Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2861 That answer...a reality like a dream!

Because of absorbing a drop of energy from the sea of ​​energy, the version of the eternal glazed body was directly updated?

It's okay if the spiritual power is offline?

Originally, the total amount of spiritual power in Jiangnan's body was as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, but after replacing it with this silver-gray energy mist, it only looked like a ball...

But with such a little energy, it gave Jiangnan an inexplicable feeling of fullness, and instead of dropping, his level increased slightly!

Moreover, in the drop of energy just now, there is still a lot that Jiangnan failed to absorb, and most of it was actually wasted!

Then wouldn't I be able to absorb the energy in this sea of ​​energy to cultivate in the future?

Look at this endless sea of ​​energy!

Jiangnan quack music!

Is this not proper work?

Still worry about the energy accumulation of the fart? There is a sea here!

(?°??°)? "It's decided! I must suck up this sea in the future! Make it mine!"

Hmm~ What you see is what you get!

After expressing his grand plans and ambitions, Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and looked contemplative!

Since this sea will be mine in the future, let’s give it a name. We can’t always call this thing the Sea of ​​Energy in the future, right?

Silver-gray energy fog or something, it's not tall at all!

Look at the rippling sea of ​​energy!

Jiang Nan recalled the feeling when he just absorbed it, and a desire to pour out was born in the dark!

I said it unconsciously!

(??v?v?) "Boundary Source Forbidden Sea..."

"Well, let's call it this, the sea that is suspected to be the source of the starry sky world!"

And the energy ancestors from this Jieyuan Forbidden Sea are naturally called Jieyuan energy!

At this moment, the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea, which had just set off a turbulent sea, has calmed down. Because of the turmoil just now, the energy fog on the sea surface has become more dense!

Jiangnan is thinking about getting another drop of energy to strengthen himself!

But the feeling of fullness never disappeared, recalling the terrible feeling that was almost wiped out just now, Jiang Nan shuddered fiercely!

It's better to count the balls first, be safe, and take the next best thing, absorbing these energy fogs!

Wait for the body to get used to it, and then engage in water droplet absorption!

With something he wants to do, Jiangnan is full of energy, and he is busy in this forbidden area of ​​life alone!

Dive into the energy mist and inhale wildly, so as to accumulate energy and increase the concentration of boundary energy in the body!

Jiangnan lost the concept of time at all, until the feeling of fullness disappeared, and his mind became alive again!

He set his mind on the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea again!

It was still the same as the first time, with the feet exploring the way, picking up the water droplets, raising the hand to grab it, and the little mouth chattered!

The entrance is soft, a line of throat ~

And every time he absorbs the water droplet from Jieyuan, it is a test of life and death! A big competition of will and wear!

As usual, every time it is absorbed, most of the energy of the Jieyuan water droplet will be wasted, but Jiangnan can save some of it!

Even at this point, Jiangnan still feels full!

So Jiangnan absorbs water droplets. When he is full, he absorbs the energy mist. When he is not full, he absorbs water droplets again, and the cycle goes on and on!

Jiang Nan doesn't know what level he is now, but only knows that the fog of boundary source energy in his body is increasing and thickening, but there is no tendency to liquefy at all...

Normally speaking, the practice of swallowing stars is still energy accumulation, qualitative change, accumulation, and then qualitative change!

Every time there is a qualitative change, the energy level will increase by one level!

Until the qualitative change of the energy level reaches the peak that the individual can bear, there is no progress, and it is considered to be the peak of swallowing stars!

At this time, you can study how to create the world and so on~ prepare for the world environment!

But Jiangnan is different. After the version update, he no longer uses spiritual power, and the energy in his body has been replaced with boundary source energy!

And this energy is very likely to be the ancestor of the energy used to create the starry sky world!

It is already a full-level energy form, and there is no room for qualitative change at all!

The above is gone, and it’s a fart?

Therefore, the level of Jiangnan can't be defined by the number of days swallowing stars, and there will be no qualitative change in energy!

But Jiangnan thinks so, since the energy cannot be qualitatively changed to a higher level, then it should be calculated according to the richness?

At least this boundary source energy can be turned into a liquid state, and it will become a viscous state in the future, and maybe a solid state!

Anyway, Jiangnan is holding on to turning the boundary source energy in his body into a liquid state first!

If I can stuff the entire Forbidden Sea of ​​Boundary Origin into my body, then I will be very happy, hehehe~

And the boundary source energy in the body is indeed increasing!

Jiangnan's concept is that more is better, just awesome!

At this moment, Jiangnan felt a sense of saving money!

So I sucked harder!

Jiang Nan didn't know where the source of energy was! But the energy in the forbidden domain of five-dimensional life!

Can't compare to three-dimensional and four-dimensional cows?

It's over, if you have a chance to go out in the future, try again~

Originally, Jiangnan thought that with such a suction method, it was specified that there was a possibility of liquefaction!

But after inhaling 69 drops of Jieyuan Water Drops in Jiangnan, the feeling of fullness will never disappear!

The boundary source energy in the body is also wear-and-tear. The reason why Jiangnan feels full is because of the physical level, and the other is the absorbed boundary source force, which has reached the limit that Jiangnan's will can bear today!

If Jiangnan insists on absorbing it, the method of locking the gods may not be able to support it anymore, and the dam will burst!

I'm afraid that all the energy from the boundary source in the body will overflow, and Jiang Nan will also be worn out and tormented, washed white directly, and maybe become a ruthless and sexless god...

I saw Jiangnan shuddered fiercely, and reluctantly looked at the source of the forbidden sea!

(??w???) "I thought that human beings have limits, so I stopped being human. Didn't I think that even if I was not a human being, there would be limits?"

It is also a kind of wisdom to accept as soon as you see it!

At this moment, the silver glow surging from Jiangnan's body is even heavier, and exudes the same aura as the Jieyuan Forbidden Sea, as if it is above everything!

Entering the impenetrable Jiangnan, once again my eyes fell on the pages of that reality!

Look hard!

(? °? Yi °?) "I'm so awesome now, I don't believe I can't get out!"

At this moment, Jiangnan turned into a glass-colored shooting star, hitting the page of reality!


Sure enough, that resistance appeared again!

Jiang Nan stared, his body surged with force, and he pushed in madly!

However, with Jiangnan's strength, that resistance became stronger and stronger!

Always prevent Jiangnan from entering!

Jiang Nan was angry, and his aura became even more terrifying!

"Don't stop me! I want to go back! Let me go back!"

The momentum was exploding, and Jiang Nan almost used all his strength!

But suddenly, Jiang Nan was stunned...

He can absorb Jieyuan energy by himself, but can't Jiang Fan also?

How long did he stay in the forbidden area of ​​life? How much boundary source energy has been absorbed?

"The truth of the world exists in the forbidden domain of life!"

This is what Jiang Fan once said. If he hadn't absorbed the power of the source, Jiang Fan wouldn't be born with such feelings!

And how high did Jiang Fan, who has been using Jieyuan force to cultivate, reach?

That's why he has the confidence to kill Xun Zu?

But Jiang Fan, who is so strong, never broke through this resistance...

In the end, the disturbance caused by the black hole only made him send back the clone of his will...

Absorbing the energy of the boundary source and strengthening oneself to break through resistance is not the correct answer to the question!

Otherwise, Jiang Fan wouldn't have returned after more than three thousand years...

It seems that there is only one way left to look to the future!

Jiangnan:! ! !

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes were red!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Let me out! It's just a black hole that breaks the wall and can't stop me!"

Jiangnan exerted his strength again, and the silver glow surging on his body became heavier!

Crazy against the page of reality!

Just when Jiangnan exhausted all his strength, the entire page of reality suddenly fluctuated and became unreal!

It seems that it will disappear in front of my eyes at any time, and collapse into nothingness!

Jiang Nan was shocked, what's going on!

What's wrong? Nothing like this has ever happened before!

Is it because I pushed too hard and broke it?

Could the pages of the book be pushed down?

Jiang Nan was so frightened that he quickly stopped, not daring to use any force!

But the pages in front of me are still unreal!

Jiang Nan's anxious eyes were red, and he raised his hand to grab it!

"No! Don't! Don't disappear!"

"I'm homeless if I disappear, don't..."

However, before Jiang Nan could catch it, the pages of the book became real again!

But the state seems to be unstable, and it starts to flicker frequently!

It seems that it will collapse at any time!

And this situation is not just this page of reality!

But those belonging to the line of Jiangnan, all of them are flickering, illusory like a bubble!

Real but also like a dream!

Jiangnan is insane!

"Impossible! I belong to this line, this reality, why is there such an unstable situation? It seems to be about to collapse?"

"If it collapses, then everyone...everything in reality..."

However, in the five-dimensional life forbidden domain, everything is unknown, and no one can figure out the mystery!

Jiangnan desperately wants to know the reason. This is his own reality. Although there are still imperfections, it is beautiful and happy!

Jiangnan loves everything in this reality!

Protect it no matter what the cost!

reason! What exactly causes the flickering? As if about to collapse and disappear?

Jiangnan looked back eagerly!

But found that this line, not all are flashing!

The front pages are all fine!

It was from the time when I was 16 years old, and all the pages of the book from then on were flickering!

It seems that it will disappear at any time!

Jiang Nan stared, is there a reason?

What happened that year?

Did it cause the subsequent pages of the book to become unstable and start to flicker?

Jiang Nan rushed to the page in the past like crazy!

I was sixteen years old that year, and I had just moved out of the orphanage, rented a house at Zhou Yuqing's house, and studied in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School!

It was also that year when the space system was awakened, and nothing special happened?

how come...

Jiang Nan was taken aback, he clearly remembered that because of renting a house and paying tuition fees, the aunt in the orphanage brought his own money and the money was running out!

With no other choice, Jiangnan started to make a living by himself, set up a food stall, sold hand-cooked pancakes and baked cold noodles, and it was at that time that he started to set up a street stall to make money for a living!

Is it because of this?

Jiang Nan suddenly thought of something!

Can't stop looking back!

Sure enough, I found the picture from that year!

When I plan to set up a street stall to make money, because I have nothing, I have to spend money to buy some things by myself!

Just ask Aunt Zhou, if there are any useless rags or something at home, I will use one for myself!

Aunt Zhou saw that Jiangnan was pitiful, so she gave Jiangnan the key to her warehouse, and asked Jiangnan to look for it by himself, and if he found anything that could be used, she gave it to him directly!

So Jiangnan found a square rag in the pile of rags in the warehouse, and used it as a floor spread!

Another dusty little Maza was found in the warehouse!

Jiang Nan also took the things to Aunt Zhou, and Aunt Zhou said that she didn't remember these things and they were useless, so she gave them to Jiang Nan!

And Jiangnan later used the spread cloth, small horses, and a little capital to start wholesale purchases and set up street stalls to make money!

It's not that Jiangnan has never thought about the origin of the system!

Back then, I was bound to the system because I was beaten and blood was stained on the floor cloth!

But why is it me!

Where did the spread cloth and the ponytail come from!

Aunt Zhou and the others are ordinary people, why would there be such a thing!

Jiangnan directly locked the floor spreader and the small horse in the warehouse in the past pages!

Dust covered in a pile of debris, unremarkable!

And before I found them and took them out for use, they just lay quietly in the warehouse!

Jiang Nan's eyes were red, and he kept looking back!

You have to see for yourself, where did this thing come from!

And Jiangnan directly found the time point of the strobe!

Turning forward, in the non-blinking past, there were no floor spreads and small mats in the warehouse!

But look at the next page, and the little Maza and the floor spread are lying in the pile of debris...

Nothing happened during that time!

But these two things just appeared in the warehouse of Aunt Zhou's house out of thin air, as if they were waiting to be discovered by themselves!

Jiang Nan's face was pale, and he took two steps back in disbelief, shaking his head and looking at everything in front of him!

"The reason...found..."

"The emergence of the system is the reason why the entire line behind this time node flickers and almost collapses, just like a dream..."

"The system shouldn't have appeared in the past. It was created out of thin air. It didn't exist in the first place..."

"Because of its appearance, it has changed too"

And at this moment, Jiang Fan's words suddenly echoed in Jiangnan's mind!

"I hope you can find your answer soon, otherwise everything today will be in vain, like a bubble in a dream, like a dream..."

"You can only ask yourself this, you already have a premonition in your heart..."

Jiangnan's hands and feet... are cold and cold...

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