Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2767 Blood bud mother vine, clone soldier?

Not only is the acrylic going crazy, tearing down the creation laboratory, even the carbon alliance army is not vegetarian!

The Nether Legion also followed. After releasing the Styx force field, they put the Styx Seal on their own legion, and they can hit it right!

Although it is impossible to restrict the Xueji clan to a great extent, it is better than letting them do their best without any restraint!

And the force field of Styx can effectively restrain the star counter, star imitation series of mechanical troops!

After all, relying on energy to move is useless in the Styx force field!

Coupled with the super destructive power of acrylic, Carbon Alliance has the upper hand for a while!

Tao is full of bad luck, does this acrylic care whether the hostage is dead or alive?

With such a dismantling method, you are not afraid of killing the hostages?

According to this rhythm, under many restrictions, even if you want to delay, you can't delay it for long?

That thing is far from being developed, and the research on it hasn't been done yet either!

Once released, it will be completely out of control, and there is no guarantee that it will be recovered 100% successfully!

If there is even the slightest mistake, it will be a great waste of resources!

This card can still be played if it can't be played!

Tao's expression became ruthless:

[┐?°?优°?┌] "Is it a special law enforcement operation? Heh~ I don't care what outrageous reasons you use as an excuse!"

"My silicon-based creation laboratory is not a place where you mobs can come and run wild!"

"Do you really think that the research results of my silicon-based biotechnology for so many years are only the blood troops?"

"Activate the blood bud mother vine!"

Following Tao's order, the nebula in the deepest part of the Creation Starfield suddenly surged up!

You can vaguely see the blurred tree shadow inside the nebula. It is extremely huge, and it keeps barking its teeth and claws!

Yang Jian frowned, and immediately opened his eyes to look into it, but he shuddered fiercely, with a nauseous expression on his face!

I saw a huge mother vine growing behind the layers of nebula and mist. It was not in the form of the star-swallowing mother vine at all, and it had already changed beyond recognition!

The main body is made up of squirming flesh and blood. The vines are like tentacles baring their teeth and claws. The vines are covered with tumors, densely packed!

Those who have intensive phobia will have to burp on the spot!

A huge scarlet eyeball on the tree trunk opened, looking around!

The body was glowing red, exuding a stench! And those star-swallowing mother vines hidden in the nebula are all its branches!

Use it to supply your own nutrients!

No one knew that there was such a thing in the Creation Starfield!

The energy of those mother vine forests also began to frantically converge towards the main body of the blood bud mother vines, and the giant eyes on the trunks became brighter and brighter!

The next moment, those fleshy vine branches that were like tentacles were slammed wildly, and the endless blood-colored granulation detached from the trunk and was launched!

A wave of launch is hundreds of millions of granulation, pouring down on the Carbon Alliance army like rain!

These granulations are balls of flesh and blood, with a blood-colored eye in the middle, wriggling and disgusting, and the breath is extremely chaotic!

Yang Jian frowned, I'm afraid this is not a fun thing?

(¬得¬?) "Be careful! Don't let those sprouts spill over!"

The Carbon Alliance army began to snipe crazily at the granules that were splashed over. These granules seemed to have no fighting power, and they were blown into a pile of flesh and blood when they were hit!

But after several rounds of attacks, the number of these granulation did not decrease but increased!

When the granulation was launched, it began to split crazily, two into four, four into eight!

It's everywhere!

And a shocking scene happened!

Those granulated eyes locked onto the soldiers of the Carbon Alliance army as their targets, their pupils shrank, and they began to scan!

After a few seconds, the granulation began to deform and grow. The bones, flesh, organs, and everything else were exactly the same as their scanning targets!

Even the levels, talents and skills are perfectly cloned!

In a blink of an eye, legions of clone troopers were created one by one!

It uses the same abilities and skills as the Carbon Alliance army, and can even release the domain!

And the strength is stronger than the host they cloned!

To Yang Jian's headache, these granulations can be cloned even by the Nether tribe, but the energy tank is empty, obviously it is impossible to get the Styx energy through this method!

But they can absorb the Styx energy force field released by the Nether race, transform it into their own, and use the energy they snatched to activate the Styx force field!

Cooperate with the Xue Ji army and the mechanical army!

Even Jiulan and Bingchacha were cloned by Granules!

Jiulan is so angry, it's fine to clone me, don't even wear clothes?


Now the advantage of the Carbon Alliance army disappeared instantly, and the advantage brought by the Nether Legion disappeared!

Yang Jian's eyes were full of horror:

(??Yi???) "What the hell is this riding a horse? Clone soldiers? Instantly scan clones? The ability levels are exactly the same?"

"How did the silicon base do it?"

No one thought that Si Ji would hide such a hole card!

Moreover, these granulation can't be cloned except for energy-type life, carbon-based and material-type life can actually imitate mimicry!

Tao sneered:

[┐¬?¬┌] "Let's taste the taste of this clone soldier. If it is not the most critical technical barrier that cannot be broken, the blood bud mother vine alone is enough to be classified as a strategic weapon!"

The cloning method of the blood bud mother vine looks awesome, but it is still an unfinished product with fatal flaws, and there are great restrictions!

After the cloning is completed, these clone soldiers only have a short life span of three minutes, and then they will run out of life, their bodies will collapse, and turn into a puddle of blood!

And it is impossible to clone life forms higher than the blood bud mother vine, and energy bodies cannot be cloned either!

As for the rest of the races, as long as they are included in the blood vine gene bank, they can all be cloned and imitated. It is worth mentioning that this thing is almost useless to humans. Weird abilities!

I can only produce some elemental ones, and when I try to clone some powerful, strange, and weird abilities, it will also fail and collapse because the genes cannot be combined and adapted, and the initial energy of these granulation all comes from blood buds Mother vine, that's why this thing needs vine forest to provide energy!

The life span of clone soldiers has always been the biggest problem. If they can last for three minutes, it is already the limit of silicon-based biotechnology!

After so many years, they have not been able to break through the three-minute barrier!

If the existence of clone soldiers can be extended to one day, then this thing is quite scary!

But precisely because they only have three minutes of life, they will bloom all their energy and burn everything in these three minutes, so they are stronger than the clone target!

Even so, this blood bud meat vine is quite difficult to deal with!

Yang Jian gritted his teeth: "Don't be reckless, find a way to kill the main body of the mother vine, and launch a joint attack on the premise of protecting yourself! Let's cooperate!"

It doesn't matter what it looks like here, it's used to attract firepower!

What's really important is Li Si's side, it's enough to fight here!

Once the hostages are in hand, there will be no more worries!

But the blood bud mother vine is still annoying enough. If it continues to be consumed like this, the casualties of the Carbon Alliance army are estimated to be huge!

Suddenly, Yang Jian's eyes lit up, since it is the mother vine, then Li Bing should have a solution, right?

After all, she has thoroughly studied this stuff!

(??v_v?) "Aichan, go to the Ice God Star and tell the Ice God to come over and see what the origin of this thing is and how to solve it!"

Ai Jiang immediately said: ????? "It has been notified, sister Li Bing is very excited after hearing about it, and is already running this way!"

Yang Jian nodded, feeling at ease, at present, he only hopes that the rescue team will go well~


The fight outside the creation laboratory was extremely hot, but in the core laboratory, Zhang San and Li Si had been strolling for a long time!

Zhang San was still unshaven and his chest hair was exposed, obviously he had taken the tough man medicine!

He not only launched the realm of selflessness, but also used the highest level of existence erasure on Li Si!

The defensive force in the laboratory is almost abnormal to the limit, and the pits dug are no less than silicon-based positions!

But what energy defense barriers? Alloy walls, detection devices, it's all fart for the two of them!

The two brothers walked in a straight line and went straight through the wall, okay?

Drawing on the experience from last time, in order to save time to the greatest extent, I no longer run around like headless chickens!

Zhang San ate dog biscuits this time, which can enhance the sense of smell to the greatest extent!

No matter where you pass, you will leave traces. Before coming here, Zhang San also smelled the personal belongings of Zhiyin, Yueli, and Tarot!

Can feel where the hostages are being held!

It's over to go directly to find people!

The two brothers found it after smelling it!

It wasn't a very difficult task in the first place, but for Zhang San, it was just sprinkling water!

But at this moment, the faces of the two of them were extremely ugly. Zhang San's eyes were full of coldness, and his lips were tightly pressed, looking very angry!

As for Li Si, his face turned pale!

Holding Li Si's shoulder with one hand, and clutching the dumb sack with the other!

Bag (???|||) "vomit ~ vomit wow! Vomit ~"

He has already vomited all the way in!

(|||?v?v?) "Third Brother! Silicon Ji is a bunch of beasts, you bastards who can't beat you! You can die ten thousand times without stepping on your horse!"

"It's not a human thing, is it? I've tried my best to think of them as inhuman, but it's still... vomit~"

Li Si couldn't hold back, and vomited it out again!

Both Zhang San and Li Si came from the army. Have you seen any bloody scenes?

No matter how horrible the hell on earth is, you won't be able to vomit!

But when they entered the creation laboratory and saw the most realistic experimental process, they were still shattered!

Zhang San's complexion is extremely ugly:

(︶优︶|||) "It's not wrong for them. For Siji, in their thinking, there is no moral constraint, and the bottom line of human relations!"

"They only care about the benefits and results, and I'm afraid they will have nightmares for a while when they go back!"

"It's hard to imagine how Brother Acrylic survived in this Creation Lab!"

"Hurry up and get people, and wait until Tarot and the others don't suffer from these crimes!"

What unfolded in front of Zhang San and Li Si was a real scene of hell!

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