The roar in Styx Death Prison lasted until early in the morning before barely ending!

The Styx Death Prison, which was already pretty dilapidated, became even more dilapidated after being beaten!

Many cell areas have suffered disasters, and some cell ceilings are gone, and the prisoners can only curl up in a corner and shiver!

Early the next morning, the Nether Race engineering team came over and was stunned!

It was petrified on the spot, and the tools in his hand fell to the ground in a crash!

Σ( ° △ °|||)

Why is this riding horse getting more and more broken?

In the corridor, the walls are full of pits and big holes, and there are even many pain masks of Jiulan and Jiangnan printed on them!

This is also understandable, but you can explain to me how the big wooden hole in the wall was made?

What else can I do? Who will repair the broken prison! Let's fix it!


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In the prison of the Golden House in the south of the Yangtze River, Heigang squatted at a 90° corner and slept beautifully all night, extremely warm!

No matter how stormy the outside world is, Hei Gang can still sleep, the corner is his forever home!

As soon as he woke up, he heard a bang, and the cell was kicked open!

Hei Gang couldn't help but widen his eyes, looking at the two figures at the door with a look of horror!

I saw that Jiu Lan's body was swollen and bruised, her eyes were black, her clothes were torn, and her hair was messy!


The bridge of the nose is broken, and one front tooth is missing!

The whole body was swollen, and what was even more frightening was that Heigan also found that there were many teeth marks on Jiu Lan's body, arms, shoulders, and even thighs...

One corner is broken!

Hei Gang was shocked, what happened? Was it so intense last night?

I saw Jiu Lan limping into the house, dragging a blood gourd in her hand!

There are bloodstains on the ground...

It was Jiangnan who was hammered unconscious, and now he has completely lost consciousness and fell asleep...

Hei Gang swallowed, this... It seems that the boss of Nanshen is worse than Jiu Lan?

Seeing that Jiulan threw Jiangnan on the bed, took out a portable brain to take a routine photo, but this time she didn't dare to take a picture of herself!


Then he turned his head and looked at Heigang!

Heigan was startled, and hurriedly stood at attention and saluted:

∠(`盘′●) "Miss Jiulan! Order anytime!"

Jiu Lan wiped the blood from her face: "Take care of him, if he wakes up, if he's not in a normal state, call me anytime..."

While talking, he limped and walked outside the house, muttering in a low voice while walking!


While muttering, he opened his neckline to check, his face became even darker...

Yesterday's Jiangnan was really crazy to the extreme. He was a different person from before. His attacks were like a storm, and he didn't give anyone a chance to breathe!

It seems that no matter how many times you are knocked down, you can stand up intact and fight back with a stronger posture!

However, Jiu Lan is not without improvement, at least her Nether Eight Forms have successfully reached the level of Tianxiu!

However, Hei Gang had a weird look on his face. Did these two people really fight yesterday?

Instead of doing weird things!

Turning his head to look at Jiangnan, he saw that the injuries on his body were recovering rapidly, and he recovered in a short while!

It seemed as if he hadn't been injured at all, but he didn't wake up, he was still sleeping soundly...


The prisoners experienced the baptism of war overnight, and their eyes were dazed when they looked at the Styx death prison like the ruins of the battlefield in the morning!

Many cells were beaten to the point of air leaks. The battle last night was a little too intense, right?

However, Tarot and the others couldn't stay idle anymore, the riots were over, and it had been several days, and it was time to fish for crystals in the river!

Why is death prison not organized anymore? Isn't this delaying our physical training?

And without crystals, there is no way to go to Nanshen Small Shop for consumption, right?

"Go down the river ~ get the crystal! Go down the river ~ get the crystal!"

Early in the morning, the prisoners began to collectively petition and shout!

But Styx Death Prison has been destroyed like this, how can the jailers have the mood to organize to go down the river?

However, the prisoners quit and came out of the hole in the cell one after another!

Tarot screamed at the time:

?(?Yi?(?口?)? ﹃?)~Zzz "Let's go! Go find Brother Chacha and ask him to open the Breaking Wave Plaza for us!"

So the prisoners frantically rushed towards Gangchacha's room!

However, halfway through, the prisoners realized that something was wrong. There was an unusually conspicuous bloodstain on the ground!

It was very, very long, extending from the women's prison to the door of Gingchacha's room!

The prisoners who watched were stunned for a while, what's going on?

However, the prisoners didn't care so much, and started knocking on the door!

"Brother Chacha? We're going down the river to do voluntary labor, so why don't you organize it?"

"That's right, why don't you, the deputy warden, do anything? What about the responsibilities on your shoulders? It won't be a problem if you continue to dawdle like this?"

"What's wrong? What about ideals and aspirations? How can you get promoted and raise your salary after three days of fishing and two days of posting on the net like you? Has this month's KPI been completed?"

The prisoners were chattering, saying that they were going to go to the river, and Bing Chacha, who had fainted at the door in the room, was woken up!

His whole body was swollen three times, and he spit out a big mouthful of black blood as soon as he woke up!


Shente Miao went down the river to fish for crystals, why are you more active than me?

I was almost beaten to death last night, damn it, I struggled to crawl back into the room!

I just came back, and I have to organize you to go down the river to fish for crystals?

(#?????)Yi(???#)..."Fuck you! Today is a holiday!"

The prisoners, however, quit:

?(ˊ得ˋ*)? "We don't have holidays! We have to go to work and do voluntary labor!"

Ban Xuesuo slammed on the door frantically, yelling loudly and non-stop!

(?ò口ó)? "Brother Chacha, open the door~ Don't hide inside and don't open the door, I know you are at home!"

The veins on Bing Chacha's forehead are throbbing violently. Is it so difficult for me to rest for a while?

Can't help struggling to get up and open the door:

(#?????) Mouth (???#) "Okay, okay! Fish! Is the horse riding down the river to fish for the head office?"

However, at this moment, the prisoners collectively froze, looking at Gan Chacha who was hanged and beaten until he was swollen like a pig's head, collectively gasped!

The corners of Suona's mouth twitched: (????) "Brother Chacha, did you sleep well at night? Why do I feel that you are a little swollen?"

Wang Youzhi: (??????) "You can get rid of the feeling!"

Chong Feiyu was very ruthless last night, wasn't he? Is this really beating to death?

Bing Chacha's face became even darker: "Good! It's so good that it can't be better!"

After speaking, he limped and led the prisoners to open the Breaking Waves Square, without even needing him to organize anything, the prisoners were already familiar with the road!

In front of the bridge on the other side, all the prisoners were about to go down the river, but when they looked under the bridge, they were stunned!

Σ(?△?|||) "Fuck? The color of Styx today is a little bit wrong?"

He even rubbed his eyes in disbelief, to make sure he read it right!

The original Styx was silver-gray, but today's Styx is golden yellow!

It's not a small area, but a river channel several light-years wide that is completely covered in gold!

Like a flowing golden river!

(¬**(¬供¬(ヾ)? ﹃?)

"Excuse me, what's the smell?"

Tarot was full of disgust, and blocked all six of his nostrils!

Even Gang Chacha noticed something was wrong!

It wasn't so serious last time the prisoners sprayed in the river collectively, right?

And this smell...

It seems to be a bit like the smell of the warden, right?

Suddenly, Bing Chacha realized something, and remembered that the warden seemed to have said before that he beat up the Styx koi!

Shouldn't it be...

The next moment, I saw an incomparable golden light shining in the center of the river!

It was comparable to the explosion of a thousand supernovae, so bright that everyone couldn't open their eyes!


Splashes exploded into the sky on the surface of the river, and a huge colorful bald koi jumped up from the surface of the river!

It was as if a thousand stars had risen on the river Styx at the same time!

The size of the koi is so huge that it cannot be described in words!

Compared with the Styx Death Star floating on the river, it is as small as dust!


The Styx koi jumped up and slammed into the Styx, setting off huge waves!

The height of the surge has even surpassed the Styx Death Star, and with an irresistible attitude, it is rushing towards this side!

Handle Chacha:! ! !

Nima! Not to mention the koi, the Styx Death Star is gone just by taking pictures of the waves!

For creatures of this level, destroying a planet is that simple!

"What are you still doing in a daze? Go back quickly! Do you want to die?"

All the prisoners turned pale with fright, screaming and running towards the Polang Square!

Is there really such a perverted creature in this starry sky?

What is that horse riding thing?

Many people are hearing about it for the first time, seeing it for the first time!

Wang Youzhi, on the other hand, had bright eyes, looking at the big colorful bald koi with great interest!

( ?° ? ?°)? "Oh shit? Is this silly fish still there? I remember it wasn't this big before? Its head doesn't even shine..."

∑(°口°?) "Hiss~ This kid Jiangnan will give him a big drink, right?"

Seeing that Wang Youzhi was still watching the fun, Tarot picked up Wang Youzhi and ran away!

"Horrible to watch? If you look at it again, you will die!" Hey!

But at this moment, Gan Chacha roared and rushed forward!

"Field unfolding? The Great Mill of Death!"

In an instant, the infinite Styx energy gathered and formed in the starry sky, condensing into two oversized death mills!

The size of the millstone has already surpassed the Death Star of Styx. In the outside world, Gingchacha can expand his entire field without any scruples!

The planets in its domain are all crushed, so protecting the Styx Death Star is not a problem!

However, it is useless, facing the huge waves of the Styx koi!

The small grinding disc of Gangchacha is as crisp as a piece of paper!

As soon as it came into contact with it, it was smashed to pieces immediately, and Bing Chacha vomited blood. He was injured in the first place, but this time he almost died!

The boundless wall of waves of the Styx slapped towards the Death Star with a fierce attitude!

The Styx Death Star vibrated crazily. After this wave went on, there would be no scum left in the designated planet!

But at this moment, the boundless aura broke out in the Death Star, and the spiritual power surged!

The River Styx, which was surging with huge waves just a moment ago, was directly flattened, and the surface of the river was smoothed like a mirror!

Even the river stopped flowing!

From extreme movement to extreme stillness, but in an instant!

However, this did not delay the actions of the Styx koi. I saw the dazzling light under the river approaching crazily towards the Styx Death Star!

The boundless and huge Styx koi swung its tail diagonally from below, raised its head and bumped towards the Styx Death Star...

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