Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2624 It's so passionate! confidence

Moon, City of Silvermoon!

This place is already so prosperous that it doesn't look like it used to be at all. There are towering high-rise buildings everywhere, as if it has turned into a technology capital!

Looking from a distance, you can vaguely see the laurel and silver vines standing upright in the sky, which is no longer the desolate appearance it used to be!

And the only thing that remains unchanged is the center of Silvermoon City, the statue belonging to the Jiangnan Moon Exploration Team on Silvermoon Square, still stands!

The City of Silver Moon is the first city built by human union in the starry sky!

It represents the first step of human beings into the starry sky, which is very commemorative!

Even though the footsteps of human beings have spread all over the Milky Way, but when they set foot on the moon and built the city of Silver Moon with their own hands, the hotness in their chests has not changed!

Now the moon has already turned blue, but the name of the city has not changed.

Is it also to commemorate the silver moon that will never return?

And at this moment, above the Yinyue Square, there is an army of millions of spiritual warriors gathered in a neat array, and their hearts are extremely hot!

In the next period of time, they will represent mankind to conquer the starry sky!

This is a supreme honor for everyone!

Being able to fight side by side with Nanshen is something they dare not even imagine, and they never thought it would become a reality now!

And I heard that Nan Shen will come to speak soon, which makes everyone look forward to it!

But at this moment, there was a flash of spatial fluctuation, and the figures of Jiang Nan and Wang Youzhi suddenly appeared in front of the podium in Yinyue Square!

Yang Jian had been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw Jiang Nan, his face turned black. He also couldn't understand how Jiang Nan managed the thunder giao and God's foul language just now!

But he's already seen it all!

Seeing Jiangnan coming, no one spoke, the entire triumphant army straddled in uniform, their bodies were straight, as if waiting to be lectured, but the fire in their eyes couldn't be hidden!

Yang Jian wiped his nose:

(??°??°) "That's all, do you think it's enough? It's almost a whole lot of drawing and drawing of human beings to barely make up so many..."

"Basically, they are Daotian and Xingyao. If you go further down, you can't do it. The diamonds are too bad, and you can't go up to the Starry Sky Battlefield!"

Jiang Nan was a little surprised: (???) "Are there so many people? It's a lot more than I imagined, it's ok~"

However, Yang Jian put his hands on his forehead with some shame!


Can I have a yarn? Stop comforting me!

Just so few people? I'm afraid there are not as many Zerg reconnaissance companies as others, right?

And the level is also...

This is also something that can’t be helped. Human beings have gone through the World Cleansing Project, and the population has almost halved, leaving only 30 to 4 billion!

Although the crisis was lifted later, humans stepped into the starry sky, obtained the sequence qualification, and the situation improved, people have already made villains like crazy!

But now the population base has only exceeded the 10 billion mark, and most of the new additions are newborns, and they are far from growing up!

To usher in the explosive growth of population, it takes time to accumulate!

However, the cultivation conditions of human beings are not so good nowadays, and it is no longer what it used to be!

Perhaps the number of supernatural beings is not very large, but it can really be described as Xingyao walking everywhere, Daotian is as numerous as dogs!

But it was beyond Jiang Nan's expectation to be able to gather so many stars!

Yang Jian smiled wryly: "That's the only way. Xingyao Daotian is not enough to fully adapt to the starry sky environment, but now with the support of advanced technology, weapons and armor, survival and fighting are not a problem!"

"And everyone has contracted with dimensional creatures, so they can advance, attack, retreat, or defend, which is also guaranteed!"

But compared with the big clans, the triumphant legion formed by humans is not generally weak, crushed in number, grade, and strength...

It is conceivable that the Triumph Legion entered the sea of ​​stars. With their size and strength, they might not even be able to splash a splash, and they would be rubbed against the ground!

But Jiangnan didn't expect the Triumph Legion to do anything, and he was originally recruited to train soldiers!

Get in touch with things in the starry sky early, get familiar with starry sky combat, and hone your own combat skills.

The current strength may not be enough, but what if all the millions of triumphant troops are extraordinary?

Imagine how spectacular it would be!

Perhaps in the eyes of others, pulling this group of people to the battlefield of serial offensive and defensive battles is to give away their heads!

But since Jiangnan chose to bring them up, he has the confidence to bring them down!

The Nether tribe is confident!

Listening to Yang Jian's conversation with Jiangnan, the triumphant army felt ashamed!

They also know the situation in the starry sky, how can they not be clear, people like themselves are a little helpless?

Nanshen and the others fought so brilliantly in the Great Hunt of the Universe, shining in the starry sky, but when it comes to the serial offensive and defensive battles, everyone needs to work together...

But it looks like this, even if everyone has been practicing very hard, they want to come in handy!

But the reality lies here, the background gap with the big clan cannot be bridged in a short time!

I saw that the triumphant army bowed their heads in shame, hating themselves for not having enough levels!

However, Jiang Nan still smiled. Isn't this the time to try out the function of the war horn?

Only by figuring out the function and method of use in advance can it play a good role in wartime?

Wang Youzhi on the side was also curious about what other magical functions this loudspeaker could have besides amplifying sound!

At this moment, Jiang Nan couldn't help but look around the audience. He saw Xiao Zhen, Mo Tian and the others in the triumphant army, and also saw Qin Qi Yu, Ye Xinghe, Yu Qingqing and his old classmates!

Even the Bad Beast Group, MC Big White Goose, and Mantis are among them!

Jiangnan coughed twice, raised the war horn, and switched to war mode!

I was stunned as soon as I switched, boy, is this still selected with a range?

In the war mode, only the selected personnel can be buffed or debuffed?

so convenient?

So Jiangnan took the big horn, aimed the horn at the million-dollar triumphant army, and immediately selected all of them!

Everyone was stunned, what's going on?

With Nanshen's strength, he still uses a loudspeaker to shout? Doesn't this take off your pants and fart?

I heard Jiang Nan say:

Σ(((\u003e(°?口°??) "Everyone look up! Look at me! Why do you lower your head? Is it because you feel ashamed? Do you think the stars are too strong? As a member of the Triumph Legion, you can't do it, right? ?”

The voice of Jiangnan was transmitted along with the war horn, hitting the heart and exploding in the ears!

It seems to have a particularly direct effect on inciting emotions!

Everyone raised their heads and their eyes dodged. Although they didn't want to admit it, it was the truth!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: "Are you underestimating yourself? If you can stand here today, you are already the best among tens of billions of human beings!"

"I have shown the possibility of human beings to the entire starry sky, human beings! Never weaker than any race! The world hunting, more than 300 of us, killed more than 10 million elites of the starry sky without any casualties! Everyone is human, We can do it, why can't you?"

"We human beings are elites! Maybe you are not strong enough now! But what about the future? You have the possibility of not losing to any of the starry sky! Isn't that enough?"

The sonorous words echoed in the square, and at this moment, the eyes of all the triumphant army lit up!

yes! Nan Shen Xing, why can't everyone?

Is the human dominance potential a joke?

Under the agitation of emotions, everyone's bodies unexpectedly glowed with orange light!

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, here we come!

"Think about the name of your legion! The triumphant legion! You are going to bring victory to mankind and return in triumph! You want to let all the people in the starry sky see clearly the strength of human beings!"

"You are the sharp knives of human beings. What you have to do is to slit the enemy's throat and drink their blood. I will ask you if you can do it! Speak!"

At this moment, the Triumph Group Army roared in unison in the square:

∠(?ˉ?口ˉ??) "Yes!"

Jiang Nan stared:

Σ(((\u003e(?`口′??) "Aren't you awake yet? I can't hear you! Louder! Can you do it?"

The entire triumphant army roared loudly:

∠(?≥mouth≤?) "Yes! Must do!"

And as everyone roared, their emotions were completely ignited!

The rays of light gathered on his body turned into an orange and red halo directly above his head!

The gain effect came up immediately!

Ye Xinghe slammed his chest violently, making a sound of hammering iron, his face flushed and said:

(???Dish??)??3?? "Huanyu Nanshen and the others have already shown it! This time, it's our turn!"

"Hiss~ Is it an illusion? Why do I feel that my body strength has at least tripled?"

Xiao Zhen's eyes were full of fighting spirit: "It's already ignited! This is human beings! We are not weaker than anyone, we will never admit defeat, and we will never back down!"

"It's so burning that I want to tear the manhole cover with my hands and open the fine gold. I will make my name, Xiao Shengxian, resound in the starry sky!"

"Huh? No, did my attack power increase so much? The halo above my head is..."

With the blessing of the war horn, the voice of Jiangnan has become particularly contagious! Let the emotions of the entire Triumph Army be agitated!

Yang Jian was stunned, what's going on?

After some shouting, why did two rings of light appear on the head of the Million Army Group Army? All of them looked like they had been beaten with chicken blood?

Jiang Nan's eyes are also full of excitement, isn't this coming?

With some encouragement from myself, the Triumph Army immediately became confident and enthusiastic. Every time an emotion was successfully ignited, there would be a corresponding buff halo on its head? Continuous gain?

The blood halo buff is the attack crit? The confidence halo gains physical strength, defense strength?

You know, positive emotions are not the only ones!

Excited, happy, smug, moved or something, it's all there!

If they are all hung up, can't a spring be hung on the top of the head?

Hei Shen was also stunned, what the hell? Is this all right?

Can not only broadcast shouting? Is it still possible to carry out group gain?

Is this really the horn of war?

However, looking at the triumphant army that has been completely ignited with incomparable confidence, Jiangnan's smile gradually became devilish!

The function of the war horn...but I haven't finished trying it yet! Chapter error, click here to submit (registration free),

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