Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2862 The truth hidden under the dream!

Jiangnan felt his scalp numb, and a current seemed to rise from the tailbone and go straight to the sky!

Jiang Fan knows, he knows everything!

The reason why he was able to span more than three thousand years and find this time point to come back!

It means that he has already seen the future of this period!

And the future will be determined after reading it!

Normally speaking, reality will develop according to the future he has seen!

But no, human beings have not developed as Jiang Fan saw!

That's why Jiang Fan was confused and suspected that he was wrong about reality!

Now that the future has been determined, it has not developed according to the original track!

Then there is only one reason for this!

Reality... has been tampered with!

This is not the original reality, but the falsified reality!

And the node that was tampered with was the node that appeared in the warehouse of Aunt Zhou's house when Xiao Mazha and the ground spread out when I was 16 years old...

It is precisely because there are extra small horses and floor spreads out of thin air!

So it led to a series of changes in the subsequent events, breaking away from the original track, just like the butterfly effect!

And the change at that node is also the support of this falsified reality!

The root of everything!

If it is not repaired, then the falsified reality belonging to Jiangnan will not be established, and it will collapse completely...

Jiang Nan's eyes are red...

So I have to spread the pony on the ground and send it back to Aunt Zhou's warehouse when I was 16 years old!

To make up for this node, so that the reality that has been tampered with today is established, forming a complete closed time loop?

Will I lose the system, and will the floor spreader and the little maza go on forever in this closed time loop?



Doesn't this form the grandfather paradox?

If a person goes back in time and kills his grandfather, then there will be no father, let alone him!

He can't go back in time and kill his grandfather!

This is a paradox and cannot be established!

Even if I sent back the little horse and the floor spread...

How did the little Maza and the floor spread come about?

I was supposed to have it but I sent it back and I lost it...

The 16-year-old node was indeed made up, but Jiangnan's current node will not be established because the system is missing out of thin air!

There is still a gap in reality!

That gap is the system that disappears!

It's just that the disturbance node of the whole line has been moved from the age of 16 to the present!

Simply did not fundamentally solve the problem!

But such a time closed loop, there is a possibility!

That is, I will always stay in the forbidden area of ​​life, Jiangnan without a system, and never return to the line of reality!

Then there will be no stroboscopic points in reality, and this tampered reality may be established!

But the price is that Jiang Nanqiong will exist in the forbidden area of ​​life for the rest of his life, and he must never return to reality!

Otherwise, reality will surely collapse because of it!

But this is only possible!

This is just a tricky way to make up for it, the most fundamental problem is still unsolved!

What is the origin of the small Maza and the floor spread...

The system will never be born out of thin air, forming a closed time loop!

There has to be a reason, otherwise it doesn't make sense at all!

Jiang Nan's complexion was pale!

"Smelly treasure! Smelly treasure! Speak up! What is the truth?"

"I have already dug it to this extent, are you still not going to tell me?"

"Tell me! No matter what the truth is, I can accept it!"

However, the system still didn't give Jiangnan any response...

In the latest stage, the system stinky treasure doesn't talk much, the reason is definitely not that he doesn't want to talk...

The only thing Jiangnan knows is to send his current little horse and floor spread back to the 16-year-old node to plug the gap! In order for the self who lost the system to establish a closed loop of time and prevent new gaps, staying in the restricted area of ​​life forever and not returning to reality is definitely not the correct answer!

If the origin of the system is not resolved, everything will be a castle in the air, a dream come true!

"Origin... origin?"

Memories flowed through Jiangnan's mind, and figures emerged from his mind...

Styx Starfield, Sister Li Bing, Gamma Clan, Xinggeng Clan, Qing Ke, Green Onion, Subhuman Clan Hushou, Black Soul Clan, Antenna Clan, Airspeed Clan, Stars Project, Twin Clan...


Jiang Nan smiled miserably...

Did you have a hunch? heh~

How could Jiangnan, who has 800 minds, fail to think of these points?

The implementation of the Stars Project is only part of the reason for saving the world's slaves, and there are deeper reasons...

He also has his own speculation about the truth!

But Jiang Nan never wanted to get to the bottom of it!

Because he was afraid of the truth, which he could not accept...

But it doesn't work now, the real line is already flickering with disturbances!

No matter what the truth is, Jiangnan must go to find it!

Otherwise, everything that happened after I was 16 years old will be nothing but a dream, nothing will come true!

Even Jiangnan himself...will disappear!

The whole line collapses, reality is gone!

I saw Jiangnan standing up suddenly, his eyes were blood red, and he was staring at the page in front of him!

And under the disturbance strobe, hidden under this dreamlike reality line, another line seems to gradually become clear!

That is the reality hidden under the dream!

The original development track, the reality that has never been tampered with!

Covered by today's falsified reality, cover up!

And with the strobe and disturbance of tampering with reality, the truth in the darkness will also be revealed!

Jiangnan's eyes were as scarlet as blood!

He is very clear that when this reality that belongs to him collapses, the original thread will be revealed!

That's the real track!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth, pawing the gap between the pages with both hands, exhausting all his strength!

It seems to want to pick out the reality under the dream!

"Let me see! What was the original trajectory, and what is the truth!"

"Come out! Come out for me!"

Jiangnan at this moment looks like a madman!

If anyone encounters this situation, they can't calm down, right?

Knowing that all of this has been tampered with, the reality like a dream, like that rootless, may collapse and disappear at any time!

Who can bear it?

But following Jiangnan's actions, the stroboscopic disturbance disappeared so abruptly!

As if it had never appeared before!

Everything is back to normal, and there is no slight difference...

Jiangnan took a moment to stand there silently!

Keep looking at the reality with your eyes!

Jiangnan is very clear that this seemingly normal thread of reality begins at the age of 16!

There is another line hidden behind it!

That is the original trajectory, the reality under the dream!

Jiang Nan caressed the pages of the book gently, and his thoughts gradually returned to calm!

"The disturbing strobe that tampers with the thread of reality is not persistent..."

"That is to say... isn't it time to make up for that node? This line... can continue to exist for a while..."

But this is also temporary, once it reaches the point where it must be made up, if it is not made up, then this falsified reality will collapse!

Everything will be back on track!

The truth emerges from that dark place...

I still have time!

Jiang Nan closed his eyes and kept adjusting his mentality!

Opening his eyes again, his eyes were already full of persistence!

"No matter what the truth is, this is my reality, and I exist here!"

"No matter what the price is, I will protect it to the end!"

"This beauty! It's worth my life to protect!"

"I want to go out! I must go out!"

Jiang Nan, who has made up his mind, will no longer try other methods, and there is no other way!

There is only one way left, and that is to look to the future!

Rather than worrying about seeing a bad future, it seems that the collapse of the whole reality is more worrying!

Jiang Nan was even a little thankful that he was trapped here and found the disturbing strobe of reality!

Otherwise, it will be too late when it is impossible to make up for it!

Jiang Nan no longer hesitated, returned to his own page of reality, and tilted his head to look at the future!

And in the pages of the future, Jiangnan saw everyone's worries and discussions after he left!

After waiting for three days in worry, Wang Youzhi became anxious, suspecting that something went wrong with him, and he was trapped in the restricted area of ​​life!

And with Jiang Fan, try to throw a black hole into the final black hole to cause disturbance, and see if he can help himself out!

Jiang Nan's eyes are red!

(???????﹏???????)? "Damn! Yes! Why can't you? The disturbance caused by you throwing a black hole in is enough to get me out of the forbidden area of ​​life?"

I'm so lucky, right?

There are countless possibilities for the future, just look at one of the futures at random, and look at it three days later, and then encounter a turning point?

If I knew this earlier, why would I bother myself so much?

Have you seen it earlier?

But thinking of this, Jiang Nan was startled!'s not a matter of luck!

Among the countless possibilities in the future, no matter which one is possible, the Black God will throw the black hole into the final black hole and try his best to get himself out!

Not luck, but a kind of necessity!

So if Jiangnan chooses one at random, he will be "lucky" to see a turning point!

This "good luck" was bestowed on Jiangnan by Hei Shen's perseverance!

At this moment, Jiangnan suddenly recalled what Wang Youzhi had said to him before he entered the final black hole!

"You can always trust your cauldron..."

At this moment, Jiang Nan even had the urge to cry, so he couldn't help rubbing his eyes!

(???????w??) "Lai Lai, what a leg! You deserve to be my big pot! I'll kiss you when I get out!"

Jiang Fan has already brought people to drag the black hole to this side. According to this speed, it will take about three months to drag it over and throw it in!

Jiangnan only needs to find the node that will absolutely end the disturbance of the black hole three months later, and then he can drill out, escape from the forbidden area of ​​life, and escape from birth!

And Jiangnan didn't dare to look back to the future too much, because if he looked too much, Jiangnan was afraid that he would directly cross the node that must be made up, which would lead to the collapse of reality!

Jiang Fan dragged the black hole a little bit outside, and Jiang Nan also looked back a little bit inside to find the pages of the book, watching Jiang Fan drag!

Although Jiangnan does not exist in reality during this time, Jiangnan can view everything that happens in the starry sky through the pages of the book!

And the future, also because of Jiangnan's observation, has been determined little by little...

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