Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2386 The retained past time! a blurry shadow

Everyone nodded one after another, and finally survived here until now, catching up with the black hole crossing the accretion disk!

It’s a pity to go back without recording it, such wonders of the starry sky can’t be seen all the time!

According to the operation cycle of this supermassive black hole, one cycle will only pass through the accretion disk twice!

The location where the Lynx and the others are now is far enough away from the supermassive black hole that they will not be affected!

Just waiting for the black hole to hit the accretion disk, the waiting time is long and boring!

Martin sighed with emotion: (??°????°) "It's a pity that I can't see the black hole jet of the absolute black hole, otherwise I should be able to give Nanshen some reference!"

Platelet gave a fierce jiggle:

(??﹏??.) "The jet of the black hole of absolute finality? How much matter does it have to swallow to form an accretion disk?"

"I'm afraid it needs to swallow more than half of the matter in the entire universe, right? I won't see it in my lifetime!"

When everyone imagined it for a while, they gave a savage shock!

If such a big black hole of absolute finality is jetted, I am afraid it will run through the entire starry sky world, right?

That's the real starry sky apocalypse!

However, Liu Mang wiped his eyes and looked at the event horizon!

(●????~????)???????? "What the hell? Is it a mirage? Why does something exist above the event horizon? What can keep the event horizon intact?"

"Tsk~ it's too far away, I can't see clearly!"

Following Liu Mang's gaze, he saw blurred light and shadow of planets on the event horizon, the wreckage of the starship, and even the gigantic ancient star god running with all his strength!

It's just that they are extremely distorted and appear extremely illusory and unreal, like a bubble!

Moreover, the event horizon was shrouded in a golden halo, and the Bobcats and the others were too far away to see clearly!

Martin rolled his eyes:

(????~????*) "What the hell is a mirage? Is there a mirage in your black hole? Those lights and shadows no longer exist!"

"Time is stationary on the event horizon, and so is light! Those light and shadows are all light from the distant past, pulled past by the black hole of absolute finality, stationary on the event horizon, and have survived to this day!"

"It's the past time that has been preserved to this day. I don't know how many millions of years ago, several times ago! Maybe a few years later, the light and shadow we reflect will also be pulled by the black hole of absolute finality. The distant future is seen by later people!"

Liu Mang's eyes widened:

(●???????????????) "Oh? Is it preserved in the past? So cool? Okay, little Ma? You know a lot!"

Martin pouted:

(︶??︶〃) "That's right! I don't even care what I'm a professional!"

Majoring in gravity, naturally, he has done in-depth research on black holes. After all, black holes are the gravitational ceiling!

This time to explore here, Martin is not without gain!

If Nanshen can further master the use of time dilation and event horizon, it is hard to imagine how powerful it will be!

At this moment, the Bobcat hurriedly said: "It's about to hit! Everyone pay attention!"

All eyes are on the supermassive black hole!

The next moment, the black hole collided with the final black hole accretion disk!


At the moment of the collision, the final black hole accretion disk was squeezed by the strong gravitational force emitted by the supermassive black hole!

Expanding hot gas bubbles, known as flares, are created, and these bubbles deflect to evaporate the accretion disk and emit extremely bright light!

The intensity of this flash is even more intense than the sum of all the stars in the Milky Way!

And the supermassive black hole also directly opened the blazar form!

If a black hole under normal circumstances is a gentle starry beast, a black hole in a jet stream is a god of destruction and creation!

Then the black hole that directly offsets and evaporates the accretion disk is a demon that is furious to its limit!

The black hole flare phenomenon happened!

The extreme flash is enough to crush everything, and along with it, there are super-strong gravitational waves that radiate in all directions!

In just an instant, the world in the eyes of Lynx and the others was filled with incandescence, and then the endless darkness ushered in!

Everyone's eyes are blind!

Martin:! ! !

????(*mouth*|||) "Oh le Shet! Mom Falk! What the hell? The realm unfolds?? Gravity!"

"Gravitational Polarization!"

At this moment, Martin's horsepower is full, and his own gravity deviates as much as possible from the ultimate flash of black hole blazing birth!

But even so, everyone is still seriously injured!

You know, Martin and the others are very far away from the supermassive black hole, and they are not within the scope of their gravitational capture at all!

However, even if it was so far apart, it was almost wiped out by the scintillating flash!

The power of this black hole's flaring is not weaker than that of the black hole jet?

One is the vertical long-distance strike and penetration, and the other is the explosion of the Qingquan map?

When everyone who was scorched by the flash and severely injured regained their vision, due to the effect of super gravitational waves, the space was chaotic like an undercurrent under the sea!

The warp engine has been forced to stop, and everyone has retreated from the warp drive state, and fell towards the absolute end of the black hole!

Martin Qiqiao roared bloodily: "Quick! Restart the engine! If you go further in, the anti-time dilation medicine will not be able to hold it, and it will be over!"

Tie Niu and the others quickly restarted the engine, but this thing is not as good as the warp bubble in Jiangnan. The warp bubble can be started at any time, and the warp engine needs to be shaken before starting!

Lynx made a decisive decision, the glazed spell on the back of his hand flickered, trying to break through the space and retreat into the dimensional gap!

In this case, not retreating is death!

However, in practice, it is not as easy as imagined. Because of gravitational waves, the space is like a mess!

The space nodes are also completely messed up. The space that has just been broken by the hammer instantly deviates from the Bobcats and the others, and they can't even reach it!

This has been the case several times in a row!

Under the influence of gravitational waves, it is an extravagant wish to retreat into the dimensional gap!

Fortunately, the warp engine was started, and everyone entered the warp state again!

But at this distance, it is impossible to escape the gravity of the final black hole!

Lynx's eyes narrowed: "Iron Bull! Change the direction of travel and rush towards the supermassive black hole!"

Liu Mang said in shock: ∑(°mouth°●) "Huh? Isn't that courting death? Is it changing over there? If..."

Martin looked ruthless: "Lynx is right! This is the only option. Being captured by a supermassive black hole is better than being captured by an absolute black hole!"

"There is still a chance for a fight, use the gravitational slingshot to throw it out! Quick!"

The warp voyage changes direction in an instant and goes straight to the supermassive black hole!

Get into its gravitational capture range and start orbiting it!

At this moment, the in-depth distance of the Lynx and the others has exceeded the limit of the anti-time dilation medicine!

Has caused a small range of time to wear!

But luckily the potion is still in effect!

Martin is calculating the perfect timing for the ejection!

However, because of this, everyone is getting closer to the black hole of absolute finality. Just now, the black hole's yao change is to clear the fog on the accretion disk that blocks the line of sight!

Looking at the event horizon of the final black hole is clearer!

However, Liu Mang looked stupid!

??(●??mouth??●|||) "Look! That...then what is that?"

At this moment, everyone looked in the direction Liu Mang pointed, and they were all stunned!

I saw that above the event horizon, there was a vague back, not tall, but straight and straight!

With one hand behind your back and one hand on your sleeve, facing the dark end of the black hole, walk on!

Everyone was stunned, a figure?

You must know that the event horizon can retain part of the past time because of its time-free nature!

Who is this figure? Because it is too blurred, it is impossible to see its physical features at all!

But the only certainty is that this existence is not panic at all!

All the light and shadows that remain on the event horizon are fleeing outwards, that ancient star god light and shadow, starships and so on, all of them!

only! Only this one exists! It is facing the absolute end of the black hole, walking forward!

Everyone's scalp is numb! what's the situation?

Which star era boss is this? Is he in here?

Martin said dumbfounded: "We're all going to hang up, what are you looking at...hs~"

What kind of existence would a person who leaves such a calm back on the event horizon be?

It's just that the light and shadow are gradually distorted, deformed and elongated. After all, it is just a piece of past time that has survived to this day, and it no longer exists!

"Damn it! Almost missed the timing!"

"Supergravity origin?? Gravitational slingshot!"

At this moment, Martin tried his best to explode, focusing the gravity he could control on one point, reaching the pinnacle!

Directly ejected everyone, and began to stay away from the absolute final black hole and supermassive black hole!

"Gravity Suppression! Lynx! Quick!"

Martin, who has reached the limit, roars, suppressing the gravitational waves generated by the flare with his own gravity, creating a very short window period!

Lynx took this opportunity to directly summon dimensional creatures to hammer out the void hole!

The iron bull warp engine exerted force, leading everyone to rush directly into the dimensional gap!

Completely got rid of the two black holes, safe!

The frightened lynx Liu Mang and the others were covered in blood, panting violently, but after looking at each other, they burst out laughing happily!

The black crow clucked happily: "Escaped the catastrophe, escaped death? Xiaoma Ge Niubi, is it really yours?"

Liu Mang wiped the blood on his face: "Aren't you busy working in vain? I saw the dazzling change of the black hole, and I went back to Nanshen for reference, maybe it will be useful!"

"And the back on the event horizon!"

The expressions on everyone's faces froze, and they shuddered fiercely!

There are people outside people, there are gods outside the sky, they can't imagine what kind of existence it is, and can face the black hole of absolute finality so calmly!

Martin grinned straightly: "That's not something we can manage. We have to take care of Nanshen and get some welfare in return. For his father, I almost took my life!"

"Universal Hunting...Fuck! That's right! Universal Hunting! Just now, we entered quite a bit, beyond the potion resistance range! Let's see how much the time difference is with the outside world!"

Liu Mang was shocked and quickly checked it!

∑(°mouth°??) "Hey~ Nima! There are still more than three weeks before the world hunt, and now there are only five days left!"

"We just worked so hard for a short while, and it's been more than two weeks outside? Time wear... Is that what it feels like?"

"The time dilation effect is horrible!"

When everyone heard that there were still five days left, they breathed a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, they didn't wear it too far!

Otherwise, it will be bad if you wear it for hundreds of years at once!

The lynx was shocked: (????_??????) "Are you sure it's the first session! Didn't you wear it to the next session?"

Liu Mang swallowed his saliva and carefully checked the next thousand star calendar: "It scared me to death, that's right! It's only ten days away!"

This time, the lynx's heart was completely put down. Thinking of this harvest, his eyes couldn't help but be a little excited!

I hope that the receipts collected this time can help Xiaonan control the black hole swallowing stars as soon as possible!

The Lynx team was successfully closed, and went straight to the lost country with the help of the dimensional wind!


However, in the final star field, after the Lynx and the others left, they did not return to calm!

No one will know that the origin of gravity that Martin released for the last time became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

Originally, the supermassive black hole was in a state of equilibrium with the absolute final black hole!

But the released gravitational origin caused an extremely small shift in the trajectory of the supermassive black hole!

This caused a series of uncontrollable chain reactions!

It's like a butterfly flapping its wings gently, setting off a breeze, which may form a storm in the far tropics!

The gravitational force originally released by Martin's strength will not affect the supermassive black hole at all!

However, it was originally competing with the black hole of absolute finality. This tiny force broke the original balance!

The supermassive black hole that originally took hundreds or thousands of years to be swallowed by the final black hole, perhaps because of this small accident, the time for him to be swallowed up has been accelerated!

Maybe a few years, maybe just a few months...

who knows...



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