Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1286 I Never Agree With This World

"That bastard is me!"

Silicon-based is not satisfied with individual cases, but wants to mass-produce biological weapons as good as acrylic!

166081 Even if acrylic is born for the silicon base, it still has to endure endless experiments and accept genes!

In the end, he died in the experiment. Even if he died, he would still be analyzed as a sample. The experiment... squeezed out the last remaining value!

More like an item, a tool, this is the fate of a slave!

And acrylic is the only finished product in the silicon-based biological weapon program!

When Yakeli was a child, he heard his mother say that the world of the Jiyue Clan had not been developed into the beautiful world before the Star Market!

There is a sacred tree in the center of the world, which symbolizes life and hope. Every year, the Jiyue clan will go to worship under the sacred tree, hoping that the coming year will be smooth and safe!

Every night, the sacred tree will emit a soft light, and countless sparks will fly! Bless the Jiyue Clan!

Acrylic remembered that when his mother said this, she had a smile on her face!

He also wanted to see how beautiful the world his mother had told him was!

And the name of that sacred tree is called Acrylic...

If there were no slaves in this world, if everyone could live happily in their own world, how wonderful it would be!

"I didn't inherit the slave mark from my mother. Siji seemed to have underestimated my ability and was run away by me..."

"The days of fleeing were very hard, changing appearance, hiding in Tibet, practicing hard, but gradually understanding the truth of this starry sky world!"

"I also fantasized about changing the rules of this world, but I couldn't do it..."

Acrylic once returned to the Xingxu where the Jiyue Clan belonged, so things have long been different!

The world is desolate, and the sacred tree called acrylic has long been burned to carbon residue!

Acrylic never saw the beautiful world described by his mother...

When Acrylic saw that the Jiyue tribe was sold to Huajie and sent to mines, it was used as a breeding ground for larvae by the Zerg tribe and as a tool for experiments!

Being treated as a plaything by big people, even giving up dignity and personality in order to survive...

Acrylic's heart is completely dead, and there are thousands of slaves like the Jiyue clan, and the star market is countless!

This seemingly bright starry sky is bustling and dazzling, but why isn't it built on the bones of countless slaves?

And who can hear the cry of the slaves? Why should a weak person deserve to be bullied, bought and sold, and become a slave to be slaughtered?

The Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clans accepted all this with peace of mind, no one thought it was wrong, their hearts were cold and numb!

Such rules have lasted for more than two billion years since the Universal War!

It's not that acrylic has never challenged the rules, but it failed! How to fight? It touches the interests of all races in the starry sky!

It is the cake of the Bose tribe, the overlord of the starry sky, and the cake of the Holy Law Society!

The power of one person is as small as dust, and no one can hear the cry of acrylic!

Acrylic has never recognized such a world for a moment, he is crazy but not crazy...

I saw tears dripping from the corners of Acrylic's eyes, but he was smiling!

"Did you know? There is no longer a member of the Jiyue clan in this starry sky. They have already been wiped out, and they were all killed by me in the starry sky!"

"I have no ability to save them, I have no ability to change the rules, but I have the ability to free them, no longer bound by the fate of slaves, struggling in suffering!"

"I never agree with this world, everyone is guilty! So! Anyone who stands in my way dies! As long as I'm still alive, as long as I'm not dead!"

"I will kill endlessly. Since I can't change the world into what I want, then I will destroy it all! Go to hell! Hahahaha!"

Acrylic's laughter is full of madness and unruly!

You Ming knew that he couldn't persuade him, and that Acrylic was not crazy even if he was crazy!

Because he dared to challenge the rules of the starry sky and took action for it, but he was too extreme!

The unrealistic ideal in his chest is far greater than his own ability!

You Ming turned around and closed the prison door heavily!

"When have you figured it out and agreed, then call me to see you!"

Acrylic smiled maniacally: "Then it seems that you and I will never see each other again in this life! That's good! Happy to be pure!"

You Ming didn't speak, but left here, and the roar in the prison of death continued!

However, You Ming didn't care, even a lunatic dared to take action to pursue the freedom in his heart!

So... what about myself?

The fate of the slave species is indeed tragic. In order to prevent human beings from becoming slave species, Jiangnan dares to do no matter how cruel he is, dare to do no matter how cruel things!

And today's Nether Race, although they don't have slave Inca bodies, they are no better than slaves...

ps: There is only one chapter tonight. I went out to do some errands during the day, and changed my driver's license. I didn't have enough time to go home, so I didn't rush out! You must understand me, right?

( ?° ?? ?°)? Right?

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