Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2071 The first step to gain a foothold

In just a split second, Wenger's face turned red and his eyes gleamed!

If human beings can really open up a third star path, then it will be really awesome!

You know, Bobo Starship and Silicon Speed ​​Starship are in the hands of Bose and Silicon!

Charge high tolls!

And if people want to use it, they can use it for you, and if they don't want to use it for you, they can just block it!

Some star domains with rich resources don't give you the road to go there, you can't get through at all!

The distance of tens of billions of light years is daunting!

And for a star field like the Northern Crown Starry Sky Mine, the passage fee is even ten times that of other star fields!

You don’t even need to use their Star Road to pay, but if it’s freight, you still have to give them a commission!

Otherwise I won't let you go!

Is there a trick? No move! You can only use other people's star roads, otherwise the distance across the galaxy is so far away!

Even if the interstellar travel is traveling with a warp speed engine, the time it takes is extremely long! It may also be robbed!

If the dimensional spaceship of human beings is really online...

Wenger swallowed:

(*?△?) "What... when will it be online?"

Jiangnan is full of sadness:

(??ˇ~ˇ??) "Oh, it's probably going to be a long time, we don't have any hands, and we don't have start-up capital!"

"I don't know how long it will take to spread the Dimensional Star Navigation to the entire star field and establish terminals on every planet of all races!"

"Besides, human beings have a bad reputation now, and they are not welcome to go to various races to do business and start work. The establishment of Yuan Xinghang this time can be said to be even more difficult!"

What Jiangnan said is true, the construction and operation of a dimensional starship covering the entire star field requires an extremely large amount of capital and manpower!

Nowadays, human beings can be said to be holding mountains of gold and silver, but they can't move!

If only relying on human beings to propel themselves, build a dimensional star flight, and open up all routes, it would not be too much to spend more than a hundred years!

Wenger was in a hurry: (???Yi??)? "Fuck! We have money! Do we have people? If we have this star road resource, if we don't develop it quickly, what are we waiting for?"

"One second online at night, that Temeow is all money!"

At this moment, Wenger seemed more anxious than Jiangnan himself!

Is this the consciousness of the cash machine?

Jiang Nan grinned:

(?ˉ?? ˉ?) "Oh? You Apocalypse want to buy shares? Have you really thought about it?"

"Cooperating with humans at this time and getting so close is not a good thing for you Apocalypse clan!"

Wenger was taken aback, and then his eyes flickered!

"When the benefits outweigh the losses, it's worth doing. Our Apocalypse clan is the fourth sequence anyway, and we are plastic allies with the Gamma clan. It's not so easy to be shaken!"

"Do you know how many star points the Apocalypse clan spends on the star road in a year? How many star fields are they stuck in? Can you go and see the face of the boss?"

"If you can really develop an unimpeded star road, then it's worth taking the risk!"

"Besides, you brought me in for a walk, didn't you mean to form an alliance? It's just that I didn't expect that it would be a star road development project!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "You are smart! Why? The one above you also has the same attitude!"

Wenger was taken aback, and smiled wryly: "You really can't hide anything from you, the higher-ups have indeed explained to me!"

"Since the momentum of human beings entering the star sequence is unstoppable, with the backing of the Black God, it is necessary to consider the development of long-term interests!"

"Besides, you are carbon-based, and you also have the incense beads that carbon-based needs. During the Star Ruins War, combined with the abilities of the Apocalypse Clan, it also played an unexpected effect in fighting energy-type life forms!"

All kinds of reasons are the reference for the Tianqi Clan to make a decision!

And now all human beings are of the Summoning system, combined with the space ability, forming an alliance with the Apocalypse, and even have the means to suppress the Bose body!

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "It's good if the higher-ups don't follow suit! It's easy to add flowers to the cake, but it's hard to give charcoal in the snow!"

"I don't think the Apocalypse will regret today's decision after many years. Racial alliance is not a trivial matter!"

"Then let's start with the Star Road development project. How about trying to cooperate?"

Wenger couldn't help rubbing his hands at the moment!

(?? ?° ? ?°) "Zhongzhongzhong! How many shares will you invest in? How about half of it? I, the Apocalypse family, can do it with people and effort! It's okay to be an agent, you just take money and it's ok!"

Star Road is a lucrative business, of course Wenger is willing to invest in it!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(*??~??) "What are you daydreaming about? How can the Apocalypse Race be permanently invested in a business like Race Star Road?"

"After the star road is completed and put into use! In the next 300 years, 30% will go to the Apocalypse Clan! In addition! The Apocalypse Clan has the privilege of using the Dimensional Star Navigation for free forever!"

"This privilege is valid until the star river dies and the starry sky dies!"

"Don't bargain with me, the more you talk, the less you talk, and you can't talk to me!"

As for the star road, it is unavoidable for all the people in the starry sky to use it! Just one year's income is a huge number!

And with 300% of the income for three hundred years, the Apocalypse Clan will definitely make a profit without losing money!

Human beings are not bad for the money of the Apocalypse family! It is also reasonable to give permanent use rights!

As for why they didn't choose to cooperate with the Dark Cosmic Body, but with the Apocalypse Clan!

An Zhou's body is too strong, the store bullies customers, it is easy to exceed control, and it is an energy life!

Today's human beings cooperate with the Apocalypse Clan better than the Dark Universe!

Wenger's face was dark. It was obvious that Jiangnan had already made plans, and it was useless to bargain with him!

However, the privilege of permanent free use is indeed tempting enough, so that the Apocalypse Clan will have a star road that will not be restricted by restrictions!

How much can the entire race reduce expenses in a year?

"Okay! That's it! What do you need my Tianqi Clan to do?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "We need you to withstand the resistance and resistance from all races. Human beings have just finished the Thousand Stars Calamity, and the work is not easy to start!"

"In addition, you need to make dimensional star rings. The quantity is huge, but it is not difficult for the Apocalypse Clan. After all, your atomic reorganization makes it easier to make star rings!"

"The rest is the construction of various planetary stations in the entire star field and the placement and operation of the dimensional star ring!"

Wenger leaned on his chin: "It will take some effort, and it won't work in ten or eight years..."

Jiang Nan shook his head: "No! I still have a faster way, come to me to get the star ring, go back and let Wanzu build the terminal and operate it independently!"

"The fare is set by human beings, and 0.50% of the annual income belongs to them, which will last for a hundred years!"

"I think they are happy to build terminals and open routes! The more voyages they open, the more money they will make!"

"A hundred years from now, when human beings become stronger, they will take over the operation of Dimensional Star Airlines one by one from the hands of all races! At that time, human manpower and resources will no longer be a problem!"

Wenger's scalp was numb: "Hiss~ Do you support the infrastructure of Dimensional Star Airlines with thousands of peoples? It's easy for you! You're really a no-cost business, you? What kind of head?"

"If you do this! Maybe in a few months, Dimensional Star Airlines will be able to complete the laying of the entire star field! The whole voyage will be opened!"

"But if you do this, are you really not afraid that Wanzu will mess with you and blackmail your money? Or secretly withhold income? What if you don't pay it back when it's due?"

"Is it so urgent? If we do it ourselves, can't we afford to wait ten or eight years?"

Jiang Nan smiled: "Of course! The Apocalypse Clan will also supervise the operation manually! Hei Laozi's money? Or don't give it to me? Do they dare?"

While speaking, Jiang Nan pointed to the endless dimensional wind channel in the gap between dimensions!

"I can stop the link of Dimensional Airway at any time! The core of Dimensional Star Aviation! We hold it in our hands!"

"One meal, one can tell the difference from the ten thousand clans of one meal. Just mastering the dimensional star ring is useless!"

Wenger shuddered hard, didn't he? No matter what Jiangnan does! The resources of Dimensional Wind Dao are always in the hands of human beings!

It's useless even if the Wanzu doesn't give it, and the most important thing is... if it enters the gap between dimensions, it is the human beings and the Black God who have the final say!

Have absolute control!

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "As for why it is so urgent, even if you give up part of the benefits, you must let Dimensional Star Airlines go online as soon as possible..."

"Because human beings need to gain a firm foothold in the starry sky as quickly as possible! With the support of Dimensional Star Navigation, with the accumulation of huge resources, development is worry-free!"

"Moreover, it will be beneficial for long-term development to gradually eliminate the resistance attitude of all races towards human beings with Dimensional Star Navigation!"

Wenger covered his face, is it more than a simple accumulation of resources? As soon as the Dimensional Star Airlines goes online, all human beings will be rich!

Open Star Road, this is definitely the biggest deal in the starry sky!

Jiangnan also has his own considerations. Once Dimensional Starship is launched, it will bring more convenient conditions than Bobo Starship and Silicon Speed ​​Starship!

It will exist as long as it is needed!

The deadlock between human beings and the ten thousand races in the starry sky will gradually be broken, and the 0.50% profit is also quite a lot!

This is a cake stuffed into someone's mouth after the round of sticks!

Driven by interests, the past will eventually be overwhelmed!

The most important thing is that once the Dimensional Star Navigation is fully launched, even if Jiangnan escapes from prison, the human foothold has already stood firm!

Impact will be minimized!

This Yuan Xinghang is the first step for human beings to gain a firm foothold in the starry sky!

So we must complete the laying of the whole star field as soon as possible! As for resistance from zero to one! Then the Apocalypse Clan helped humans open it!

As for such an important matter, Jiangnan and Wenger have already settled down on the road, and Wenger will discuss the details of the follow-up development plan with Yang Jian!

In the blink of an eye, everyone came to the Lost Kingdom!

Seeing the boundless and huge dimensional creatures, they are everywhere in the lost kingdom!

Pairs of scarlet eyes looked towards him, and then at the solar system floating above the kingdom!

Wenger swallowed: "Put your hometown here, it should be the safest place, right?"

Whoever steals this horse can't steal it!

"Aside from repairing those broken pieces, isn't there other work? Where did it come from?"

Jiang Nan casually pointed to the mountain of broken pieces piled up like stars!

?(?????) "Hey~ By the way, fix that pile too!"

Wenger's calf trembled, and his eyes were straight...

Σ( ° △ °|||) Damn!

This...these are the trophies accumulated in the dimensional battlefield for hundreds of millions of years?

Dimensional star flight? Plus these...

Why do I feel that it won't take long for humans to rush to the top ten sequences?

(?????????????)? "It seems that there are fewer people..."

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