Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2768 It's better to destroy such an ugly thing~

Zhang San and Li Si walked through many experimental areas along the way, and the scenes they saw can only be described as inhumane!

It is easy to separate the bodies of those slaves and make them into specimens for preservation!

Those who deboned and skinned their bodies, those who performed mechanical transplantation on their bodies, those who made brains in vats, those who used slave species for injury experiments, self-healing experiments, and those who used them as petri dishes and larval breeding grounds!

There are also several races that are stitched together for grafting experiments, stitch monsters, and even Gu raising arenas to test the limits of willpower!

There are also tests of artificial breeding, natural breeding methods, whether different races, ages, and different types of life are feasible, and what kind of offspring can be born with what abilities!

unwilling? Then use medicine, and there is also a mechanical process operation!

Silica's experimental protocol is very comprehensive and will try all potential possibilities!

Moreover, many of the experimental products are children, because the larvae have high plasticity, and the possibility of success in the experiment is even greater!

These children... were born in hell...

As long as you enter the creation laboratory, you are no longer a human being, but a test subject, you can cut and play with any piece of meat!

What human ethics and the bottom line of life do not exist here!

What's even more frightening is that the experimental subjects in the creation laboratory are not only countless slave species, but also people from all races in the starry sky!

In terms of ability, the Starry Sky Sequence is superior to the slave species, how could the silicon base let it go?

Otherwise, how did the Star Anti-Star imitation series come about? Why does Siji know so much about the weakness of the Wanzu sequence?

The starry sky is so big, no one knows exactly how many people disappear silently every year!

With the power of the silicon base, it couldn't be easier to secretly get the people of the Wanzu clan!

Moreover, the scale of Genesis Lab is definitely not something that can be formed in a short period of time!

I don't know how long it's been in the dark!

The more you look at it, the more frightened you become!

What if the subject dies? This couldn't be simpler, it's really useless to use the rest of the experimental products as food, and just throw them into the mother vine forest as biological fertilizer!

Great use of resources!

Why is the mother vine forest growing so gratifyingly in the Star Field of Creation? Because there is enough fertilizer?

As for the Xueji clan, the blood bud mother vines were all born in these experiments...

These are just examples of success, what about the ones that didn't?

When the bloody scene of hell is right in front of your eyes, no one can remain unmoved!

However, in today's Creation Laboratory, there are too many slaves imprisoned, and there are too many members of the starry sky. They have been tortured for a long time and their wills have collapsed, like walking dead!

Zhang San wanted to save him, why didn't he want to?

But even the third brother can't do anything, God knows how many people are still imprisoned in the creation laboratory?

I'm afraid it will be counted in trillions, how could they be rescued by just the two of them?

Besides, they still have a task to do, and the business is important!

Avoid extraneous complications in secret operations!

Put everything in order, save your own people first and then talk about it!

Don't let the other people fail to save, but screw up the mission instead!

I saw that Zhang San's eyes were full of difficulties: "Sorry...I can't do much..."

But his eyes gradually became firmer!

"The only thing we can do is to let this hell overturn..."

Now Zhang San somewhat understands why Yakeli chose to kill all the Jiyue tribe with his own hands in such an extreme way back then!

Instead of living in hell, death is a relief...

In the detention room of the core experimental area, all the hostages captured by the Carbon Alliance were sealed in the blood crystal seal!

They can't move even if they want to, not to mention suppressing all their abilities, any power in their bodies will be sucked away by the blood crystals!

Black Steel Satsuma Taro, including Moon Fox and Zhiyin are all here!

Samo said anxiously: "Tarot! Brother Tarot! Wake up on your horse and squeak before you die? Hey! Hey hey!"

"Three heads and six arms have been cut into one head and two arms. Can this still survive? I have no brains, but now I lost two-thirds of it! This must be a fool? Tsk~ damn silicon!"

Ta Xing Luo Ta Ri Luo's head was gone, only Ta Yue Luo remained silent with his eyes closed!

Heigang, who was sealed into a iron lump, had a black face:

? "Brother Summer! You are so broken, why don't you worry about yourself first?"

"If it falls on the ground, it might not be able to be picked up with a vacuum cleaner, right?"

The one that was smashed by Sam was completely beaten into scum, and Damon didn't move, obviously the anesthetic hadn't passed yet!

Summer's mouth worried: "Hey, compared to this, I'm more worried about Borden? He was captured by those mechanical soldiers just now, shouldn't he be used for research?"

"The things I saw along the way... hiss~"

As soon as the words fell, Borden's screams came from the corridor!

?(#)?口?)? "Ahh! Let me go! You can't do this! Kill me! Kill me! No!!! Please, wow! Wow~"

When Borden's screams were like slaughtering a pig, Samo Heigan and the others immediately filled up their brains with all kinds of cruel scenes!

Satsuma's eyes are red:

??3 "Borden! My good brother! I just can't bear my brother suffering? Siji! How dare you? I will not share the sky with you!"

Outside the prison, the guard mechanical soldier snorted coldly:

[┐¬_¬┌] "You guys better shut up, save your strength and use it when you're being tested!"

"He's done, the next one is you!"

Summer:! ! !

??? "My good brother! Can you hold on a little longer? I know you can do it!"

Black Steel:? ? ?

At this moment, Yueli is very panicked, and she has already scolded in her heart!

The blood crystal that sealed her was stuffed in a corner, and was subdued by the seal as soon as it was sent over!

He didn't even give her a chance to mention bitter tea seeds, hey!

Yueli is not afraid of being dragged to experiment or anything, she just wants to bring her own bitter tea now!

Today's moon raccoon is sealed in the blood crystal, still maintaining the squatting posture of a meditator...

The problem is, Zhiyin is in front of her, Yueli is blocked, and Zhiyin maintains a handshake posture in the blood crystal, even with a smile on her face!

There is no cover, and you can see clearly, even if you want to close your eyes and not look at it!

The boring Zhiyin even started counting, God knows what weird things she is counting?

Yueli's mentality almost collapsed, why hasn't anyone come to save me yet!

I'm ashamed to be stared at!

At this moment, Zhang San and Li Si had already arrived in the detention room, and the corners of their mouths twitched watching this scene!

Zhang San did not hesitate to use the second-level existence erasure to cover all these hostages!

The hostages could still see each other, but they still couldn't see Zhang San and Li Si!

After all, erasure of their existence is a level higher!

It's better to keep this matter secret, the less people know about it, the better!

After going out, the hostages will all be slapped!

I saw Zhang Sandao: (??????) "Be quicker, the situation outside is difficult, the sooner we complete the task, the more assured the outside will be!"

While speaking, he snatched the dumb sack from Li Si's hand, grabbed the blood crystal that sealed the moon raccoon and threw it into it!

Just throw it in!

Just make a "pop" sound!

Zhang San: ?(???~??)????

Fuck? How could it be this sound effect? Something is wrong, right?

No matter, saving people is important!

Li Si on the side froze in place, and the hand that was handing out the new dumb sack stopped on the spot!


Depend on! That... that's my vomit bag Hey, here's the new one!

But seeing that Zhang San had already thrown people into the sack, Li Si put a dark face on his face, and silently put the new sack back...


Zhiyin was stunned. Why did such a big moon raccoon suddenly disappear? I haven't finished counting yet?

But before she could speak, she was also put into a sack, and the surroundings were pitch black!

All I could hear was the hysterical scream of Moon Beaver:

?(?|||?????)? "What is this... what is this horse riding? Where is this? Ugh~wow..."

If it weren't for the blood crystals wrapped around her body, she might die suddenly on the spot!

More and more hostages sealed by blood crystals were thrown into dumb sacks!

The hostages are completely confused, what's going on?

Weren't everyone still in the detention room at the last moment? where is this

But Zhang San put the sack on his back, took out a star cage and put it in the detention room!

Inside the star cage is a huge diamond-shaped silicon crystal source!

And the star cage, as well as the prison room, were cast to erase existence!

In this way, those mechanical soldiers will instinctively ignore the space of the detention room!

I saw Zhang San clapping his little hands:

(?°???°)? "It's done! Hurry up and evacuate! We don't need the rest..."

Li Si hurriedly said: "Borden! Where's Borden? I didn't see him! Could it be..."

At this moment, there was another scream like killing a pig in the corridor!

\(;???Д??`)/"Silicon base! I~%?...;#*’☆! Help!"

The two looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched. Hearing this angry voice, they should be living pretty well...

And the two who followed the sound to the laboratory were completely dumbfounded!

Borden, who was covered in fist marks all over his body, was tied to the experimental bed in a square shape, unable to move at all!

Seven or eight mechanical arms are operating Borden at the same time!

There are a lot of rotating blades scattered on the ground, electric plow knives, gamma knives, plasma knives, quantum knives, etc., without exception, all of them are scrapped!

And now, a giant circular saw is rattling on Borden's body!

The Martians collapsed more than ten meters away, and Borden struggled frantically, screaming uncontrollably!

Just hearing a "bang", the circular saw split and collapsed violently in the laboratory, and the fragments were embedded in the wall!

Borden was taken aback, and couldn't help but look down!

(???|||) "Ah ha ha ha ~ isn't the skin not even broken? The numbness is quite strong, what can you do to me?"

Surgical mechanical soldiers are a bit incompetent!

[┐?ー?┌] "This is almost the sharpest cutting knife that can be found in the laboratory, why is it still not working? This is not scientific!"

The edge of the circular saw blade is inlaid with glass corners?

Li Si sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??w???) "I don't think there's anything wrong with this guy if we come later, or... we can take the opportunity to ask Siji to give him a call? Nanshen has always been wary of this kid, just afraid that he won't do good things! "

"This strength... is really strong!"

The corner of Zhang San's mouth twitched:

(¬﹏¬?) "I didn't expect Borden's head to be so strong! A head in every sense? I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with him if I study the silicon base for a while!"

"Wait until the fight outside is over! Bring someone to retreat!"

After some operations, the two stuffed Borden, who had been left alone, into the sack, and rushed out of the silicon-based laboratory without thinking!

At the same time, the situation on the battlefield of the Genesis Star Field is not optimistic!

The blood bud mother vine is not ordinary difficult to deal with!

Just when Yang Jian was a little anxious, he saw a flash of fluctuation in the space above the battlefield!

Li Bing in a white coat suddenly appeared beside Yang Jian!

Still wearing the same outfit, high-heeled black silk skirt, white shirt, and a perfect figure vividly outlined!

There is a lollipop in his mouth, and a brown sunglasses full of technology are stuck on his face!

Hands in pockets, condescendingly looking at the battlefield, wearing a white coat fluttering in the wind!

Change the lollipop to one cheek!

(??v~v?) "What can't be fixed? Just that broken tree?"

Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief: "Ice God, you are here, just that broken tree, it seems to be called blood bud mother vine!"

I saw Li Bing leaning forward, looking into the depths of the nebula, and then his face was full of disgust:

(乛盘乛?) "Hey, this damn thing is really disgusting!"

"It's not popular at all. The silicon base is really good. Don't you think about the appearance of the things you make?"

"Such an ugly thing... better destroy it~"

After finishing speaking, she bit the lollipop into pieces, and a devilish smile appeared on her pretty face!

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