Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2170 The beast in my heart

The acrylic drew the knife and threw blood, and the blood splashed like splashed ink!

Toby lay on the ground and kicked his legs straight, looking like a dead body!

Bing Chacha said anxiously: "Go! You two go together? Stop him!"

However, the Nether Legion's attention was all on the prisoners!

?(o﹃o?) "Yo~ little brother~ is the injury serious? Look at the blood all over, come~ I'll wipe it off for you!"

(???~??) "Damn acrylic, how could he have the heart to do it? Be good~ don't be afraid! With brother here, brother will never let him hurt you again!"

The prisoner cried out in horror:

(#′??Д??`) "You don't want to come here, you?"

Bing Chacha covered his face, the Nether Legion was hopeless!

Compared with the dangerous acrylic, they care more about the prisoner exuding a tempting fragrance!

Indulging in beauty and unable to extricate myself!

Acrylic walked towards Suoyuba without saying a word, his eyes were scarlet like blood!

It's time to put an end to his life!

The jailbreaker shouted in shock!

(??? Mouth??)? "gei~gei~gei~"

It is hoped that those Nether Legionnaires will be able to return astray, but the Nether Legion who has been awake for a moment is addicted again. They don't have such a firm will as Acrylic!

After all, who would say no to a cutie, blood-stained prisoner?

The voice of God from Suoyuba not only didn't work, but made Acrylic wake up more and more!

However, at this moment, Damon, who had been squatting in the corner and not participating in the battle, couldn't hold back anymore!

Looking at the anxious eyes on the battlefield, Suo Yuba was about to be killed, but he didn't have the courage to stand up!

Damon took out the doll from his arms and put it on his forehead, as if he was praying, hoping that the rabbit doll would give him courage!

In the end, he took a deep breath and rushed out resolutely!

Spread your arms and stand between Acrylic and Suoyuba!

His body was shaking, and his legs were shaking like a fascia gun!

Although the appearance is extremely fierce, but in the face of acrylic, there is no momentum at all!

Even speaking became stuttering!

( ??????﹏????????メ) "I...I can't let you kill him! He...he is my good friend!"

Suoyuba was stunned: (??ˇmouthˇ?) "Da Mengmeng?"

Acrylic narrowed his eyes, and his expression completely cooled down!

Damon said urgently: (メ???口???) "Brother Jiangnan gave me a sewing machine, it's my favorite!"

"Can...can you not kill him? Isn't it good for everyone to be happy together?"

"If you must kill him, then kill me first! Unless you step over my corpse!"

"Otherwise I won't get out of the way! Brother Jiangnan! Run! I'll stop him!"

At this moment, Wang Youzhi and Taluo Samo looked at this scene with healing expressions on their faces!

Suo Yuba was moved, with tears in his eyes:

(#??﹏??#) "Big Mengmeng? You..."


Before he finished speaking, a blood-colored crystal knife stabbed out from Damon's majestic back!

Blood splattered all over Suo Yuba's body!

Damon's eyes widened, blood gushed from his throat, he couldn't say a word, he felt his life was passing by like crazy!

I saw Acrylic leaning against Damon's ear expressionlessly, murmuring softly~

"Don't do things beyond your ability! You will die!"

While speaking, he drew his knife and stepped back, and Damon's majestic body fell heavily to the ground!

Lying on the ground motionless, blood poured out of his chest as if he didn't want money!

Acrylic walked over Damon's head just like that!

Suoyuba's expression froze, with indignation in his eyes, he looked at Acrylic again, and laughed!

Acrylic said condescendingly: "What are you laughing at?"

Suoyuba smiled: "It's nothing, I'm just laughing at you, maybe you can kill him, and you can kill me too!"

"But you will die, someone will help me kill you!"

"I'm dead! Don't even think about living!"

Acrylic also laughed after hearing this: "Heh, you die! Who cares?"

While speaking, he raised the bloody crystal knife in his hand!

Wang Youzhi's heart was in his throat, and if he didn't come back, things would be out of control, hey!

Chong Feiyu has already decided to finish it off!

However, at this moment, her steps froze suddenly, and her eyes fell on Damon in astonishment!

I saw Damon lying in a pool of blood, his pupils had dilated, and his eyes had lost their light!

He tilted his head and watched as the rabbit doll in his hand was stained red and soaked with his own blood, and then the world was completely dark!

The next moment, his pupils shrank violently, and his eyes turned blood red!

A boundless killing intent bloomed from Damon's body!


I saw that his body began to crazily emit high-temperature water vapor and blood mist, his originally slightly bloated figure was becoming thinner, and his muscles were bulging and drawing!

The chest injury healed quickly, and a crazy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he got up from the ground!

Stepped on that rabbit doll!

Turning to face the acrylic, bursts of strange smiles came from his mouth!

Suoyuba looked at Damon who had "resurrected from the dead" in astonishment!

This is Damon?

Whether it's the expression or the look, it doesn't look like the gentle and healing Damon on weekdays, does it?

Acrylic frowned and looked back at Damon!

not dead?

Damon smiled strangely: "Dare to kill me? I have always been the only one who kills others. Thank you for letting me out!"

"I haven't come out for so long, I almost forgot what blood smells like!"

While speaking, he wiped his chest, stuck out his tongue and greedily licked it, with an infatuated expression on his face!

"In order to thank you, I will send you to die. After I kill you, I will kill him and everyone here!"

"Ahhh~ I'm already excited just thinking about it, the picture must be breathtakingly beautiful!"

Sweat profusely on Suo Prison Ba's forehead, is this Damon? Why does Temeow look more perverted than acrylic?

Acrylic narrowed his eyes, and his eyes became crazy: "Kill me? If you can do it, so what if I give you my life?"

With a stride while speaking, the crystal knife in his hand immediately cut towards Damon's head!

The speed is extremely fast!

Damon stared, and the killing momentum on his body bloomed to the extreme at this moment!

"Scarlet Fiend Emperor!"


The wild killing momentum even collapsed the strong-phase alloy floor into a big hole!

Its whole body turned into scarlet, and bursts of bloody sparks burst out, like iron trees and silver flowers shot out in the night sky!

A pair of eyes, like a bloody sun being lit up, are extremely dazzling!

At this moment, in Acrylic's eyes, it seems that there is only a pair of blood eyes full of killing intent left!

With boundless evil spirits, his body and mind were cold, and being stared at by such eyes, Acrylic actually gave birth to a feeling that he would die!

Normal people, under the oppression of this kind of momentum, can't even move!

But coincidentally, acrylic is also a madman! He has no fear of death!

In the blink of an eye, the Blood Crystal Knife was already in front of Damon!

Damon didn't dodge or dodge, he opened his mouth and bared his teeth, biting the crystal knife!

Immediately, his elbow was like a knife, and like a battle axe, he slammed heavily on the root of the crystal knife!

The power was absorbed and transformed crazily, but it seemed to exceed the limit of being transformed!

Hearing a "click", the crystal knife was broken by Damon's elbow!

Acrylic's pupils shrank sharply, and at this moment Damon was already holding the crystal knife with his bare hands, and stabbed fiercely towards his chest!

"Return you!"

Using the other's spear and attacking the other's shield with this hand, it directly broke through the acrylic defense!

The crystal knife pierced through Damon's chest on the spot, and Damon's hand holding the crystal knife was cut with blood, but he didn't care!

Acrylic squinted, he didn't care about this level of injury!

Raising his hand, he punched again, and the hammer hit Damon's abdomen heavily, and crystal thorns were born, which gave him a heart-stopping stab!

Stabbing frantically, I don't know how many times I stabbed Damon in one second, all of them turned into a sieve!

However, no blood flowed out of Damon's body, and the pierced wound healed quickly!

I saw Damon laughing wildly, holding Acrylic's head with two big hands!

The thumbs were on his eyes, and they were forced in!

Dazed, he pressed the acrylic to the ground, opened his mouth and bit his throat fiercely!

Tearing fiercely like a wild beast!

Its sole purpose is to kill acrylic, no matter what method is used!

The people who watched were shivering, Acryl cursed angrily, raised his foot and kicked violently, Damon was immediately kicked away!

Acrylic was also angry, and a piece of the bloody crystal muscle on his throat was bitten off!

"Crazy! I'll send you on your way!"

Damon laughed wildly and swallowed the bloody crystal muscle in his mouth: "It's my favorite taste, let's see who dies first!"

The two collided again, the blood-colored figure flickered wildly, exchanging injuries and attacking each other!

One is crazier than the other, and all the buildings they pass are smashed, and the destructive power is extremely amazing!

The most frightening thing is that Damon didn't use the wrong soap, but actually resisted the acrylic with his physical fitness!

And still not falling behind, this is simply terrifying!

Sweat profusely on the forehead of Suoyuba: "Damon is so fierce? He he he he... something is wrong, right?"

Not only was he dumbfounded, but all the prisoners were also dumbfounded. Is this really the big Mengmeng who would not even be willing to trample a bug to death on weekdays?

Why does it feel like it's crazier than acrylic? The killing intent on his body is too heavy!

But in terms of killing intent, he is stronger than Acrylic!

Gingchacha grinned: "Do you think any of the prisoners held here is innocent?"

"Damon's crime is not small! He has slaughtered stars! And more than one!"

"Acrylic kills and slaughters, at least they have their own purpose! But Damon doesn't! He just kills purely for the sake of killing! Enjoy the process of killing, there is no purpose at all!"

"Otherwise, why would a well-behaved and healed Shahuang clan be imprisoned in the Styx death prison for life? And also assigned to a disaster-level prison area?"

Suoyuba's forehead was sweating profusely, what the hell! Compared with what Damon committed, the brothers of these bullies are all younger brothers?

Is there a beast living in everyone's heart?

Now the beast is released by Damon?

So much change before and after? Even strength and physical fitness have improved so much?

Who knows what happened to Damon?

Wang Youzhi leaned on his chin with an expression of interest!

( ?° ? ?°) "Oh, Huh? Is there a second personality? Interesting!"

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