Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2881 Abyss of Time!

Thanks to the beating experience they got from Mailiu Shi, Chen Mu and Liu Su endured the beating to the death, and survived the most intense stage alive after all!

The kuang kuang beating group headed by Jiang Nan has severely passed the addiction to the handle!

That's where it stopped!

The main reason is that the Stardust Clan seems to have become numb to the scene of their star swallowing being beaten, and the resentment value is not as intense as it was at the beginning, and has entered a period of weakness!

It's pointless to fight any more, it's a waste of energy!

Jiangnan knows, it's time to change!

I saw Jiangnan got up, took a mouthful of Dudu's pacifier, and spit out a mouthful of rich milky fragrance!

As the saying goes, a cigarette afterwards is better than a living god!

Xuexue does not allow smoking, and the pacifier is not bad~

Jiang Nan smacked his lips:

(?°???°)? "It feels good, it is indeed a good experience, and it is not in vain!"

"Brothers? Let's go~ Go to the Chaos Clan for a walk, and try his hand to swallow the stars?"

"Ahahaha~ This is really exciting~"

After speaking, he left with the kuang kuang beating group, everyone had a satisfied expression on their faces!

With the sweat of hard work on the face, under the light of the stars, it exudes a charming brilliance!

Only Chen Mu Liusu, who had been beaten up, was left lying in the starry sky, completely embarrassed!

Cold tears flow wantonly on the face!


Woo~ The Jiang bully is not human, is he? Leave after the fight?

You are having fun, but what about us?

What's the difference between this and a scumbag who left after the disaster?

Pooh! Zha Nan!

This kind of behavior, the mental trauma left in our hearts may not be healed in a lifetime?

But Jiangnan kept his word, he didn't do anything to the Stardust Clan, he really left after fighting!

???口????(#??? "Puff~ Don't leave now? You have withdrawn Styx for us? Hey hey hey~"

However, Jiangnan has gone far!


At this moment, the home star field of the Chaos Race has become a mess here!

After all, Jiangnan just announced that he is going to come to the Chaos Clan for a fight!

Witnessed the tragic situation of Chen Mu Liusu!

How could Chu Yang and Ji Ran remain calm? After all, it was already repaired by Jiangnan during the Vertex War!

And Jiangnan is stronger than that time?

Both of them are going crazy!

Chu Yang gritted his teeth and said:

???¬必¬??? "Xuan Se? Are you fucking blind? Does this really work?"

Xuan Se said eagerly:

??????????????? "You two old the ancestors believe in me and it's over!"

"Based on my understanding of Nanshen, as long as you do this, he will definitely not do it, after all, he will not hit the smiling face!"

"Even if we really do strike, we will hit harder than other families. This is the situation, what else do we have to do?"

"Surrender from the beginning, obey the destiny, and be beaten a little less!"

Chu Yang's face was dark: ???????????????????? "But...but isn't this too embarrassing?"

Xuan Se hates iron but not steel:

????????? "You still have a fart face? It's as embarrassing as being beaten, is it wrong? Trust me! Do you trust me?"

Ji Ran gritted her teeth: "Just trust him once, otherwise there is no other way!"

And at this moment, Xuan Se suddenly gave a shock: "Here we come, you go!"

Sure enough, the kuang kuang thugs wobbled over!

Chu Yang looked at each other silently, his eyes were full of determination, he couldn't help but nodded, and rushed out of the galaxy!

Facing Jiangnan directly is a fistful salute!

They said in unison: "Welcome Nanshen to our clan and come to hold a beating meeting! I, Chuyang, and Jiran sincerely thank Nanshen for taking time out of his busy schedule to fight!"

"The venue and the victim are all ready, we will definitely give you the most enjoyable beating experience!"

"Nan Shen, please do it!"

Lang Lang's words echoed in the starry sky, looking directly at the star swallowing of other races!

Jiang Nan also froze in place, with a dazed expression on his face!


Xuan Se had her hips on her hips, grinning triumphantly!


We cooperate so much, I don't believe that Nan Shen can do it!

Noah sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??w???) "The two of them...are they seriously ill? It's the first time I've seen them being beaten like this!"

"He...they are so proactive?"

At this moment, Chu Yang and Ji Ran were also full of apprehension. The face is not important, as long as it works!

I saw Jiangnan grinning:

?(〃?????) "Hahaha! I didn't expect the two of you to cooperate so well. If that's the case, you can't let your interest go!"

"Let's play a few more rounds to commend the two of you for your awareness! Let's go together!"

Xuan Se's expression froze on the spot, petrified in place!

???°△°??? Why is this different from what you imagined?

While Jiang Nan was talking, he rushed forward with Wu Yang Wu Yang, the kuang kuang beating group, and started a brutal beating on the two of them on the spot!

Chu Yang and Ji Ran were directly stunned!

We cooperate so much, how many more rounds do you want to play?

Xuanse, the bastard, cheated on us, you?

??#)≥??Yie≤(#???? "Ahhh! Xuanse! You are so lazy, you are afraid that you want us to be beaten to death, so why don't you take the opportunity to take the position?"

"Come here! Pull Xuanse down and beat me! The beating must be worse than the two of us!"

Xuan Se was pulled down on the spot!

It's still struggling:

????????? "No! This is not right? There must be something wrong! My analysis is fine!"

"It must be you two old Biden who are black! It's definitely not my problem to have old grudges or something!"

Xuan Se cried, the only time to persuade the clan, but you let me lose so thoroughly!

Nan Xin, sea needle?

In fact, if it wasn't for the purpose of collecting grievance points, Jiangnan would really be a little bit reluctant to beat him when he encountered such a situation, maybe he would just forget it and go directly to the next house!

It's just that the situation is special now, and Jiang Nan can only be an inappropriate person!

The whole starry sky tour is still in full swing, and this is just the beginning!

And today, it is destined to be the beginning of the nightmare of quality alliance!


Jiang Nan's actions and the strength he displayed directly caused a major earthquake in the starry sky, and he was followed by countless eyes!

Everyone is in danger for a while!

This naturally includes silicon and Bose!

Although the unlucky one is the quality alliance, it does not mean that the flames of war will not spread to the other two!

After all, when Jiangnan disappeared and the Carbon Alliance was weak, Siji and Bose also made trouble!

After finding the trouble with the quality alliance, the next thing I'm afraid is to attack the other two!

The ancestor machine is now sitting in the lithographic star field, frantically analyzing all the battle scenes in the south of the Yangtze River!

The mechanical eyes kept staring at Yinhui!

Dayan anxiously said:

[┐? Yi?┌] "Master Silicon Master, have you analyzed any weaknesses? Is there any possibility of suppressing him?"

The ancestor machine shook his head:

[┐? Yi? ┌] "It's very tricky. The reason why Jiangnan is so strong comes from the energy of the source!"

"After data collection and analysis, the origin of this boundary source energy is quite large, and it is simply not comparable to the boundary force!"

"This kind of energy is impossible to exist in the world after birth. It is the energy and nutrient that all pseudo-universes, even the universe, dream of!"

"Today's Jiangnan can even compete with the Vientiane of the pseudo-universe, and even suppress it head-on. The ancestor machine absolutely has no possibility of suppressing him..."

Dayan's cpu started to smoke!

"The matter is difficult now, and the possibility of Jiangnan attacking Siji cannot be ruled out! Once there is a direct conflict, the ancestor machine cannot be suppressed, and the loss will be great!"

"Can you use Zhong Xingwu to bomb the carbon alliance's home star field as a threat? Use this to force Jiangnan to stop?"

Master Silicon shook his head: "Maybe it will be useful, but for Jiangnan, which has the energy of the boundary source, the threat is no longer great, and the gain outweighs the loss!"

"We can't go on like this anymore, we must act first!"

"The sudden rise of Jiangnan's strength has seriously threatened the interests of all families, and it is a matter of survival!"

"If necessary, you can contact Xunzu, Wanxiang, and the ancestor machine. The three of them will suppress Jiangnan together. I don't believe that Jiangnan can still resist!"

Dayan was startled: [┐°口°┌] "Do you want to cooperate with Xun Zu?"

Silicon Master squints: [┐¬_¬┌] "Why not? Remember, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests. All actions are to ensure the continuation and development of my silicon base!"

"It's just that Jiangnan's strength has soared to this point. Don't forget, there is another Jiangnan in the Carbon Alliance. If he..."

Before he finished speaking, the ancestor machine suddenly got up, and the eyes of the machine shot a compelling red light!

The crimson plasma light wings spread out, the thermonuclear activated, and disappeared in place in an instant!

Dayan was stunned for a moment:

└[°口°┌] "Silicon Master? Where are you going? What's wrong?"

Actually dispatched the ancestor machine directly?

Silicon Lord's voice echoes through the void!

"The main terminal! Something went wrong..."


The eastern part of the starry sky world, the Abyss of Time, is also one of the forbidden places in the starry sky!

And the degree of danger is something that even the star-swallowing bosses don't want to touch!

This is a naturally formed space abyss, which is extremely huge and bottomless!

Even if it is a super-large galaxy, it is not very conspicuous in front of the Abyss of Time!

It is not that there are no stars in the Abyss of Time!

It's just that these stars are disillusioned and disillusioned, and sometimes they go through a lifetime in an instant and turn into ashes and dust! From dust to stars sometimes!

There is even a supernova explosion, but it is in a completely static state, as if it has been frozen!

The reason why it is called the Abyss of Time is because it is full of imperceptible turbulence of time, and it is a naturally formed forbidden place!

Time may flow faster, or pause, or flow backwards, all kinds of weird phenomena may happen!

Almost no one can go deep into the Abyss of Time intact, come out alive, stay in it forever, or turn into dry bones in an instant, or even be traced back into an embryo!

Because it is too dangerous, this place has become a forgotten existence!

And in the deepest part of the Abyss of Time, in an area where time is suspended!

The main terminal of the silicon-based cube stands here!

Below the main terminal, there is a golden halo, and clock modules are floating around to stabilize the time when this area is stopped!

And it is here, the forbidden place of time that no one can touch!

Jiang Fan's figure just emerged here, with thousands of stars above his head, and bright silver starlight surging in the starry sky!

He stood on the top edge of the main body terminal like no one else!

He sat on it casually, raised his hand and knocked on the main body of the terminal!

"Hey~ Wake up, there are guests here, don't you know how to welcome them?"

Inside the main terminal, a red glow lights up...

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