Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2557 Ending and Beginning

All eyes were on Jiang Nan for a moment!

The corners of the mouths of the members of the Ten Thousand Races Sequence were all twitching, but they forgot about this!

This master is not afraid of the sky, the earth is not afraid of existence, it is strange that he can give the Bose family face!

Di Fu was furious: (?‵ ′) "What do you want?"

Jiang Nan quit at that time, put his hips on his hips and stared:

(??v口v?) "That's the end of the punishment? Are you fooling your father? I'm the most direct victim, so there's no compensation at all?"

"At that moment, I was almost crushed to death by the will of the world, okay?"

Yu Gen gritted his teeth, "Fuck, it's okay to kill you so easily, I've already done that!"

Emperor Fu said angrily: (?`言?) "Isn't it all already compensated? What else do you want? Don't make yourself uncomfortable!"

Jiang Nan hurriedly took two steps back, with a look of fear on his face:

??(?v?v??) "Ouch~ I'm so scared~ Is this how you apologize?"

"I have suffered such a big loss because of your violation, and I have no special compensation at all? Not to mention that you deducted too few points!"

"Innocence Hiiragi and the others' point rewards on the Star Hunting Ranking must at least be passed on to us humans, right?"

Yu Gen stared: "Transfer it to you? You didn't kill it, so why should it be transferred to you?"

If this is really transferred to humans, it is possible for their points to reach the top of the overall list!

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (乛?乛?) "Look~ I got angry just after saying a few words, and I didn't say I want it? I have a lot of points, and I don't like the one hundred thousand points!"

"As a direct victim of Bose family violations, I demand special compensation for my emotional damage!"

"Otherwise, this matter will be difficult! The majestic overlord of the starry sky openly violated the rules and cheated in the big hunting of the universe? Is there any credibility in this series of wars?"

"And the seed of the universe that you have been grinding all the way! The name of this thing is a bit imaginative? What is that thing? Do you dare to tell everyone? Everyone here must be very curious. Bar?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present began to discuss!

yes? What is the seed of the universe that the Bose tribe cares so much about? And what kind of relationship does it have with Huanyu Dahun?

Yu Gen's complexion was as ugly as eating a used slice of bread!

If the Ten Thousand Clans Sequence really knows the origin of the Universal Seed, the Bose Clan will completely lose their credibility!

It would be amazing if the World Hunt can be held in the Grand Ruins next time!

Yu Gen just wants to let this go!

He couldn't help but coldly said: (¬必¬?) "You just disagree, right? Tell me! How can this matter be settled! Make a price!"

Jiang Nan laughed straight, just let go!

(°~°〃) "It's all said, as a direct victim, I want special compensation! I don't lack money or anything, and I don't want points. We also have more than 200 rich mines in resources!"

"It's just that there is a shortage of manpower. I don't care if you want 300 star ruins, liberate the slave marks of the race, and send them to my human galaxy star field. Isn't it too much?"

Acrylic's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he couldn't help giving a thumbs up quietly!

Nanshen Niubi, if he has a dream, is he really going to realize it?

Yu Gen stared: (?? Yi?) "What? Three hundred star market? Why don't you grab it? You..."

Jiang Nan spread his hands: ?(????`)? "Aren't we already grabbing it? Where can we grab it quickly? Give it or not!"

The sequences couldn't help but cover their faces, aren't they covering it up?

The Star Troubled Times Army who robbed everywhere before and rescued the slaves was indeed from Jiangnan!

Yu Gen narrowed his eyes: (?????) "Heh~ for your star project? Human beings are too busy to take care of themselves, and they still care about poor slaves? You just raised a group of blood-sucking insects!"

"Sooner or later, human beings will be eaten away, fall apart, and pay the price for what they have done!"

Jiang Nan smiled: (??????) "Isn't this exactly what you want to see? So you should help me? You don't care what I do!"

"Three hundred star markets! To give or not to give?"

Yu Gen's eyes flickered, although for the Xingluo Round Hall, the loss of three hundred Star Markets is not a big deal, but in the total number of Star Markets they have developed, it is just a drop in the bucket!

But every star market is an inexhaustible mountain of gold and silver, which can bring long-term and sustainable benefits to the Bose people!

It's gone, but it's gone!

(︶优︶?) "Three hundred is too much! Even if it is a hundred, it is not..."

Jiang Nan immediately said: (?°???°)? "That's one hundred! Deal! That's it, no regrets!"

Yu Gen was reprimanded by Jiang Nan in the middle of what he said, and couldn't help gritting his teeth and burst out two words!

(????????)?"I give!"

Otherwise, Jiangnan will go around talking about the violation of the Bose clan, and by the way, the whole world will know about the seed of the universe. If anyone becomes suspicious, if the investigation finds something, then the gain will outweigh the loss!

After all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world. After so many seed collection tasks, you can always find out something!

Let Jiangnan be proud for a while!

The promise made in front of All Stars, Jiang Nan is not afraid of Yu Gen's cheating!

Moreover, there is no need to cover up the human beings' current Star Project, and perhaps it is not a bad thing to know about it in the entire starry sky!

At least let those slaves struggling in the dark know!

There are still people in this world who are fighting for you, live well, one day, the light will spill into the dark corners, never give up hope!

After the Bose Clan's punishment plan was finalized, the points rewards from the Star Hunting Rankings were once again added to the overall race points ranking!

The ranking suddenly changed to a certain extent!

The first became the silicon base, followed by the dark universe body and human beings. The total score of the top three all exceeded 10 million, while the Bose family, which was deducted more than a hundred thousand points, fell to the fourth position!

The one behind is Apocalypse Gamma!

Under Jiangnan's absolute control points, even with bonus points added, the Dark Universe Body is still ahead of humans!

Mook looked at the overall standings, he was so relieved, he won the first place for nothing!

And Noah's mouth was crooked, he didn't expect that he, the third child in ten thousand years, would have a day to be the second!

Even though Jiangnan had tried his best to lower the score, he still couldn't control it and ranked third!

But why did the Bose tribe really give in to you?

At this moment, the anger in Yu Gen's heart surged, and he wished to slap him down, blowing up Chenguang City!

As the overlord of the starry sky, after a big hunt in the universe, he fell to fourth place? Even if it is not the final result!

This is absolutely intolerable!

Seeing the human rankings pressing on top of the Bose tribe, Yu Gen wanted to die!

The seed of the universe is lost, Jiangnan is not killed, the innocence is abolished, and the ranking has also dropped. It is nothing!

It's no wonder Yu Gen's mentality is not broken, but the most important thing now is to find the whereabouts of the Seed of the Universe first!

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to explain to Xunzu at all!

Yu Gen immediately said loudly:

(?︶︵︶?) "I declare! The first round of the serial war, the world hunt is officially over!"

"The scoreboard of the big hunter race will be used as the basic score, which will be used in the second round of sequential offensive and defensive battles!"

"This sequence of offensive and defensive battles will still be held in the Sea of ​​Embers. Three days later, the Sea of ​​Embers will be open! All races are free to enter and build defenses!"

"The preparation period is still 180 days! Three days later, the Sacred Law Society will announce the specific rules of the sequential offensive and defensive warfare to the embassies of all ethnic groups in the Sacred Law Star Palace!"

"The meeting is over!"

After Yu Gen finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot. He didn't want to stay here for another second!

However, when the sequence personnel heard this, they immediately became sad, and there were not a few who sighed!

"Hey~ Sequential offensive and defensive battles? I can't afford it, and it costs money to recruit people. After this battle, all the racial heritage accumulated with great difficulty will be completely consumed, right?"

"How many years of racial GDP have to be burned? The Sea of ​​Embers is really a place that people love and hate!"

"What can we do? Can we do it without fighting? The lower the ranking, the lower the rights of the race? The development of the race in the next 10,000 years will all depend on the ranking of this sequence war?"

"Ham~ In the end, it's still the game of those big families. We can't afford to go bankrupt? Look back and see if there is a thigh that can be hugged. Is it 180 days? You have to hurry up and arrange it?"

Once the great hunt in the universe is over, and the upcoming sequence of offensive and defensive battles, none of the various races will be smiling!

All of them ended up with sad faces, each looking for his own mother!

It is conceivable that the serial offensive and defensive battle is such a headache for them!

Humans have also retreated into the gap between dimensions, on the way to the lost country!

Yang Jian also rubbed the center of his brows, with a sad expression on his face!

"It's hard to survive this time of silence!"

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??~??) "Isn't it? We just came back with the third prize, and we have more than 10 million points in our hands!"

"Even if the subsequent sequential offensive and defensive battles are difficult to fight, as long as you play normally and the serial war is over, it shouldn't be difficult to get into the top ten, right?"

Yang Jian shook his head and smiled wryly: "It's not that it's difficult to fight, it's just that it burns too much money and resources! After a series of offensive and defensive battles, even a wealthy local rich man will have to wear holes in his pocket!"

"We do have more than 10 million points in our hands, but we have to be able to keep it. The rules of sequential offensive and defensive battles are different from those of Hunyu Dahun!"

"The points in the big hunt, if you earn them, they are yours, even if you are cut off, it is useless, but in the sequence of offensive and defensive battles, the points can be yours, or they can go to others!"

Jiangnan's eyes lit up immediately:

(????) "In other words, can you steal someone else's?"

"This... this is what I am best at doing such things?"

Yang Jian covered his face, indeed! Jiangnan has a talent beyond ordinary people when it comes to grabbing things!

"This is a racial war between civilizations. Individual strength is small, and wars are often the most costly! Human beings are in a stage of rapid development, and money and resources are everywhere, plus the Stars Project The landlord's family doesn't have any surplus food?"

"Those races that have developed for hundreds of millions or billions of years have a huge background beyond imagination! It is enough to support the consumption of war!"

"But when it comes to the accumulation of background, we humans have no background! Only underwear!"

Jiangnan: (??w???)

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