Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2771 Don't call me by my name...

The acrylic's eyes are full of fierceness, the energy on the treetop of the world blooms fiercely, and the infinite light and shadow of the world rush out with the blooming energy!

It is bound to crush everything!

And at the same time that the acrylic released the light of the world, the more than 300 strong fusion fields of Baishou began to collapse!

The injection of the world-destroying particles intensified this reaction even more!


An aura of great collapse bloomed in an instant, and Baishou's world, which integrated more than 300 domains, suddenly shattered!

Endless bursts of pure white brilliance, mixed with waves of world-extinction particles!

It exploded in all directions like a black hole flare!

Everything it touches, matter, energy, is broken and collapsed from the tiniest unit!

Crush everything!

That is the ultimate destruction!

The light of the world bloomed by acrylic is like a lonely boat under a huge wave, which is swallowed and crushed in an instant!

On the battlefield, the power of destroying the world blooms, destroying with all its might!

The creation laboratory was swallowed up and torn apart, and the nebula was collapsed and surged outwards crazily!

Those mother vine forests turned into nothingness before they could release the spores. The planet was as fragile as foam in the waves, and it would shatter when touched!

The terrifying power stunned everyone!

Fortunately, the Carbon Alliance army hid in time, otherwise they would not even think about saving their lives under the attack of this kind of power!

After the domain collapsed, the entire Creation Starfield was in a mess, with ruins everywhere, and the power of the great death is still there!

And the white head in the field stood proudly, even stronger than before!

I saw the cracks all over the acrylic at this moment, and the energy in the body has accumulated to the limit!

The world tree was blown bare, only the trunk and branches remained!

At this moment, Acrylic's eyes were full of bad luck, and he was about to get up, but he suddenly looked to the left!

And the white head appeared on that position in the next instant!

The single horn on the top of the head is gorgeous, and the original white crystal muscle turned into ten colors, and a giant crystal knife was derived, which slashed down on the acrylic!

The pupils of the acrylic shrank sharply, and a bright blood light burst out from his whole body!


It was another shocking explosion, and the raging blood energy burst out to the extreme, tearing everything apart!

A million kilometers away, Acrylic flashed out, half of the body disappeared, and half of the head was gone!

But it was quickly derived, and the eyes were full of hostility!

"Oh~ there is something! This is a little bit challenging!"

At the center of the explosion, all the energy released by the acrylic was completely absorbed by Baishou!

The acrylic complexion can't help but look a little ugly!

This made Li Bing so excited that he shouted towards Acrylic from a distance:

(????)? "Little Lili? Catch this thing back for sister, and bring it back to the lab for research, don't beat it to death!"

The corner of Acrylic's mouth twitched, isn't it a bit difficult to ride a horse?

Baishou is not comparable to those bloody fighters!

His white crystal muscles are obviously much more advanced than his own!

Didn't he beat him to death?

Li Bing changed the subject: (??°??°) "As long as you bring him back to me, you won't have to be cut in the future. I'll just cut him!"

Acrylic slapped his wits hard, almost without hesitation!

(??????)"make a deal!"

Meow, even death! I don't want to go to Chenxi Lab anymore!

This deal is worth it!


I saw Acrylic twisting his neck, his eyes were cold:

(???????) "Business is over ~ now it's a personal grievance..."

In the starry sky, a white meteor directly confronts a bloody meteor, and the battle continues!

The peak duel has just begun!

The Genesis Starfield was almost smashed to pieces, but the Silicon Master was still not sure whether he should take the risk or not!

Humans even released the Watt virus. Fortunately, the silicon base is currently under control, and it is confined to the creation star field, and it has not spread out!

The anti-virus temporary war terminal also played a role, just wait for it to develop the latest anti-Watt virus program, the Watt virus can no longer work!

Even if the silicon base wave is over it!

But the bad thing is that the silicon master is completely ignorant of the situation in the Creation Starfield!

All I know is that Baishou is out of control!

That is an important asset of the silicon base?

Even though the silicon owner has checked several times, he is still not sure, and the feeling of being haunted is always lingering in his heart!

If you don't transfer it, you are afraid that if there is an incident, it will be directly taken down by Jiangnan and the others. Transferring is also afraid of being exposed!

Ahhh! Where are Jiangnan and the others? Do they know the location of the main terminal?

The silicon master was held back, and he didn't want to take any risks because he pursued the short-term victory method!

And this "special law enforcement operation" of the Carbon Alliance has also attracted the attention of countless people!

They are all watching the subsequent development of the incident, and their hearts are all in suspense!

Because the situation of the era is already on the edge of a cliff, one accident will overturn the era, and the Star Wars will start!

This is related to the interests of all races, can they not panic?

But when the whole starry sky was paying attention to the dispute over the Starfield of Creation, no one noticed that a major event that was enough to change the pattern of the starry sky also happened in a place where no one was looking at it...


The final star field, the absolute final black hole, is like the giant beast crouching in the starry sky, quietly as if asleep!

It's been quiet for far too long...

The final star field is pitch black, and all the light is pulled by the final black hole, forming an extremely wide event horizon!

Because of this, even though it is a black hole, it is the most dazzling existence in the entire Final Star Field!

The golden event horizon is draped like a golden veil outside the absolute final black hole!

And its accretion disk is also in chaos, with torn stars everywhere, dead silent and dilapidated!

It is too big, it drags everything with its tyrannical gravity, pulls everything over, and devours it mercilessly!

As huge as a super-large galaxy, it can't resist the tearing of the absolute final black hole, tearing it to pieces and turning it into a part of its own accretion disk!

But the time span of this natural devouring is extremely long!

But at this moment, a supermassive black hole at the center of a former supermassive galaxy has come to the innermost end of the event horizon!

In the state of being close together, it will not take long before they will be swallowed by the absolute final black hole!

And this supermassive black hole with a mass 18 billion times that of the sun is not here!

Before the start of the sequence war, Shanmao led a team to observe the black hole on the accretion disk of the absolute final black hole, and brought back information on the black hole's flare for Jiangnan!

And this supermassive black hole is the one Bobcats and the others observed!

Originally, although this black hole is on the accretion disk of the final black hole, it maintains a delicate balance with the final black hole by virtue of its own strong gravity!

But when Bobcats and the others escaped, Martin used the black hole to use a gravitational slingshot, the origin of gravity!

This tiny trace of force broke the original balance and triggered a series of butterfly effects!

As a result, the trajectory of the supermassive black hole has changed, and the supermassive black hole that would have taken another thousand or eight hundred years to be swallowed by the final black hole was pulled to the innermost side of the event horizon in just over a year!

About to be completely devoured!

And the absolutely final black hole has not devoured other black holes for thousands of years!

Originally, this is not a big deal!

With the invincible size of an absolute final black hole, even swallowing a supermassive black hole will not cause its own flare at all!

It's just a little disturbance that happened!

But the the timing...


The star field of the angel clan's home, the holy heaven, and the sacred temple!

Lucifer sat upright on the altar, with a bright golden glow blooming on his body!

On the opposite side of her, there was St. York sitting. At this moment, St. York was surrounded by infinite golden power of faith, blooming with dazzling brilliance!

Ninety-nine out of ten of the body has been shaped, flesh and blood, bones and wings, everything!

It is almost about to take shape, and the aura blooming on his body is also comparable to that of Lucifer!

Attiya below is full of enthusiasm:

??(*???????)?? "Is it almost finished? Can it be in time! This time, I will definitely be able to complete the shaping of the body of faith before the start of the third ring!"

"In this way, the Angel Clan will truly have two Devouring Stars!"

You must know that Lucifer is actually the only one of the angel family's swallowing stars from the beginning to the end!

And St. York is just Lucifer's male body. In order to show the starry sky, Lucifer plays two roles, which is difficult for her!

Now Lucifer intends to use the power of faith of the entire angel family to strip the male body of St. York from his body!

Really become St. York and exist independently!

In this way, the angel family has two swallowing stars, and when it is really necessary, the two can also be combined into one to become a more powerful existence!

This is also the reason why the Angel Race has been closed until now!

It is to prepare for this, whether it is to play the third ring, or to deal with the possible changes in the starry sky in the future, the more respected and swallowed stars, the more confidence!

Lucifer looked difficult, and this method would hurt her a lot, but she had to do it!

??(︶优︶?)?? "We can't take it lightly, we can't make a conclusion until the last moment, and finish it in one go!"

Blood Angel Kassapa looked at this scene with a complicated expression!

??(??Yi???) "How long will it take? Many people in the clan have been drained of their will and exhausted because of excessively providing the power of faith..."

"If it continues..."

St. York narrowed his eyes and said:

??(¬_¬〃)?? "For the future of my angel family, this is necessary, isn't it?"

"They should be proud of being able to contribute their own strength to the longevity of the Angel Clan!"

"It will take about half a month, and the belief in the holy body can be achieved!"

Kassapa lowered his head: ??(?-﹏-`;) "It's... Lord St. York..."

Lucifer turned his eyes:


Although the angels have closed the connection with the outside world, it does not mean that they are deaf to what is going on outside the window!

Kasyapa replied: "The fight was fierce, the Genesis Starfield was almost destroyed, and Jiangnan never showed up. The strange thing is that the silicon base still has no tendency to show its sword!"

"Zheng Xingwu and Giant God Soldiers have never appeared!"

Saint York frowned!

??(??v?v?)?? "Weird..."

As soon as Attiya mentioned Jiangnan, his eyes were full of bad luck. Back then, he almost died in Jiangnan's hands, but he still used the secret technique of remaking!

I troubled my old mother to regenerate me again, so I was lucky enough to leave a mission!

??(?°?Y°?)?? "Damn it! It's just a group of wild monkeys in a barbaric land, how long has it been? How did they climb to such a height now?"

"Perverts are coming out one after another. It was Jiang Fan back then, but now it's Jiangnan! If there is no Jiangnan..."

Kasyapa stared:

??(???Y??) "You... that taboo name! Don't just call it exit!"

The corners of Attiya's mouth twitched, she was so angry that she forgot...

??(??w???)?? "What are you afraid of? How many years have passed? Is it okay for humans to shout every day?"

At the same time, on the event horizon of the absolute final black hole, the super-large black hole finally crossed that limit and was swallowed by the absolute final black hole on the spot!

It didn't cause any violent reaction, just like a stone fell into the lake, causing little ripples!

Because the entire absolute final black hole devoured the supermassive black hole, a slight disturbance occurred...

And it was at this moment that Attiya uttered that name!

Atiya smiled:

??(?-?-`;)?? "Maybe that guy died long ago..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw endless dim starlight bursting out of Atiya's body, wrapping around him like a magic snake, like the curse of tarsal maggots!

Atiya's eyes widened in horror, she knelt on the ground covering her face and screamed like a pig!

His body made a crisp bone breaking sound, and his whole body was twisting and collapsing!

St. York, Lucifer, and Kasyapa all looked in horror at Atiya, who was surrounded by dim starlight and twisted constantly!

This familiar scene, could it be...

I only heard a dull voice in the void shrouded in starlight, calm...

"I said it...don't call me by my name!"

"will die…"

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