Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 433: The Second of the Seven Incredible Events of the Academy

Could it be that Lao Tzu is really a genius?

Does the tricky trick really work?

Not right! Why can't I do my own research?

This kid is not human!

Jiang Nan's eyes were bright: "Master! You can teach me new skills again! I want to learn that Super Saiyan transformation technique!"

"Don't worry! I will never lose you! The heartthrob package will be arranged for you!"

"You will definitely become the most beautiful old man in the nursing home!"

Li Kai's face turned pale and sweat was pouring down!

I know a wooly Saiyan transformation technique wow!

Those cheats are all things that Lao Tzu watched cartoons, plus some of his own guesses and understandings!

If you let me show this, where do I go to transform you into a Saiyan? Remember for a second http://

Wouldn't that reveal the bottom? Where do you let my old face go!

"Cough cough~ hey... oops? I suddenly heard that there is still boiling water in the room! Look at my memory! Another day! Another day to teach!"

Jiangnan: "Which house?"

"205...It's okay, you don't have to send me! I'll..."

Before Li Kai could finish speaking, Jiangnan disappeared!

Appears again after three seconds!

"Master, you haven't boiled water in your house! I remember it wrong! I just went to take a look..."

[The resentment value from Li Kai +1000! ]

[From Li Kai…]

Do you want to be so desperate, boy?

Can't I give Lao Tzu a step down?

Uncle, don't be embarrassed!

Jiang Nan was stunned, why are you still blaming me?

Do you think there is a shortage of a heartthrob package?

"I still have a good baby! Uncle, look..."

Li Kai's face darkened, he couldn't do it if he didn't run!

Arm muscles bulge! Push the wheelchair! Eject with incredible speed!

The shadow disappeared in an instant!

Ning Youyou: Σ(?△?????)

Grandpa Kai really knows how to survive!

You can run faster in a wheelchair than on legs!

Li Kai smiled proudly: (????)

Pioneer Academy is racing wheelchairs!

I am the second emperor, but no one dares to be the first!

You son of a bitch eat right behind me...

"Master Kai! Don't go! I really have a good baby! Just teach me!"

I saw Jiang Nan's body continuously teleporting!

Always maintain a level with Li Kai!

[The resentment value from Li Kai +666! ]


Li Kai gritted his teeth, can you catch up with this?

That's why I'm not fast enough!

At this moment, Li Kai's eyes stared like copper bells, and his arms pushed out phantoms!

The speed resumed, directly breaking the record of Xiao Chuhuo 120!

I don't believe you can still...

"Master! Look at this! A plate of scrambled eggs with leeks will definitely rekindle your youth!"

At this moment, Jiangnan teleported wildly, his body was blurred into a phantom, he was holding a bundle of leeks in his hand, and his face was full of hope!

[The resentment value from Li Kai +1000! ]


Can you let me go? I'm chasing it!

Wheelchair bearings are flying sparks!

"Master, I'm not feeling well today, another day! I'll teach you another day!"

Jiangnan:  …

"Uncle, don't you make drafts for grilling shrimp?"

Unwell, wheelchair so fast?

At this moment, the two galloped across the square like a gust of wind!

Stunned everyone!

"Huh? What's going on all of a sudden?"

"South God...that's the South God!"

"It's Lao Li again! How many times have I told him not to be in a wheelchair in the academy! Why are you still racing?"

"It's alright if people crash, but what's wrong with crashing flowers and plants?"

At this moment, Li Bing, who was holding 5 buckets of instant noodles, passed by the square humming a song!

Jiang Nan and Li Kai, who watched Hurricane rush past, were once again stunned...

Li Bing: (*???)!!

The noodles fell to the ground!

He quickly took out the small notebook in the white coat and wrote a topic with a pen!

"On Why Centenarians in Wheelchairs Can Frequently Create Speed ​​Miracles! 》

"Well~ this is worth further study!"


A Jiangnan who teleported back to Ning Youyou was a little unwilling!

You can't force the uncle to teach yourself, you can only learn it another day!

"Yuyou! You must seize the opportunity, you know?"

"The one just now was Uncle Treasure! I learned that trick from him! Isn't he handsome?"

Ning Youyou couldn't help nodding her head, smiling sweetly: "Mmmm! Handsome!"

At 8 p.m., the volunteer activity ends!

The students gathered, all of them were there, but Qi Yu and Qin Shuo were missing!

The two of them are now full of excitement, facing the loess and turning their backs to the sky, holding the pickaxe excitedly!

She sweated profusely and turned the floor for Grandma Liu!

Well done!

Students who have been tired all day have returned to the dormitory!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao's gains are also not small!

Zhong Yingxue has learned to use a special method to increase his spiritual power output!

Xia Yao, on the other hand, learned from her aunt to sense the enemy by distinguishing smells!

both are useful!

Xia Yao: "Don't just ask the two of us, what did Xiaonan learn?"

Zhong Yingxue snickered: "At more than six o'clock, the thunder behind you has nothing to do with you, right?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "The unique skills I learned today are amazing! When I learn all the unique skills of the uncle! I will be invincible!"

The two were stunned for a moment, is it so boring?

Then he looked at each other and nodded, and walked towards the gym in the basement!

"Xiao Nan, go to sleep first!"

"Well, let's practice for a while!"

Jiang Nan looked at the backs of the two, and his eyes were all soft!

"I'll accompany you!"


In the nursing home, Uncle Wang was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling, not forgetting the binoculars in his hand!

Sleepless nights!

I couldn't help but took out the black garlic that Jiangnan gave me!

"Melting in the night? Experience the beauty of life?"

"I want to see how wonderful life is!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he ate the black garlic!


A nosebleed flowed down the nostrils unsatisfactorily!

At this moment, things within a radius of 1,000 meters clearly come to mind!

Brilliantly exposed, full of details!

Uncle Wang wiped his nosebleed with his trembling hand and threw the binoculars directly into the trash can!

"Life! Tete Meow is wonderful!"

What a wall-breaking telescope! It's just weak, right?

Gangnam, right? Your boy's unique skills! Sir, I have taught!

Uncle Wang, who got up and got out of bed, looked at himself in the mirror in amazement!

The darkened skin of the whole body allows you to completely melt into the night!

grin! The only seven teeth left in the mouth are exposed!

It's like floating in the air out of thin air!

"Goose Box ~ Goose Box Box Box ~"

Three minutes later!

Uncle Wang disappeared!

Only the long johns on the bed and the binoculars in the trash can cry silently!

"Hi~ dozens of degrees below zero! It's cold enough!"


The next morning!

At 6 o'clock, Jiangnan three appeared in the classroom on time!

But I saw the girls in the class with big dark circles under their eyes...

Ning Youyou is still sobbing!

Jiang Nan was stunned: "What are you all doing?"

"Forum! See for yourself!"

"It's terrible! I don't want to live in a girls' dormitory!"

Jiangnan couldn't help but open the forum!

A post directly topped off yesterday's Xiashanhu vs Guojianglong!

Title: The Second of the Seven Incredible Events for Students! The trembling white-toothed ghost!

The bottom of the post has been captured by the big girls!

The name of the account is generally called "March Peach Blossom"! "Blossoming Rich"! "Blue Rose"! some type of!

The strong sense of age is coming!

"Last night scared me to death! I always feel like someone is staring at me outside the window, and I don't even dare to look!"

"Yeah! I looked up! There are seven big white teeth floating outside the window!"

"And it's knocking up and down! Teeth chattering! Occasionally disappears and then appears!"

"Is it a clicking sound? I heard it last night too!"

"I filmed it! It's so scary, I always feel like it's going to bite me!"




Still an animation! In the picture, there is a white tooth floating outside the window, and it also has a gap!

The top three! Four below!

The rattling rattled non-stop!

"Scare people to death! This kind of thing has never happened in our nursing home before!"

"I told old man Xiao! I must give an explanation!"

Jiangnan's face turned black! You fucking white-toothed ghost!

Remember that there are only seven teeth left in Uncle Wang's mouth!

It's minus twenty or thirty degrees this night! You always want to melt into the night!

Don't wear anything, stand outside the window and look inside!

It would be strange not to be shivering! Freeze it!

You are always too dedicated to experience the beauty of life, don't catch a cold again!

Why are you carrying someone behind your back?

Xia Yao was stunned: "Xiao Nan! This white tooth..."

Zhong Yingxue: "It's hey hei..."


The two quickly covered their mouths!

If Uncle Wang is exposed, he won't be beaten to death by those big ladies, but he has to hide it a little!

(ps: Today is the last day of the topic activity, friends, you must remember to leave a message on the topic page, thank you! Hey!)

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