Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2416 The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers

During the period when the Great Hunting of the Universe has just started, there will not be any major changes in the points of each race!

The first thing to do is to join the team of your own race!

If you run into one on the road, if you can beat it, hit it, if you can't beat it, retreat and it's over!

However, Jiangnan directly harvested more than 80,000 points, which was never expected by any race!

Before the start of the competition, all races had studied Jiangnan. Although they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they probably guessed that these players should have died from the blow of dimensionality reduction!

So when this incident happened, the first thing all the players did was to stay away from the continent and the planet, and pray that they would not encounter Jiangnan!

Since all human beings have the body of the sky-cracking magic butterfly, most of them even have acrylic lip print skin, and the air speed force can be used!

So even if the teleportation is everywhere, the convergence is still extremely fast!

On the Jiangnan side, they have already joined up with Xue Xuelang Mie Wu Liang and the others!

Just as they were about to start their next move, they heard Qianben Sakura's @!

∠(`??*) "Report to the villain Jiang, found the gathering place of the angel tribe, and is staring at it, want to come to sala for a while? They gathered quite quickly!"

"The great priest named He Ye is here, and Atiya is also here! By the way, Mira, Lan, and Cheng Baoer are all on my side!"

Jiang Nan looked ruthless: "Standby and stand by, I'll go there right away!"

While speaking, the void chains shot out, entangled everyone, and directly crossed long distances at super warp speed!

Even if there is no gap between dimensions in the Great Ruins of Creation, Jiangnan's maneuvering speed is still among the best in all sequences!

After all, it is moving faster than the speed of light!

Now that you've already broken skin with the angels, there's no need to keep them!

From the very beginning, they were beaten to death with a single stick, and all the fields were cleared, so that they had no chance of collecting points!

Everyone noticed that Jiangnan rushed towards the gathering place of the angel clan!

Like a shark smelling blood, its intentions couldn't be more obvious!

The support groups of the major sequences are really relieved. This scourge has gone to Gangangang, which means that they will not go to trouble with other races!

Just let Jiangnan and Angel tear up the batch!

Above Julang City, above the Sequential Throne!

St. York's face was gloomy and cold, and he was the first to find the angel, Yu Gen sneered in his heart, it seems that the effect of using the angel clan to pull Jiangnan is very good!

At least it won't mess with the Bose family!

Noah looked at St. York with teasing eyes:

(??????) "This is your strategy? Knowing that you have offended Jiangnan, you still let your team gather?"

"Wouldn't it be better to spread it out? After all, if the group is wiped out during this period, Mao won't even be able to make money!"

St. York couldn't help holding the armrest of the chair, his face gloomy!

??(¬¬¬〃)?? "Is it true that we are unprepared? If we disperse, we really have no chance. The Great Ruins of Genesis is different from the outside of the starry sky!"

That being said, preparations have been made in advance, but St. York is still not sure whether he can resist Jiangnan. He only prays that he must gather enough manpower before Jiangnan rushes!

Not only the angel clan is converging, but all the clans are converging!

The Bose family can cross dimensions, and it doesn't take much effort to join them together. The dark universe body also uses dark matter to transform and merge quickly!

It is worth mentioning the silicon base!

As soon as all the silicon-based life forms were transferred, they immediately released portable mechanical wormholes, all of which were linked to the main wormhole!

The confluence was completed in a few seconds, and then the mechanical wormhole self-destructed, preventing other races from taking advantage of it!

And the silicon-based leader, Tao! Oka Xiu! The Shadow Warriors then began to dispatch in a unified manner, and the 10,000 silicon-based life forms are more like a whole!

This time, all the people sent by the silicon base have the consciousness of level B authority, but God knows what kind of temporary authority the terminal has granted them?

The fused silicon base did not earn points, let alone move, but directly built a house on the spot!

[┐¤?¤┌] "Release the terminal database for war, set up a star anti-mechanical prosthesis production factory, and a taboo weapon manufacturing factory!"

"Construction, equipped with a magical arsenal, open all-round defense, release the Zhenxu tower to block the void, and draw a war buffer zone as a moat!"

Following Gangxiu's order after order, all the silicon bases took action, pulling out space compression cabins one by one to release!

Inside are all kinds of mechanical modules, which can be directly modularized and assembled!

The mechanical components loaded in each compression chamber are no less than ordinary stars. After all, the silicon base has the ability to manufacture star power furnaces!

In the blink of an eye, an incomparably huge Shenji Battalion was assembled!

The center of the Shenji Battalion is the war terminal database, which is heavily guarded by various means. The overall shape is square, and the modules on it are constantly ups and downs, just like the waves of the sea!

Near the end of the war, there are rows of machinery manufacturing factories with full horsepower, and a Taixing anti-mechanical prosthetic body has been manufactured!

It is the latest model developed by Siji. It is three meters high overall and is made of silver-gray unknown metal. The skin is covered with hexagonal honeycomb scales, flashing endlessly!

Every star anti-mechanical prosthetic body is created, and it is written into the silicon-based program to stand by!

Moreover, the styles and colors of the star anti-mechanical prosthetic bodies manufactured by many factories are different, which is obviously aimed at something!

The Forbidden Weapons Factory began to manufacture all kinds of conventional forbidden weapons, and even started to manufacture star-swallowing war weapons!

Outside the Shenji camp, it is protected by various force fields, powerful mechanical weapons are on full alert, and even tens of thousands of empty towers suppress the space to prevent any space system from breaking into the Shenji camp!

In a short period of time, a super-powerful Divine Machine Battalion was built, producing mechanical prosthetic bodies non-stop, forming a mechanical army!

Silicon base only entered 10,000 people, but now the number of mechanical legions has exceeded one million, and it is still increasing!

At this moment, on the imperial battleship, Qin Shou and the others were all paralyzed!

(??Yi???) "Wow? What kind of productivity is this? It's a great hunt for the universe, but it was turned into a red alert by silicon-based play? This is planning to live in the great ruins what?"

(?-﹏-`?) "This is all right? What the hell? Isn't the silicon base invincible? If you don't kill the silicon-based data terminal, you can't even get a single silicon-based point?"

Chong Feiyu smacked his lips: (?i~i?) "What is this? Those mechanical prosthetic bodies are all anti-sequence prosthetic bodies developed for the starry sky and ten thousand races. of!"

"Give them time and create a mechanical army of 100 million for you, do you believe it?"

"It takes time to manufacture star-devouring level war weapons, it's best not to give them time to manufacture them!"

Yang Jian licked his dry lips: "Isn't this against the rules?"

Muke looked down at Yang Jian:

[┐¬_¬┌] "What's the violation? Did my silicon base only enter 10,000 B-level fighters? These are just the weapons they carry!"

"It's normal to create some powerful weapons against the enemy!"

"As a silicon-based, technology-prospering family, it's not too much to bring some weapons on your body to participate in the big hunt, right?"

Yang Jian was sweating profusely on his forehead, and still underestimated the heroes of the world. These big clans have fought countless serial wars, and the rules have been played thoroughly!

Will make the most of everything!

What kind of monsters are Jiangnan and the others fighting with?

Zhiyin smiled: (〃?????) "Here it is! Silicon Base's magic machine camp finally appeared, but I don't know if Silicon Base will finish the competition without loss like last time?"

"However, in terms of manpower, the Zerg is not weaker than the silicon base. It must have started by now?"

Moon Beaver smiled: ?(?っ?????c)? "Let's give the screen to the Zerg!"

Zhiyin: =????(???????)! ! !

It can't be cut through! Hey!

As soon as the screen switched to the confluence area of ​​the Zerg, all the support groups in the sequence were petrified, and the audience was silent!

(??? ー???)…

I saw that the Zerg has now completed the confluence, and this time the six queen mothers of the Zerg are all present!

Among them, Chong? Chong, Chong Yulu, and Chong Yunyun are three, which can be regarded as the extremely powerful mother queen of the Zerg race under the swallowing stars!

And the worm? The worm is the leader of the Zerg this time!

This time, the Zerg directly brought 10,000 female insects in!

I saw that the worm rhyme was as long as a seahorse, how ugly it was, and flicked its tail!

"Innate skill? Unlucky reproduction!"

Infinite white rays of light fell like raindrops, and under the radiance of the rays, all the female insects threw off their crotch shafts and laid eggs frantically, throwing their seeds away!

One flick is worth eight thousand!

Chong Yulu even burst out with bright blue light all over her body: "Chest slough? Accelerate evolution!"

Under the influence of Chongyulu's skills, those larvae that broke out of their shells molted wildly. Every time they molted, they would be upgraded to a level, and their strength and physique would become stronger!

The lifespan of these insect soldiers is only one month, and it is precisely because of this that they can evolve and upgrade at such a fast speed!

And these reproduced Zerg began to applaud desperately to lay eggs and reproduce!

Worms beget worms, worms regenerate worms, worms are endless!

Looking around, there are swarms of insects applauding everywhere, this scene is almost unbearable!

Qin Shou screamed, covered his eyes and rolled on the spot!

(???||) "Aww~ my eyes! Eyes! How many shabby swimsuit girls can wash away my tainted soul, hey!"

Mo Tian's forehead was sweating profusely: (??w???) "Hiss~ I thought the Zerg had already brought the swarm in, who knew that all the 10,000 were female insects? Is it okay to live here?"

The corner of Ye Xinghe's mouth twitched: "The production speed of the silicon base is not as fast as the Zerg, right? After all, they only have so many manufacturing factories? The Zerg multiply more and more!"

"What the hell is unlucky reproduction? Is it so convenient?"

Chong Feiyu snorted and said: (¬~¬) "What is this? In history, there was also a situation where the Zerg race dominated the Chuangjie Daxu, and endless bug soldiers swept across the hunting ground~"

Even though the Zerg looks weak now, they are still extremely difficult to deal with!

As soon as the picture was broadcast, many brothers in the sequence support team immediately vomited, vomit!


After all, you have never seen such an exciting scene in your life, have you?

What kind of high-energy ghost scene is this?

Because the picture was cut too fast, the mosaic could not be printed!

Yueli's forehead was sweating profusely, her cheeks were slightly red, and she was concentrating on applauding, and she directly broadcast it live?

This, this, this...

?(?っ?﹏?c)? "This... Is this something we can broadcast?"

Zhiyin covered her face, it was already on the air even if it couldn't be broadcast? One look at the little raccoon sister has no experience!

(⌒?⌒;) "Ahaha~ I think we should not bother them to applaud, just change...change the picture!"

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