Studies have shown that people with multiple personalities have split personalities, personalities, habits, and even what they are good at are also different!

Different personalities can even drastically change the hormone levels of the body!

Just like Damon, when his life was threatened, the evil emperor's personality appeared, and the power, killing intent, and evil spirit hidden in his body were all aroused on weekdays!

It has formed the current Shahuang form!

But in the final analysis, both are Damon himself, but I don't know why they split into two personalities!

Wang Youzhi still has some understanding of the Shahuang family, and even has a collection of figurines!

Although the evil emperors are cruel in nature, bloodthirsty, cultivating killing power, condensing evil energy, some swords are slanted!

But it was the first time he encountered the Shahuang clan with dual personalities, which aroused his interest!

Recalling that when Jiangnan was just imprisoned, he beat Damon violently, but luckily he didn't beat Damon's second personality out!

Otherwise, it might be Jiangnan who was repaired!

Damon in the state of the scarlet evil emperor is not as fierce as usual!

Tarot opened his mouth wide:

(???(︶?︶)°口°) "Da Mengmeng? What kind of Damengmeng is this? It's clearly Da Mengmeng!"

It's too fierce!

At this moment, the battle between Acrylic and Damon entered the most intense stage!

The ability of acrylic is extremely outstanding, the blood pupil between the brows, the blood-colored crystal muscle absorbs and transforms power, and can even change its own shape at will!

If they fight, it's not enough to watch Ging Chacha and Jiulan together!

And this is not all of his abilities!

Damon became even crazier, his whole body was scarlet, his eyes were extremely violent and crazy, and a red mist surged around his body, which was extremely solid evil energy!

Even due to being too solid, scarlet sparks formed, fluttering with Damon's movements!

Just looking at it makes people feel fearful, their legs are weak, and they feel as if they will definitely die in the hands of this monster!

Such a terrifying killing power, I don't know how many lives were slaughtered to achieve it!

The infusion of these evil spirits made Damon's physical fitness so strong that it was terrifying!

It is not a kind of energy, it is more like momentum, but it really exists!

Under the infusion of evil qi, no matter how seriously injured Dameng suffered, he would recover extremely quickly!

It even has a very high armor-piercing effect, normal physical attacks, acrylic can completely absorb and transform!

But being hit by Damon, the acrylic couldn't absorb all of it, and the cold and biting feeling made him extremely uncomfortable!

Acrylic is indeed crazy enough, but Damon is crazier than him, and he can indeed overwhelm Acrylic for a while!

But after a long attack, the gap soon became apparent!

The evil energy is being consumed, and Damon's aura is no longer what it used to be!

Although acrylic can't absorb all of Damon's power, it can absorb and transform part of it!

This product has almost unlimited battery life, and the more you hit it, the harder it is!


The air waves flew up, blood spattered, and Damon was slammed into the ground by the acrylic, and his fists were hammered into Damon's chest!

Countless blood crystal thorns emerged from Damon's body, growing wildly, like a sea urchin bursting with thorns!

While absorbing Damon's strength, he ruthlessly destroyed his body!

There were even blood thorns piercing his flesh and growing out from the inside of his body!

Even Damon couldn't help screaming in pain, but the more it hurt, the crazier he became, and his hands and feet kept hitting the acrylic!

But with the growth of the blood crystals in his body, Damon's hands and feet could no longer be bent!

The whole person was nailed to the ground like a doll!

Acrylic grinned grinningly, and punched Damon's head hard, giving him blood all over his face!

"Move? Move again? Aren't you going to kill me? Come on? Where's the crazy energy just now?"

"It seems! You will die first!"

The scalps of everyone watching this scene were numb. As expected of the Scarlet Miracle Acrylic, the fighting power was too terrifying!

After playing for so long, not only did he not feel tired, but he became more and more excited?

Has Damon's second personality been used, or has he been suppressed?

Chongfeiyu clenched her teeth and wanted to finish it off!

However, Wang Youzhi raised his hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up:

(?ˉ?? ˉ?) "Don't~ the fun hasn't started yet!"

Damon was dizzy from the acrylic hammer, and his momentum became weaker and weaker!

The world in his eyes was already occupied by blood, and he saw the doll in the blood that he had trampled to pieces, and slowly clenched his fists!

Hate, loathing surged in my heart!

He doesn't hate others, but hates himself!

I used to be not like this...

The cultivation system of the Shahuang Clan is different from other races. In addition to cultivating the energy system, they also need to cultivate their potential! When the killing power reaches a certain level, it will form evil energy!

This is the name of the Shahuang family. Sha Qi is not a type of energy, but it does have a great effect. Strictly speaking, it is a substantive energy!

After the Sha Qi is formed, the Sha Qi needs to be poured into the body to open the Sha Emperor form!

Those who are not strong-willed cannot bear it. Generally speaking, the Sha Emperors whose will is strong enough to form Sha Qi can withstand the Sha Qi pouring into the body!

But Damon had an accident, his sanity was eroded by evil energy, and he was completely reduced to a lunatic who only knew how to kill!

Mass killings, fellow clansmen, close friends... I don't know how many people died at the hands of Damon!

He doesn't want to wake up, doesn't want to accept these realities, sinks in power, goes crazy in killing, and completely degenerates!

It seemed that he had killed enough. When Damon woke up a little bit, he found himself on a living planet with scars all over his body and a broken sword stuck in his body!

Surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood, with limbs and arms broken, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a hell on earth!

The blood under the feet didn't even go beyond the ankles...

At this moment, Damon is the only intelligent life on this living planet, because everyone died in his hands!

Looking down, there was a child with only half of his body floating in a pool of blood. Even though he was dead, he was still holding a blood-stained rabbit doll in his hand...

And the other half of the child was held in Damon's hands...

I tore it myself, I tore it with my own hands! He even remembered the feeling of being separated from his flesh and blood when he tore it apart...

The blood-stained rabbit doll is so dazzling and hurts the heart!

And such a living planet, I have gone to more than one...

Chaotic memories flooded into his mind, and Damon's spirit completely collapsed. He knew that these people were innocent and he had done something wrong!

But this is the truth, what has been done is done, what is wrong is wrong, there is no regret medicine to take!

He hates himself like this, he hates himself who has done all the evil things and slaughtered lives, he can't accept it, let alone agree with it!

Thus, the second personality was born!

Damon sealed his crazy and evil self, and gave birth to a new self, the heart-warming and healing Dameng!

When the law enforcement forces arrested him, Damon sat in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, holding the rabbit baby and crying bitterly!

But all of that was done by him, the blood and sins on his body cannot be washed away!

In the final analysis, Damon was still escaping and couldn't accept his true self, so a second personality was born!

Acrylic grinned, raised the crystal knife in his hand high, and stabbed fiercely at Damon's eyeballs!

"Killers, people will always kill them! If you die at the hands of others, don't blame yourself for being unlucky, it can only show that you are not capable!"

"You are like this! Me too! People like us don't deserve to be sympathized with!"

"So! Go to hell with me!"

When the blade fell, Damon's pupils shrank suddenly, and his immobile arm suddenly lifted up!

Forcibly breaking off the blood crystal thorn growing in the arm!


The blood crystal knife pierced Damon's palm, stopped in front of his eyes, and forced him down inch by inch!

Blood dripped down Damon's eyeballs from the tip of the knife!

At this moment, Damon's aura changed, and when he mentioned it again and again, his expression became extremely ferocious!

"Dead? I can't die! I killed so many people and slaughtered so many lives!"

"I can't remember how many people's lives have been terminated in my hands! Beheading their lives and taking away their power, it is their power that has made me!"

"I am the continuation of their lives, I am stronger than them, so I have lived to this day!"

"Why did I die here! How old are you when you step on a horse? What right do you have to take my life!"

As he spoke, the evil energy on Damon's body was mentioned again and again, and the tip of the knife was lifted inch by inch by Damon!

Acrylic was stunned, how could this guy still move?

I saw Damon's face full of ferocity!

"If I die here! What are the people I killed? Did they die in vain?"

"I must kill you! For those who died in my hands!"

Damon erupted completely, and the scarlet qi on his body multiplied exponentially, like a burning wildfire, a bursting volcano!

The will is screaming, and the killing intent is burning!


The turbulent evil energy directly smashed the acrylic into the air!

Qi looked at Damon in disbelief, only to see that he was completely wrapped in scarlet qi, and his hair was flying with blood!

A pair of blood eyes are extremely scarlet, like the only one in the world!

"What kind of nonsense are you riding a horse?"

For the sake of those lives that were cut off by him, so he couldn't die? So kill me?

I saw those scarlet evil energy frantically flowing back and pouring back into Damon's body!

At this moment, Damon's body was extremely scarlet, and the scarlet evil star fluttered like a ghost crawling out of hell!

Under the tense muscles of the whole body, those blood-colored crystal residues remaining in the body were directly squeezed out of the body by the evil energy, and stuck into the wall and the floor!

He casually pulled out the broken crystal knife stuck in his palm, and stretched out his tongue to lick off the blood stained on it!

"Aren't you not going anywhere?"


Damon disappeared in place in an instant, leaving behind a beautiful crimson garland on the path!

"Puff!" With a sound, the blood crystal knife directly pierced into Acrylic's eyeballs, and pierced out from the back of his head!

Damon grinned, jumped onto Acrylic's shoulder, and grabbed the tip of the piercing blood crystal knife!

With a roar, he pulled upwards violently!

In a daze, he opened half of Acrylic's head, and four of his fingers were cut off!

Damon explained with practical actions, what is cruelty!

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