Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2417 Heavenly Scripture! Appearance

Obviously! Each sequence has its unique skills!

And the breeding ground of the Zerg is not only the Zerg, but also the Chaos!

The leader of the Chaos Clan, Hunyuan, brought the Emperor, Xuan Se and all the Chaos Clan players in place!

Seeing the swarms of insects multiplying so enthusiastically, I can't see it!

One by one, they became the most loyal guards of the Zerg, giving the Zerg a chance to develop, so as not to be attacked by other big players!

Once the Zerg race completes its reproduction and expansion, the endless Zerg soldiers will provide the chaotic bodies with inexhaustible royal bodies!

Zerg and Chaos have what they need, and they chose to form an alliance in the face of the powerful. At least for this moment, they are still allies!

Although the Sequence support team were all spitting, but Chong Qianjin looked at this scene and sneered!

Want to push the Zerg out? It's not that easy, just see who can have the last laugh!

As soon as the screen changed, the Tianchen Clan and the Stardust Clan joined together!

The 10,000 Tianchen Clan are huge in size, and they can be said to be live targets in the Huge Hunt, but they have extremely strong attack power and energy reserves!

And with the addition of the Stardust Clan, the Stardust is attached to the stars, providing gravitational blessings, and it is a strong alliance, which can advance, attack, retreat, and defend!

The leader of the Tianchen clan is Tianhuixing, and there is also a black dwarf and a supergiant star as his deputy!

And the leader of the Stardust Clan is also two powerful seed players!

A dark canal made of black-gray stardust, and a glow made of moon-white stardust! Black and white double evil!

The alliance of Tianchen and Xingchen formed an army of stars, which has the potential to sweep the big hunting!

On the other side, the Apocalypse Clan led by Du Lingyu merged with the leader of the Gamma Clan, Walter the Red Gamma, and Benny the Green Gamma!

The Gamma Body teamed up with the Apocalypse Clan, and another superpower was born!

Facing the heavy pressure of the three big bosses above, they can only fight together as a group!

Bose, Silicon Base, and Dark Universe are fighting for the front, the Apocalypse Gamma below is allied, the Celestial Stardust is allied, and the Zerg Chaos is allied!

Only the angel family was excluded, no wonder Lucifer panicked!

Even if the Angel Clan wants to form an alliance with the sequence below, they won't do it, after all, they are all staring at the throne of the Angel Clan!

The convergence stage is also known as the calm before the storm. The big clans didn't make any moves, but the small clans took advantage of the opportunity to fight and gain points. Many races at the back rushed to the front!

But soon, this weird calm will be broken, because Jiangnan will launch the first shot of the big hunting!

Point the sword at the angel!

Zhiyin's eyes brightened: (*???) "We can see that human beings did not choose to assemble, but divided into small teams. Dimensional creatures provide them with super high mobility, but this really won't be Break them down one by one?"

"Oh? Nanshen is already approaching the meeting point of the angels. Is the first battle after the quiet period about to start?"

St. York's heart rose to his throat!

He Ye, it's up to you!


Far away, Jiangnan saw the angels gathered in the open space of the starry sky!

"It's just right, so I went to find them one by one! Is it prudent enough to put a large area of ​​empty rubber bombs to prevent me from approaching the warp speed and directly reducing the dimension?"

"I don't only know that trick!"

Jiangnan's purpose is very simple, get rid of this annoying person first, and do the things that need to be done first!

Jiang Nan didn't even say a harsh word, and rushed over at warp speed, and came to the empty rubber bomb area, holding his hands high!

"Space barrier? Boundary Slashing Stars!"

The 10 barriers are combined into a giant sword, which slashes down at the angels with an irresistible attitude!

He Ye stared: "I know it! Nine Meridians Angel Collection..."

"In an instant!"

Before He Ye finished speaking, Mira's 5-second sundial phantom had already appeared at the foot of Jiangnan!

The world was still, and Jiangnan broke the boundary with a big knife, cutting down a star along the way, splitting a star in two, and cutting through the gathered angels in an instant!

Cut many angels in half, but Jiang Nan didn't stop there!

Huge sawblades burst out from Jiangnan's hands, and flung them into the group of angels in a teleport!

12 pieces can be released at a time, and Jiangnan released a hundred or so pieces in 5 seconds, and the star-killing sword has been drawn many times!

In just 5 seconds, Jiangnan consumed all the spiritual power reserves of the sixth phase of the extraordinary!

Turned into a super powerful output, all of them entered the group of angels!

The sundial pointer returns to zero, and time resumes flowing!


In an instant, flesh and blood flew all over the angel team, and severed limbs flew everywhere!

All the angels were painted, and some of them were directly chopped into pieces, and even a lot of the pieces were about to turn into eggs!

He Ye's eyes were about to burst, is this the lethality of Jiangnan? That damn time is the little girl!

"Blood maniac!"

At this moment, the blood angels in the team spread their wings wildly:

"Bloody rebirth!"

Endless blood bloomed, and immediately many nirvana eggs of minced meat in the angel team were stopped, and all injuries were recovered! "

However, more than a hundred angels failed to resist Jiangnan's crit output, and turned into eggs!

A cherry blossom appeared on each egg, and the egg disappeared in the next instant, obviously all of them were stolen by Qianbenzakura!

He Ye has no time to care about angel eggs now!

"Nine Meridian Angels! Form a mighty battle array!"

They have rehearsed this battle formation countless times. All the angels participating in the big hunting are the elite among the elites, and they will not be disrupted by Jiangnan's strong surprise attack!

A series of light arrays unfolded in the team of nine-veined angels, forming an extremely complicated structure!

With the Nine Meridians Angel as the base, the Blood Angel as the blade, the two archangels, Atiya, and Ujieer as the second echelon, the top one is the Great Priest He Ye!

The brilliant battle light array transformed into a crown!

Jiangnan and the others don't care about riding horses!

"Warp speed bombardment!"

I saw that Jiangnan grabbed it casually, and the huge planet was directly grabbed and compressed into a ball, and smashed towards the Tianwei battle formation with a warp speed bubble!

With the huge mass of the planet, coupled with the space velocity of the warp bubble, the power can be imagined!

Zhong Yingxue directly threw the Burning End Spear, and the entire spear was dyed golden yellow by the annihilation light!

"Go to hell!"

Xia Yao condensed a full moon and smashed it over!

However, at this moment, all the auras of nearly ten thousand angels are linked together, and they are sublimated to the extreme at this moment!

Seeing He Ye's eyes bursting, he pulled out the great sword of cross judgment in his hand, and held it up high!



An incomparably bright aura erupted brazenly centered on the Tianwei Battle Formation!

Mixed with an extremely terrifying sky repulsion force field!

I saw that the dozen or so planets that Jiangnan smashed past at a warp speed were directly smashed into two halves by the burst of Tianwei halo, and then were smashed by the sky's repulsion force field!

Even the Burning End gun went out after passing through the halo!

Wu Liang:! ! !


"Expand the field? Do not break the fairy dome!"

His body rushed to the front in an instant, released the domain, and an extremely majestic general in red armor suddenly emerged, propping up a golden fairy dome!

Even two big hands of gods were formed, blocking in front of the domain!


The two hands of the gods were directly smashed by the halo of Tianwei, and hit the Impossible Immortal Dome fiercely!

Under the ferocious sky repulsion force field, even the fairy dome was cracked, and they were thrown far away wrapped in Jiangnan!

He Ye narrowed his eyes: "We are not so easy to kill, do you really think we are here to give away the head?"

The combined force of Tianwei just now was the result of the condensed and collapsed power of all the angels!

Power is not just as simple as superposition!

Before Jiangnan attacked the Holy Heaven, they mainly demolished houses, and the fast group did not confront the angel army head-on!

Jiangnan ran, the angel chased, and couldn't catch up at all. Coupled with the cooperation of the gap between the dimensions, Jiangnan took the absolute initiative!

It's different now, Jiangnan is the main attacker, and he wants to face the angels, not to mention that these angels have already rehearsed in advance!

Jiang Nan was not very surprised by this result!

The angels are not fighting five scum, if they are really going to be cut down by themselves, they are not worthy of being the tenth series!

And while He Ye was talking, the other angels were not idle!

All the nine-veined angels exerted their strength and used their skills regardless of the cost!

The three angels worked together to suppress the void, making it impossible for Jiangnan to advance, the fallen angels released the death universe, and the archangels frantically restored all the angels!

What's even more frightening is that all the powerful angels spread their wings and opened their eyes!

"The six senses are banned, banned!"

Li Angel's six senses are banned, once used, all eyes will be blinded, and the recovery period is very long!

But the power is also extremely terrifying, even if you open the domain, you can't stop it!

And in order to block Jiangnan's attack, all the angels of all forces amplified their moves regardless of the cost!

Jiang Nan had a gloomy face, and cursed secretly, he could only use warp speed to take everyone out of the skill range of Li Angel!

He didn't want to experience the feeling of being blind again!

It can be said that in order to deal with Jiangnan, the angels are desperately fighting for time!

However, Jiangnan did not go far, but wandered on the edge of the Tianwei battle!

Think about how to get in, the dimension strike distance is too far, no external force can't reach it!

Mira's momentary time is fine, but Litian used void suppression to suppress a large area of ​​void!

My own warp speed can't be used in the suppression zone, three seconds is not enough for me to get close!

When Jiangnan was thinking about throwing some coins for fun!

Atiya said anxiously: ??(?°?得°?)?? "Don't step on the horse with Jiangnan, just give him a chance and we'll be dead, just use the strongest hole card!"

"Otherwise, I don't know if I will have a chance to use it at that time!"

Atiya, who has fought with Jiangnan several times, knows it all too well!

He Ye's expression became ruthless: "Fight!"

"Field Expansion? Holy Scripture!"

At this moment, infinite golden light shone on He Ye's body. His domain was not like other angels, but a thick golden book!

I saw the giant book was opened directly, He Ye's eyes were wide open, his seven orifices were bleeding, and all the archangel's replies were hung on He Ye's body!

However, He Ye still couldn't stop trembling, and the other angels in the battle formation also frantically supplied their power to He Ye!

He Ye ignited the sacred fire all over his body, and even began to burn his life force and life span!

??(?????????)??Ah ah~

Jiangnan: (??w???)

"Hey, hey, you guys, why don't you? I just came here, and I just killed a hundred or so angels. What are you doing?

"Come up and hand in the big move? Blind, burnt and sacrificed? Are you overreacting?"

As soon as I made a flat a, you guys made a big move?

As for not?

However, He Ye didn't care, and roared frantically:

??(??????????)?? "Show the Holy Spirit!"

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