Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2385 A little-known adventure

He Ye's heart is half cold, this is no longer a negotiation, but a threat!

The Bose have a powerful strength that is unmatched by other races!

To a large extent, it can control the direction of the sequence war!

If people want you to be in the top ten, you are the top ten. If you don't want to, then the result is obvious!

But compared to being that early man, He Ye was unwilling from the bottom of his heart?

I saw He Ye laughed dryly:

????(⌒_.⌒;)???? "Compared with the Zerg, the Angels should be more worried about the Zerg, right? They only have Zong Qianjin to swallow a star!"

"We have two angels!"

Tiffany sneered: (〃°??д°??) "Lucifer and St. York? Stop teasing, maybe other sequences are still kept in the dark, but don't tell us this, okay?"

"How much does your angel family have? We know very well, two swallowing stars? Ha~ Lucifer and St. York are just the male and female bodies of your Lord of Heaven!"

"It's the same person, indeed! The Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed a bit too powerful as a swallowing star, but it's quite tiring for one person to play two roles?"

He Ye's expression suddenly changed, and his complexion suddenly turned pale!

This matter is an absolute secret of the Holy Kingdom, and no more than five people know about it!

How did the Bose know?

Nai Luo sneered and said, "Are the Angels stronger than the Zerg? Where is it stronger? Your group with weak reproduction is incomparable to the Zerg!"

"The Zerg powerhouses are coming out one after another. The nine queens of the Zerg race, aside from Zong Bishi, Zong Qianjin, and Zong Yuyu, all the other six have the possibility of breaking through the star! You angel family What? Apart from you, the great priest, who else are the archangels? Are they almost gone?"

"You know the real situation of your clan best yourself! Who is more at risk of falling?"

"To be honest, the tenth sequence, it's your angel family, or some kind of hermit, parasitic body, it doesn't matter to me Bose!"

He Ye's eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of uneasiness. Just as Nero Tiffany said, the angels have already done their best!

The two swallowing stars are fake, in fact there is only one!

Power is just an appearance, and it is shown to others!

"I... do I have any other options?"

Tiffany giggled: (??°????°) "Yes! Of course there is! After all, I won't force you to do things you don't want to do!"

"To be honest, in half an hour, Zong Qianjin will come here to make an appointment. Now it seems that the Zerg know how to cherish opportunities better than your angels!"

"What your angels don't want to do, the Zerg will do! But in that case, my holy law will protect the position of the Zerg sequence. As for whether your angels will stay in place or fall into the sequence after the war, then I don't know. It's gone!"

"Is there a high probability that it will fall? Gluck cluck~"

Naruo chuckled and pinched his nails: "The people below are not obedient, so just change someone who is obedient to come up!"

He Ye felt chills from the depths of his heart, and quickly said: "I don't think it's necessary to meet Zong Qianjin. What should I do with my angel family? Can you two talk about it in detail?"

Tiffany sneered, but sensible!

"Create some trouble, don't let humans go so smoothly, specifically..."

Half an hour later, He Ye hurriedly walked out of the Temple of Creation, with a wry smile on his face, but his eyes gradually became stern!

For the prosperity of the race, all the thorns standing in front of my angel race must be chopped down!

Even human beings are the same!

Looking at the back of He Ye leaving, Naruo raised an eyebrow and said:

(????д????) "Is it really necessary to do this? Even if the angels come out and sing the opposite, causing some obstacles to human beings, but there is a high probability that it will not change the result of human beings participating in this sequence of wars. !"

"On the contrary, it will stimulate Jiangnan's rebellious psychology! It's just a mess! Jiangnan is not a good thing!"

Tiffany sneered: "Is this really the case? You are the creator of the world, and you don't know much about power and conspiracy. It's normal!"

"This is not to prevent Jiangnan from participating in the Sequence War, and there is a high probability that it cannot be stopped, but it is to make him uncomfortable and block it, and the angels will be hated by Jiangnan for this!"

"Become the main offensive target of Jiangnan in the sequence war, attracting firepower, Jiangnan will have no time to take care of other things, and it has saved us a lot of trouble!"

"Using an angel clan to hold Jiangnan's shit stick, save the innocence they have to worry about, isn't it a very good deal?"

Naruto looked at Tiffany in amazement:

Σ(°△°??) "Fuck? Or are you?"

"The angel race... do you still need to protect it?"

Tiffany tapped the tabletop, her eyes flickering: "Then let's see if they have the value of being insured!"

"Chongqianjin over there..."

Naraku nodded: "Understood, cancel the meeting, right?"

Tiffany smiled and said: (????????????) "Why cancel? Wouldn't it be better to see you?"

Naruo was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help smacking his lips, as expected of the first light, really Yin?

He Ye went back to discuss with the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, and as the Sequence War was approaching, the undercurrents among the various clans in the starry sky were also extremely violent!

The alliance of the alliance, the secret trade of the secret deal, the means outside the arena are also means, and even directly determine how far you can go in the world hunt!

The Universal Hunt had already started long before it was opened, like an undercurrent under the calm sea!

Just waiting for a complete outbreak of the world hunting!


And just when all the clans are racking their brains for the world hunt!

In the central area of ​​the starry sky, the final star field, there is a little-known adventure!

This star field is completely dark and dead, and there is no light, it is darkness that can't see five fingers!

There are huge stars torn apart by gravitational differences everywhere, and fragments of broken planets are floating everywhere!

An entire galaxy was torn apart, and hundreds of billions of planets were disillusioned!

The light emitted by all the stars is distorted and rushes in one direction!

That is the center of the final star field, the absolute final black hole!

Although it is a black hole, it is the brightest existence in this star field!

The large golden event horizon is the only thing visible to the absolute black hole!

Further inside, there is endless darkness, even darkness that can swallow all eyes!

Absolutely the end of the black hole is bigger than everyone can imagine!

Light is the black hole body wrapped by the event horizon, which is larger than hundreds of thousands of galaxies stacked together, and it has to be calculated in light-years!

And the supermassive black holes in the center of ordinary galaxies are as small as interstellar dust in front of the absolute final black holes!

Its existence is an irrational thing!

Every time I look towards the black hole of absolute end, I will be shocked by the madness of the starry sky, where it seems to be the end of everything!

The huge absolute black hole has an extremely huge accretion disk. I don't know how many planets in the galaxy have been torn apart to form such a terrifyingly huge accretion disk!

And at the edge of the time dilation zone of the absolute black hole, beyond the halo!

The Lynx team is here, with all kinds of special recording equipment on their bodies, recording various activity data of the absolute black hole, and running rules!

The gravitational force here is so large that it is abnormal. The distance between the front and the back is only a few tens of centimeters. The resulting gravitational difference is like tearing people apart and stretching them into spaghetti!

The lynx and the others all seemed to be wearing masks of pain, always using their bodies to resist the tearing of the gravitational force!

This is still under the protection of Martin, otherwise everyone would have been torn to pieces!

But it is not without benefits. In this environment, the physical fitness of the team members has been exercised to a perverted state!

After all, if you don't get stronger, you will die!

What is even more terrifying here is the time dilation effect caused by strong gravity!

Stay in this area for a second, and the outside sky will pass for more than a week!

If you go deeper, one breath, the outer starry sky may have passed hundreds of years in the past, then it is really time to wear!

Fortunately, everyone was injected with anti-time dilation agents, and everyone exuded a soft golden light!

It is used to keep the flow rate of time outside the time dilation area consistent, which was developed by Li Bing with the blood of Xiaomi La!

Otherwise, the lynx and the others will stay here for dozens of seconds, and it has been half a year outside!

Not only that, the lynx and the others are sailing at warp speed, rushing towards the end of the black hole!

Because space flows to the absolute final black hole at superluminal speed, the Lynx and the others must escape at a relative speed all the time!

Only then can we guarantee not to be pulled over by the absolute black hole!

Tie Niu is carrying a huge miniature version of the warp engine, which is the smallest version Li Bing can make, but it still looks huge!

People rely on it to stay here!

But it is still slowly being pulled over by the absolute black hole!

After living in this harsh environment for a long time, everyone has reached the limit both mentally and physically!

So tired that he didn't even want to say anything, Martin was still cursing:

(??????????) "This horse... Nanshen really masters the power of the black hole? Is this thing really something that can be controlled by a living body?"

"Speaking of which, it's time for us to go back, right? The time expansion potion is about to expire, and the world hunt is about to begin!"

"The operation law of the absolute end of the black hole, the data is almost recorded, right? Liu Mang?"

Liu Mang's staring boss, with a mask of pain on his face, his legs trembled!

(?? ●Yi ●??) "I've memorized it all, watch it as you go, I've worked my hardest for Nanshen? Team Meow?"

I saw the lynx clenching its teeth, staring at the sky above the accretion disk, a supermassive black hole!

This should be a remnant supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy that was pulled over and devoured by an absolutely final black hole!

Its own mass is about 18 billion times that of the sun. With its own abnormal gravity, it is not torn into an accretion disk like a galaxy!

Instead, it revolves endlessly around the black hole of absolute finality, resisting pulling!

Now it is approaching the accretion disk of the absolute black hole, and it is about to hit it!

"Wait! It's impossible to record the picture of the black hole swallowing this black hole, but at least the scene of it passing through the accretion disk of the black hole must be recorded!"

"Let's see what kind of reaction it will cause! Time is too late! The opportunity is rare, and we need to get back some data!"



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