nose, Uncle Wang peeked through the crack of the door, and he found himself right away!

"He's meow! He's careless! He wants to catch me! No way!"

After speaking, he came to the mirror, took out the pliers from the drawer, pinched a tooth in the lower row of himself and slammed it!



"Ouch! Bah! Haha! This time it's symmetrical! I see how you caught me! Goose box box~"

Can't help but give a compliment to my wit!

"Tuk tuk tuk ~ Uncle Wang? I'm four fat tigers! Come on! Open the door and laugh!"

Uncle Wang grinned, and the only six teeth left were as strong as rocks in the sea!

Guan Hu was taken aback, looked at the photo, and then looked at Uncle Wang!

This... the position of the teeth is so similar, especially that tooth!

But the number is wrong, it must be a coincidence!

"No more than four, Uncle Wang! Why do you still catch a cold? Put on more clothes!"

Uncle Wang:  …

After closing the door, Uncle Wang let out a long sigh of relief!

There are six more teeth! There are still many opportunities!

Guan Hu was a little happy to knock on the door of the next uncle!

Every uncle has fewer teeth than himself, I don't know what's going on, it's Kaisen anyway!

Ha ha!


Another morning of professional classes, Jiangnan's head is big!

After lunch, the students thought they were going to go to the gym to receive the ruthless beatings of Jiang Long and Xiashan Tiger!

But who knew that Tao Xinyi took everyone to a giant building with an oval shape similar to a turtle shell!

The sign on the door says Gravity Training Room!

The eyes of all the students could not help but light up, full of joy!

Don't you ever get beat up?

Jiangnan is a little lost!

Didn't cutie let me hit?

Tao Xinyi smiled and said, "This is the gravity training room!"

"Before entering, remember to put all the items you carry in the storage cabinet, otherwise it is easy to be dangerous!"

When everyone was ready, they followed Tao Xinyi into the retraining room!

Inside is a layout similar to the Colosseum!

It's just that the ground is paved with square metal plates of 2m x 2m!

The dense incantations engraved on the stone slabs!

The top is covered by a layer of special tempered glass!

Just walked to the metal plate!

Everyone felt their body sinking!

Double the gravity is superimposed on everyone!

If the previous weight is 70 kg! So now there are 140 kg!

Jiang Nan was also stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but think of Jiang Yun who had met Qianhu Island Lingxu before!

His ability is to control gravity!

The gravity bonus of the retraining room should be superimposed with spells! Man-made!

Yu Qingqing asked curiously, "Sister Xinyi, what's the use of gravity training?"

Tao Xinyi explained: "It can greatly improve the physical strength!"

"Normal bone density should be 1.228 (g/cm3)!"

"Muscle density (1060kg/m^3)!"

"However, in a high-gravity environment, in order to adapt to this environment, the human body will spontaneously increase bone strength, muscle density, and strengthen itself!"

"This has been verified by scientific experiments!"

"Imagine! What if your body moved freely in 10x gravity! How about going back to 1x gravity?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes lit up!

These training facilities in the Pioneer Academy are blown up!

"Brother Hu is here to become a bulletproof tiger. As long as the element output is willing to work hard, you can also have a strong body!"

"So! Work hard, classmates! Also, don't go inside casually! The further you go, the stronger the gravity!"

"This row of squares is double gravity! The next row is double! Then triple!"

"These are the credits of Sister Monroe! The weight gain spells are all tinkered with by her!"

At this moment, Jiangnan's eyes are bright!

He directly took out his own 50-jin big gold bricks!

as predicted! Under double the gravity! It turned into 100 pounds directly!

Jiang Nan swallowed, looked at the incantation on the floor, and looked at the big gold brick in his hand!

"I... I may have posted!"

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