Watching Jiang Nan and Hei Shen fighting together, picking each other up!

The Ye family sisters and Du Lingyu didn't even see it, did they? After all, people are also called the existence of gods!

The entire gap in the dimension belongs to him, is it really good for you to pick him up like this?

And Zhong Yingxue and the others have already gotten used to it!

Just when Jiangnan was about to use his unique skill of fishing for the moon from the sea, Nightingale suddenly came to report!

(??v~v?) "Nan Shen? Qingnong from the Xinggeng clan came to visit, saying that he came with a heavy gift, and discussed how you will pay for protecting their saintess until the end of the world hunt!"

"See you or not?"

When Qing Ke in Jin Kela's sack heard this, she thought that her life was hopeless, and she suddenly struggled frantically!

_(???#ゝ∠)_"Grandpa Qingnong save me! Save me, this poor child! I am so miserable! I will never get close to Jiang Devil again in this life! Woooooo~"

Jiang Nan was taken aback, huh? A reward for protecting their saintess?

This old man is quite good at talking!

However, Jiangnan grabbed Jin Kela's sack and hugged it in his arms, waved his hands and said:

Bag? (︶~︶〃) "See you, I haven't used enough of this luck weapon~ I'll give it back to them when I get tired of playing it!"

How could the Xinggeng clan redeem Qingke so easily?

After all, things that are easier to obtain are less cherished. Jiang Nan is thinking of them!

Nightingale nodded, and disappeared in a flash!

At this time, outside the hole in the space, Qingnong and his party are waiting anxiously, looking at the gap between the dimensions, they are almost eager to see through!

Seeing Nightingale coming back, his eyes widened!

(???﹏?) "What did Master Nanshen say? Can we..."

Nightingale shook her head:

(?v?v) "Sorry! Nanshin said no! He will return it to you when he gets tired of playing!"

As soon as these words came out, Qingnong almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood, Shente Miao will pay back when he gets tired of playing!

Then can we still have it?

Qingtian anxiously said: (???﹏??)? "Grandpa Nong! We... we can't just watch Keke suffer and ignore it? How about..."

However, Qingnong's big hand suppressed Qingtian!

What else? Is it hard to grab it?

After a great hunt in the universe, all the people in the starry sky have seen the strength of human beings, and it is not at all that the Xinggeng people can break their arms!

Can we only see Jiangnan's mood?

I saw Qingnong with a bitter old face:

(〒﹏〒;) "Then...then let Lord Nanshen take it easy...don't spoil it, our clan has prepared a big gift and is going to reward Lord Nanshen!"

"If he gets tired of playing, contact us anytime!"

After finishing speaking, she could only lead people away with a sigh. The corners of Nightingale's mouth twitched. Did they understand something wrong?

Just that little kid in Jiangnan, what can he do? He doesn't play with so many people around him, so he still has his eyes on your saint?

The Xinggeng tribe was sent away here, and after a while, news finally came from the Sacred Law Society of Chenguang City!

It is said that the points calculation work has been completed, and the final result of the world hunt will be announced!

At this moment, the members of the Ten Thousand Races sequence gathered outside Chenguang City!

On the throne of sequence, Yu Gen's complexion was extremely ugly, but Noah and the others smiled like spring!

Obviously, they had just had a round of fierce game!

Jiang Nan's eyes are also full of excitement, is it finally here?

Noah teased: (??w?) "You are the leader, you go and announce it~"

Yu Gen gritted his teeth, I'm announcing a fart, am I going to embarrass myself?

So he looked at Zhiyin with cold eyes!

(¬得¬?) "You! You go!"

Zhiyin was so excited that she almost burst into tears, she walked to the stage tremblingly, her voice trembling!

(?﹏?.) "After 13 days, the Great Hunting of the Universe came to a successful conclusion. The speed was so fast that it directly broke the previous historical record. Thank you all the representatives of the races for presenting you with wonderful pictures. Your figures will be forever remembered by the starry sky! "

"The final result of the world hunt is now announced, please check it out!"

With a wave of his hand, Chenguang City suddenly appeared as a giant projection, appearing in the starry sky!

[Starry Sky Sequence Race Scoreboard! ] (unit: ten thousand)

1? Bose family: 11

2? Silicon base: 1069

3. Dark universe body: 996

4? Human: 995

5? Apocalypse: 666

6? Gamma family: 666

7? Chaos family: 371

8? Zerg: 366

9? Stardust Clan: 322

10? Tianchen family: 322

11? Angel family: 297

12? Eye family: 285


As soon as the points ranking was announced, there was a commotion in the field!

In the past big hunts, the points of the top three were basically 10 million, but this time only the top 2 broke 10 million!

What's even more frightening is that neither the silicon base nor the boson body has reached the end, but they still rank first and second!

And even more at first glance, there are 3456 names!

Jiangnan used his strength to show what is called limit control points. Both human beings and dark cosmic bodies have a chance to break through tens of millions!

But he was stuck, presumably because Jiangnan didn't want to attract attention?

But your special meow is enough at first glance, right?

As for the Zerg chaotic body Xingchen Tianchen in the back, it's hip-pull, and the point gap is not so big!

After all, he didn't eat the last wave of cakes, and was cleared by the Qima Legion!

Xingchen Tianchen performed abnormally and dropped in the rankings continuously. He was at the bottom of the top ten, and the angel family fell out of the top ten!

And the sudden emergence of the Eye Clan is even about to overwhelm the Angel Clan!

For example, the ghost clan, parasites, metal clan, crystal clan, carbon filament clan and so on, because they were unlucky to participate in the siege of human beings, they left the stage very early, and their rankings dropped instead!

Each expression is like eating bitter melon!

The points gap widened by this link is not easy to catch up in sequential offensive and defensive battles, right?

God knows what price to pay?

At this moment, Noah's face was flushed, and he couldn't help giving Jiangnan a look of approval, and Jiangnan also grinned!

Under such a situation, it is already a very good result for the dark universe body. Jiang Nan did not take the third place, but kept the dark universe body's ranking, which not only saved face for the dark universe body, but also won't lose points!

As for Apocalypse Gamma, it's pure rubbish. In the past, relying on themselves, they couldn't get more than six million points!

Zhiyin smiled: (??????) "Everyone, don't worry, this is just the preliminary list. The ranking of the Star Hunting list has not yet been announced, and the extra points have not been counted~"

While talking, the Star Hunting Ranking was also displayed!

1? Jiangnan: 621

2? Gang Xiu: 619

3? Night Iris: 543

4? Turin Jade: 443

5? Benny Lou: 401

6? Worm? Worm: 298

7? Hunyuan: 250

8? Yao Gen: 206

9? Sky Comet: 200

10? Xiao Chuihuo: 1

11? Violet Ye: 138...

As expected, Jiangnan took the number one position on the Starhunter list without any dispute, and became the top brother of the list, and won the title of Starhunter King!

One million points can be added for human beings, 900,000 for the second place, and so on...

Not only Jiangnan, most of the leaders elected to fight for the position in the Renqima Legion are on the list, and the rankings are extremely high!

I saw Jiangnan suddenly crossed his waist and laughed!

(??????) "Sure enough! I am destined to be a Southerner who is going to be the star hunter! Hahahaha~"

"What do you think you are doing all this effort? Wouldn't it be better to go through a process at the beginning and award me the title of Star Hunter? You have to wait until I kill more than six million people before sending it to me? This is not taking off your pants and farting Is it?"

The faces of all the sequences turned green, do you want to be so arrogant, you?

In the World Hunting Battle, Jiangnan has demonstrated his strength to the fullest, and he is well-deserved to be the first person under the Star Swallowing!

Even if he didn't rank first in the final points, he still existed like an uncrowned king!

But even after searching the top 100 of the entire star hunting list, I couldn't find the name of a single boson!

Seeing Muke get up, he immediately announced:

[┐???┌] "In response to the blatant violation of the Bose clan, the Holy Law Council made the following judgment after deliberation!"

"The ranking bonus points on the Bose Clan Star Hunting Ranking are invalidated, and the bonus points that should have been obtained will be deducted from the race rankings as a punishment!"

"And pay compensation for knowing the law and breaking the law, which affects the fairness and justice of the world hunting. Within 10 years, the ticket prices of all star markets in the Xingluo Round Hall will be reduced to 30% off, and half of the slave head fee will be exempted!"

"Within 10 years! 20% off the ticket price of Bobo Star Airlines, and take out the Bose clan's profit share of the Northern Corona Mine Bureau for one year as compensation, and replenish the Wanzu sequence! And the Bose clan needs to apologize publicly!"

One by one, they are all cutting flesh from the Bose tribe!

They don't care about resources, money, etc. For the Bose people who have accumulated billions of years, these are completely useless!

Normally speaking, with this level of violation, all the points that Hiiragi Oo had gained for his innocence would have to be shaved off!

But in this way, there are not many points left for the Bose clan, and the ranking still has to drop to grandma's house?

For the Bose family, face is more important than money, so it is natural to choose to cut meat to protect points!

After Muke finished speaking, he gave Yu Gen his eyes!

[┐乛?乛┌] "It's time to make a public apology!"

At this moment, the rest of Tun Xing also looked at Yu Gen teasingly!

Yu Gen's face was as black as ashes at the bottom of a pot, the price of saving his innocence was not ordinary!

A public apology? How could he do such a shameful thing?

(?????????????)? "Emperor's reward? Go!"

Emperor Remuneration: ? ? ?

?(°口°?) "Huh? I..."

(???Y????)? "Go!"

Tizuo's face turned darker, can you not go? Is he the lowest in the Bose swallowing star?

I saw Di Fu come to Julang City in a flash, closed his eyes, and said through gritted teeth!

(??? Song????)? "I am deeply sorry for the violations of the Bose tribe in the world hunting! It has affected the fairness and openness of the serial war!"

"Our family has been punished as it should be, and we have made corresponding compensation, of course! Whether the plan is feasible or not, needs to be judged by all the people in the starry sky!"

"Who is for? Who is against?"

Speaking of this, Di Chou's expression was quite distorted, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and he looked like he was going to eat people!

The corners of the mouths of the Ten Thousand Races sequence personnel twitched!

Who dares to oppose this? Even if such a punishment is light, it is not painful to the Bose family, but so what?

He is the overlord of the starry sky, you object to a try?

Whoever dares to raise his hand to object, the Emperor's reward will have to kill that person when he turns around, right?

As soon as the question was asked, the starry sky was silent, and no one expressed their opinion. Anyway, they had already received the bonus, so how the Bose tribe dealt with it had nothing to do with most races!

"I think it's ok, the attitude of the Bose people to admit their mistakes is... quite sincere!"

"Hmm! And compensation measures and punitive measures have been taken. I agree with this plan. Just be careful not to commit the same crime again next time..."

As soon as someone takes the lead, everything is said along the way. How can anyone dare to touch the brows of the Bose tribe?

Ah, there are really people who dare!

Seeing Jiangnan staring, he immediately raised his hand:

(?口?)? "Me! I object!"

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