Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2772 The brilliance of thousands of stars!

In the sky above the holy heaven, following the sound of that voice, a super giant eye of the starry sky emerged, wide open!

Cast your eyes on heaven!

Two voyeurs emerged together, unfolded the history book of the starry sky, and began to record it!

This sudden scene caught everyone's attention!

The Creation Star Territory is having a good time, what happened to the Holy Heaven?

And the eyes of the starry sky came out?

Could it be that it has something to do with the closure of the Angel Race? What the hell is Lucifer doing?

Actually summoned the eyes of the starry sky? She has this strength?

However, in the Holy Sacrifice Temple, Lucifer and the others almost stared out their eyes!

This sounds like a nightmare!

??(??Y???)?? "Kasyapa! Kill Attiya! Quick! Don't give this guy a chance!"

Without any hesitation, Kasyapa condensed a cursed blood spear and stabbed towards Atiyah!

But at this moment, the screams of Atiya, who was still struggling crazily last moment, stopped abruptly!

His arm was raised, and his big hand was aimed directly at Kasyapa!


The surrounding space squeezed frantically towards Kassapa, fixing him firmly in place!

It was as if the whole world was suppressing her!

It's an extravagant wish for her to even blink!

Under his horrified gaze, Attiya's body instantly shattered and exploded, decomposing into the tiniest atoms!

Immediately, these atoms rotated and reorganized to reshape the body, and a young figure emerged!

He is 1.88 meters tall, has black hair and black pupils, and has a slightly thin body, but has broad shoulders!

Star eyebrows and sword eyes, high nose bridge, thin lips, full of wanton unruly brows and eyes, is that kind of handsome oriental face!

A pair of black pupils were as deep as the night sky, staring at Kasyapa!

"Hmm~ Blood Angel? It looks familiar, we seem to have seen it before..."

Kassapa's eyes were full of fear: "Jiang! You are still alive!!!"

Thick blood radiates from his body!

"Blood Origin Alliance... um~"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and Kasyapa's mouth closed and disappeared, unable to utter a word!

"It seems that you don't welcome me very much. If you can't speak...don't say it!"

"The starry sky is closed!"

I saw chains of starlight shackles emerging, locking Kasyapa's limbs, neck, and wings!

She was pulled by the shackles and hung in the void in a large shape. Under the starry sky, her abilities, skills, energy, everything was suppressed, and she could not use any means!

He could only watch Jiang Fan walking towards him step by step!

Kasyapa shook his head frantically, his eyes were full of fear!

Looking at Lucifer for help!

But she couldn't speak, she didn't even have a mouth!

However, Lucifer, who has not yet completed the separation, cannot move at all, and the casting of spells cannot be easily interrupted!

??(??Yi?)?? "Jiang! Don't touch her! My angel family has no intention of being an enemy of you! This body is given to you!"

"Get out of here quickly, I won't stop you!"

Jiang Fan looked at Lucifer with cold eyes!

"I can feel whether you are hostile to me or not! It's up to me! It's not up to you!"

"Just let me see what happened during my absence..."

After speaking, he pressed his big hand directly on Kasyapa's celestial cover!

"God search!"

Kassapa struggled crazily, rolled his eyes uncontrollably, almost uncontrollably, his own memories flooded in like a flood!

Looking back at the memories of my life, and all the major events that have happened in the starry sky over the past three thousand years!

The temple fell into silence for a while!

Lucifer is going crazy, what should we do? How can I do?

Criticize Attiya stupidly, what are you talking about? How did you provoke this evil star?

After disappearing for so long, why did it suddenly reappear at this time?

Just one Jiangnan on the human side is already difficult enough, but now there is another Jiang Fan?

Jiang Fan squinted his eyes: "Heh~ he's a poor man..."

"Huh? Human beings...wrong! How could this be...this..."

Jiang Fan was stunned in place, his eyes were full of puzzlement and confusion!

Obviously, he learned everything about the time he was away from Kasyapa's memory!

Including the rise of human beings, and Jiangnan...

Jiang Fan frowned tightly, leaning on his chin and muttering: "The reality shouldn't be like this...Why did it develop like this? Am I wrong about reality?"

"No... This should be my reality... But why is the development trajectory of human beings like this?"

"Jiangnan... Jiangnan?"

Jiang Fan squinted his eyes: "You can tell the truth at a glance!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan didn't even care about Lucifer and St. York next to him!

Treat them as nothing!

"The main field is unfolding? Thousands of stars!"

In an instant, the situation in the temple changed, and this is no longer a temple, but a deep and distant starry sky!

And above this starry sky, there are thousands of stars twinkling, but most of the stars are dim!

Only a small piece of star field lights up, probably thousands of them!

But Jiang Fan didn't look at the bright star field, but at a dim star!

A faint light began to glow above the stars, and the time flow around Jiang Fan's body began to go out of order!

The eyes turned into gold, and the shadow of the sundial was reflected in them!

In Jiang Fan's vision, the flowing river of time emerges...

At this moment, Jiang Fan seemed to be struggling!

"Tsk~ It's a pity that time and stars are left inside, the main body needs them to maintain their existence, and I couldn't bring them out, otherwise..."

"Can't you see clearly? Heh~ Dawei star technique, divine protection, ability enhancement! Omniscience!"

In the starry sky, stars lit up one after another, and Jiang Fan's body also lit up with rays of light!

It seems that every time Jiang Fan uses an ability, the stars will light up!

Suddenly, Jiang Fan was stunned!

Then he raised his head and laughed: "Hahahahaha~ So that's the case, the reality that has been tampered with? Yes, yes~"

"Jiangnan? Jiangnan! Things are getting more and more interesting, hahahaha!"

Lucifer on the side is numb, is this guy crazy?

Standing in someone else's temple and laughing at yourself?

But she had nothing to do with it, Lucifer didn't want to mess with this evil star!

She only knew that the starry sky was completely messed up now, and Jiangnan had already messed up the starry sky!

Plus this ginger fan...

Lucifer gritted his teeth:

??(¬进¬?)?? "Have you stayed enough? Shouldn't you be leaving?"

Jiang Fan looked at Lucifer, narrowed his eyes and said, "I will leave, but the matter is not finished yet..."

"I can't pretend that what the angels have done has never happened!"

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price! What's more, there seems to be no need for such an angel family to exist..."

Lucifer immediately blew up: "I said it all! The angel race has no intention of being an enemy of humans, and Jiangnan has already made us pay the price!"

"What else do you want?"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes: "Jiangnan is Jiangnan! I am me! You can't generalize! And... I said it! Whether you are an enemy or not depends on me, not on you!"

"Speaking of which, I can escape a ray of will from the black hole of absolute end, I really have to thank Attiya..."

"If he hadn't called my name, connected with me, and been sensed by me, I might not have come out!"

"So... just to thank you, let's destroy the angel clan!"

Lucifer:! ! !

??(???Yi??)??? "Jiang! How dare you! If you push our angel race to a dead end, we will fight to the death with humans!"

Jiang Fan smiled: "I have the final say on how to do it! I don't like others to teach me how to do things!"

"You can try to stop me! But you probably won't be able to!"

Lucifer knew that this battle was inevitable!

She was also decisive enough to interrupt the casting of the spell directly, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and became extremely weak!

But St. York, who had already completed nine out of ten, exploded in an instant!

Attack Jiang Fan directly!

"The field is expanding? The kingdom of heaven is eternal!"

"The sword of faith! Absolute punishment!"

The infinite golden power of faith turned into a giant sword, and slashed down towards Jiang Fan violently!

Jiang Fan's expression was indifferent: "To be honest, you should wait until my time star is completely extinguished before doing anything!"

"That way you can live a little longer..."

"Gap of Time? Stop!"

A strange fluctuation bloomed, and the surrounding time completely stagnated in an instant!

Everything seemed to have been pressed to the freeze frame button, and St. York was completely still, motionless in the chopping movement!

The phantom of a sundial lit up under Jiang Fan's feet, and he walked leisurely towards St. York!

And at this moment, St. York turned into a body of pure faith!

This kind of thing like power of will can ignore the stillness of time!

After all, people are devouring stars, there is still something!

The sword of faith struck down without hesitation!

But at the moment of the split, half a star lit up above the night sky, and the space around Jiang Fan emerged with fluctuations!

The figure disappeared in an instant!

And the sword of faith also slashed out, splitting the entire temple on the spot!

The sword light turned into a golden light curtain, and even split the central galaxy of the holy kingdom of heaven with a sword, extending far away!

This is the attack power of the star-swallowing terror!

But St. York, who made a sword, looked down at his chest in horror!

I saw a golden heart made entirely of the power of faith held in a pure white hand!

Then crush it hard!

Jiang Fan had arrived behind St. York at some point, pierced his chest with one hand, and crushed his heart!

"How... is it possible! The power of faith is obviously empty, and can even transcend time. How could you possibly touch me..."

Jiang Fan said lightly: "The power of faith? It's just a tiny branch of the power of will...Why can't I touch it?"

While speaking, the infinite starlight gathered in the palm, turned into a starlight sword, and slashed down towards St. York!

"Cut level!"

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