Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2958 Do you know what the luckiest thing in the world is?

Xia Yao, who always had a smile on her face, never collapsed again, she was always the happiest, the one who always broke up heavy topics and enlivened the atmosphere!

But this time, she didn't hold on!

Xia Yao couldn't help but wonder how Jiangnan would live the past three hundred years, another starry sky far away, in a completely strange world, with no relatives!

Even if I miss everyone, I can't come back!

If there is a universe in that world, if something happens that prevents Jiangnan from coming back, and if everything goes well...then for Jiangnan, the Starry Sky World of Immortal Palace is also a lonely prison...

He has been in this world for less than thirty years, but now, in order to keep his fantasy reality, he has to spend more than three hundred years alone!

Everything is unknown!

Xia Yao has tried her best to maintain her smile all the way, to create the most beautiful and happiest memories for Jiangnan, and let him have some memories after going to the starry sky...

But she messed up, seeing Xing Cheng's teeth marks, Xia Yao broke her defense...

Jiang Nan looked at Xia Yao with a sense of loss, and Zhong Yingxue raised his hand to grab it in the direction Zhong Yingxue left, but it was empty...

The atmosphere in the arena seemed a bit heavy!

Jiang Nan's eyes dimmed, and he looked down at his feet. "Xiaonan's home" was still filled with the fragrance of wood...

Wu Liang wiped his nose, stepped forward and patted Jiangnan on the shoulder:

(??°??°) "Brother Nan~I don't know how to say nice things... let alone comfort people..."

"But do you remember that I doubted my feelings for Miaomiao when I was in the 097 outpost in Dike's no-man's land? You persuaded me and made me understand my sincerity..."

"Since you like it, then go after it? My lord, why are there so many twists and turns? The most touching thing in this world is never an expensive gift or sweet rhetoric, but a sincere heart!"

"Miaomiao and I have come all the way, aren't we doing well?"

Jiang Nan gave a wry smile, but in the end, he was persuaded by Wu Liang, a tough guy!

Xiong Er also stepped forward and said: "Brother Nan, I know that you are worried that something will happen to you, you will not be able to come back, and you will disappoint Sister Xue and the others, but then again, if the worst result really comes, you have never been able to face it directly. Sincerely, do you regret it?"

"Never live in an awkward way. When my Xiaoqi and I were at the beginning, I also thought it was impossible. I am a bear and she is a human. Humans and bears have different ways? But now? I have even seen my father-in-law. !"

"Since you're going, don't go with regrets! Brother Nan, I support you!"

Jiang Nan stroked his forehead with his hand, and even Xiong Er came to persuade me, hey!

Xing Cheng tilted his head in confusion:

?(???????)? "Although I don't quite understand, but ~together~together~oh oh oh~together~"

Xing Cheng jumped up on the spot, and the little carp beside her followed suit~

The little dimple looked serious:

??(??°??°)?? "Brave Nannan ~ not afraid of difficulties!"

With a face full of embarrassment, Jiang Nan pushed Wu Liang and the others out of the house with a blushing old face!

??(≥﹏≤?) "Go, go! Stay wherever it is cool, let me be alone for a while!"

After the door was closed, there was no movement!

Wu Liang scratched his head:

?(??v~v?) "Brother Nan... he can figure it out by himself, right? There are still three days, there is still time..."

Xiong Er said with some emotion: "Brother Nan, he can handle other people's affairs in an orderly manner, but when it's his turn, he can't do it. I hope~"

The little dimple rolled his eyes:

??(??~??*)?? "Let's not worry about this, when did brother Jiangnan fall off the chain, oops ~ let's go, give him some private space..."

Several people left Xianzhouxing while chatting!

Jiang Nan leaned against the gate, listening to the sound of a group of people walking away...

In the end, it was completely quiet, only the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the woods, and the sound of falling water from the waterfall...

Jiang Nan could even hear his own heartbeat...

I saw Jiangnan looking up at the empty home!

He murmured softly, "Don't you have any regrets?"


The night of Xianzhouxing is cold and lonely!

Jiang Nan lay on his back on the roof of the big golden villa, looking up at the night sky...

The original reality flowed through my mind, countless regrets, countless regrets, it was too late!

In the original reality, because of Type 17 burning blood, Jiangnan knew that he had no future, so he dared not open his mouth, dare not love...

But in the reality of the dream, everyone has experienced so much ups and downs together, and walked all the way until today!

Jiang Nan still didn't dare to love. As the person at the front, Jiang Nan had to bear too much. He was afraid that one day he would fall down and couldn't hold on...

If you go to love, you may only leave them with endless regrets in the end!

So I have been avoiding it all the time, not daring to go forward, even if it is a step... this really good?

So no regrets?

Because you are afraid of a sad ending, deny the beauty in the process?

If you don’t dare to start, where do you start talking about happiness and beauty!

In the end, is he really going to leave like this, full of longing and reluctance?

Li Bing's words, Wu Liang's and Xiong Er's words echoed in his mind all the time!

Jiangnan looked up at the sky, but because the clouds were too thick, he couldn't see the stars all over the sky!

I saw Jiangnan raised his hand and waved lightly, and the space flowed, as if a pair of invisible giant hands pushed away the clouds!

The thick cloud layer cracked an extremely wide gap, clearing the clouds and seeing the fog, and the bright starlight splashed down like autumn water, shining on Jiangnan's body!

At this moment, in Jiangnan's dark eyes, the reflection is full of stars and the sea!

I saw Jiangnan pulling out from his body, and a spike necklace was pulled out from his body, held high by Jiangnan, hanging in front of his eyes!

Ever since Da Lang Mie gave this thing to him, Jiang Nan has been wearing it on his body all the time, and the wolf tooth has been shone brightly!

In the original reality, this necklace became the only souvenir Xia Yao left for Jiangnan, and she warned him not to open it!

Jiang Nan was also obedient and didn't open it, so he kept it with him all the time...

At this moment, Jiang Nan couldn't help but wonder, what... is there?

He couldn't help but grabbed the wolf tooth necklace and studied it carefully!

After poking around for a long time, Jiangnan gently spun the wolf tooth necklace, and even opened the wolf tooth!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't help getting up to check carefully!

It turns out that the wolf tooth necklace is hollow, with a tightly rolled small note stuffed inside!

Because time has passed for too long, it has turned yellow!

Jiang Nan swallowed, and carefully opened the note, and there was a line of words written on the small note!

"? Xia Yao likes Jiangnan? I like it the most~"

The moment he saw the note, the expression on Jiang Nan's face froze suddenly, his scalp was numb, and a tingling feeling rushed from his spine to Tianling!

His heartbeat accelerated crazily, as if he had been hit by something, and his face was flushed red!

It turned out that at that time Xia Yao...

Is this the secret hidden in the spike necklace?

It has been hidden for so long!

Jiang Nan couldn't bear the throbbing in his chest anymore, and didn't want to bear it anymore!

I saw Jiangnan standing up suddenly, his eyes were even a little moist, grabbing the spike necklace and the paper, turning into a cloud-piercing arrow, and heading straight for the starry sky!

=????=????=????(???口??)? "Ahhhhhh!"


Xia Yao's eyes were still a little red at the moment, and after being comforted by Zhong Yingxue, she adjusted her mood!

I plan to go to Xianzhouxing again, find Jiangnan, and tell him not to worry about myself, just go at ease, and just make up nonsense that I am emotionally unstable during a special period or something!

Otherwise, even if Xiao Nan leaves, she will feel uncomfortable, right?

Right now, he was going to Xianzhou Star, but he couldn't help sighing and said:

(???) "Hey~ I messed up, why can't I hold back..."

Sighing, Xia Yao scratched her head annoyedly, then forced a sweet smile in the mirror!

But it still seemed to be a little stiff, so I changed to another one, and I was practicing there!

And at this moment, once the glazed light flashed past Xia Yao!

Xia Yao was stunned for a moment!

Seeing that glass-colored light slam on the brakes, it turned around and flew straight towards him!

Xia Yao was startled, Xiao Nan?

Shocked, she quickly hid the mirror and rubbed her eyes casually!

And Jiang Nan's body suddenly appeared in front of Xia Yao!

Xia Yao tilted her head and said:

(??????)???? "What's the rush? Where are you going?"

"During the day... don't you care? I'm just..."

But before Xia Yao finished speaking, Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows at Xia Yao!

(??????) "Hey~ Big Wolf Mie, do you know what the luckiest thing in this world is?"

Xia Yao was stunned, why did she suddenly ask this?

(??v~v??) "What... what?"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "The luckiest thing in the world is...the person you like also likes you~"

While speaking, he spread his hands, and in the palm of one hand was the dismantled spike necklace, while in the other hand was the spread out little note!

With a sly smile on her face~

Xia Yao froze suddenly, as if something exploded in her chest, she stood there blankly!

And Jiang Nan's face became more and more red, his eyes dodged to peek at Xia Yao's reaction!

(??﹏???) "You... would you like to give me some feedback? I've been thinking about it for a long time!"

However, looking at Jiangnan's embarrassing and shy expression, Xia Yao sniffed, her eyes filled with tears!

I raised my head and cried loudly on the spot, crying super loudly, the kind that I can't bear anymore, crying loudly!


Jiangnan was in a hurry, his face was full of panic!


I saw Xia Yao crying loudly, crying:

???·(???????????)??·? "I just managed to hold back!"

"You guy, finally! Are you finally willing to speak?"

Jiang Nan scratched his head in embarrassment:

?(???﹏??) "I... I... sorry... I..."

I saw Xia Yao raised her hand and punched Jiangnan directly on the stomach. She gave Jiangnan a "poof" and bent down!

Xia Yao, who was still crying just a moment ago, burst out laughing, she didn't know if she was crying or laughing!

"Pfft ha ha ha ha ~ what a crappy way of confessing! You're dead!"

Jiang Nan clutched his stomach, his face full of embarrassment:

(¬﹏¬?) "It's... not very earthy, is it? Is it more earthy than hiding a small note in a necklace?"

Xia Yao rubbed her eyes, her earlobes turned red!

But looking directly at Jiangnan's eyes, the eyes are full of love!

"But no matter how dirty! I like it too! I like it the most!"

While speaking, he couldn't help but took a step forward, hugged Jiangnan, stood on tiptoe and kissed Jiangnan's lips deeply!

this kiss! It is the long wait and the full love that has been suppressed in the heart!

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