Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2041 People are not cruel! Waddled

Seeing Yang Jian looking over, Wang Youzhi was unambiguous, shook hands and said, "Wang Youzhi, it's not long since I was superhuman, just call me Dazhi!"

As soon as they shook hands, Yang Jian felt even more strange. Why did he feel so close?

Why do his eyes look similar to mine?

Suddenly, Yang Jian seemed to realize something, and his face turned black!

good guy...

(??﹏???) "Hi... Brother Zhi, don't stand outside, please come inside!"

Obviously, he realized Wang Youzhi's identity!

Are all the supreme beings like the Black God so kind?

Jiang Nan grinned: "I got a lot of good things when I went out this time, so I have to discuss it!"

However, as soon as he entered the star palace, Wang Youzhi said casually, "Where is the withdrawal degree? I want to study the withdrawal degree, so you should study it first..."

Ai Jiang immediately pointed out the direction for Wang Youzhi, while Jiang Nan went to discuss with Yang Jian!


Starship bathroom, the innermost corner of the Hush Pool!

Bombardier is straddling his feet, his index finger and middle finger turned into tweezers with supernatural powers, humming a song, and solving problems leisurely!

And Wang Youzhi walked in hastily.

Seeing Bombardier in the farthest corner, his eyes lit up immediately, and he went straight to the innermost position next to Bombardier, and stood up like him!

After all, it's the first time to be a human being, so I don't have much experience!

There is still so much to learn!

Seeing Wang Youzhi approaching, Bombardier turned sideways inside to protect his privacy, for fear of being seen!

Crazy slander in my heart, is this person sick? Don't go with so many vacancies? Must be next to me?

Are you saying that this person is extraordinary? Why haven't I seen it myself? New here?

And...why does this person's face resemble mine a million times?

An inexplicable sense of closeness rose in my heart!

Wang Youzhi glanced at Bombardier with great confidence!

(???*) "Oh shit? Do I need to use tweezers? It's quite delicate, but I heard that this offensive weapon is extremely dangerous! You need to use tweezers!"

While speaking, Wang Youzhi's fingers also turned into tweezers!

Bombardier stared with shame and indignation, who are you laughing at?

I want to see how much background you have, so I glared at Wang Youzhi fiercely!

However, with just this one glance, Bombardier was stunned!

Σ(°Д°;) is this the same style as mine?

In just a moment, Bombardier developed a strong brotherhood towards Wang Youzhi!

After so many years, this is the first time seeing someone on the same level as me?

(??ˇ﹏ˇ?) "Brother! How did you manage to be so confident? I dare not show it to others easily. I have always felt inferior!"

Wang Youzhi smiled and said: (︶?︶) "I know! You don't want to show your wealth. You must be concerned about their feelings, and you are afraid that they will be envied and you will be excluded, right?"

"After all, there are very few people like us who are one in a million, and they can't envy them! They can only be greedy!"

Bombardier: ? ? ?

Why is this brother so confident? Who gave him the courage?

This kind of spirit, I have to study hard!

Wang Youzhi was puzzled and said: ( ??~?? ) "Huh? By the way, why do you have a fruity aroma?"

Bombardier laughed loudly: "Ah~ me? My ability is assimilation mimicry, which can mimic substances at will. What comes out is orange juice, and you can drink it!"

"Of course! It can also be like this..."

While talking, there was a clanging sound from the pool over there, and a stream of liquid gold splashed down!

Wang Youzhi was surprised: ∑(°口°?) "Can it still be like this?"

Soon, the one on his side turned into a jet of black crude oil liquid!

Bombardier's eyes widened, what the hell? Is oil okay?

He will too? What kind of supernatural power is this brother? Variation water system, oil system ability?

Soon, the two of them were over, and walked out together shoulder to shoulder!

Bombardier was surprised: (???.??)???? "Tiezhi, I see you always scratch your butt? Do you have hemorrhoids?"

Wang Youzhi was startled: ( ????? ) "How do you know?"

Feel free to say proudly:

(︶.?︶〃) "Remember not to tell others, I am afraid that others will find out, and they will feel inferior!"

"After all, hemorrhoids... not every human being has them!"

Bombardier sweated profusely on his forehead, nonsense!

Why is this brother so confident? Why do you feel that he is quite proud?

=????(??? ????) "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you!"


After Bombardier and Wang Youzhi entered the conference room, Yang Jian and others were already in a meeting!

And the crowd of Chaofan looked at Wang Youzhi with an inexplicable sense of familiarity and closeness!

The corner of Badr's mouth twitched, a new supernatural that he has never seen before?

Nanshen brought it back from the gap between dimensions?

I remember that when Nanshen dismantled parts from himself, he said that Heishen likes to collect them, so...

Could this be the...

[Resentment value from Balder +666! ]

A lot of parts on his body, maybe they were all taken from him, right?

And Yang Jian's voice brought Bader's thoughts back to reality!

Pointing at the panoramic view of the City of Thousand Stars on the projection, he looked solemn!

"You have also seen the defensive layout of the City of Thousand Stars. There are four wormhole gates on the edge of the star field! Adding up the inner and outer rings in the center, the total number of planets owned by the Ten Thousand Races exceeds 50,000!"

"Not counting some subsidiary planets, and each planet has its own planetary shield, and the protection level is no lower than that of the Aegis shield!"

"And the time we have to start an incident is only half an hour. This time is not accurate, and it may be shortened again!"

"Once the Swallowing Stars end, it means the war is over! How to tear down the City of Thousand Stars within half an hour is a problem!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Naturally, we have to plan in advance, the war has already started from now on!"

"When I didn't get so much equipment before, I didn't have this idea, but now...things are much easier!"

"Third brother? Where are you, third brother? It's up to you whether you succeed this time!"

Jiang Nan looked around, and finally found Zhang San wearing a big gold chain beside him!

(? ??)? "Nanshin! Here! Can I be useful in a war of this scale?"

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, damn it! Is the third brother wearing a big gold chain so hard to find now?

When did the level rise to Dao Tian Wu? Is this passiveness of absolutely ignoring even more terrifying?

Jiang Nan's face was sinister: "How can it be useless? It's very useful!"

"I have formed an alliance with the Black God, and nearly 30,000 trumpets will join the battle. Once these trumpets have the passivity that the third brother absolutely ignores, they will be non-existent!"

"I have enough dark matter starburst bombs and holy collapse grenades in my hand. At that time, the Black God trumpet will use the third brother's ability to secretly sneak into the planets of their respective races!"

"Planetary defense or something is useless at all! Once the fight starts, the forbidden weapon will be detonated immediately. This wave alone, jie jie jie~"

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat when they heard Jiangnan's plan!

Fuck! Hard enough!

It's hard to imagine what kind of scene it will be, is it planned in advance? Even a planetary shield that can withstand external attacks cannot withstand the detonation from within!

Wang Youzhi's eyes shine brightly:

(?★?★)? "Enough! I like it!"

But who is the third brother? Who is Jiangnan talking to?

As soon as Zhang San heard it, he immediately trembled like he was sifting through chaff. Want to kiss the thirty thousand trumpet?


I don't know if I can stand it!

Jiang Ning's expression was condensed: "But there is one thing, the Bose tribe can see the existence of the third brother, and it does not rule out that other energy-type life forms have this ability!"

"In case it is discovered..."

Jiang Nan shook his head: "It's okay, Black God Trumpet originally belonged to various races, forging identities and changing faces, even if it is noticed, it will not arouse suspicion!"

Bai Kou's eyes were a bit complicated: "It's just that if you really do this, I'm afraid many innocent people will die!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the conference room!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath: "Wars will kill people, and the undead people will not feel bad! They will not regress. For the wolf, they will not change their will until you bite him and see blood!"

"Aren't the billions of human beings who died in spiritual disasters innocent? The human beings who died in the mouths of beasts and the hands of the holy stars for more than three thousand years, aren't they innocent?"

"And those thousands of people who die in the dimensional battlefield every year? Are they innocent?"

"I only know one sentence! If you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firmly!"

Wang Youzhi looked at Jiangnan, and the corner of his mouth curled up!

This kid finally made up his mind!

Jiang Nan looked solemn: "We must figure out the current situation! Either you die, or I die!"

"They don't die! We are the ones who die! Put away your useless compassion, human beings are not qualified to show mercy to others!"

"This is the price you have to pay for making a choice! Our hands will be stained with blood! This is revenge, a cry against injustice!"

"Operation Star Slashing will indeed commit a heinous crime and create countless crimes! But if this crime can make human beings enter the starry sky stage! I will bear it!"

"No matter who comes to seek revenge on me! I admit it! Don't blame me if you are hacked to death! My Jiangnan skills are not as good as others and I was killed! I also admit it! I am lucky to live! I am destined to die!"

"If you don't even have this bit of determination! Let's fight a fart! Honestly stay in Blue Star and wait for death!"

From the moment the decision was made, Jiangnan's will has never wavered!

He never felt that he was a good person. For everything he cared about, Jiang Nan was willing to bear this eternal infamy!

Like Jiang Fan, who has been scolded by thousands of people for more than three thousand years, and is still scolded...

Xiao Chuihuo said lightly: "Never think of things simply, behind every change is blood dripping, and they are piled up with endless bones!"

"If you can't be ruthless, this matter will not be done!"

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