Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2637 Invincible posture! Battlefield

If Styx's problem could be solved so easily, Styx Death Prison wouldn't lock up so many prisoners!

When I think of the release of the Nether Race, it was all due to the concerted efforts of everyone!

Their livers hurt!

Is Jiangnan really cheap?

But it's not without chance, even though the Styx River is surrounded by the Nether Race, the human star region is already invincible!

But it doesn't mean that the serial offensive and defensive battle is over!

If you can't do human beings, you can still do other families!

And not just a big family of human beings?

If you can't offend me, can't you hide?

This pre-war fight finally ended with Jiangnan's complete victory!

However, a bigger war is about to start!

Seeing that the hourglass on the Star Ember Tower was about to leak light, the Nether tribe went through the process directly during this period and officially joined the Starry Sky Sequence!

Even if the star swallowers are unwilling, they have no choice but to leave the stage!

In the sky above the holy law star, above the top ten sequential thrones, Noah and the others took their seats one after another!

It can be said that some people are happy and some are sad!

Noah Manti and the others were all about to smile, not to mention anything else, the Bose tribe's concession after the fight, swearing that the carbon alliance has set up its flag!

Officially as the third big ship in the star sea, it sets sail!

Chen Mu and Mai Liushi had a bitter look on their faces. They originally wanted to use the power of the pledge alliance and the silicon base to ruthlessly subdue humans and snatch their base planet!

How about recovering the gap in points? Are you still playing a fart now?

Can only turn the target to other races!

Cut Li kept a gloomy face and said nothing, Jiangnan still has the hands of the Nether Race! Tsk~ If I knew this, I wouldn't even give Carbon Alliance a chance to grow!

It should be shot during the preparation period!

Now everything is a foregone conclusion. Originally, they wanted to completely crush the Carbon Alliance in the sequence of offensive and defensive battles, but the existence of the Styx moat greatly hindered the action plan!

In this situation, it is not so easy to implement it!

But Gu Li didn't intend to change his strategy, he would fight anyway, as long as the dead were fine!

Let this series of offensive and defensive battles be completely crazy!

Looking at the human defense zone from a distance, Gu Li's eyes are full of coldness!

I'd like to see how long you can jump. Under such a large-scale war, personal power is limited!

Can you protect yourself, can you protect everyone?

Unless you have the destructive power of swallowing stars, you can break the balance of the entire battlefield!

Nether worm Fei Yu Hei Shen and the others also retreated to the sidelines, tore a hole in the space, and stood in the gap between the dimensions to watch!

The little carp was also brought out and kept under strict supervision!

If Guan Jiangnan wants to drink vigorously when he rushes into the arena during a battle, it will be lively!

However, Nether is not unprepared. Today's Nether clan can already produce authentic Dali by themselves, and he has brought a lot of them here!

Just feed the little carp, otherwise he would really beat himself up?

Under the shroud of the Star Ember Tower, the situation of the entire Star Ember Sea was broadcast to the Star Network in real time!

Everyone in the entire starry sky can watch it, and as the time for the war draws closer, everyone's hearts are raised in their throats!

Because this sequence of offensive and defensive battles is over, the new sequence ranking can basically be determined!

The apex war of the last ring has nothing to do with most races...

Everyone is making final preparations!

Like a longbow drawn to the full moon, ready to go, the entire sea of ​​ashes fell into an eerie silence!

Finally, the last grain of the hourglass was exhausted, and the sound of war drums resounded like thunder in the Star Ember Tower!

Zhiyin's voice resounded through the starry sky through the Star Ember Tower!

(???﹏??)? "I announce! The second ring of this serial war, the serial offensive and defensive battle! Officially begin!"

The rapid drums beating, and the desolate horns beeping for a long time!

As soon as the words fell, I saw the Tianchen Clan's defense area, on the array of stars, all the Tianchen Clan worked together, and the energy that was suppressed to the extreme burst out!

It turned into a beam of light piercing the sky, piercing the starry sky, and then disappeared suddenly!

Xian Guoxing's eyes are full of ferociousness: "Taste it~ the mighty power that belongs to my Tianchen clan!"

"Array of Stars? Pillar of Collapsing Heaven!"

The next moment, I saw a bright star map suddenly appearing above the Tianqi Clan's defense zone!

The star map is so big that it even includes the entire Apocalypse defense zone!

Fell down with a posture of collapsing the sky!

This level of strength has even surpassed Poxing long ago!

It is a joint strike that gathers the strength of the entire Tianchen clan!

When the number accumulates to a certain level, the power is quite terrifying!

In less than a second after the start of the battle, the joint attack of the Tianchen Clan has already smashed through!

No one expected that the Tianchen clan would come to this move just at the beginning of the game!

But beating someone else might catch him off guard!

The Tianqi Clan can whisper to the gods, how could they not predict the actions of the Tianchen Clan?

But the problem is, what can you do even if you know about a blow of this scale?

The base is here, and you can't hide from it, you can only carry it hard!

Du Lingyu's mouth was full of bitterness, but she didn't hide, and didn't even organize people to resist!

Instead, he raised his head and calmly watched the thunder strike from the Tianchen Clan!

Jiang Nan tilted his head to look at the Pillar of Crashing Heaven!

"Everyone, follow the plan and meet up first, the base planet of the members of the Carbon Conservation Alliance, the race beacon is worry-free!"

"Attack the Xinghai again, dominate the arena! Let's go!"

While speaking, the space under his feet fluctuated, and countless glazed spiritual powers spread out from his feet, forming a huge space teleportation array!

Extremely complicated!

Jiang Nan's figure suddenly disappeared on it!

When everyone watched this scene, they couldn't help but twitch their eyes, and cursed inwardly as a pervert!

Jiangnan can perfectly simulate the space teleportation array that requires a lot of resources to donate by himself?

How many new tricks had he learned in the terminal?

How strong is Jiangnan now?

But no time to think about this!

Everyone shouted in unison: "Yes!"

With a wave of Yang Jian's hand, an omniscient eye suddenly appeared on everyone's heads!

In this offensive and defensive battle, Yang Jian also directly participated in the battle as the commander-in-chief of the battle.

Xiao Chuihuo and the others didn't delay at all, and directly led the team into the gap between the dimensions!

With the star road in hand, they can appear in the sea of ​​ashes, any position where the space is not suppressed!

The Nether Legion also only left some people to guard the house, and the rest all went out!

There are special wind-up mechanical communicators behind their ears, which use mechanical energy to operate and can receive instructions at any time!

On Yang Jian's side, there is an Aijiang elf floating around, even if he is on the battle stage!

Through the all-seeing eye and Ai-chan, you can also see the overall situation and give action orders at any time!

The moment Jiangnan disappeared on the battle platform!

The center of the Apocalypse Clan defense area, on the roof of the War Fortress!

The space teleportation array lights up, and Jiangnan's figure suddenly appears!

In an instant, they crossed an extremely long distance and crossed half of the battlefield of the Sea of ​​Embers!

This is something that warp speed, displacement, and teleportation can't do!

It's a new job that Jiangnan learned in the terminal!

He can simulate a space teleportation array, thus teleporting to any set teleportation array in the starry sky!

No matter how many light-years away, even tens of billions of light-years can be reached in an instant!

The only limitation is that the corresponding teleportation array is required to teleport!

Almost at the moment when the Tianchen Clan's Collapsing Pillar fell, Jiangnan had already arrived through the teleportation array!

I can't help but look up at the sky, my eyes are full of enthusiasm!

"Hey~ so much energy? Thank you!"

While speaking, he took off ferociously, and stabbed at the collapsing pillar at the maximum warp speed!

Du Lingyu, Olivia, and the others all stared in shock at the back of the piercing Pillar of Collapsing Heaven!

The tiny body is in stark contrast to the collapsing pillar that is pressed down like a dome of the sky!

It's as inconspicuous as dust!

But at this moment, Jiangnan's body was suddenly covered with a layer of two-dimensional armor!

With madness in his eyes, he slammed into the Pillar of Crashing Heaven!

"Shua la la ~"

A sound like frozen ice crystals came out!

I saw an extremely huge two-dimensional flower blooming inside the Pillar of Collapsing Heaven!

It is getting bigger and bigger, covering the entire Apocalypse star area in an instant!

The petals formed by the two-dimensional plane are full of energy flow engraved on it!

The more the Pillar of Collapsing Heaven is injected, the bigger the two-dimensional flower will be, as if it has absorbed all the nutrients!

Half a lock of energy didn't hit it, it was all absorbed by the two-dimensional flower!

The Tianchen clan vomited blood collectively!

Depend on! There is no mistake!

Such a long distance, even if Jiangnan is a space system, it is impossible to reach it in an instant!

How the hell did he get there?

And... gather the strength of all the soldiers of the Tianchen Clan present, and launch a joint strike with the formation of stars!

Blocked by Jiangnan effortlessly?

This horse...

That's enough power to wipe out broken stars, leaving no scum left?

Originally, they thought that a surprise attack on the Apocalypse would at least cause them some damage!

Then join forces with the Quality Alliance to attack them, no matter what, you can get a lot of planets from the Apocalypse Clan!

They are also from big families!

But he was caught by Jiangnan on the spot?


I saw the center of the huge two-dimensional flower blooming, and Jiangnan stood on the stamen!

Raise your hand and grab it, the two-dimensional knife is in your hand!

With a flick of the horizontal knife, the space fluctuated violently, and a huge gravitational wave spread out!

The extremely huge two-dimensional flower shattered instantly, turning into countless two-dimensional blades!

"Hundred Curves and Thousand Blades? Prelude to Withering!"


Under the shroud of the master of the starry sky, the distorted space simulates gravity, and these two-dimensional knives burst out at a warp speed!

Straight towards the Apocalypse Clan's defense zone and the various tribes' defense zones around the defense zone, attacking with a map!

The moment those two-dimensional knives cut into matter or energy, they will unfold them instantly, blooming into two-dimensional flowers and expanding!

In an instant, flowers bloomed everywhere, and the terrified roar echoed!

Jiangnan is holding a two-dimensional knife, and his scarlet eyes are standing above the starry sky, looking down on everything!

Majestic, like an unshakable god!

Du Lingyu blushed with excitement:

(*?????????) "Wow~ Nanshin is so handsome, so awesome~ I like you, you are so handsome and make me cry!"

Olivia looked at Du Lingyu with a look of disgust!

(¬优¬?) Acting? You play again? Didn't you already foresee it? That's why I didn't guard against it?

Bah ~ scheming girl ~ hum!

ps: Qingfeng updated a story about Emperor Qin on Douyin~ It tells about what happened during the second war of killing gods, the beginning and end of everything, the origin of the Great Wall, etc.~

The overall worldview and timeline will be gradually improved, friends, go to Kang~

Dou Yin searches tomato novelist Yi Qingfeng and you will be able to get well~ Remember to pay attention (???????)~

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