Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2880 Learn to be beaten and enjoy life!

The people of the Stardust Clan are completely panicked now!

Is it okay to pull Styx over and besiege the city directly?

Originally, the Carbon League had Nether Race to join, and the River Styx should be used as an excellent fortification!

But because of the two-dimensional Rubik's Cube, the way of the Carbon Alliance was directly cut off!

But now the Carbon Alliance has completely used the Styx as an offensive weapon. Hey!

It's okay to besiege the city of Styx if there is a disagreement!

Although with Jiangnan's current strength, he is no longer afraid of the 2D Rubik's Cube, but obviously the way of besieging the city is more useful!

Following Xingcheng, he rode a small carp around the star field of the Stardust Clan!

The River Styx also began to flow around the star field!

Tassel is in a hurry!

What to do now?

Styx can even restrain himself from swallowing stars, so he can't stop it?

And even if he rushes out to stop it, there is a high probability that he will not be able to beat the little carp, and Jiangnan will not give himself this chance!

Now it’s not good to go out by yourself, and it’s not good if you don’t go out!

And Vientiane is the only existence in the world that I can count on!

Can't help but roar to the sky:

????????? "Lord Vientiane? Are you here? I can't believe you didn't hear me!"

"The Stardust Clan is the core member of the Quality Alliance. Now that the enemy is at hand, you can't ignore it?"

"If Jiangnan is allowed to behave like this, how will the members of the quality alliance feel safe in the future? How can you convince the public?"

"Maybe the Quality League fell apart because of this incident, you can't pretend you didn't see it? The Quality League needs you to stand up?"

"Is everyone saying that?"

As Tassel's words reverberated in the starry sky, Tunxing from all the members of the Zhimeng also spoke in unison, hoping that Wanxiang would stand up and stand up for the Zhimeng!

Now is not the time to watch the excitement of other houses!

Jiang Nan obviously wants to beat up all the Tunxing families one by one. If the Stardust Clan is over, it might be his family's turn next?

Vientiane certainly saw it!

But it would be strange for him to come. He was beaten up at the Beimian Starry Sky Mine just now, so what are you going to do? Will you be beaten again?

Don't you have any weird hobbies?

Jiangnan also just wanted to hit someone, and he didn't have any evil intentions?

Not to mention massacring the family, killing all the swallowing stars, smashing the quality alliance, etc., as a villain, it is really merciful!

What's wrong with just letting him vent his anger?

Besides, Xinglan and Mingquan haven't changed back yet, let alone go out and make Jiangnan unhappy!

So Vientiane just bit the bullet and pretended not to hear, and fell apart? Who are you scaring?

You try to dismantle one? The core planets are all in my little world!

The members of the Quality Alliance can rely on only me!

Vientiane has made up his mind not to go out and get beaten!

And after such a short period of time, the entire star field of the Star Clan family has been surrounded by the Styx!

It's like a silver plate lying in the starry sky!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and grabbed it, and a super long two-dimensional knife emerged in his hand!

\\=????=????=????=????=????]=¤?(??v~v?) "Choose! It is to choose to follow the entire Stardust Clan Enter the second dimension of the home star field and become a race card in the Thousand Stars Kill! Leave the fate of the race to my kindness!"

"Or come out and get beaten? Shoulder the responsibility of the race's life and death, and use this body as a race to block robbery?"

"Choose one, you don't have a third option. Even if you break your throat today, there won't be a miracle!"

Now Chen Mu and Liu Su's faces turned green, it was completely useless to expect La Wanxiang to come over as a shield!

Ghost's two choices?

There is only one to choose!

Milius opened his mouth and said:

(????●??(#??) "What is there to hesitate about? It's nothing more than a beating, but what you get in return is the peace of the entire Stardust Clan!"

"You are the stars of the Stardust Clan, enjoying the best resources, and you are the gods of the people! You should take on the big responsibility!"

"Come out quickly, the bully Jiang has no patience!"

Mai Liushi directly talked there to persuade him. Now he just wants Jiangnan to complete the entire copy of the quality alliance smoothly and leave happily!

So that Xinglan and Mingquan can be transformed back, hey!

And the three of us have been thrown at grandma's house in embarrassment, so you can't be left behind either!

If you want to be beaten, get beaten together, so that other Tunxing will use this to laugh at us in the future!

It's raining, and the child without an umbrella has to rush forward when he sees the one with an umbrella, tearing his umbrella too!

Don't even think about it if I get watered!

Tassel's face is green:

???¬俢¬??? "Shut up! You don't need to say it!"

While talking, the two took a deep breath, with firm eyes, and stepped out!

At this moment, tears welled up in the eyes of the entire Stardust Clan!

?????????﹏???????? "Old Ancestor! can't go, how can my Stardust Clan suffer such humiliation?"

"You are the gods of the Stardust Clan, and the beliefs of countless people. Even if the world collapses, you must never bow to the bully forces and admit defeat!"

A free and easy smile appeared on Liusu's face:

?????? "Compatriots, if you give up this body, you can protect our Stardust Clan and the people from persecution!"

"What's the point of mere flesh and blood? No matter how many times, my choice will only be this one, and that is to stand up!"

Chen Mu smiled:

????°▽?°??? "This is our responsibility, don't cry for me!"

"But never forget this day and the shame of today! He may be able to defeat my body, but he will never be able to defeat the soul of the Stardust Clan!"

At this moment, the Stardust Clan was full of sadness!

Many members of the Stardust Clan burst into tears!

??????????? "Woo~ This is righteousness, you two adults, in order to protect our Stardust Clan, you will not hesitate to suffer such humiliation!"

?????????`??? "Devil Jiangnan is not a human being. I remember him. One day, he must be made to pay for what he did today!"

At this time, the people of the Stardust Clan were excited, and there was no one who was angry!

After all, his ancestors were forced out to be beaten by him, so you have to hate it, okay?

Mai Liushi curled his lips, did he act so clearly? Pooh, didn't you stand up and get beaten because you didn't have to choose?

It's fun to push the boat along the water, but it's very slippery!

However, at this moment, Jiangnan's grievance value has already become numb, and the progress bar begins to increase at a slow speed again!

The power of emotions is great!

It's not that Jiangnan has to play tricks to do this, but if he doesn't do it, it's worth collecting all the grievances until the year of the monkey is full?

Only by being a wrong person can the progress bar be completed in the shortest possible time!

Now it seems that the effect of doing so is not bad!

And if it's true, Jiangnan didn't do anything harmful to them!

The Stardust Clan won't suffer any actual losses, it's just that their own Stardust Clan has been beaten!

In fact, Jiangnan can completely kill the stars for each family, or make them all into cards, or just rob the treasure house or something, but Jiangnan does not!

If someone else had Jiangnan's strength, the situation might be completely different!

But there is one thing to say, whether Chen Mu Liusu was forced or had no choice, at least they stood up for the sake of race!

There is still some responsibility!

At this moment, Chenmu Liusu and the two stood still in front of the galaxy, looking at Jiangnan and the others, their eyes were red, and their legs became weak!

Chen Mu swallowed:

???¬¬¬??? "After beating the two of us, will you really not move the Stardust Clan?"

Jiang Nan nodded: (?°??°)? "I just want to hit someone! I keep my word!"

Tassel tilted her head: ???︶亶︶??? "Don't slap your face..."

Jiang Nan grinned, and rushed towards the two of them with a ponytail in his hand!

"Everyone in the Kuang Bang Beating Group is here, and the second beating session is about to start! Give me all the strength to be constipated! Revenge if you have revenge, and revenge if you have grievances. Give me a hard beat!"

All of a sudden, the battering group rushed forward in a swarm, and hammers surrounded the two of them!

Xiao Maza and the baseball bat flew up, and the screams of Chen Mu and Liusu echoed far away!

Seeing that Tun Xing was beaten so badly in front of the whole clan, the people were even more angry!

Turn into resentment princesses one by one, and refresh Jiangnan's resentment value frantically!

Earning more ruthless than before!

Both Chen Mu and Liu Su were beaten up, and Jiangnan even opened up a bitter south wind to beat them!

Since the two of them got on Star Swallowing, when did they endure such a violent beating?

I always feel that I am on the line of life and death, let alone the embarrassing thing, when will this be called?

While being beaten, the two of them transmitted voices to Milius!

?#)?????????? "Hey hey hey~ You have been beaten before, do you have any experience? Pass it on to us?"

"Pffw~ I feel like I can't take it anymore!"

Mai Liushi was watching the two being beaten, where is Zhile of the goose box goose box!

Hearing the voice transmission of the two people asking about his experience of being beaten, he was also startled, and immediately said triumphantly:

(?√??●??(#??) "I'm quite experienced in this, you two listen to me!"

"You have to scream when you get beaten! The louder the scream, the worse the scream, the better the effect, and the better the fight in Jiangnan, the faster it will end!"

"And don't try to resist, because if they resist, they will be more excited and hit harder!"

"Hold your head with your hands, squat down and curl up into a ball, and concentrate your defenses on the head and the middle of the person, yes yes yes yes ~ that's it, and there is..."

Tassel vomits blood, does horse riding pay so much attention?

I didn't expect, I didn't expect, Mai Liushi was so experienced!

If you are so good at it, why don’t you publish a book? The name is "Experience of Getting Beaten", "Eighteen Points to Pay Attention to in Getting Beaten", "Learn to Get Beaten, Enjoy Life" or something!

Taking advantage of this opportunity to sell it to other quality alliance swallowing stars, the designation can make a lot of money, you?

But having said that, the two obediently followed the instructions of Milius!

I have to say, it still works, at least I feel better about everything!

But the quality alliance swallowing stars of other families is numb. Seeing the two of them in such a miserable state, they are anxious like ants on a hot pot!

What should I do? After beating them, it might be my turn next!

resist? How to resist!

All swallowing stars unite to attack the carbon alliance's own star field? Not to mention whether the carbon alliance's defensive measures can be broken, Jiangnan will give them this opportunity?

Even Vientiane can't beat him, so it's useless to join forces with Tun Xing?

Everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pan!

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