Under such circumstances, how could Pei Xi just sit idly by?

Immediately, I couldn't help rushing up to stop it, Mr. Noah didn't explain that the universal propulsion engine would also be taken away!

Jiang Nan was stunned: ∑(°△°?) "Noah? Didn't you say that we can come and grab it ourselves? You don't need to come here in person, look at your politeness?"

Pei Xi was startled, and quickly turned around:

Σ(??Yi?) "Master Noah? He wants to snatch..."

But where is Mr. Noah? Jiang Nan said it to a lump of air!

Looking back, Jiangnan had already passed Pei Xi, and his little hands were catching him!

The three universal propulsion engines were all compressed into small glazed balls by the palm kingdom, and stuffed into the alien space!

The der in front of Percy is gone!

Percy:! ! !

Σ((( つ??优??)つ "Give it back to me! I really can't give that one! It's so precious, it..."

Olivia: Σ(o口o*) "Oh my god, duo boss! What do you think this is?"

I saw Olivia lift another environmental camouflage curtain!

It revealed a bright silver giant spear below, 100 kilometers long!

Highly integrated, it is engraved with dense spell patterns and energy circuits, and the whole body of the spear is made of strong interaction materials!

There is a propulsion device at the tail of the spear body, just by looking at it, you will feel the chill!

Jiang Nan rubbed his hands: (????????﹃ ≤) "You still covered it with a cloth? It's pretty well hidden?"

While speaking, he rushed towards the giant spear!

Pei Xi couldn't help screaming!

(?口?????) "Forget about the universal propulsion engine, this one really won't work! You must never take the Spear of Mobius, the Broken Star Warrior!"

"Otherwise... otherwise I will fight you, if you take it away, I will die! I am with the spear of Mobius!"

I saw that Pei Xi was holding on to the giant spear and couldn't get off!

This Mobius Spear is not a one-time forbidden weapon, but an extremely powerful Star Breaker!

Possesses the ability to penetrate the stars with one blow, and can penetrate continuously! The more you travel, the more fierce you are!

And because of its characteristics, it is not something that ordinary people can stop. It is an absolute treasure of war, and it is extremely difficult to manufacture!

Just look at the strong interaction material covering the spear body, okay?

Jiang Nan looked solemn: (??????) "Is that so? Then there is no other way, I can only snatch you and this spear!"

Percy:? ? ?

Wang Youzhi went up and pulled Pei Xi off the spear:

(¬益¬?) "Go! Pull it aside, don't delay our robbery!"

Jiangnan snatched the Spear of Mobius again!

[Resentment value from Percy +1008! ]


He was so heartbroken that he was about to cry, this is really a bandit!

Just watched Jiangnan looting the entire arsenal like a small whirlwind!

Even the sensor door of the arsenal was taken away!

Jiangnan handed out sacks one by one: "Split up and act separately! Whoever grabs the least is the bastard!"

How many people heard it, can this still work? Immediately, the soldiers divided into several groups and rushed towards all parts of the Zhoushen Arsenal!

Pei Xi was in a hurry: (〃? Mouth?)? "Don't wander around? There are some places you can't go, I'll take you there!"

"What evil did I do, me!"

However, not long after they split up in Jiangnan, the communication device sent panic reports from employees from all over the factory!

"Director! Someone just dismantled the energy module of our defense system! It's paralyzed now! Fuck it, he started dismantling the orbital gun on the star ring! Can this work?"

"Hiss~ That Apocalypse clan, he looted our material warehouse, and they also robbed raw materials and parts?"

"Fuck, the stellar power furnace has also been detained! Factory director, don't you care?"

"Director Pei, it's bad! That leader also took away the equipment on our production line! It's all over!"

Pei Xi was extremely angry: (??????)? "What are you doing to eat? There is no production line? What will we produce in the future? Let him rob it? Don't you know how to stop it?"

What the hell are you grabbing the production line? You can't manipulate dark matter?

Employee: (??﹏???) "No...you didn't tell me, do you want to ignore them? Volunteering to be robbed, that's why we..."

Pei Xi stomped her feet anxiously!

"Director Pei! It's not good, it's not good!"

Percy:! ! !

(乛乛乛?) "What's the matter? They stole something again?"

The employee said anxiously: "No! She didn't grab the food, she started to eat it, and half of our factory was built, and now she is still eating!"

"What should I do? It's very urgent to wait online!"

Percy: =????(??? ????)

Have you eaten? what's going on?

You have to pay for a meal when you come to rob?

Even Pei Xi couldn't make up his mind at this moment, so contact Noah immediately!

"Master Noah! He... They really robbed them, just take some starburst bombs and holy grenades, and they snatched away the Mobius spear and the universal propulsion engine!"

"Even Temiao's defense system has been dismantled, and there are people who eat the factory building. Who are these people?"

There is a deep sense of grievance in the words!

Noah's eyelids jumped when he heard it. This kid is really rude to me. Is he so professional in dismantling things?

"They are vicious gangsters. How can we control what they stole and what they lost?"

Pei Xi covered her face: "Poor looks very poor, but hungry is really hungry!"

All factories eat?

Noah said indifferently: "I have more than one Zhoushen Armory. I should do things more beautifully and wipe out the traces more thoroughly! Are you clear?"

Pei Xi's heart turned cold. It seems that when Lord Noah made this decision, did he already abandon this Zhoushen Arsenal?

After a while, the people who split up joined together in the arsenal!

Jiangnan opened the alien space, and Momo Olivia and the others threw the bulging sack into it!

Seeing that it was almost too full, Jiang Nan even started to kick in!

Wang Youzhi had a look of reluctance!

(??????) "I'm leaving now? I haven't grabbed enough?"

When Pei Xi heard this, she immediately became excited, want to leave? Good to go!

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "It's almost there! I walked around, and there's nothing I can see!"

When Pei Xi heard this, her heart was broken! Damn!

A person who can't even pick the ground, what can he say from his mouth? What kind of robbing should be done?

Is there really a shell left?

Seeing this gang of plague gods, Pei Xi wanted to send them away as soon as possible!

(Fuck? Fuck?) "You guys are almost robbed, why don't you run away? After a while, the defense system of my Zhoushen Armory will be activated, and it will be difficult to leave by then!"

Jiang Nan was surprised: ( ????? ) "What defense system? There is still a defense system in the Zhoushen Armory? How do you do it?"

Wang Youzhi immediately said: "How could there be any more? I took them all away!"

Percy: (|||??3??) Pooh~

His heart was broken again!

You are human! But a real horse is not a human being!

Jiang Nan looked satisfied: "That's right! But I'm running away, can you give me a starship? We don't have transportation for running!"

Pei Xi gritted his teeth: "Where's the starship when you came here?"

Jiangnan spread his hands: ?( ?′??`)? "It exploded? Don't you have a better one?"

[Resentment value from Percy +1009! ]

grab mine! eat mine! Still have to drive mine? You have to ask Lao Tzu to provide you with transportation when you run away?

"Give it! Hurry up and go! Before I die of love!"

Not long after, a Sky Whale battleship rushed out of the Zhoushen Arsenal, Jiangnan and the others can be said to have returned with a full load!

Pei Xi endured the pain in his heart, and wanted to fake the scene of the crime, but he searched the entire arsenal, but he couldn't find a single starburst bomb!

Is it necessary to loot so thoroughly?

Frustrated, he directly clenched his fist and smashed it down at Zhoushen Arsenal!



Infinite dark matter rushes out, blazing white light sweeps across the starry sky, and turbulent energy waves spread in all directions!

I saw that most of the planet was smashed by Pei Xi's fist, countless fragments flew, and in an instant, the alarm sounded!

Percy's roar resounded through the starry sky:

(?◣д◢) "Who is it? Who dares to launch an attack while our Zhoushen Arsenal defense system is replacing the energy module!"

"Do you dare to touch the property of my Dark Cosmic Body? You are so brave, no matter who you are, you will never get out of the Dark Cosmic Starfield alive today!"

Jiang Nan looked back at the half of the arsenal that exploded, and his lips twitched!

Good guy, Noah is so willing!

slip away!

The space in front of him was suddenly shattered by several void black holes, and the Sky Whale battleship of Jiang Nan and others plunged into the crack of the dimension and disappeared!

And because of the ransacking of the Zhoushen Arsenal, even the star-swallowing giants in the Dark Universe Starfield were alarmed!

The roar echoed endlessly in the starry sky!

"Even dare to challenge the majesty of my third-order dark universe body? Regardless of the ends of the world, I will definitely take your life, and I will never die!"

News of the attack on the Zhoushen Arsenal quickly spread!

And the dark body is trying to cover it up, not wanting to attract too much attention, after all, it is a shameful thing!

Of course, how to deal with it in the future has nothing to do with Jiangnan, and Noah will naturally handle it properly!

Jiangnan and his party have entered the gap between dimensions, which is equivalent to returning to the back garden!

They returned with a full load and did not return to the dimensional kingdom, but rushed straight to the blue star and set foot on their way home!

Going out this time, captured the Black God and united with Noah! Combined vertically and horizontally, the trend of combining inside and outside has been achieved!

The two prerequisites for the star-slaying operation have all been fulfilled, and the rest is to prepare for the details!

All the way back to Blue Star, returning in secret, Yang Jian has been waiting for a long time, and his heart has been hanging in the air during this time!

"I've had a hard time on the road, how are things going? Is there any drama?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "What I brought back this time is good news. I have the gun and the conditions are almost done. Then prepare for the layout, and the rest is to make troubles!"

Yang Jian's face turned red, and his eyes were filled with uncontrollable excitement. Jiangnan always handles things so neatly!

"Go in and explain in detail, this is..."

Yang Jian's eyes fell on Wang Youzhi, his face full of doubts, where have I seen this person before?

Extraordinary human?

Blue Star has humans of this level, so it's impossible not to recognize them?

On the other hand, Wang Youzhi observed the surrounding scenery curiously, even though he had heard about Blue Star for a long time!

But it's the first time I've come here. Is it this humble planet that gave birth to a human being with the potential of a king?

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