Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1662 He is Jiangnan who cheated! What does it have to do with Jiangnan?

Even Jiang Nan was dumbfounded!

There is no doubt that Vivienne is a member of Shengxing, and she was responsible for the Xijiang incident back then!

Jiang Nan was in the Brahma dungeon, and even killed the pig god later, she was there!

The clone ability is extremely perverted, until now Jiangnan can't figure out how many clones Vivienne has!

Killed not ten, but eight!

Now he is having a tryst with Vivienne? And it's obviously an agreement to wait for her to come, right?

What Ziyuan dreams about is the future that will happen in the near future, and they are accurate!

After all, Jiangnan has already passed the suspended animation experiment!

Difficult... Is it possible that I really cheated?

At this moment, Jiangnan is a little unconfident!

(??﹏???) "You... you continue to broadcast!"

Liu Mang smiled all over his face: (????) "Then you are all ready!"

During the conversation, it was played again!

In the projection, Vivienne said:

(?? .??) "You came here alone, they don't even know?"

Jiang cheated with a grin: ( ?° ?? ?°)? "How could you tell them this kind of thing?"

"Only you alone? Isn't that enough?"

Vivian licked her lips, a smile appeared on her face:

(?? .? ?) "Oh? Not enough? I can be one, or many!"

While talking, he unbuttoned the button, and the atmosphere became even more charming for a while...

Wu Liang hastily turned his head away, not daring to look at the projected content:

(︶优︶?) "It's a sin to take a second look!"

Xiong Er directly covered his face:

(?)﹏(ヾ) "Qiqi! I can't be sorry for you!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, bah! Why are you pretending to be innocent? If there weren't so many people around, your eyes would be bigger than anyone else's, right?

By the way, can this really be played?

However, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao were already red-eyed, looking at Jiangnan and grinding their teeth for a while!

Whether it's the content of the conversation or the behavior, it's totally cheating!

Still sneaking around behind someone's back?


I saw Vivienne in the projection, and in the blink of an eye, all the external things have faded away!

Sitting on the bed, Jiang Chuai's eyes widened, his face was full of surprise, blood was already pouring from his nostrils, obviously he was a little angry!


However, the imagined scene didn't happen. Vivienne's body was covered with thick mosaics, and the details couldn't be seen clearly at all!

The mosaics are all blurred!

Jiang Nan anxiously said: (???????)? "Hey, hey, hey! Liu Mang! You are not authentic, why are you still playing mosaics?"

"This is a prophecy about the future of mankind. It needs to be restored in the most authentic way. There are no details!"

Xia Yao:! ! !

(?`~′?) "Ah bah! Details? You still want details? Look at me, you have never stared so wide! You still look! Watch out for the eye of a needle!"

Speaking of a big jump, he rode on Jiangnan's neck, and poked Jiangnan's eyes violently, making him cry!

?(?*口*?)? "Ahhh~ I'm blind! I'm blind! This is a prophecy! Hasn't it happened yet? I am innocent now!"

Everyone is teasing: (?? .???)

Oh? When I see you?

Is there such a large amount of information?

I saw Liu Mang sweating profusely on his forehead:

(????¬?¬) "'s not that I don't want to show it to everyone, and I didn't type this code? Sister Ziyuan brought a mosaic when she passed it on?"

"That's how she dreamed!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, good guy! What the hell is Zi Yuan's dream? Why is there such a strange mechanism as automatic coding?

We are all grown-ups, wouldn't it be good to be more frank?

(??? ) "Hey~ That's really a pity!"

(?°?~°?)? "You still have a pity? I'll poke!"

But Liu Mang smiled confidently:

(??????)? "But I can use my imagination to remove the code! Post-processing, or..."

Before he finished speaking, eyes full of murderous intent looked at Liu Mang!

Liu Mang was shocked, the corners of his mouth twitched:

(?′?﹏?`) "Dang...Dang I didn't say that!"

The projection continues!

An astonishing scene happened, I saw Vivienne changed from one to two, and from two to three!

It was as if it had been split, and in the blink of an eye, four naked Vivians appeared in the room!

And the hairstyle is different!

Jiang Che's eyes could no longer see, and he couldn't help wiping his nosebleed!

(?o?╰╯o??) "Goose boxes ~ so many? That's so happy!"

While speaking, he took out the paralysis ring and put it on his hand!

(? ̄? ??  ̄??) "Come on! Let me be happy first!"

The screen stayed on Jiang Cheating's evil smile, and it stopped abruptly!

At this moment, the audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were on Jiang Nan!

Wu Liang swallowed: "Brother Nan, you really know how to use the paralysis ring?"

Liu Mang directly gave Jiang Nan a thumbs up: "That's the end of the picture, I don't need to say more about what happened later, right? I understand everything!"

Jiang Nan stared: (°口°〃)? "Slander! He slandered me~"

But Xia Yao directly gave Jiangnan a deadly chokehold!

"I want to see how happy you are! Damn it!"

Zhong Yingxue also pouted, punching Jiangnan's chest violently with a small fist, and there was a sour smell in the air!

Jiang Nan explained anxiously: "It's not me! It must not be me! It must be someone else who has become me!"

"Zi Yuan's dreams have always been pitted, endless, maybe what's going on! She cheated on me, her!"

Mira leaned on her chin and analyzed for a while:

(? ?° ? ?°) "Brother Jiangnan teleported to the stage, and the paralysis ring was taken out from a different dimension!"

"There is a high probability that it is me. Even if Bobo Lipstick can temporarily have teleportation skills, it cannot be imitated in a different dimension!"

Jiangnan is crying, Mira, I don't want you to cheat my brother like this!

Xia Yao said angrily: (?`~′?) "Hmph! Isn't that cheating? Or with four, several times of happiness!"

Jiang Nan was at a loss for words now, so he said confidently:

(??ˇ口??) "The one who cheated is the future Jiangnan! What does it have to do with me now?"

"Am I innocent?"

Zhong Yingxue rubbed her forehead with her hands: (?)???) "The last time I was so speechless was the last time!"

This southerner started to escape from reality again, he even lied to himself!

Shan Mao looked solemn and said: "Okay! What do you think of this prophecy dream? Is it a useful clue?"

Jiang Nan frowned: "Vivian is undoubtedly a member of Saint Star, she has been working for Saint Star, so it is not an exaggeration to take charge of Saint Star's new round of counterattack!"

"According to Nanshen's Law of Dismantlement, where there is me, there will be chaos and problems, and in the prophecy dream, Vivian and I got entangled!"

"Then it means that I ran off to make trouble for some reason, so I have to find out here!"

Liu Mang: (? ?° ?? ?°)

"Oh! If you want to go, just say it! You just want to cheat! It's just to experience several times the happiness, right?"

"We are all from the South, so we all understand! No need..."


Before he finished speaking, he saw a space wormhole appearing behind Liu Mang, and a big green stick hit him on the head fiercely, and he opened the scoop directly!

Liu Mang rolled his eyes and fell unconscious on the spot...

Platelet and Tie Niu's faces turned pale, is Nan Shen always so direct?

Could it be that his real purpose was exposed, so he became angry from embarrassment?

Zhong Yingxue is not afraid that Jiangnan really has something to do with Vivienne, she knows who Xiaonan is!

(???~??) "It's just... There is no useful information at all based on a single room. Can you really figure out where this is?"

Jiang Nan took two steps forward, kicked Liu Mang awake who was lying on the ground pretending to be dizzy, and asked him to continue playing the prophecy dream!

I saw Jiangnan looking around in the projection, leaning on his chin to analyze!

( ?° ? ?°) "The chirping of cicadas, the cold wind from the air conditioner, and the clothes of the parties present indicate that the local temperature is very high and it is summer!"

"This has already ruled out most of the places. It is now winter in China, so there is a high probability that this place should be near the equator! It is located in the tropics!"

"The furnishings in the room are not normal home decoration, but the configuration of a hotel suite, so it means that this should be a hotel in a tropical area!"

"The hotel wardrobe, dining table, coffee table, bedside table, and even the floor are made of a lot of yew wood, which is the problem!"

Everyone looked at Jiangnan in astonishment, didn't they?

Analyzing so much information with just a small room?

Liu Mang asked in confusion: ( ??~?? (#) "What's wrong with the yew tree?"

Jiang Jiang said with a smile: "This kind of wood is very high-grade and expensive. The country can only rely on imports. The hotel suite decoration will use this kind of wood in large quantities? Isn't it a loss?"

"This shows that this kind of wood is very cheap locally, not some imported precious wood, and 95% of the world's yew trees are produced in rainy countries!"

"Since it is the place of production, it is not uncommon for it to be used extensively for the decoration of hotel suites!"

Xia Yao's face was full of horror: "(o Д o*) "Hiss~ so we can be sure that we are in the Rain Country? "

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "Not only! The Rain Country is also very big, and it needs to be detailed!"

"The clock on the wall shows that it is 3.15pm, and although the curtains are drawn in the room, the outline of the sun and its position in the sky can be vaguely seen!"

"There is also the angle of light projected on the ground through the gap in the curtains, and the approximate latitude and longitude can be calculated! It is near the Mayan rainforest in the rain country!"

"In addition, the coffee cup, slippers, and bathrobes on the bedside table are all printed with the word "Via", which means that the name of this hotel is Via!"

"There is a hotel called Via near the Mayan rainforest in Yuguo. This is the hotel. It shouldn't be hard to find!"

At this moment, everyone looked at Jiangnan in astonishment!

Are you a detective? What the hell kind of insight is this?

It took only a short while to figure out where the incident happened?

Xia Yao patted Jiang Nan on the head: "Holmes Nan? When did you become so smart?"

Jiangnan stalls: ╮( ??w?? )╭

"Isn't this basic fuck?"

However, Jiang Nan was also taken aback by himself. After eating that fragrant bead, his thinking has indeed become clearer!

Although I don't notice it normally, but I seem to have really become smarter?

It seems that it is absolutely true that fragrant beads can improve wisdom?

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