Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2487 Bestow Angel Despair

At this moment, St. York is also directly caught in a dilemma!

I thought that if the hostages were in hand, human beings would not dare to act rashly against the angel race because of the brotherhood. The angel race has this life-saving trump card, as long as they hold it in their hands, it is enough to last until the end of the big hunt!

Who knew that human beings didn't play cards according to the routine at all, and they were sure that angels would not dare to take hostages!

Just a name in Jiangnan has already made the Angel Clan think twice and fear to such a degree!

It can be seen how terrifying Jiangnan's notoriety is!

If you don't kill them, you won't be able to threaten humans, and the angel race will be targeted by Jiangnan, and the field will be cleared!

If they are killed, the Angel Clan will be cleared. Afterwards, I don’t know what kind of revenge Jiangnan will have to bear. After all, the Angel Clan is executed first!

If Jiangnan's bottom line is violated again, the matter may not be so easy to settle!

It is likely to have a serious impact on the subsequent sequential offensive and defensive battles!

It can be said that even if the hostages are captured, the Angel Race is still driven to a dead end!

No matter how you go, it's an abyss!

St. York's eyes were full of unwillingness. Although he had earned some points, it would be too bad to leave now!

There may be a chance of a comeback in the subsequent sequence of offensive and defensive battles, but it is really difficult to keep the top ten in this way?

He set his sights on Yu Gen again!

??(?¬必¬)?? "Don't the Bose tribe have anything to say about this?"

Yu Gen's expression remained the same: "It's just a normal competition, what can I say? The angel clan has to work hard..."

The purpose of the Bose tribe from beginning to end is to use the angel tribe as a bait to hold Jiangnan and prevent him from adding chaos to the Bose tribe's breeding plan!

This purpose has been achieved!

St. York punched the throne with resentful eyes, his eyes gradually becoming dangerous!

But Yu Gen said via voice transmission: "What's the hurry? It's just a temporary defeat, and there will be a series of offensive and defensive battles and apex wars later. Our clan's slight tricks are enough to keep your position!"

For the Bose tribe, there is nothing wrong with stabilizing the angel tribe first, and giving them hope will make them move forward!

Saint York clenched his fists tightly, the Angels had no choice!

So I can only respond to He Ye!

"Take the hostages! Let's go! Don't get entangled with humans, don't kill people, and minimize losses. There is still a series of offensive and defensive battles to be fought!"

He Ye also heaved a sigh of relief after hearing what St. York said. Doesn't he need to kill the hostages? That's good!

Otherwise, he might also be planed by Jiangnan. If he had to kill him, he would not want to do it himself no matter what!

On the Tianwei battlefield, the Holy Kingdom Tianwei burst out again, breaking all fusion fields!

"I'll take her away first. If you want her to live, don't chase her!"

After talking about the crazy spread of the wings of God, he will leave the battlefield and fly away with Ziyuan!

But how could Xiao Chuihuo give the Angel Race this chance?

With Batty here, the enemy has always been ahead of the game!

Where are you willing to let them go?

An infinite restricted area in Badr? The sky prison was released, and the space was infinitely compressed!

The extremely fast Tianwei Battle Formation has not been able to move for a long time!

However, at this moment, Batty's eyes brightened, and he roared:

?(????┏┓????*)? "Open the way!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the Tianwei Battle Formation was blocked, Odin directly controlled the Rainbow Bridge and ran over!

Straight into the Tianwei battle formation, and blasted into the void area suppressed by the angels in one fell swoop!

They just suppressed the space, they couldn't teleport and warp in, but that didn't mean they couldn't get in with other attacks!

(??v┏依┓v?) "Rainbow Bridge? Yangguan Avenue! Hurry up and mess with me~"

The next moment, Magician, Bader, Pierce, and Batty crashed into the Rainbow Bridge!

Almost in an instant, they have reached the end of the Rainbow Bridge!

I saw the magician immediately unfolded his magic space field, and the whole person turned into a space, in the shape of a cuboid, trying to squeeze out the suppressed void!

Open an invisible road to space!

However, the magician alone is not enough, and Badr uses his own boundless forbidden zone to stretch the space that the magician transforms crazily!

Pierce is at the end of the space road, in the crazy Broken Paradise, closing the distance with the Tianwei Battle Formation!

The moment he touched it, Batty rushed forward with a roar!

"Atomic annihilation? Return to the ruins!"

Fierce blue rays of light burst forth, charging fiercely at the mighty Tianwei battle formation!

The pattern was shattered crazily, and a big hole was torn out!

At this moment, the magician has opened up an invisible space road, which lines up the suppressed space and connects the inside and the outside!

Naturally, the angel will not sit still, the phantoms of St. York and Lucifer have already bombarded Batty and the others!

It was about to hit Batty!

However, Batty didn't panic at all, and grinned at He Ye: "Everything is over..."

He Ye suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and grabbed Zi Yuan!


The next moment, time stood still, and the world seemed to be paused!

Batty's figure in front of the battle suddenly disappeared, replaced by Jiangnan with the shadow of a sundial under his feet!

It is the space replacement, and now Jiangnan's space replacement can leave 100 marks, and the marks can last for several months!

Before the big hunt started, Jiangnan had already left space imprints on many human beings!

Including Batty, Ziyuan and the others!

And Badr and the others opened the way, also to open a way for Jiangnan, to open a way of space that will not be suppressed, which is enough for Jiangnan to use skills!

Batty's path was not thorough, not enough for Jiangnan to directly replace Ziyuan, and she was still restrained by the six-stick light prison and the judgment light array!

But in an instant, the distance is close enough, everything is not a problem!

I saw Jiangnan's eyes glaring sharply, and a void barrier and boundary-breaking sword condensed in his hand, slashing down at a warp speed!

The last bit of defense of the Tianwei Battle Formation was also split, and even He Ye's arm holding Ziyuan was cut off!

Driven by warp speed, Jiangnan went straight into the battle formation of Tianwei, holding Ziyuan in his arms!

The phantom of the sundial returns to zero, and time flows again!

Everything happened in those two seconds that didn't exist!

At this moment, He Ye's gaze even stayed on Batty's original position!

However, in an instant, he couldn't feel his arm, and suddenly found that a big hand was covering his face!

Through the cracks of his fingers, he saw Jiangnan in blood armor and holding a purple kite in his arms!

I couldn't help but my pupils shrank, and my eyes were filled with fear!

This was the last face he wanted to see!

How did he get here? How could they penetrate into the Mighty Heavenly Battle Formation? What happened just now?


Before he finished speaking, he saw a sinister smile on Jiangnan's face!

In the palm of the hand, the space with a radius of hundreds of kilometers was directly reduced by Jiangnan and turned into a two-dimensional plane!

He Ye and nearly a thousand angels around him all went to the second dimension!

This is Jiangnan's most direct attack in the enemy's camp after he penetrated into the Tianwei battle formation!

At the same time, Ziyuan in Jiangnan's arms suddenly disappeared, replaced by a bearded Wang Dalei appearing in Jiangnan's arms!

It is the space swap!

Ziyuan has been replaced into the field of oriental mythology!

And because of Wang Dalei's arrival, a huge amount of fatality was directly brought over by Destiny's Punishment!

Before everyone could react, they slammed heavily on the two-dimensional plane!


The two-dimensional plane suddenly expanded at super-light speed, engulfing the entire Tianwei battle formation!

The rest of the angels instinctively scattered and fled!

In the blink of an eye, the two-dimensional plane expanded to several light-years in size, and it was still expanding outwards fiercely!

But from Xiao Chuihuo and Odin's point of view, the Tianwei Battle Formation was exploded by the expanding two-dimensional plane almost instantly!

Jiang Nan was dressed in blood armor and descended in the form of a god. Before everyone could react, Zi Yuan had already been rescued!

Throw it into the realm of oriental mythology and fall asleep!

Ziyuan, who was sleeping soundly, smiled triumphantly, smacked her lips, scratched her buttocks, turned over and went back to sleep!


Jiang Nan looked up at He Ye with a broken arm that had turned into a photo in the two-dimensional plane, still lifelike, with fear in his eyes!

"People who dare to touch me? You really don't have a long memory! Heh~ But you know the times, and you didn't do anything to Ziyuan! You chose a happy death!"

"Otherwise, I don't mind teaching you what life is better than death!"

Batty couldn't help laughing, perfect!

A silky batch, with the cooperation of several space systems, and even the assistance of the time system, how could it be impossible to break through the mere Tianwei battle formation?

At this moment, only Wang Dalei said weakly:

(????????┏~┓????????) "Jiang Shuhu? Can... can you put the baby down to provoke? This... so many people are watching, people will be shy to provoke~"

While speaking, he lightly hammered Jiangnan's chest with his big fist!

Jiang Nan's expression froze, and he looked down into his arms!

Σ(? ー?|||)…

I saw Wang Dalei being hugged by his own princess, with a little shyness on his big face full of stubble!

Σ(???|||) "vomit~vomit~"

Jiangnan couldn't hold back, and spit out a mosaic waterfall!

Hastily threw Wang Dalei out of his arms, patted his battle armor in disgust, and even kicked his ass!

(¬志¬????) "What kind of monster are you!"

(????????┏~┓???)? "Me? Lei Lei? Jiang Shuhu, don't you remember me messing with you? Hmph~ Is it because of you that he became like this? la~"

Jiang Nan shuddered fiercely, what kind of evil did I do all this!

At this moment, the Tianwei battle formation was directly broken up, Atiya and Ujieer's eyes were full of fear!

Jiangnan? Is Jiang Nan back?

Straight into the Tianwei battle formation? How on earth did he do it?

The hostages are gone, and the great priest is dead?

The two-dimensional He Ye didn't even have the chance to turn into a chicken!

St. York looked at the points in a hurry, and quickly said: "It's over, get out! There's no need to take you in!"

The last struggle of the angel clan was also because of the arrival of Jiangnan, the hostages were rescued, and He Ye's two-dimensionalization was declared shattered!

With the two-dimensionalization just now, the Angel Race players directly lost more than 30%!

Against Jiangnan, there is no play at all!

Today's angel clan can only hope for the follow-up sequence of offensive and defensive battles!

Wu Jieer and other angels stopped fighting once they heard it, so why would they hesitate?

They crushed their life cards one after another, spatial fluctuations burst out, and they planned to abstain from sending them out!

However, they didn't move until the space fluctuation dissipated!

Jiang Nan just watched the angels' operations quietly, and did not move!

Atiya jumped up in a hurry!

"How is it possible! Why doesn't it work!"

However, the next moment, the surrounding dark energy surged, and more than a hundred dark cosmic bodies quietly emerged in the void!

The two sisters Ye Yuanwei and Ye Jinse suddenly appeared behind Jiangnan, looking at the angels!

" can't get away under the dark energy force field!"

Atiya took two steps back with a pale complexion, shaking her head constantly!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "Let's feel the taste of despair! Angels!"

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