Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2959 Xiao Nan's growth!

sweet! Very sweet!

It's not that Jiangnan hasn't been gnawed by the big wolf before, and more than once!

But this time, the feeling was different from the previous ones. The sweet heart flustered, and the satisfaction from the heart seemed to overflow from the heart!

More importantly, it may be inner satisfaction, right?

In the past, Jiang Nan didn't dare to respond, and always stood there awkwardly!

But this time, Jiangnan no longer refused, no longer paced around, but bravely opened the door!

To embrace love, to welcome that brand new beginning!

Jiang Nan hugged Xia Yao tightly in his arms, as if he would never let go!

With the starry sky as the background, a kiss is affectionate!

Feeling Jiangnan's firm embrace, Xia Yao's heart melted, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the fulfillment of her wish for a moment!

It turns out that love is such a sweet thing!

After a long time, Xia Yao couldn't help but gently pushed Jiangnan away, wiped her mouth, and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes!

(??????~???) "Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment? I thought you would never respond..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "I've figured out some things, it's also a pity not to start..."

I saw Xia Yao smirking badly:

(????) "Although it's a bit late, there are still less than three days left, so it's still too late! Are you right?"

After speaking, he gave Jiang Nan an elbow, and his big eyes kept looking at Jiang Nan's body, and his eyes became teasing, and he licked his lips while smirking!

Jiang Nan swallowed, his heart beat faster, he didn't know what Xia Yao meant!

When it came to the real chapter, Jiang Nan became a little nervous instead!

Xia Yao smiled: "Although Ben Lang Mie can't wait a long time ago, I've been coveting for a long time... But it's not the time yet..."

"Now...the one you should look for the most is Xuexue~"

Jiang Nan was startled, his expression became even more embarrassed, he scratched his head and said:

"I know...but...but you don't mind?"

Xia Yao pointed to her nose and opened her mouth wide:

?(°口°?) "Me? Huh? Would I mind? I wish you could do more homework! After all, what's yours is mine!"

"When you're not at home, it's all mine! I can eat the meat, and the vegetarian ones are completely ok, okay?"

Jiangnan: (?﹏??)

Forgive me for not knowing what to say right now!

Seeing that Xia Yao straightened her expression, she arranged Jiangnan's hairstyle:

(??????) "Go~ Xuexue has been waiting for you!"

"This most important moment must belong to you and Xuexue. You have to give her an answer, the answer she has been waiting for!"

"I won't bother you, this is Xuexue's exclusive moment, she loves you more than herself..."

Jiang Nan took a deep breath and nodded heavily: "Okay! Then... I'll tidy up, change clothes and take a shower, think about what to say, and then..."

Xia Yao rolled her eyes at Jiang Nan, turned around and slammed her butt into Jiang Nan's body!

(???~??)? "Prepare some wool, you? You're already handsome, okay? Go, go! Don't lose the chain, you?"

While talking, he pushed Jiangnan away!

"Hurry up, you? Huh, a moment is worth a thousand gold! You only have two days, hurry up, you?"

Jiangnan ran faster for a while...

Xia Yao looked at Jiangnan's back until he completely disappeared before her eyes!

And at this moment, Xia Yao also showed a gratified expression on her face!

He sighed, "Finally... finally?"

She couldn't help but clenched her small fist and waved it to the sky!

? (????)?

Excited Xia Yao couldn't help but let out a few wolf howls, and then ran in one direction while covering her face!

I was still muttering: "The person you like also likes you? Hey~ Hey~ Smelly Xiaonan!"

"No, no, no! You can't smirk anymore, you have to prepare well, um~ it's worth a thousand gold, it's worth a thousand gold, huh huh~"

Xia Yao at this moment is as excited as a child...


In Zhong Yingxue's room, at the moment Zhong Yingxue is half-sitting on the floor and arranging the things in the storage box...

There are old photos from the orphanage, candy skins, and all kinds of weird gadgets, none of which are valuable.

Until Zhong Yingxue opened an old "Grimm's Fairy Tales", opened the book, and there was a withered yellow flower that was pressed into a bookmark, picked up the little flower, Zhong Yingxue burst into a smile!

This is when Jiang Nan was a child, he secretly picked out the flowers raised by the teacher in the orphanage, scooped up several pots, gave them to Zhong Yingxue, put them on her head, and acted like a princess!

Jiang Nan played the role of the prince with a wooden sword, but before the prince rescued the princess, he was spanked by the old witch transformed by the teacher of the orphanage...

Turning to the story page of "Princess Rose", there is a ring in the book...

The ring was just wound out of the little golden wire on the mouth of the dog-tooth crispy snack bag...

Zhong Yingxue touched the ring, her thoughts flew away~

The remembrance in her eyes slowly turned into that firm color, and she suddenly got up from the ground!

However, as soon as she turned around, Jiang Nan appeared in the room!

Zhong Yingxue hastily closed the book, looking flustered!

(??﹏???) "Xiao...Xiaonan? Why are you here? Where's Yaoyao? Didn't you look for you?"

Jiang Nan took a deep breath and looked directly into Zhong Yingxue's eyes:

"Xuexue... In two days, I will go to Xianzhou Star and leave this starry sky..."

"Before I leave, I have something to tell you!"

Zhong Yingxue was startled, her eyes dimmed, and she nodded in a daze!

But at this moment, she clenched her hands tightly, looked directly at Jiangnan, and said eagerly:

(??﹏?) "I like you! Let's be together!"

(?≥mouth≤)? "I like you! Let's be together!"

The two spoke at the same time, and their voices overlapped at this moment, word for word!

Jiang Nan and Zhong Yingxue looked at each other in astonishment at this moment, and the room returned to silence!

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ha... How did we manage to be so synchronized?"

Jiang Nan laughed straight away, and Zhong Yingxue also tilted her head and laughed!

"But...maybe this is a tacit understanding?"

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yingxue didn't care about anything else, and threw herself into Jiangnan's arms, hugging Jiangnan tightly and never letting go!

Burying his head deeply in Jiangnan's chest, he said sullenly, "Do you know? How long have I been waiting for your words..."

Jiang Nan could feel that the front of his chest was wet with tears...

Jiang Nan didn't say anything, just hugged Zhong Yingxue tightly, and put his chin on her shoulder...

"I know...I've always known it, but I've never dared to hug and face it..."

"The best Xuexue in the world, how can I not want to..."

Zhong Yingxue buried her head even deeper, and hummed in a crying tone...

The two hugged like this for a long, long time...

Only then did Zhong Yingxue break free from Jiangnan's embrace, and opened the book of fairy tales!

He took out the golden wire ring that was on the page of the prince and princess, and there was a smile in his red eyes!

"Remember this?"

Jiang Nan took the ring, his eyes full of memories:

"Why don't you remember? This is a dog-tooth rice crust that I bought with a huge sum of two yuan, and it's made of wire!"

Zhong Yingxue bared a smile: "I ate all the snacks, and you still lick my fingers!"

Jiang Nan scratched his head and laughed: "It's a pity! The prince will rescue the princess soon and put a ring on her, but he was taken away by the old witch and spanked. Damn, the old witch misled me!"

Zhong Yingxue smiled even more happily, and couldn't help stretching out her fair little hand towards Jiangnan!

"Then now... the princess and the prince are together, and there is no old witch to make trouble, so you can wear this ring, right?"

Jiang Nan was startled, looking at Zhong Yingxue who was blushing pretty, almost sweetened himself to death, okay?

She couldn't help picking up the gold wire ring, and put it on Zhong Yingxue's finger with her own hands!

Zhong Yingxue smiled even more happily, and couldn't help raising her hands to admire: "This is so beautiful~"

Jiang Nan wiped his nose and panicked, "Xuexue...I..."

Zhong Yingxue smiled and grabbed Jiangnan's hand:

"I know what you think. You are afraid that you will fall on the road and you won't be able to give me a perfect ending, so you dare not start. This is one aspect..."

"At the same don't know how to deal with the love that you show to you. Love is selfish. Everyone hopes that only you can enjoy it..."

"If you accept a share, the hearts of others will be broken. You can't handle it, so you can only choose to escape and stop..."

"Of course... It can also be said that you are a typical lustful heart, but you have no lust~"

Jiang Nan covered his face, but he couldn't deny it, so he could only give a muffled hum!

Zhong Yingxue smiled and touched the top of Jiangnan's head: "Of course I hope I can have it all to myself and get all your love!"

"But I can do this again, because along the way, I am not the only one by your side, and they are also my good partners!"

"If I really want to do that, you may never dare to take that step in your life. In fact...I discussed this issue with Yaoyao long ago, and we have reached a consensus!"

"It's a pity that you are so stubborn! I can't figure it out, and it's useless to say it. We have clearly made so many hints and made it clear, you little fool!"

"Since I choose to love you, I won't make it difficult for you. It would be nice to be more lively, isn't it?"

"Go and accept it calmly. They are worth it, and you are also worth it. At least this moment belongs to you and me!"

"And we also have our own stories, little secrets..."

After speaking, Zhong Yingxue smiled, tapped Jiangnan's lips, and let out a mua!

Jiang Nan rubbed his eyes, and threw himself into Zhong Yingxue's arms, like a pig pushing a cabbage, pushing hard non-stop!

"Xuexue~woo~Xuexue! The best Xuexue in the world!"

Zhong Yingxue was so tickled by Jiang Nan, she couldn't help giggling, she blushed more and more as she thought of something!

(?乛﹏乛?) "Xiao... Xiaonan, since... since we are already together, then... what do I need? I'm already mentally prepared!"

"It's not that I think about it, it's because... because you're leaving and staying there for so long, me, me, me..."

Jiang Nan raised his head sharply, with a smirk all over his face:

(???????) "What are you doing?"

Zhong Yingxue's eyes dodged, her pretty face turned even redder, and she couldn't help pouting:

(??﹏??) "Just... just what? You know!"

Jiangnan couldn't hold back his joy:

(????) "I don't know, please explain to me!"

Zhong Yingxue closed her eyes tightly, stomped her little feet and said:

(?≥﹏≤)? "Hey! It's like this!"

After speaking, he rushed towards Jiangnan, and poked Jiangnan's lips!

Then a flame ignited, directly swept the two people's bodies, and burned everything outside of them!

With a plop, Jiangnan was directly pushed down by Zhong Yingxue on Guangmu!

On the spot, he began to explain to Jiangnan exactly what "inside what" is!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

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