Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2636 Everyone, hurry up, don't delay business

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became extremely tense!

Even the Bose clan has a reason not to back down. If you really let the Nether clan come out, wouldn't that be equivalent to handing over the knife to the enemy?

Guli has to take a hit today!

Jiang Nan's eyes also cooled down!

"Disagree? Excuse me... Do you have the right to disagree?"

"To tell you the truth, the reason why I chose to showdown at this time today is not to discuss with you, but to inform you!"

"Even if you don't agree, the Nether Race will still walk out of the Styx River Star Territory. You can't control it, and you can't stop it!"

"The power of your Bose clan can't be controlled by the dimensional cracks!"

[The resentment value from Guli +1010! ]

I saw his eyes were scarlet, and the long sword was clenched in his hand!


Jiang Nan said coldly: "I don't agree? What can you do? Is it to destroy the Netherworld, or to destroy my human beings? Excuse me, which one can your Bose tribe do?"

"If you could do it, you would have done it already!"

"Or do you want to attack all the races that are against your Bose? Whoever doesn't listen to you will destroy them with the mighty power of the ceiling?"

"Then let's try it! We Carbon Alliance are one and the same, if the sword comes to us, we will definitely fight back with the blade in our hand!"

Jiangnan's words are sonorous, and Guli's face is getting more and more ugly!

He could feel those eyes looking at him!

All are full of fear, and this fear is also mixed with a touch of viciousness and dissatisfaction!

If the Bose really go to war, use the power of the ceiling to kill all the voices that are different from them!

Then these races will never sit still!

The Heavenly Sword erected on top of everyone's heads is indeed terrifying, but if it is cut down, no one knows if they will be the next to be cut!

In that case, even if it is a Heavenly Sword, I will show it to you!

My life is about to die, why bother with you so much?

Jiang Nan squinted his eyes: "The starry sky is not the starry sky of your Bose clan, ignoring the voices of the starry sky, such a tyrannical and domineering way of doing things, is this the starry sky overlord?"

"When I don't have a carbon alliance? When I don't exist, does the pledge alliance not exist? Stars are free! They are not slaves of your Bose!"

Chen Mu and Mai Liu Shi are already scolding them. If you want to say it yourself, don't pull us together?

The silicon master said lightly: [┐¬_¬┌] "Indeed! The Bose should consider whether they, as the overlords of the stars, have fulfilled their due responsibilities!"

"It keeps saying that it is considered for the starry sky, and we all agree that the nether people will join the starry sky sequence, and you are still stubborn there!"

"Is the will you fulfilled, the will of the Bose clan, or the will of all races in this starry sky?"

A word, like a knife, gun and club, slashed towards the Bose!

This is a battle without gunpowder smoke, but it is also startling step by step, which determines the direction of the times!

Turn words into sharp knives and fight on the battlefield!

This time, Guli was completely held up!

If you agree, the Carbon Alliance is strong, fueling the enemy's power, and the Bose tribe has one more point to be checked and balanced, and its power is greatly reduced!

The control of the times will not be as strong as before, perhaps it is an opportunity for the building to fall!

If you don't agree, use powerful means to suppress and crush all different voices, the Carbon League will fight back, and the rest of the races will choose to shoot out of fear!

Silicon-based will take the opportunity to take the opportunity to bring the quality alliance!

In this way, the Star Wars will start directly, and the era of Thousand Stars will completely transform the battlefield!

In this chaotic world, who will have the last laugh and become the new king is uncertain!

And the Nether Race will still borrow the dimensional cracks to come out, not under the jurisdiction!

No matter how you choose, it is an unstoppable fact that the Nether Race comes out!

Jiangnan, Jiangnan, you really have a good plan!

I simply didn't give me a second option, I can only be led by your nose!

Today's Qianxing Era is like a porcelain bottle full of cracks, carefully held in the hands of the Bose!

If you are not careful, the era of Qianxing that has been in operation so far will come to an end!

The original situation had not yet reached such a tense level, but one after another, things were pressed together to contribute to today's situation!

The two catastrophes, the big hunt in the universe, the Boky War, and now, everything has made the situation of the Qianxing Era even more fragile!

And that initial crack...

Perhaps it was the Star Market War that was fought with humans...

Jiang Nan squinted and smiled!

Alright... Guli, now it's your turn!

How to choose? It is to choose to swing this sword, completely collapse the situation, start the Star Wars, fight for hegemony in a chaotic world, and win the position of starry hegemony again!

Or carefully maintain the remaining glory of the Qianxing era, and continue to sit on the throne of your starry sky overlord like walking on thin ice?

No matter how Guli chooses, Jiangnan can play!

The carbon alliance has been completed, holding the terminal in hand and leaning against the dimensional gap, even if it is a star war, humans are not afraid of it, it is still unknown who will kill the deer!

Now is not half a year ago, when the carbon alliance was unfinished!

If you don't fight, then I'm sorry, the victory of this round, I accept Jiangnan!

Guli narrowed his eyes, the hesitation in his eyes turned into a decision!

Time and time again, I've had enough!

Since today's Qianxing era is already dilapidated, let the war turn into flames and wipe out all the enemies!

Turn the Bose into eternity again!

My Bose people have never been afraid of war, and it is exactly what I want. Once the Star Wars starts, life will crazily wither!

And this is also a good time to absorb the power of the world, just to make up for the gap of the lost universe seed!

Xunzu can take the opportunity to become enlightened, and there will be only one voice in the starry sky, that is the Bose!

Just when Guli made a decision to end this era with his own hands, the glazed horn above his head suddenly lit up!

He was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing bitterly!

Do you have to wait any longer?

Perhaps the world power absorbed by this sequence of offensive and defensive battles is enough for Xunzu to become Dao?

In that case, the ambitions of the Bose tribe can be fulfilled at the least cost, and as a result, the opportunity is even greater!

Just have to wait...

Guli took a deep breath, and finally abandoned the sword!

And everyone also breathed a sigh of relief and maintained it!

The Bose finally chose to step back!

Jiangnan is smacking his lips, damn it! Just now, this old man is absolutely planning to fight to the end, right?

It was also during the Bokie War. I have to say that Guli is the most rigid boson that Jiangnan has ever seen!

Is he really doing it?

But it should be stopped by Xunzu, after all, the one who can manage and live, is Xunzu!

The old monster who has crossed the times is stable, is it really capable?

I saw Guli said indifferently: "My Bose family just didn't think about it carefully. Since everyone agrees, then my Bose family has nothing to say!"

"But if it's really lost in their hands, don't blame me for not reminding you, the path is yours to choose, no matter how hard you fall, there is no turning back!"

"The Holy Law will tear up the Styx Agreement... Agree the Nether Race to join the Starry Sky Sequence and enjoy all the normal rights that the Starry Sky Sequence can enjoy!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw that above the Styx River, the countless Nether Legions beat their chests and roared, their eyes were red, and they wantonly vented their emotions that they had suppressed for an entire era!

And there was a huge cheer in the Styx Star Territory, which was paying close attention to all this!

Ping Chacha roared hoarsely, this day has finally come!


Jiu Lan's eyes were full of tears, the tears had already blurred the world, she rubbed her eyes in desperation, and looked at Jiang Nan's back!

Jiangnan did everything that he promised to the Nether Clan that would never fall!

The annoying guy who was taken back to Styx by himself back then is now a giant who can rewrite the rules of the times!

You Ming couldn't help standing on the river Styx with his head up at the moment, enjoying the cheers!

Forefathers, you have been working hard for it, fighting for it, and paying everything for it!

Finally got it today!

The Nether people can walk normally under the starry sky, and the splendor in the starry sky now also belongs to us!

I saw Nether walking, so I stepped out of the Styx and walked under the stars!

One step, two steps, three steps!

Finally came to Jiangnan's side and stood still!

"Thank you~"

Jiang Nan tilted his head and glanced at You Ming, and couldn't help grinning:

(¬?7?8¬) "Wait~ It's a big thing, look at you like that, big man, you can hold back your tears, so many people are watching!"

You Ming couldn't help but stroke his forehead with his hand, perhaps to cover his red eyes!

It's a big thing to flatter God, this is a long-cherished wish that my Nether people have not been able to fulfill for generations!

Today, you kid did it without any effort, just with one mouth!

Is this a big deal?

There are not so many words between men, this kind of kindness, You Ming has already remembered it in the bones, and it is unforgettable!

I saw Jiang Nan raised his hand and glanced at the emperor's new watch on his wrist!

(? 2? 9? 0? 3°? 2? 9? 0? 3°) "Cough cough ~ what's inside, since you agree, go down the joining process, sign a spiritual contract or something, don't go back on it when the time comes. !"

"Hurry up, wait for the next sequence of offensive and defensive battles to start, let's not delay the business, right?"

After he finished speaking, he whispered softly:

(¬?6?1¬?7?1) "Lai Lai Di, it took so long for the Nether Race to join the starry sky sequence, and it almost timed out. I thought it would be enough to stay for an hour!"

"You can still have a celebration feast after you finish it, and you still eat a fart meal?"

Everyone almost vomited blood on the spot!

God special meow to eat a celebration feast? Are you still thinking about a sequence of offensive and defensive battles?

Did you know that just now, I almost didn't need to play the sequence of offensive and defensive battles, and started the real star war directly! Hey!

What's the difference between dancing on a tightrope and hopping on a knife's edge?

Guli snorted coldly, his body suddenly disappeared in the sea of ​​embers, and returned to the Holy Law Star Capital!

And Tiffany at the beginning of the light was white-faced, and hurriedly arranged the process and agreement for the Nether family to join the starry sky sequence!

Seeing that the hourglass on the Star Ember Tower is about to leak light!

While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they looked at the Styx that surrounds the inner ring of the human star!

The face is even darker!

What's up with this horse?

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