Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2623 Dirty words from the gods?

Take advantage of me by taking the opportunity of the test? See if I will pull your head off!

In the previous year, Kodo was guaranteed to succeed in the next year

Jiang 14 Pavilion Heizhi saw a mess here, while Xing and Zhong exploded steel!

It's night in my ear!

If there are one or two people, it may be auditory hallucinations, but in today's measurement, from the old lady who is tens of thousands of years old, to the student Zhang Tong, they all heard the voice.

Zhijia battle suit. Changed his body and rushed to the sky above the Guangshi Starfield, and stood upright, the leader Qing Zhen jumped violently!

(?? Yi "7?) "Language? Race for betting on horses? What a big challenge, Silica! Is it yours? If you don't dare to fight on the boat, do you just curse people behind your back? Let you go instead, right?"

"Trust is comparable! Our whole family is big! Yes! Approve!"

Originally in a bad mood, the basket house directly replaced the fire filter, and Yu Xingdou yelled loudly, but the source of the sound was not found! On the side of the silicon solitary ball, I even thought that I could replace the hydrogen with the sound, and it was broken. Where is the noise coming from?

Noah Jing and the others also criticized with regret, the problem was that they were furious, and Bi Jinghua was slapped for no reason by the door? It's not too young to talk about it!

Not only that they were stalked, but everyone in the Star Dou was also stalked!

On the Liver Star network, all kinds of energy posts are crazy!

Wang (@口骑;) "Guantan! The whole starry sky has heard "You are a worthwhile" as a supportive voice. This fire is actually a twist of human nature, or Yide's funeral, and it is analyzed by experts"

Is Fang Xingzheng's actions a sign of the world's enlightenment to convey the message of splitting seeds?

(One_one?) "Horror! Don't look at it and regret it! As far as I know, there is no life in history that can take part in its own voice. What is it?

Right? -Mietn

0_?) "Hmm~- You are right, the will of the world is being conveyed, and we are all lucky enough to find it~ Your analysis is so right, it is obviously a pure joke

(? Si?) "I'm so angry, no one in my life dares to praise me as angry. Even if it is, it's not up to others to say it. Don't let me catch him! Otherwise, Xinzi will rule his 18 head!"

iYi8 "You? Let's do it today. If 8gong does this kind of thing, can you be the one who can deal with it?"

The discussion on the Internet is crazy, and there is a lot of buzz, and everyone is guessing that this voice is made by Zha!

Even Yang Jinshan was condemned, because the ability to lure them into laughter made the Yin clan feel wronged to death!

At this moment, someone burst out into the boat in the dimension, and everyone heard the giat of Brown Sky

Later, someone analyzed it, Yuanqian dared to giao on the earth disguised in black?

Shouldn't it be that I am afraid to see you?

And those who talk about the strong and disabled style of the day, can come out of the box, etc., are also filtered out? However, the big faction can't find any concrete evidence, and the voice of online discussions has gradually subsided!

After all, it’s a must-have to kill him. Have you ever killed him? Can you beat him once or both? No one dares to go any further!

i And so far, there is one more event in the unsolved birth of the star order! A dirty word from Teming!

But it's not worth the resentment at all!

Just as long as Jiang 14 was paddling with Hei Hang, the list of resentment points went crazy! Just as Shi Jiangnan limited Hei to hold the paddle together for such a short time. The list of grievance points is insane!

The total amount will rise wildly, and even the south of the Yangtze River has a feeling of hairy, blue-backed hair! Can't help but look happy, and the kitchen is full of blessings!

This world peak\\model is simply collecting resentment points, okay?

Ten years ago, she was no one in the world, and if she could say a word, the world would know?

If Ah Zhuo is all right, with the war horns in his hands, the two sons are dangerous, and the grievances are not worth it? In the future, will you be able to use it for grievances?

However, as the total amount of grievances increased, Jiangnan began to pick up gradually!

Is it dangerous to bet on horses?

Feel free to use the world just N to shout, the whole star can hear it, if you are a fool, it is equivalent to killing everyone in the whole starry sky!

Doesn't this mean that you are an enemy of the whole world?

If you really get caught up in a haha ​​by the invisible giant, jump out and punch me to death, then what will happen yesterday? , easy to be beaten!

This is not easy to be beaten to the door, it is hell!

The door speed is, this thing can't control the range at all, and if you use the world team mode, you will inevitably tell the world, and the starry sky will be used! Just now Bai Ji has already read it, and said it in a low voice, someone has already speculated that it may be him T's up!

I also know that there are people who have resentment against Jiangnan himself, which is very specific. Only then will it be collected by Jitong Baobao! If you don’t know the sound of yesterday’s crown, if you don’t know the situation, pretend to be two qi, and the resentment will not be collected too much!

I don't know, Lan Yu can't blame Jiangnan, and he can't pretend to collect his heart!

Like the previous thousand-star catastrophe, it obviously defeated a lot of people, but the previous attack with the star method did a lot of damage with Lin Zhang's trumpet, how did most people die by themselves?

But the mode of chopping in this world is different!

If Jiang yells at me, I, Jiangnan, say that everyone who is surrendering is rubbish~

Then it's over, I don't know how much resentment is worth it!

But at the same time, he will also become a public enemy of the starry sky, walk on the top of the list, and both hands are going to the south of the Yangtze River?

Is there any way to attack this thing? At that time, Jiang 14 will be blamed. I am afraid that people will be accused by thousands of people? Thinking of this, Jiang will be alone in shame!

Great Master Qingzi, then the master of the cow was surrounded and killed by people from all over the world, what is Baiji?

If there is no Zhenli star's absolute strength, there is really no way to use the war number 0 to play cancer on the world's public screen! Unless Jiangnan doesn't want to mess around in this business!

However, if you can't be courteous, doesn't it mean that you can't use it to make a difference?

Whether it is to buy and sell or to make notifications, isn't it a first-class convenience? The effect is bound to explode in Egypt?

Whether it's advertisements or notifications, isn't it a first-class convenience? The effect is bound to be crooked? Is it okay to force listening?

In the blink of an eye, Jiang 14neng's uneducated raucous thoughts came into his mind!

The dual-energy baby really has no room. Is this war horn really a special weapon?

Look at the total amount of your super airway, the leader said it was just a matter of time, the value of resentment has easily reached more than 100 million, although the increase and decrease has been very small, but it can be slightly increased by 1, which is still worrying Is it worth it to fill up the gas? How about earning casually?

Jiangnan immediately poured two and pumped 100 million, plus the two that were hung up before, it is three poles to be a grassroots man again!

Zhan Zhixing is broken: (?m)? "Is it the function of this man? Are you doing it on your waist? Come on! Play with me!" After speaking, Lu Yu wanted to grab it, but Jiang added a smirk:

[m "Ha, you two are playing with worms. But you have to have two fake straws in your hand to be a man first!"

I can't return it later! Three sticks back!"

It is not announced at this time, but when the storage and collection works start, then Jiang 14 can filter so much!

Isn't the grievance value open casually?

He looked at Jiangnan with a sly glance:

(A trace of-) "You still want to go back after I've shown the details I have in my hand? Not yet! There's no way!"

"Keep you? What's the difference between using ditch steamed stuffed buns to make a row? If you don't give it or give it, hurry up and play with me!"

Jiang 14 patted his shoulder proudly, and shook his head:

(~.~)? "You don't understand, Daxian I is no longer Dubi, rich in rabbit oil, and a scumbag, how much will I want in the future!" Shuang passed through this village, but there is no such shop! You don’t want to make more of a trumpet like Dazhi? “Zhao special sleep ball, this kid is so generous now?

Keep two and return the roots of the country? And chop pecks?

Not bad?

7 Yi?'s "You really pay?"

Jiangnan wins the head: (r??) "My Jiang Junzi is out, Yeyi Weiying can do it? Change it or not?" Zhaote hesitated, and in the end he should give him the Kuangjiang 14 who was Renjiang 14. The human grass toad has been taken out! I haven’t been able to get it back yet!

"Give it to the toad boat~ If you dare not return it, I will also give it to Obatai to give it to Zitang. Hurry up! At the same time, give me Kangkang~"

With two human grasses at their fingertips, Jiangnan stuffed the War Horn A into Tongchao's hand with great satisfaction!

now. In Jiang Nan's hand, there are five seals of life, enough to control the herring to become an adult, right? He was thinking that the judge He Xingyu made a mistake, and asked the order to get rid of the herring before the battle started!

Just thinking about the lawman He Xingyu on a business trip, before the sequence of attacks and battles starts, get rid of the Xiaoyuchan! Swimming and holding the lion to catch the color and compete for the horn, it is important to jump~

A cover on the Jiangnan of the tent can cover Jiachat's mouth!

(?m mouth?)? "I'm indifferent to Daganggu, don't cut it indiscriminately? Did you hear your noise all over the world? You continued to call out to them, and I shouted to them yesterday.

Eyes slammed together: (_?) "What happened yesterday? Hurry up, can they beat me right now?"

Jiang Lijin is busy: (tr_?) "I can't beat you, but if you think about it, do you really believe that the Daluo Kingdom will be opened up or such a prosperous Tuoli Kongze Station!" The son cut down the words, was forced to listen to the magic voice, and the vows have already been made? Maybe the dimensional final class has become deserted because of the re-competition?"

Jin Chu raised his head:? (~] "That's too~ Then I'll yell at Xing Jianlai~-Speaking of Wen Kang's mouth, he wants to yell out!

Jiang Lijin hurriedly stopped:

[?p?]? "Can't spit!"

"Huh? Xin Zifeng's Wai Dahou can't do it either?"

"Join the crowd, you yell again, if you don't lure me, I will get rid of it? After all, hatred? This? The carbon alliance has just been established, and it is far from being adopted by the society!" Only by careful fusion and protection can we understand?"

Hei Shu grinds his teeth, his face is full:

(?me??2)? "Definitely! You can't shout secretly inside, and you can't shout outside? So is the find fee useful? It's easy to be a man!"

Jiang Threshold started:?(?)? "No! You traded it for me, you will never regret it!"

Wide hold:???

Just now Mingling belonged to the governor, did Ye Zikong change with Mu?

"You're so sloppy!"

Speaking directly, I was on the board of Jiang Lixin's assistant, and today I have to line up to pick two car balls, which seems obvious! At this time, Yang Shang will pass on the news later!

"Did you believe in Giac just now? That Zhong Mingneng and Heyiyu were also you, right? Are you out?"

"If you have nowhere to release your energy, let's talk about it here. The army of human charcoal and silk for this attack has been formed!"

"Da Rong wants to meet you, but also to boost morale!"

Jiangnan is crazy, is there an army of silk?

"Ma'am, I'm too old!"

"Dongzui, er, it's smashed, and the true ancestor will be broken for a while, and when the sequence is busy, you can shout and cut whatever you want! And the use of this bright muscle is not only for shouting, Bo Chi can defend, Can I teach you how to use it?"

Teased crossbow, and functional offense?

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