Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2072 None! i don't have at all

Dawei Tianlong released all the junk he picked up from the battlefield!

Olivia took Windsor and the others to start repairing!

Restoring a planet on this scale has to be done at the level of the planet destroyer, and the general star-breaking can't handle it!

And Batty took Wenda and the others to repair the pile of junk, most of them were usable!

All of them are equipment and weapons used by thousands of races to deal with dimensional creatures in the dimensional war, and they are of great help to human beings!

These living planets were repaired, some of them were given to the Apocalypse Clan, and some of them were placed in the Lost Kingdom for development and embellishment!

There will also be a batch on the side of the Milky Way for the development of this galaxy!

The rest will be sold to the Apocalypse Clan in exchange for Star Origin Points!

Due to lack of manpower, Wenger called a large number of people to help!

Moreover, a large amount of ore and spiritual materials have been brought in, and the manufacture of the Dimensional Star Ring has to be rushed!

The Lost Kingdom, which was originally lonely and deserted, suddenly became lively!

Wenger leaned on his chin:

( ?° ? ?°) "Once the star road development plan is launched, even if the cake of silicon base and boson body is touched, I am afraid that the boss will not let us do it so easily?"

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ?? ˉ?) "Moving is indeed moving, but not all of them. The three star roads each have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you want to squeeze them out, you can't squeeze them out!"

"And once it goes online, the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clans can benefit from the Dimensional Starship, and will help advance!"

"Once the silicon base and the Bose body impose restrictions, restrict the use of their own star roads, and use various means to force the ten thousand races, it will actually push the ten thousand races in the starry sky to the side of the dimensional star flight!"

"There will indeed be resistance to the implementation of the plan, but if it is really that easy to handle, why should I ask you Tianqi clan?"

The corner of Wenger's mouth twitched, but you are direct, but for the permanent free use, it is indeed worth the effort of the Apocalypse!

"It seems that we have to use a lot of relationships to make a good operation, right? I'll go over and make arrangements later!"

Jiang Nan nodded: "As soon as possible! At least before I go to jail, lay the foundation for the Star Road development plan!"

"Let human beings have a means of survival in the starry sky, so I can rest assured!"

As for the issue of racial security, there is a black god to take care of it, and it is a constraint with the Sacred Law Society. I am not afraid that after I enter, the Sacred Law Society will turn its face and deny people!

After all, the dimensional war can end at any time, and human beings can retreat into the cracks of the dimension at any time!

Even if he went in by himself, the Holy Law Society would have nothing to do with humans!

The two sides have formed a delicate situation of mutual checks and balances!

It's just that before going in, the Star Road development plan must be well-known!

Mention this, Wenger is a thrill!

(??????) "I forgot about this, hey~ You're such a good young man, I didn't expect to be so wasted in the Styx Death Prison in this life, I'm blind for nothing!"

"Three hundred years? By the time you come out, you'll be so old!"

"Before going in, work hard, have more sons and daughters, and so on, so that you won't be left behind. Let's enjoy the rare freedom in the end!"

"In Styx Death Prison, that's really not a life for a human~"

While speaking, Wenger's eyes were full of memories!

Hearing this, Zhong Yingxue blushed immediately, lowered her head and hugged her fingers, and turned into a steam girl!


Do you want to make little people?

But thinking of Xiao Nan going to suffer in Styx Death Prison, Zhong Yingxue felt anxious!

Xia Yao couldn't help nodding her head, that's right, she has to work hard!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(*??3??)?o·? ˉ? "I'm bah? Three hundred years? Ghost Meow has been foolishly squatting there for three hundred years! I'm just trying to make fun of it!"

Wenger was stunned: ∑(°口°?) "What's wrong? You still want to escape from prison? I can only say that you are too naive, run? Even gods can't escape!"

"Otherwise, why is it called Styx Death Prison? You can't escape even if you are allowed to escape before the sentence is up!"

Jiang Nan's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help swallowing:

( ??~?? ) "Really... really so amazing? By the way, haven't you been in prison for a few years? How's it going there? Let me know the bottom line?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Wenger trembled, and he took two steps back while clutching his buttocks, leaning his back against the wall, his face turned pale!

=????(?﹏? ????)

It seems to have become an instinctive reaction!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

I asked you about the prison, why are you covering your back mound?

Jiang Nan's eyes gradually became frightened, and he took two steps back!

"(o口o*)" What the hell? Shouldn't you be in there..."

Wenger stared, and quickly braced himself with his hips on his hips:

( ?◣д◢) "I... I don't have it! Heh~ I'm so fierce, how could I be bullied? Those are all big brother characters inside, okay?"

"It's you instead! You are so handsome, white and tender, before you go in, hurry up and make out with the little girl! Have fun!"

"It's time to go in! You just wait to be kissed by someone! The people there are crazy! They are hungry, they are all hungry wolves!"

(′???) "I squatted inside for two years, looking forward to coming out every day, even when I was sleeping, woo~"

The more Wenger talked, the paler his face became, and he never let go of his back mound!

Wang Youzhi patted Wenger on the shoulder:

(o???)? "Hey hey~ Wake up! You are out of prison!"

Wenger's mental state has just relaxed a little!

Jiangnan felt a cool breeze blowing from his back, how much psychological shadow did this leave behind?

I just squatted for two years, and I can't get out of the trauma after being out for so long!

Jiang Nan's face darkened even more, and he gave Wang Youzhi a resentful look!

(???~??)???? "Is it really that scary in there? Is it hard to run?"

Wenger sighed: (??? ) "Why am I lying to you? Styx Death Prison is mainly managed by the Nether tribe! In the Styx star field, the Nether tribe has the final say, and no one can do it!"

"You will know if what I said is true after you go there. No matter how strong you are outside, no matter how abnormal your ability is, you will be a grandson when you go in!"

"The abilities of the Wanzu, but anything related to energy, can't be used in it. It mainly depends on physical fitness! Whoever is tough is the best!"

"Your small body is not enough to look at, our carbon-based flesh and blood body... Hey~ I will cry if I talk too much!"

Jiang Nan stared and patted his chest!

(︶~︶〃) "What's wrong with my small body? Is it not strong enough? Fight for physical fitness? Who am I afraid of when I cross the river?"

Wenger rolled his eyes: (??д???) "It's just you? Forget it! No matter how strong your physical fitness is, you're stronger than the Crystal Clan? Metal Clan? You can't even match the Titans!"

"As the carbon-based light of the Apocalypse race, their physical fitness is far superior to that of humans at the same level, almost at the limit of carbon-based! But it's not as good as those perverts!"

"Especially those Nether races! The strongest bodies under the stars are all animals, hiss~"

Thinking of this, Wenger shook his back mound again!

Wang Youzhi: (????) "So, you were pushed by a trolley inside?"

Wenger said anxiously: (??Yi?)? "No! I'm bah! I don't have any!"

As long as I don't admit it, no one will know what I went through inside!

Wang Youzhi's smile gradually deformed, and his mouth is still stiff?

Wenger grinned: "As a person who has experienced it, I will give you a piece of advice! Remember to sleep on your back at night! Tie yourself to the bed, it's not easy to turn over!"

"Then turn your head 180 degrees and face the pillow! It's a solid sleep! Ah yes, remember to wear earplugs, otherwise you may be deaf the next day!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Nima! Is this pose really possible for humans?

Shen Temiao turned her head to sleep, why did she turn her head away!

Thinking of this, Jiangnan's back is already blowing cold wind!

( ?? ﹏ ?? ) "Suddenly I feel a little regretful, I don't want to go to prison, what should I do!"

Wenger felt psychologically shadowed when he went in. Jiangnan suddenly lost his confidence?

Wang Youzhi patted his chest: "What are you afraid of? Isn't there still brother here? Brother is covering you!"

Jiang Nan has a dark face, afraid that if you can't cover it, you will put yourself in it instead!

By the way, why is the Black God so keen on going to jail? You didn't do that when you were free, did you?

Wenger stepped forward and patted Jiangnan on the shoulder: "You can do it for yourself! I will send you a copy of the Styx Death Prison later! There is also a floor plan of the prison!"

"Plus all kinds of rules and points to be observed! This is the only thing I can do as a senior!"

"Don't be afraid! When you come out three hundred years later, you'll still be a good one!"

While talking, the smile on his face gradually became funny, I didn't expect you to have today!

Jiangnan: (???Yi????)…

Wenger happily went to repair the broken ones!

On the other hand, Jiangnan imagined his prison life and emoed directly!

Turning around, he grabbed Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao's little hands!

(??????) "I'm going to jail soon, I think we're running out of time, we have to work hard and get ready to go to jail!"

Seeing Jiangnan's serious expression, Zhong Yingxue took a deep breath, even though her face was still terribly red!

(??﹏??) "I... I'm ready! Just work hard until you are satisfied!"

Xia Yao's eyes are shining brightly:

(????)? "There are still 13 days! You don't want to rest for a second!"

Jiang Nan nodded heavily: (?????) "That's it! It's good to have this determination! The special training for imprisonment starts now!"

"Master Zhu! Where are you, Mr. Zhu? I want to learn the invincible golden bell jar! Shaolin iron works!"

"Sister Shanmiao! Instructor Tianqing! Don't treat me like a human being, train me to death, and call Grandpa Luo to join us. The battle starts from this moment!"

"Sister Li Bing! Can my super muscle cells be upgraded again? Prepare a 100,000 times gravity field for me!"

"Little dimple! Boil a pot of Dali water for me, and I will sleep in the bathtub at night!"

While yelling, Jiang Nan rushed towards Blue Star!

But just as he teleported out, he found that Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao were frozen in place, the corners of their mouths twitching!

(¬_¬)(?_? )

Can't help but said in amazement: ?(?? ???) "What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you want to accompany me to do the special prison training?"

Zhong Yingxue's eyes glowed red, and she twisted her neck:

(??’ ? ?’) “Well! Yes! You can’t rest for a second in these 13 days!”

Xia Yao gritted her teeth with her fingers and said, "Until you are satisfied!"

God special meow special training in prison! After fighting for a lifetime, don’t you know how to enjoy yourself? You are indulgent and crazy, you?

[Resentment value from Xia Yao +777! ]

[Resentment value from Zhong Yingxue +444! ]

Jiang Nan felt cold sweat breaking out on his back. After all, he couldn't hide his eyes if he wanted to kill someone alone!

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