Although I am quite grateful to the Angel Race for planning such a massacre against humans!

If it weren't for their interference, humans wouldn't have rushed up the total amount of points so quickly!

But Jiang Nan didn't expect to let the angel go so easily, since the beam has already been formed, there is no need to hold back!

It's time to fulfill the promise I made before the game started!

Clear the Angel Race and completely kick it out of the game!

Both Atiya and Ujieer's faces were extremely ugly, and they really realized what despair is!

The fate card has been crushed, and the angel family has already abstained from the game, but now it is an extravagant hope to get out alive!

Facing the assembled humans, there is even a Dark Cosmic Body to help out. The Ye family sisters alone are not something the angels can easily deal with!

How to fight this?

Jiangnan clearly wanted to kill all the angels present!

Ujieer's eyes are full of ferociousness:

??(#°?优°?)?? "It's not over yet! Dogs will jump over walls when they are in a hurry, and rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry. If you don't give us a way to survive, don't think about it!"

"They all want our lives, what else do I care about?"

Jiang Nan grinned and couldn't help spreading his hands and said:

╮(??w??)╭ "Of course, you can resist! You can also struggle! This is your right!"

"If I'm hurt by you, it's because I'm not capable enough! But...the result won't change!"

As he spoke, the smile on Jiangnan's face disappeared completely!

"Do you know? From the moment Shirley died in the hands of the angel clan, we are already in a relationship between you and me! And the root of the disaster was planted by you angels!"

"Back then... Feiyan and Gabriel shouldn't have come to Blue Star. The cause of the past is the result of today!"

"Your entire angel clan will have to pay for what you have done!"

Atia gritted her teeth tightly: "All Angels, form the mighty battle formation again! Go out! If you can't go out! You will die..."

There are only more than 6,000 angels left to gather in the void, and then form a mighty battle formation!


At this moment, the halos of all the angels turned into blood, and within the halo, a bloody sword full of evil aura took shape!

It actually pierced slowly along the angels' celestial spirit caps!

The moment they stabbed in, the vitality of the angels was blazing, and the momentum on their bodies was raised again and again, and the energy burst out, like little suns!

Obviously, this is some kind of secret technique of burning life in exchange for power!

Because if you don’t use it anymore, your life will be gone. What’s the point of burning it?

"Heavenly power manifests!"

Atia, who had endured all the infusion of power, even summoned the phantoms of Lucifer and St. York again!

The golden divine wings spread wildly!

"God's Wings? God's Walk Splits the Sky!"

Just like that, the Tianwei battle formation rushed towards the edge of the dark energy field at top speed!

Like a golden cannonball capable of penetrating the starry sky!

However, Jiang Nan's figure flashed, and driven by warp speed, he stood in front of the battle formation!

"I said it! I want you to die here! How can I let you go without your life left!"

Atiya's eyes were full of ferocity: "Then you should die too!"

"The King's Sword!"

Under the infusion of full power, the phantoms of St. York and Lucifer moved at the same time!

A golden King Sword phantom took shape, was held by two phantoms at the same time, and held up high!

Fierce energy fluctuations overwhelmed the audience, as if what was held in his hand was no longer the King's Sword, but a galaxy!

Enough to cut through all galaxies!

Around the sword body, more than 800,000 killing feathers are superimposed, allowing its power to increase further!

"Go to hell! One Sword Heaven!"

Wang Zhijian slashed in the direction of Jiangnan, not only to force Jiangnan back, but also to tear apart the dark energy field in one fell swoop!

Even Ye Yuanwei was shocked by the power of this blow!

It's worthy of being a life-burning blow from the angel race, its power is truly terrifying!

How can Jiangnan stop it? Dimensionality reduction hit?

I'm afraid it's too late, right?

Do you want to help?

A sword fell, and white clouds curled up in the starry sky, a resplendent and magnificent phantom of the holy heaven, and hymns echoed!

However, Jiangnan didn't dodge or evade, and didn't even make any defensive moves!

Just like that, he rushed up to meet the sword's edge!

?(???ヮ???)? "Come on? Let me see how you hacked me to death?"

At this moment, Jiangnan had already hung the Jin Kela sack on his chest, as if carrying a dynamite bag!

Spread your arms and welcome the sword!

Hack me? Anyway, before I die, dead Qing Ke will definitely die!

Goose box~

Xiao Chuihuo and the others stared at the boss, Nan Zaizai is not crazy, is he?

No matter how confident you are, you don't accept such a move, do you?

However, just as the sword was about to strike, a strange scene happened!

In the Tianwei battle formation, several angels fainted and foamed because they could not bear the burden of the holy sacrifice, and they happened to be on the key energy transmission node!

One wrong step, one wrong step, caused a big problem in the energy transmission of the battle formation, and a violent energy explosion occurred!

Atiya was violently backlashed, spat out a mouthful of old blood, and even had a problem with the phantom of the Holy Manifestation, and it shattered into aura on the spot!

The aggressive Sword Heaven also collapsed on the spot because of this, and the killing feathers stacked more than 800,000 layers were backlashed because they were not released in time!

I saw that the Tianwei Battle Formation, which was fine a moment ago, suddenly exploded, and all the angels vomited blood, and their bodies were split open!

The ferocious attack immediately dissipated into nothingness!

At this moment, Odin Xiao blew fire and they all widened their eyes!

Σ(っ°┏口┓°;)っWhat the hell?

That's okay too?

Jiang Nan obviously didn't do anything? He just rushed up against the attack!

The Tianwei battle formation collapsed on its own because of a small mistake? Still blowing up the angel himself enough?

Such a good idea?

Jiang Nan crossed his waist and laughed loudly: "That's it? If you understand it, you can use this trick to cut me? I'm standing here, are you hurting me? Hahahaha~"

Atia clutched her chest and vomited blood, eyes full of fear!

Is this feeling again?

Damn it!

When I faced Qing Ke before, I lost the chain frequently, and now it's coming again!

Then...the thing in the sack should be Qing Ke, right?

Can the child of luck still use it like this?

Now the angel clan is completely numb. Neither Jiangnan nor Qingke can take it down by themselves. Now they are added together?

This horse...

At this moment, Qing Ke's face, locked in the dumb sack, turned even darker!

Jiang Devil is using other people to do some unconscionable things! Hey, my luck is gone again!

It's a good thing that Jiangnan is not a child of luck, otherwise he would have used up his luck a long time ago, and then he would be unlucky, right?

Why didn't my good luck stop working after being caught by Jiangnan? Normally speaking, with the blessing of luck, it should create opportunities for him to escape?

But now it seems that there is no chance at all!

On the contrary, it has become Jiangnan's weapon, a shield!

Why doesn't it work?

[The resentment value from Qingke +666! ]


Now Qing Ke doesn't think about anything else, she just wants to live and go home and farm!

Odin swallowed his saliva:

Σ(°┏△┓°|||) "Is this the power of that child of luck? It's so annoying~ Can you even do this kind of thing?"

Zhong Yingxue shuddered violently, and couldn't help but stay away from Odin:

(¬﹏¬?) "Otherwise, how could Xiao Nan be forced to eat little cherries and chewing gum? He just went offline for three hours!"

The angels who were severely injured by their own attacks were still trying to break through the force field and find a way out!

I heard Jiang Nan roaring: "Iris Violet! Let's have some art!"

Ye Yuanwei narrowed her eyes: "I'm just waiting for your words!"

"Dark matter explodes!"


On the battlefield, the dark matter exploded instantly, releasing a huge amount of energy, almost filling most of the battlefield!

Submerge the figures of all angels in the torrent of energy!

I saw Jiangnan who was in the explosion wave a big hand: "Dimensionality reduction strike!"

The generated two-dimensional plane begins to expand wildly along the space where the energy is located!

Dimensionalize energy and angels in an instant!

So an extremely overbearing siege began!

"Dark matter explodes!"

"Dimensionality reduction strike!"

"Detonation! Strike! Explosion! Strike! Explosion... Strike..."

Every time the dark universe bodies are killed, Jiangnan's dimensionality reduction attack must keep up!

All the range covered by energy is the expansion range of the dimensionality reduction strike!

A gorgeous fireworks show was immediately staged on the battlefield!

Under such an offensive style, the angel clan had no chance to form a battle formation at all, and they were changed into photos by the two-dimensional fragments extending from other positions at some point!

The angels began to die in pieces!

Jiangnan and the dark universe teamed up to deal with the angels, just as innocent and silicon-based teamed up to kill the dark universe back then!

The same reason!

The difference between the third sequence and the tenth sequence is not a little bit, not to mention that there is such a pervert as Jiangnan!

There's no need for Xiao Chuihuo and the others to intervene!

Just the cooperation of Jiangnan and the dark universe body is enough to wipe out all the angels!

Odin's forehead was bursting with sweat: (?-┏ヮ┓-`;) "Still... still a big brother, awesome?"

This is unreasonable crushing of strength!

However, even so, there are still many powerful angels struggling tenaciously under such an offensive!

Ye Yuanwei couldn't help but look towards Jiangnan:

(¬~¬?) "Can we do it?"

Ye Jinse nodded excitedly:

(??????)? "Do you do it? Do you do it?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "You're welcome!"

Immediately, many dark cosmic bodies activated cosmic techniques, entered the dark world and began to attack and kill the surviving angels!

Wu Jieer is just lucky to have saved her life after avoiding the two-dimensional expansion!

However, the next moment, the attack was on the verge of attack, and the two sisters jointly attacked, with black flash and shadow slash!

Almost instantaneously cut Wujie'er's body into pieces, and even had a look of joy for the rest of his life on his face!

It's a pity that he is destined not to get out alive!

The speed of Zhou Shu is beyond what he can react to!

Atia was seriously injured at this moment, half of her body was gone, swallowed by the two-dimensional plane!

Under his induction, the angel's aura became less and less, and raging energy and expanding two-dimensional fragments were everywhere around him!

There is no hope of escape, and no one will come to save me!

At this moment, he truly felt despair, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape the end of death!

Atiya gritted her teeth tightly!

"Is it over like this? How can you be reconciled! How can you! It's better to live than to die!"

"Mother-womb reincarnation? Back to the stove and rebuild!"

At this moment, Atiya used up her only two remaining opportunities for Nirvana!

The body was shattered into flesh and blood on the spot, and even the dregs of the meat were burned into nothingness by the holy fire!

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